Beiträge, die mit Gáza getaggt sind
In July, a 15-judge panel found that Israel's decades-long occupation of the Palestinian territories was "unlawful" [..] and "apartheid".
While most judges agreed with the advisory opinion, Sebutinde rejected the findings.
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#Gaza #Palestine
ICJ president 'plagiarised 32 percent of pro-Israel dissenting opinion'
Fresh allegations have emerged of Julia Sebutinde, acting president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), appearing to plagiarise large sections of her dissenting opinion on Israel’s occupation of Palestine.Rayhan Uddin (Middle East Eye)
Nach der Waffenruhe im Gaza-Krieg fordert Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier die Freilassung aller israelischen Geiseln aus den Händen der Hamas und Verhandlungen hin zu einer Zwei-Staaten-Lösung. Es müsse ein politischer Prozess in Gang kommen, aus dem zwei Dinge hervorgehen, sagte Steinmeier in Saudi-Arabiens Hauptstadt Riad.
"Erstens eine Vereinba…
🕢 03.02. 19:19 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Israel fordert offenbar Evakuierung in Dschenin ++
Im Zuge einer Militäraktion hat Israel offenbar weitere Menschen in Dschenin zur Evakuierung aufgerufen. In der nordsyrischen Stadt Manbidsch sind bei der Explosion einer Autobombe mehrere Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Alle Entwicklungen im
The move constituted the largest demolition operation conducted in the West Bank since 1967.
According to reports, the Israeli army warned Israelis in the nearby settlements that they would hear large explosions.
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#Gaza #Palestine
As part of West Bank offensive, Israel conducts largest demolition in years
The Israeli army is expanding its offensive in the northern West Bank and employing some of the same tactics that it has used in Gaza over the past 15 months, including the mass expulsion of residents, airstrikes, and large scale demolitions.Qassam Muaddi (Mondoweiss)
The images were taken between Dec.19, 2024, just 11 days after Syria’s deposed President Bashar Al-Assad fled to Moscow, and Feb.1, 2025.
They show six sites constructed in that time inside the buffer zone. Another is being constructed outside the buffer zone and inside Syrian territory.
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#Gaza #Palestine
Satellite images show Israel building military bases in Syria buffer zone
Images verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad unit shed light on Israel’s plans after it expanded area of control in Syria.Al Jazeera Staff (Al Jazeera)
New Zealand mountain granted more human rights than people in Gaza
Mount Taranaki given rights and responsibilities of a human, unlike PalestiniansRashmee Roshan Lall (New Zealand mountain granted more human rights than people in Gaza)
(Leider hinter einer Paywall.)
#USA #Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Netanyahu #Netanjahu
Bidens Versagen
Von den ersten Tagen des Krieges an haben Biden und seine engsten Berater Israel wiederholt aufgefordert, humanitäre Hilfsanstrengungen zu schützen – und dann tatenlos zugesehen, wie die Regierung Netanjahu fast die gesamte Bevölkerung von Gaza vertr…
(No surprise - until now, Saudia-Arabia was (rightly) considered an autocracy in the FRG - keyword Jamal Kashoggi…)
„Steinmeier's office posted the president's travel itinerary on the social media platform X and made note of the fact that he is the first German head of state ever to be honored with an official state visit.“
German president travels to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey
Frank-Walter Steinmeier is headed to Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey to discuss Syria and Gaza. Berlin's reputation in the region has suffered as a result of its steadfast support for Israel's war on Hamas in Gaza.Jon Shelton (Deutsche Welle)
🔸Nadav Weiman: "the mosquito procedure...refers to Palestinians being detained [& used as human shields] we heard from one of the soldiers... why do I need to push a human being into a tunnel & their officer said, too many dogs in the IDF dog unit died."
🔸NBCNews journalist: "So Palestinian men are replacing animals?"
🔸Nadav Weiman: "yes."
#israel #gaza #gazagenocide #palestine
Tout est dit...
#gaza #genocide #occident #civilisation #prospective
The Western Way of Genocide - Read by Eunice Wong
The genocide in Gaza portends the emergence of a dystopian world where the industrialized violence of the Global North is used to sustain its hoarding of diminishing resources and wealth.Chris Hedges (The Chris Hedges Report)
Israels Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu wird einem Medienbericht zufolge seine USA-Reise verlängern. Seine Rückkehr aus Washington sei nun für Samstag geplant, schrieb ein Reporter des Nachrichtenportals Axios auf der Plattform X.
Netanjahu war am Sonntag aufgebrochen und sollte am Dienstag als erster ausländischer Staats- und Regierungschef mit de…
🕖 03.02. 19:06 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Israel fordert offenbar Evakuierung in Dschenin ++
Im Zuge einer Militäraktion hat Israel offenbar weitere Menschen in Dschenin zur Evakuierung aufgerufen. In der nordsyrischen Stadt Manbidsch sind bei der Explosion einer Autobombe mehrere Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Alle Entwicklungen im
The BBC anchor, Martine Croxall, seemed to suggest Israel’s mass detention policies were ‘understandable’.
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#Gaza #Palestine
Before Israel's offensive, the Palestinian Authority had already arrested over 70 Palestinians, subjecting them to severe torture.
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#Gaza #Palestine
In the West Bank, another 'Gaza genocide' unfolds
Israel, in collusion with the Palestinian Authority, is executing a coordinated crackdown in the occupied West Bank that mirrors its war on Gaza, using military force, intelligence sharing, and systematic destruction to weaken resistance and expand t…
„Der Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten BDA unterstützt die Bestrebungen des UN-Sonderberichterstatters über angemessenes Wohnen, Balakrishnan Rajagopal, die bewusste und mutwillige Zerstörung von Wohnraum im Zuge gewaltsamer Konflikte und Kriege – auch als DOMIZID und URBIZID bezeichnet – im internationalen und nationalen Strafrecht als eigenständiges Verbrechen zu verankern.”
Jenin mayor likens Israeli military operation to war in Gaza
The major of Jenin, in the occupied West Bank, told CNN on Monday that the Israeli assault on the Jenin Refugee Camp was akin to the war in Gaza, saying it had destroyed 120 buildings and displaced 15,000 people.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Mi vergogno che la Gran Bretagna abbia avuto un ruolo in tutto questo."🧵1/11
"La maggior parte dei casi che abbiamo trattato erano donne e bambini, e particolarmente inquietanti sono stati i bambini con un'unica ferita, un proiettile alla testa, che era chiaramente il risultato di un fuoco deliberato di cecchini."
✍️ #NizamMamode è un chirurgo umanitario e professore in pensione di chirurgia dei trapianti.
È stato chirurgo volontario in un team medico di emergenza a Gaza, organizzato da Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) nell'agosto/settembre 2024.
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #3febbraio
After his arrival in Washington, the Israeli ambassador to the US, Yechiel Leiter, who took up his post one week ago, described this as "an historic visit" on X. "The US-Israel friendship is strong and is getting stronger," he added.
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#Gaza #Palestine
Netanyahu seeks strong backing from Trump, as first foreign leader to visit
Israel's PM will be testing boundaries when he meets Trump for next-stage ceasefire talks.Yolande Knell (BBC News)
The alleged breach of Husam El Gomati’s mobile phone was discovered by WhatsApp in late December.
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#Gaza #Palestine
#gaza #palestine #canada #CanadaPolitics #usa
Footage showed damaged government and courthouse buildings, roads flattened by bulldozers, destroyed equipment, and burned and shredded papers and belongings.
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#Gaza #Palestine
Israeli army withdraws from Syrian town in occupied Golan Heights leaving trail of destruction
‘This is systematic terror against the people of Quneitra and our homeland,’ says Syrian resident - Anadolu Ajansı
The highest-ranking career official at the Treasury Department was pushed out after refusing to hand Musk's team the keys to the government's entire payment system and the $6 trillion in payments the system processes annually.
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#Gaza #Palestine
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2025 Forecast: Middle East and North Africa
The Middle East is an Arab-majority region, but with the exception of a 200-year period that began in the early 7th century, Arabs have never been the dominant power there.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Trump pauses tariffs on Mexico for 1 month after Sheinbaum agrees to send troops to border
President Trump announced he is pausing tariffs targeting imports from Mexico for a month after the country's president agreed to send 10,000 troops to the U.S.-Mexico border.Stefan Becket (CBS News)
The Tesla billionaire and presidential adviser has inserted himself into the inner workings of the federal government, gaining access to sensitive computer systems and making sweeping changes for which he has no clear authority.
This weekend, the USAID website and social media channels were taken offline.
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#Gaza #Palestine
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#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #3febbraio
"Grave for the Living": The health status of Palestinian prisoners recently released from Israeli jails indicates their systematic malnutrition and torture
Israel has transformed its jails into institutionalised torture facilities for Palestinian detainees and prisonersEuro-Med Human Rights Monitor
The Israeli military launched a major offensive in the West Bank on January 21.
On Sunday, the Israeli army said it had killed more than 50 "terrorists" during the operation.
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#Gaza #Palestine
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Att stå upp för folkrätten och visa solidaritet med #Gaza är tydligen ett hot mot "rikets säkerhet".
#svpol #BojkottaIsrael #gazagenocide
Dr. Francesca Albanese as guest on an #Austrian (#german language!) podcast episode.
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Escenas de destrucción en Beit Lahia, en el norte de la Franja de #Gaza
Sports as sprouts amid strife
For residents of Gaza and women in Afghanistan, a revival of athletics lays the seeds for joy as a people.the Monitor's Editorial Board (The Christian Science Monitor)
Live event "Anatomy of a Genocide" with Dr. Francesca Albanese, February 6th 2025
[Live] ”Anatomy of a Genocide" - Francesca Albanese
”Anatomy of a Genocide" - Realiteter, Legalitet og Diskursen omkring folkedrab i Palæstina, med Francesca AlbaneseFebruary 6, 2025, 19:00–21:30 CETYouTube
“Lo que está ocurriendo en Gaza no es una operación militar, es una agresión a gran escala contra nuestro pueblo. Son masacres contra civiles inocentes. Nada en el derecho natural ni en el derecho internacional permite atacar a civiles y perpetrar contra ellos ataques tan i [...]
#Belice #CorteInternacionalDeJusticia #DemandaDeSudáfrica #Gaza #Israel #Opinión
Gaza / Israel: la solicitud de intervención presentada por Belice ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ)
Gaza / Israel: la solicitud de intervención presentada por Belice ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) Opinión - El Mundo CRRedacción (El Mundo CR)
Basyuk is the head of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) Operations Directorate, which is responsible for preparing the Israeli military for war.
He was on the ground in Gaza during Israel’s most recent onslaught and presided over decision-making on last year’s offensive in southern Lebanon.
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#Gaza #Palestine
Israeli General given special immunity for secret trip to Britain
After Declassified exposed an Israeli army delegation in London, the UK government confirms the officers were given diplomatic immunity from arrest for war crimes.JOHN McEVOY (Declassified Media ltd)
Whatever, morality and consciences went out of the door a long time ago.
#Gaza #UkPolitics #Enablement #CouldNotGiveAShit
Zum Auftakt seiner Nahost-Reise ist Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier mit Saudi-Arabiens Kronprinz und faktischem Herrscher Mohammed bin Salman zusammengetroffen. Salman begrüßte den Gast aus Deutschland in Riad zunächst mit militärischen Ehren, anschließend zogen sich beide zu einem Gespräch zurück.
Im Mittelpunkt der Unterred…
🕟 03.02. 16:22 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Israel fordert offenbar Evakuierung in Dschenin ++
Im Zuge einer Militäraktion hat Israel offenbar weitere Menschen in Dschenin zur Evakuierung aufgerufen. In der nordsyrischen Stadt Manbidsch sind bei der Explosion einer Autobombe mehrere Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Alle Entwicklungen im
“With regards to the USAID stuff, I went over it with (the president) in detail, and he agreed that we should shut it down,” Musk said.
// “Elon Musk” was never elected to a political position by the American people. //
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#Gaza #Palestine
White House looks to shutdown US 'aid agency' behind regime change ops worldwide
Trump supporters say USAID is staffed by democrats who sought to impeach the president during his first term in
Among the claims in the complaint, the students state that the university violated its own policies during the disciplinary process, that the university targeted the students for their views, and that it violated New York’s landlord tenant laws.
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#Gaza #Palestine
Columbia students just sued the university for attacks on pro-Palestine activism
As Trump threatens to deport ‘pro-Hamas’ students, campus activists who were suspended last spring fight backKavitha Chekuru (Drop Site News)
As the left stands in a defensive posture, the Palestinian solidarity movement and its university student organizers leads the way.
For university student organizers and the campus coalitions that initiated nationwide solidarity encampments this spring, steep university repression are not new.
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#Gaza #Palestine
The Encampment Movement leads the way under Trump
As social movements in the U.S. plan ahead for the Trump administration, we should look to the campus Palestine movement for lessons on how to organize under the repressive conditions we will all soon face.Ethan Eblaghie (Mondoweiss)
The army published a video of blowing up several buildings in southern Lebanon without specifying the towns where the explosions took place.
It claimed that these buildings were used to store weapons [..] and other military equipment.
Lebanese media have reported over 830 Israeli breaches since the deal came into force.
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#Gaza #Palestine
Israeli army claims to destroy Hezbollah weapons depots in southern Lebanon
Army publishes video of blowing up several buildings in southern Lebanon - Anadolu Ajansı
#Israel scheint sich auf ein umfassendes diplomatisches Abkommen zuzubewegen, beginnend mit #Gaza und endend in Saudi-Arabien.
#USA #SaudiArabien