Beiträge, die mit FUTURE getaggt sind
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation
~ Paul Krugman
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation
Most Americans don’t want explicit autocracy. But many Trump supporters are open to it, and most of his voters will support or tolerate authoritarian policies and acts."
~ Will Saletan'
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation
Instead, they waste time on their typical and tired blame-the-Democrats assessments while ignoring the underlying causes that led to this fraught and dangerous era, a fascist is putting together the most extreme cabinet in modern American history. Good job, everybody."
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation
~ Mary Trump
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation
The Media Want to Blame Kamala Harris
They should take a look in the mirrorMary L. Trump (The Good in Us by Mary L. Trump)
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation
~ Rebecca Solnit
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation
About the length of the working day
“ would be wrong to think that it is possible to achieve such a serious cultural growth of the members of society without serious changes in the present state of labor. For this purpose it is necessary first of all to reduce the working day to at least 6 and then to 5 hours. This is necessary in order to give the members of society enough free time for a comprehensive education. For this it is necessary, further, to introduce compulsory polytechnic education, necessary for the members of society to be able to freely choose a profession and not be chained for life to one profession....
Joseph Stalin, “Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR,” September 28, 1952”
After Stalin's death, the USSR leadership removed from the agenda the need to move to a six-hour day for the masses.Шестичасовой_рабочий_день
#USSR #russian #soviet #history #Stalin #communism #socialism #workerrights #humanrights #study for #future
Just 57 percent of 18- to 35-year-olds said democracy is preferable to any other form of government; 71 percent of older respondents said the same."
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
"Now we have more evidence that the appeal of authoritarianism is on the rise, in America as well as globally."
He cites a poll last year by Open Society Foundations polling 36,000 people in 30 countries, which finds commitment to democracy strong but waning globally.
Two key findings that bode ominously for the future of democracy in America:
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
What I Won’t Get Over and (Some of) What to Do Now
As we grapple with where we are and the road aheadSteven Beschloss (America, America)
"We knew exactly what we were getting. And despite everything he’s done, millions of Americans would rather have a cruel, aging vulgarian than a competent Black woman become President. This is more a revelation of their lack of character than anything else. They chose to vote for him. No one forced them to do it."
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
America Shit In Its Milk, But The Rest Of Us Don't Have to Drink It
A small majority of Americans decided to destroy this country by re-electing a racist criminal. However, that doesn't mean the rest of us have to bend the knee or reach out and be conciliatory.THE LEFT HOOK with Wajahat Ali (The Left Hook with Wajahat Ali)
"I find most of the postmortem pontificating about why Democrats lost the presidential election unpersuasive.
The reason, not the only one but a major one, Democrats lost the presidential election is disinformation and misinformation super-charged by billionaires and Russia through a network of right-wing media outlets and institutions."
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
Now that he is here, we deserve our fate, because the most fundamental truth about Trump’s reelection is that Trump was right about us."
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
"America deserves everything it is about to get. ...
The conversations about who is to blame, the hand-wringing about who showed up and who failed the moment are largely academic and pointless."
~ Elie Mystal
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
There’s No Denying It Anymore: Trump Is Not a Fluke—He’s America | The Nation
The United States chose Donald Trump in all his ugliness and cruelty, and the country will get what it deserves.The Nation
But what Black people have to say isn't really important to a lot of us, right? Never has been. Never has been taken as seriously in the opinion pages of our major media outlets as the verbiage of any white person anywhere. Right? And it's never about racism or misogyny even when it's always about them.
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
Here's the response of a young Black leader, Baltimore mayor Brandon Scott, to these folks:
"It is really on my heart this morning to say that as a man, but more importantly as a Black man, that this country does not deserve Black women or Black people, but specifically Black women."
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #future
Democratic State Leaders Prepare The Resistance
From governors to AGs to mayors, loins are getting girded.Marcie Jones (Wonkette)
As the name suggests, journalism from and for and beyond the continent. Great newsletter, topical, thoughtful, modern, critical - but judge for yourselves. And if you can, consider supporting. Journalists shouldn't be payed by billionaires and oligarchs
#journalism #europe #theeuropeancorrespondent #EuropeanCorrespondent #media #eupol #politics #future #hope #truthseeker
I'm disinterested in the usual circular firing squad."
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #cruelty #future
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #cruelty #future
~ A.R. Moxon
But the problem, let's remind ourselves, is the Democratic party. The problem is not the voters who, told that one party will usher in fascism, went right ahead and voted for that party — choosing to usher in fascism.
#Trump #Republicans #fascism #cruelty #future
Fighting In The Dark
Doing things fascists can't do. Not doing things fascists want us to do. Doing thing fascists don't want us to do. Refusing the fascist offer.A.R. Moxon (The Reframe)
#journalism #Media #Texas #politics #USpol #fundraiser #nonprofit #future #immigration #news
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And, more than 50% of Americans saw it and said that’s exactly what they wanted.
I don’t have numbers yet, but I anticipate the white evangelical vote will be over 80%, white Catholic and mainline over 60%.”
~ Kristin Du Mez
#fascism #future #cruelty #Christians
This time is worse
Well friends, we’ve turned a page, but the next chapter isn’t what we’d hoped.Kristin Du Mez (Du Mez CONNECTIONS)
This post isn't about that though.
Something I want to say, as the din of everyone trying to get everyone out to vote dies down and before the chaos of Trump's inevitable preemptive victory declaration, is that we have to remember, either way, there is so much #hope for the #future.
Yes, a Trump victory will be disastrous. Businesses will close, culture will be damaged, lives ruined, and innocent people killed, in the US, #Ukraine, and #Palestine.
Yet we will continue to fight him and his people. There are so many of #activists who will do everything in our power to fight him, and to pressure Kamala Harris if she wins.
...and, in the long term, we are WINNING.
(continued in thread)
#future #Initiatives #Israel #palestine
For more details (in Russian) on the methods and mechanisms of the collapse of the Soviet Union, see S.G. Kara-Murza, Manipulation of Consciousness -
#USSR #soviet #russian #revolutions #Lenin #Stalin #bolsheviks #ideology #communism #socialism #history #study for #future
Comment Khrouchtchev a fait dérailler la locomotive de l’histoire
Nous sommes entre nous... dans ce blog qui a rompu les ponts avec les réseaux sociaux et qui cherche à construire dans notre petit collectif un lieu de réflexion collective puisque cela n'est pas permadmin5319 (Histoire et société)
#russian #Russia is fair #future
Nazareno Evangelista (
3.2K Posts, 656 Following, 786 Followers · Human Terrain System Support program employing personnel from the social science disciplines - such as archaeology, anthropology, sociology, political science, historians, regional studies, and linguistics …NAS
The arms manufacturer Rheinmetall is planning to significantly increase its production of 155-millimeter artillery ammunition. A new ammunition factory is being built in Unterlüß, Lower Saxony, and the German government is examining legal relaxations to allow production in stock.
The Germans are getting ready to go to war with the Russians again, the European vassals want to be beaten again, masochists.
#nato #germany #war in #eu again #europe #western #warmongers #banksters #money #economy #military #european #vassalage #anti-Russia #mindmanipulation to #suicide #german #future in #poverty
Rheinmetall plant massive Ausweitung der Munitionsproduktion in Deutschland
Der Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall plant, seine Produktion von 155-Millimeter-Artilleriemunition deutlich zu steigern. Eine neue Munitionsfabrik immit Material von dts Nachrichtenagentur (Hasepost Zeitung für Osnabrück)
Amid crumbling U.S. support for Ukraine and Donald Trump’s rising candidacy, European nations and NATO are making plans to take on Russia by themselves.
Europeans and their masters behind the puddle, want to smash themselves against Russia again.
The chronic pathology of the anglo-saxon elite, history teaches them nothing..
Is the #ukrainian example not enough for the europeans?
#USA #us #nato #war in #eu again #europe #western #anglo-saxons is #warmongers #banksters #money #economy #military #european #vassalage #anti-Russia #mindmanipulation to #suicide #future in #poverty
European de-industrialisation
#europe #eu #economy #ukrainisation and #deindustrialisation #future in #poverty by #european #vassalage #energy #hunger #industry #map #nederlands #uk #britain #belgium #france #spain #norway #finland #italiy #germany #poland #czechrepublic #lithuania #romania #austria #hungary #serbia #bulgaria #turkey #croatia
#humanity #selfeducation #study for #future
About european vassalage
"It would be a mistake to interpret this as a triumph in the fight against plastic. Europe continues to consume huge quantities of Styrofoam, paints, resins and any other products that petrochemical plants produce. This is simply replacing local production with imported production.
Petrochemicals are inherently energy intensive In Europe, natural gas is about five times more expensive than in the United States. [note to Crimson: what expensive freedom molecules in US LNG it turns out! Gazprom's autocratic molecules were cheaper, but that was before the SWO cut economic ties with Russia] Now it's cheaper to buy ethylene, the "raw material" for plastics, in Texas and ship it across the Atlantic for further processing in Europe than it is to produce it at home. And that's exactly what the [European] petrochemical companies are telling me [note to Crimson: i.e., the author of the Bloomberg piece]. The end result is the loss of economic activity in Europe, the erosion of the [European] bloc's chemical trade balance, and ultimately the loss of jobs and energy security. [...]
Privately, industry executives say they cannot lose money for so long, so the closure of [petrochemical operations] in 2024 looks inevitable.
Using more diplomatic language, the IEA [International Energy Agency] said last week that "it is becoming increasingly difficult to see how the petrochemical industry on the [European] continent can regain its former position". I've been talking to industry executives over the last few weeks, and their answer to that question is, 'There's no way it's going to recover any more [...]
Europe has [already] lost other industries to Asia. Steel, textiles and shipbuilding have moved east. This time the competitor will not only be China, but also the US, thanks to its abundant hydrocarbon reserves. Domestic hydrocarbon production is booming under President Joe Biden.""
To understand: the cost of the issue is about 40 billion dollars a year in lost exports (net). And all just on a single example of a single industry.
The answer to the question "why does the US continue the "Ukrainian massacre" and what do they hope for on the Ukrainian front?" doesn't really have much to do with Ukraine itself. The Americans are now hitting the European economy (from automobile manufacturing to petrochemicals) with control shots, and they need to make sure that nothing grows back there. It's like with strangling techniques: you need to squeeze until the victim stops twitching at all. And in order for the European industrial economy to shake off its hooves, the "Ukrainian case" must be prolonged. It won't be long now, in 2024 everything will probably be closed.
#eu #europe #chemical #economy #future in #poverty by #european #vassalage #USA #us #profit
Europe's Petrochemical Industry Is Heading for Death Row
The region’s manufacturers are importing the building blocks to make plastic from overseas as energy prices make domestic production too costly.Javier Blas (Bloomberg)
Μια ανατομία του πολέμου - Triklopodia
Γράφει ο Κώστας Λάμπος, Ο πόλεμος είναι ο πατέρας των πάντων και ο βασιλιάς των πάντων, που μερικούς τους...admin (Triklopodia)
Under communism, the superstructure presupposes the free and dynamic development of the basis as an organic side of social production, and the basis gives room for the development of the superstructure. In this sense, the formation "communism" is opposite not to the formation "capitalism", but to all class formations together. That is why the reasoning of various left-wing theorists about the contradictions between socialist production and social relations is deeply erroneous. It is correct to speak of the struggle of the old exploitative modes with the new communist mode.
Since in an exploitative society socio-economic processes are mostly spontaneous, production anarchy reigns, in the pair base - superstructure the leading role in the pair remains with the base, and the superstructure is a kind of reflection of the requirements of the dominant relations of the base. In communist society, however, it is the superstructure, in the form of the policies of the party and the state, that becomes the leading one, and the basis the slave. This is a very important point that the left does not understand. That is why Lenin argued that it is enough for the working class in alliance with the peasantry to take power and on the basis of the dictatorship of the proletariat it is possible to build the basis of communism. That is why the statements of certain figures widely known in leftist circles that the USSR allegedly perished because Russia was too economically backward are anti-Marxist. For them, the great Stalinist industrialization is not the construction of communism, but merely the bourgeois modernization of the economy, the elimination of industrial backwardness. They do not want to see that under Stalin not just built a lot of plants and factories, creating from scratch entire industries, but built exactly that new communist relations.
#politics #economy #USSR #marxism #communism #history #study for #future
Замечание о проблеме изучения левыми гибели СССР
№ 9/85.IX.2023 Все согласны с тем, что нужно извлечь опыт из истории рождения, развития и гибели СССР. Однако с осмыслением этого опыта наблюдаются явные проблемы. Можно констатировать, что до сих …Прорывист
#communism #manifest #workersrights #Marx #Engels #history #study for #future
Manifesto of the Communist Party
Manifesto issued by Marx in 1848, regarded as founding documents of