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Beiträge, die mit Yémen getaggt sind

🔰 #ConflictoEnOrienteMedio

Benjamin Netanyahu reiteró su política de “lograr el éxito y la victoria” en los “siete frentes” que #Israel tiene abiertos como parte de una ‘guerra de renacimiento’. El jefe del Gobierno israelí se refiere así a las organizaciones político-militares en los #TerritoriosPalestinos; «Hezbolá» en #Líbano; las milicias proiraníes de #Siria; la «Resistencia Islámica» de #Irak; los hutíes de #Yemen y, en última instancia, las fuerzas armadas de #Irán.

https://www.europesays.com/?p=1893120 Yemen’s Houthis may attack Israel again when fighting in Gaza resumes – Israel News #DonaldTrump #Gaza #Houthi #idf #Israel #Yemen

Huge crowds attend funeral for slain terrorist leader Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah


Chanting "Death to Israel" and "Death to America," the mourners packed the Camille Chamoun Sports City stadium and the surrounding streets since the morning hours to pay tribute to Nasrallah and his cousin and successor Hashem Safieddine, who was also killed by Israel.


It's disappointing to hear the US again providing material support for Israel, but this is something the resistance has clearly planned for.

In the case of Yemen, they stopped their blockade of US and British ships in the Red Sea as part of the #GazaDeal. They specifically won't stop blocking ships who deal directly with Israel until the ceasefire is fully completed.

Yemen reserved the right to resume broader blockades due to breaches.

#Yemen #UK #US #Israel #FreePalestine #RedSea #Shipping

Heritages of Hunger
"Een hongersnood is zo vergeten, zelfs een in Nederland"

https://www.radboudrecharge.nl/nl/artikel/een-hongersnood-is-zo-vergeten-zelfs-een-in-nederland #NWA #GreatFamine #Holodomor #Finland #Gaza #Sudan #Yemen

🔰 #ConflictoEnOrienteMedio

Los hutíes de #Yemen han liberado a los tripulantes de un buque carguero que ellos han capturado en noviembre del 2023 en el Mar Rojo. «Hamas» y otras organizaciones político-militares habrían participado en la liberación, según afirma el comunicado. El grupo yemení adoptó esta decisión como señal de apoyo a la tregua acordada ente #Israel y «Hamas» la semana pasada.

Los hutíes, «Hamas» integran el ‘eje de la resistencia’, coordinado por #Irán contra Israel y afines.

#GazaCeasefire means that #Israel can take a break and #focus on the invasions of #Lebanon #Syria and possibly #Yemen and #Iran

The theological elite of #Hamas can declare a victory all they want, populists against populism.


⚠️ Flash Info ⚠️

Le Yémen va libérer l'équipage du navire israélien saisi suite à la demande du Hamas.

#Yémen #Gaza #Israël

L'équipage du porte-avions Galaxy Leader a été capturé lors d'un raid audacieux d'un commando naval yéménite en mer Rouge le 19 novembre 2023. Ils devraient être libérés aujourd'hui suite à une demande officielle du groupe de résistance palestinien Hamas.

Rebelii ☪️#Houthi din 🇾🇪#Yemen se declară pregătiți să riposteze dacă sunt atacați în timpul armistițiului din #Gaza.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-44o0

#Știri #Palestina #Israel #FâșiaGaza #Terorism

Part of last night's intercepted Houthi missile fell next to a Palestinian village in the Judaea and Samaria area.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #Yemen #Houthis

A mysterious airstrip is being built on a remote Yemeni island as tensions in the region rise. @AssociatedPress has more.
#Yemen #War #MiddleEast #Gaza #Planes

Statement from #Yemen's #AnsarAllah today, at their Million Man March:

'Our military operations will not stop until the aggression on #Gaza stops and the agreement enters into force.

We had hoped that the #Zionist entity and its supporters would commit to stopping military operations as soon as the agreement was signed, because their continuation would mean shedding more blood for no reason. However, they insisted on stripping themselves of all values.'
Screenshot from clip: An aerial view of a massive crowd gathered in a public space, stretching far into the distance. Large flags, including Yemeni flags and Palestinian flags, are displayed prominently among the crowd. Many participants hold placards and banners, creating a dense sea of people. The scene takes place in a city with some greenery and urban structures visible in the background. Arabic text appears at the top left corner, and a sound icon is displayed on the right.

Maybe more people should write back to those mails? 🤔

@democrats @uspol #genocide #humanRights #Israel #Libanon #Yemen #Syria
Fundraising mail of the Democrats
My answer to the fundraising mail:

I'd advise an internationally human agenda, then you never had to mention Trump with a single word.
I understand though that it's difficult while supporting genocide.
Respecting international law could help.

Israeli Police photos of fragments from the Houthi ballistic missile that fell on private homes in Tzur Hadassah and at the entrance to Beitar.

The Yemen launched missile was intercepted and these are only pieces of it that fell. No injuries were reported.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #Yemen #Houthis

https://www.europesays.com/1766098/ Israel’s Red Sea Conundrum: Hit the Houthis or Iran #Conflicts #Houthi #HouthiMilitants #HouthiRebels #Iran #Israel #Yemen
Israel’s Red Sea Conundrum: Hit the Houthis or Iran

Israel’s Red Sea Conundrum: Hit the Houthis or Iran https://www.byteseu.com/650387/ #Conflicts #Houthi #HouthiMilitants #HouthiRebels #Iran #Israel #Yemen

Not just ANY Yemenis... UNWITTING Yemenis! 🤣

#Dropsite just lost ALL my respect. I'll keep it in my feed for the #Humor section

"#Russia is luring unwitting #Yemen-i civilians to fight in #Ukraine

With promises of lucrative jobs and opportunities for migration, Yemenis with no military experience are being tricked and forcibly recruited as mercenaries to fight in a foreign war..." https://www.dropsitenews.com/p/yemenis-forcibly-recruited-to-fight-for-russia #GeoPoliticalHumor

Daily Memo: Iran Taps Oil Stockpile, Plans to Arm Kurdish Militants https://www.byteseu.com/648596/ #China #Geopolitics #india #Iran #Mongolia #PKK #Russia #SaudiArabia #Syria #Turkey #Ukraine #UnitedStates #Yemen
Geopolitical Futures

Tehran detects a growing Western threat from Armenia https://www.byteseu.com/646059/ #Armenia #Azerbaijan #Gaza #Hamas #houthis #Iran #Israel #RepublicOfArmenia #Russia #Syria #UnitedStates #West #Yemen
 Tehran detects a growing Western threat from Armenia

✊🏽actu militante✊ Conflit en Mer Rouge : Israël et les Houthis bloquent le passage des pétroliers au Yémen: Dans les eaux agitées de la mer Rouge, près du port de Ras Isa au Yémen, une flottille inhabituelle de pétroliers attend son tour pour accoster, suite à des frappes israéliennes qui ont gravement endommagé les remorqueurs nécessaires pour guider ces navires vers le port. L'incident, qui se (…)
-- Les rapports,… https://cfrp24.com/conflit-en-mer-rouge-israel-et-les-houthis-bloquent-le-passage-des-petroliers-au-yemen/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #ConflitMerRouge #Israël #Houthis #Yémen #Pétroliers