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Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind

importante precisazione dall’università di firenze: nessuna collaborazione con l’università israeliana

una importante precisazione dell’Università di Firenze, sulla sua NON partecipazione a un incontro che si tiene in città organizzato da referenti della Tel Aviv University.
la riporto qui di séguito, per correttezza.
è importante (grazie a Stefania Zampiga, che me ne ha dato notizia):

UniFi precisa: ‘Noi non collaboriamo’

#appello# #telavivuniversity #universitàdiFirenze #convegno #Gaza #genocidio

#appello #Cisgiordania #coloni #colonialism #convegno #Gaza #genocide #genocidio #ICC #icj #IDF #IOF #israelterroriststate #izrahell #massmurders #Palestina #Palestine #settlers #sionismo #sionisti #starvingcivilians #starvingpeople #telavivuniversity #universitàdiFirenze #warcrimes #WestBank #zionism

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #opt / #westbank / #humanitarianaid / #uno / #unrwa / #ban

»“Half of the international aid that’s been brought into Gaza since the beginning of the Oct. 7 war is likely going to stop. Medical consultations are likely going to stop (…) It’s very hard to see how this is going to bring more stability to Gaza at a time when, just a few days after a cease-fire, that’s all the Palestinian people really want.”«


“How West Bank aggression could endanger Gaza ceasefire”

by Hannan Hussain in Al Mayadeen English


“The spike in violence should send a powerful message to all those who believe that the occupation can be trusted on the Gaza ceasefire: it has simply shifted the center of its brutal aggression to the West Bank”


#Press #WestBank #Jenin #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #BloodLust


BREAKING | Israeli forces open fire at Palestinians around the buses carrying the released prisoners in #beitunia occupied #WestBank.


#WestBank #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SanctionIsrael #BDS
#palestine #Israel #Politics #Genocide #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #Ceasefire #Occupation #WarCrime @palestine @israel

"L'esercito è all'interno del campo, distrugge e fa saltare in aria case e rompe strade, e migliaia di residenti del campo se ne sono andati.

La città stessa è quasi vuota, la maggior parte delle attività commerciali sono chiuse e la strada per l'ospedale governativo, vicino all'ingresso principale del campo, è chiusa . È vietato l'ingresso in auto, ogni ambulanza che entra ed esce viene controllata, e i pazienti o i pazienti che arrivano autonomamente possono entrare solo a piedi, e devono percorrere diverse centinaia di metri sulle strade distrutte."

#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #30gennaio

"Non è chiaro quando finirà l'operazione.
Forze militari all'ingresso dell'ospedale governativo di Jenin, vicino all'ingresso principale del campo profughi, il 28 gennaio 2025.
Foto: Oren Ziv."

In case you are wondering how #Israel handles the release of Palestinian prisoners:

»Defense Minister Israel #Katz has instructed the #IDF to prevent celebrations and parades by Palestinians during the upcoming releases of security prisoners in the hostage deal with #Hamas


This includes going all the way down to hateful vandalism, including smashing wooden chairs somewhere in a backyard in the #Westbank:


Gaza: Noch hält die Waffenruhe
Während die vereinbarte Waffenruhe in Gaza derzeit anhält, eskalieren israelische Führung und Armee ihr Vorgehen in der Westbank.

(IZ/KNA). Am 19. Januar um 10.15 deutscher Zeit trat die Waffenruhe von Israel und der Hamas im Gazastreifen in Kraft. Sie ist Teil eines umfassenderen Abkommens, das unter Vermittlu
#Nahostkonflikt #NaherOsten #Politik #Welt #eskalation #gaza #Waffenruhe #Westbank

un appello contro la normalizzazione dell’occupazione e dell’oppressione sionista


continua qui: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSevObyZ6nyg-GxQlvArA7Bmw4V5_AF8kQ5isrH9-T597TX8Pw/viewform


ricevo e assai volentieri diffondo:

Stiamo raccogliendo firme per esprimere il nostro dissenso contro l’organizzazione di un workshop all’UniFi, previsto per il 3 e 4 febbraio, in collaborazione con l’Università di Tel Aviv. Tra gli organizzatori figurano Carrai, console onorario di “Israele”, e Moshe Farchi, un alto ufficiale dell’IOF.

È inaccettabile che, a un anno dall’intensificazione del genocidio contro il popolo palestinese e a 76 anni dall’inizio del progetto coloniale sionista, l’Università di Firenze ospiti personaggi che rappresentano e sostengono politiche di distruzione e di eliminazione sistematica di un popolo.

Oltre a questa raccolta di firme, stiamo programmando una mobilitazione nei prossimi giorni. Per organizzare la nostra risposta, vi invitiamo a unirvi a noi per un incontro giovedì 30 gennaio, alle 17:00, nel chiostro del Brunelleschi.

Non possiamo rimanere in silenzio di fronte alla complicità delle istituzioni accademiche.

#Gaza #zionism #genocide
#genocidio #Palestine #Palestina
#warcrimes #UniFi #UniFiVergogna
#starvingpeople #starvingcivilians
#izrahell #israelterroriststate
#Cisgiordania #WestBank
#iof #idf #colonialism
#settlers #coloni #sionismo

#appello #Carrai #Cisgiordania #coloni #colonialism #firma #firme #Gaza #genocide #genocidio #ICC #icj #IDF #IOF #israelterroriststate #izrahell #massmurders #MosheFarchi #Palestina #Palestine #raccoltaFirme #settlers #sionismo #sionisti #starvingcivilians #starvingpeople #UniFi #UniFiVergogna #UniversitàDiFirenze #UniversitàDiTelAviv #warcrimes #WestBank #zionism

The occupation forces attack a Red Crescent ambulance and prevent its crew from reaching a person injured by gunfire at the entrance to #Jenin camp

#Israel #NotATarget #WarCrime #IDF #WestBank #Occupation

@palestine group @israel group

#gaza #westbank 📌 So to explain, what's going on, here's a report by Al Mayadeen on the exchange of prisoners, after ISR forces prevented Zakaria al-Zubaidi, who is scheduled to be released today, from returning to the Jenin camp -- At the same time ISR media however, published a news article in which they claimed the release of prisoners would be postponed until further notice (army radio) -- in short: we have to wait for verifiable images by correspondents on scene.


« Netanyahu eist van de bemiddelaars van het bestand dat zij "verzekeren dat zulke verschrikkelijke scènes zich niet opnieuw voordoen, en dat de veiligheid van onze gijzelaars wordt gegarandeerd". »

Fijn dat zij vrij is en de Israeli Destruction Forces haar ledematen er niet afgeschoten hebben (of erger, zie bijv. onderaan https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113810532533520943, https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113856551699252112, https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113906600414665569, https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113896121666875015, https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113821803532259032, of https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113825923788020322).

#UeberMenschen #UnterMenschen #Gaza #GazaGenocide #WestBank #Libanon #Lebanon #Sirie #Syria #Netanyahu #NetanyahuIsAWarCriminal #BtSelem #PalestinianPrisoners
Een foto. Bron: https://nos.nl/liveblog/2553447-gegijzelde-militair-herenigd-met-ouders-ook-zeven-andere-gegijzelden-vrij

Een, zo te zien kerngezonde, glimlachende jonge Israëlische vrouw zit op schoot bij haar glunderende moeder. Naast hen zit haar eveneens zichtbaar blije vader.

De jonge vrouw was een (diensplichtige) militair bij de Israëli Destruction Forces toen zij op 7 okt. 2023 krijgsgevangen werd genomen door vrijheidsstrijders van Hamas.

Zij kwam vrij na een ruil tegen een veelvoud aan Palestijnen - die door Israël vaak langdurig en onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden (inclusief martelingen en seksueel misbruik) worden gegijzeld, zonder enige vorm van proces, zonder juridische bijstand en zonder contact te mogen maken met familie en vrienden - die vaak niet weten of zij nog leven en waar zij zich bevinden.
Een foto. Bron: https://x.com/UN_SPExperts/status/1883920700018504081 van "United Nations - Human Rights - Special Procedures".

In de foto is te lezen: "Israel's repression of Palestiniand seems to have no end in sight".

In de foto is een soort "weg" met veel puin te zien waarop een groep gesluierde vrouwen richting de cameraman loopt.

In de achtergrond is een ambulance te zien met openstaand portier rechts voor, en nog veel meer mannen, vrouwen en kinderen.

Rechts achter een heuvel (vermoedelijk ontstaan door een bombardement, gezien de krater daar vóór), zijn, tussen andere mensen, één of twee ambulance-broeders te zien. Wat zij daar precies doen is niet zichtbaar.

++ 📢 UPDATE Prisoners' Information Office: After following up on the matter with 📌 mediators, the Palestinian prisoners will be released at 5:00 pm, Palestine local time ++

#BreakingNews #gaza #westbank



All'entrata in vigore del cessate il fuoco "le vittime palestinesi tra giornalisti, cameraman, fotografi e redattori erano salite a 198. Intanto si infiammano anche gli animi nei Territori occupati, con l’Autorità Nazionale Palestinese che attacca #AlJazeera e ne decreta lo stop delle trasmissioni.
Ma anche lontano dalla Striscia chi si occupa di #Palestina non se la passa bene."

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #30gennaio


#Skwawkbox | 10 civilians killed, child shot, gas storage detonated, refugees attacked and more in West Bank, while huge explosions result from attack during Gaza ‘ceasefire’


#Gaza #WestBank #Palestine

Rabbi Calls Zionists “Idol Worshippers”


#KatieHalper #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #FreePalestine #Israel #Apartheid #Genocide #Zionism

#Montreal4Palestine is still banned from Instagram, but I was able to get the latest protest poster for this Sunday

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Montreal #Tiohtiake
A poster advertises a Montreal protest. The main text is in French: "TOUTE LA PALESTINE VIVRA L'OCCUPATION FASCISTE TOMBERA," which translates to "All of Palestine will live, the fascist occupation will fall."  Below, it states "SUNDAY FEB. 2ND | 2:00PM, PHILIPS SQUARE, 620 SAINT-CATHERINE ST W."  At the bottom it says "MONTREAL PROTEST". The poster features several photos of protesters, some wearing keffiyehs, and one person wearing a black hat with "ANTI-ZIONIST JEW" written on it.  A woman in a mask is partially visible in the upper left corner.

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #opt / #westbank / #occupation

„Israeli military plans to keep troops in a West Bank city indefinitely, defense minister says

JERUSALEM — Israel’s defense minister indicated Wednesday that the military plans to keep soldiers in the flashpoint city of Jenin for the foreseeable future, as Israeli forces have focused on a major crackdown in the northern West Bank during the ceasefire in Gaza.“


West Bank heating up.

The Times of Israel newspaper, citing a military source, reports the Israeli military’s ongoing raid in Jenin is expected to go on for at least several days, mobilising extensive troops, special forces and intelligence personnel.

The operation is codenamed “The Iron Wall”, said Israeli military spokesman Avichay Adraee


#Palestine #WestBank

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #opt / #westbank / #truce / #uno / #unwra / #ban / #dangerofescalation

„The implementation of new Israeli laws banning the UN Palestine refugee agency, UNRWA – set to take effect on Thursday – will heighten instability and deepen despair in the occupied Palestinian territory, the Security Council has heard.“


LIVE: As Israel-Hamas ceasefire holds, over 500,000 return to northern Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Israeli army chief says military would be ‘proud’ to return to combat in Gaza
- Photos: Repairs begin on a damaged mosque in Gaza
- Israel’s parliament votes on bill allowing purchase of West Bank land
- Ceasefire in Gaza should not come at West Bank’s expense: WHO

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

#gaza #genocide #palestine #westbank #palestinian #civilians #starvation #famine #hunger #medicalcare #Unrwa #israel #warcrimes
#article #theguardian


"‘It will devastate people’: Palestinians despair at looming Unrwa closure

Nobody knows what will happen when Israel’s ban on UN agency that provides vital services across Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank comes into force on 1 February"


#Israel #TerroristState #Occupation #Westbank #Gaza #ceasefire #hostages #prisoners

"Israel arrests 12 Palestinians for ‘expressions of joy’ following release of prisoners"
(video in link)
Israel arrests 12 Palestinians for ‘expressions of joy’ following release of prisoners

Israeli forces have arrested 12 Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem who celebrated the release of prisoners under the ceasefire deal.

Israel’s internal Shin Bet security service and the police said they arrested the men after videos emerged showing them celebrating by waving Hamas flags and firing guns into the air.

They alleged that the men violated a ban on “expressions of joy” and “identification with Hamas” that has been imposed since the Gaza ceasefire took hold.

Under the first phase of the deal, Hamas is releasing 33 captives taken on October 7, 2023, in exchange for the freeing of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails.
(with video)

#UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini:

  • UNRWA's work in the #Palestinian territories will be suspended within two days with the entry into force of legislation passed by the Knesset.
  • The #Israeli government claims that the agency does not provide adequate support to the #Palestinians.
  • We provide more than 17,000 medical consultations per day in the #Palestinian territories.
  • The presence of UNRWA is a guarantee of stability in the #Palestinian territories.
  • Attacking UNRWA will harm millions of #Palestinians.
  • The agency provides half of the aid to the #Palestinians, contrary to the #Israeli government's accusations that it does not provide adequate support.
  • Imposing #Israeli law will deteriorate the capacity of the United Nations at a time when humanitarian aid must be increased.
  • Israel's accusation of UNRWA of terrorism is a precedent in the work of United Nations institutions.
  • The right to protection and assistance for the #Palestinians does not stem from UNRWA's mandate, but rather exists independently of the agency.
  • If UNRWA stops protecting and assisting #Palestinian refugees, their rights will not remain.
  • The right of return for #Palestinians must be guaranteed and efforts must be made to achieve a successful political process based on the two-state solution.
  • We demand decisive intervention to support peace and stability in the #Palestinian territories and confront the Knesset legislation.
  • A political process must be emphasized that defines the role of the agency in providing its services.

#UN #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics @palestine group @israel group

#Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, on Tuesday notified the #UN that #UNRWA must cease its activities in the occupied Palestinian territories within 48 hours.

Danon stated, “Within 48 hours, Israel will halt its cooperation with UNRWA. UNRWA must cease its activities and evacuate all of its facilities in #Jerusalem.”

Why, why, why is this rogue genocidal regime allowed to behave with such impunity?

Why do we tolerate these criminal acts?

Just why?

#WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics

After #Gaza ceasefire, #Israel turns its firepower on the #WestBank
Two-year-old Laila Al-Khatib is the youngest victim of Israel's campaign in Jenin, while road closures suffocate the entire territory.

There might be some form of ceasefire, but don’t forget that the Zionists are still doing a military operation in the #westbank #palestine

#Auschwitz80: Never Forget! (#Musk)

One year ago, Musk did not perform the Hitler-salute. Instead, how wore a kippah.

He did that while lighting a candle in former concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.

He was in "good" company: the maintainers of that camp are hypocrits too. In https://www.auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschwitz-council/ they state, among other things:

Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism.

Both Musk and them make a joke of "Never Again". They don't care that Gaza is a concentration camp. Neither that Palestinians on the Westbank are robbed and murdered (including a "terrorist", a 2 years old girl who was shot in the head, see https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113896121666875015).

Musk was invited to Auschwitz by the EJA (remember that name if you favor equal human rights for every person - the #EJA does *NOT* represent all Jews).

And Musk does *NOT* hate Jews (he earns money from them too). He is a populist and demands attention 24x7. He hates people who cannot or do not make him even richer and powerful than he already is.

He just HELPED Zionists worldwide by FAKING an increase in antisemitism - which is a LIE.

OTOH, (hopefully) an increasing number of people hate Zionists because the Israeli Destruction Forces commit genocide ordered by Netanyahu et al.

Western governments, enticed (or bribed, think #AIPAC) by Zionists, WANT everyone to believe that being anti-genocide and pro-equal-human-rights means you're an antisemite.


It's a TRICK, see the image in https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113379001154934065 (I stole that image from @LALegault).

The screenshot below was taken from https://www.lemonde.fr/en/pixels/article/2024/01/23/elon-musk-says-he-was-naive-on-antisemitism-as-he-visits-auschwitz_6456954_13.html.

#Antisemitism #GazaGenocide #Propaganda #Lies #Warcrimes #Hypocrisy #DefintionOfAntisemitism #Auschwitz #AmnestyIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #HRWIsRight #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #Silencing #Censorship #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria
Screenshot from part of the article in

Text: {
Elon Musk says he was 'naive' on antisemitism as he visits Auschwitz
The billionaire has said he sees 'almost no antisemitism' in his circles, while defending X as a place for freedom of speech and re-instating the accounts of controversial far-right figures on the platform.

Le Monde with AP
Published on January 23, 2024, at 4:04 am (Paris), updated on January 23, 2024, at 11:57 am - 3 min read

Photo showing Elon Musk lighting a candle on a remembrance stone in former concentration camp Auschwitz.

He and the (probably Jewish) man standing next to him are waring a kippah.

Snow on the ground can be seen, it's cold.

On the other side of Musk a big panel can be seen with at the top the following text:

January 22-23, 2024".

Below that, a photo of two hands holding a piece of paper reading "NEVER AGAIN".

Under the picture of the piece of paper, X-style hashtags:


Below the photo in Le Monde one can read the following text: {
Tesla and SpaceX's CEO Elon Musk lights a candle as he visits the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, on Monday, Jan. 22, 2024. YOAV DUDKEVITCH / AP

“Make no mistake: Israel’s far right is planning for a Gaza without Palestinians.” They have long been planning a Palestine without Palestinians. #WestBank #Gaza #Israel #Palestine.