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Beiträge, die mit JENIN getaggt sind

#Israel #TerroristState #IDF #Westbank #Occupation #Jenin #Palestine #resistance

Why is Jenin the ‘capital of Palestinian resistance’? (video via link)
Why is Jenin the ‘capital of Palestinian resistance’?
As the Israeli military carries out its seventh day of a major military operation in the occupied West Bank’s Jenin, watch our video below to find out about its decades of resistance against Israeli incursions.

included is  post from Al Jazeera on X with a video:
"Jenin has resisted Israeli occupation for decades, earning its reputation as the “capital of Palestinian resistance.” Here’s why it still matters today."

#Israel #TerroristState #occupation #Westbank #Jenin #Palestine

Israel’s deadly assault on Jenin enters 7th day (video in link)
Israel’s deadly assault on Jenin enters 7th day

The Wafa news agency is reporting that the large-scale Israeli military operation on the occupied West Bank city has killed at least 16 people and wounded dozens.

The latest victim was 26-year-old Abdul Jawad al-Ghoul, who died late on Sunday after being shot by Israeli forces, according to Wafa.

The agency added that Israeli forces destroyed the Cinema Roundabout in the centre of Jenin, as well as shops in the area overnight. They also continued blowing up and burning homes in the Jenin refugee camp, and have razed large parts of the al-Dam and al-Bishr neighbourhoods, it added.

Elon Musk is _GÉÉN_ Jodenhater!

Musk is een nietsontziende POPULIST. Hij wil aandacht en probeert dat te krijgen door een controversiële clown uit te hangen. Met enorm succes. Hij geniet van elke toot waarin hij te zien is, hóe maakt niet uit (ook ik ben schuldig, zie onder).

Musk maak handig misbruik van de (door Joden zelf!) gecreëerde leugen dat, sinds 7 okt. 2023, antisemitisme enorm zou zijn toegenomen. Bijna iedereen trapt daar in.

In Duitsland is het strafbaar om "From the river to the sea" te zeggen als je Palestina bedoelt. Als je Israël bedoelt, word je op handen gedragen. De meeste boosts van toots van het Auschwitz Memorial zijn van Duitsers.

Let op: ik ontken niet dat er echte en zelfs levensgevaarlijke Jodenhaters rondlopen. Maar hun aantal is eerder áf dan toegenomen. Het zijn niet langer RIJKE mensen (waaronder veel Joden) die worden gehaat. Integendeel.

Musk profiteert van het opzetten van grote bevolkingsgroepen tegen kwetsbare minderheden met weinig geld - in westerse landen degenen die sowieso nooit op de gangbare politieke partijen stemmen. Er valt namelijk niks te halen bij hen: geen geld, geen stem en geen waardevolle informatie.

Sneu voor die paar Joden die denken dat het OPNIEUW om HÉN te doen is (Netanyahu et al. begrijpen het prima).

Je telt wél mee als je wat te besteden hebt. Geloofsovertuiging en huidskleur maken dán nauwelijks nog uit. Anders is het ook acceptabel - mits je, in het stemhokje, aantoont een beïnvloedbare marionet te zijn.

Uit https://www.lemonde.fr/en/pixels/article/2024/01/23/elon-musk-says-he-was-naive-on-antisemitism-as-he-visits-auschwitz_6456954_13.html van 1 jaar geleden:

Elon Musk says he was 'naive' on antisemitism as he visits Auschwitz

P.S. Dat voor meer dan 1 miljoen kinderen het leven in een hel is veranderd, is "collateral damage". Zij worden sowieso geen big spenders. Who cares? (I do: https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113891289715950014).

#IsraelMaaktMeerKapotDanJeLiefIs #TrapErNietIn #GeveinsdAntisemitisme #Antisemitisme #Jodenhaat #Moslimhaat #Vreemdelingenhaat #Racisme #Discriminatie #Minderheden #DefinitieVanAntisemitisme #Auschwitz #Auschwitz80 #AuschwitzMemorial #RichSupremacy #Musk #Wilders #Yesilgoz #VanDerPlas #CVI #CIDI #AIPAC #Kapitalisme #Genocide #GazaGenocide #Jenin #Westbank #Libanon #Lebanon #Syrie #Syria #Populisme #Populist #Propaganda #ICCisRight #ICJisRight #AmnestyIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #EnWatDiesMeerZij
Foto uit https://www.lemonde.fr/en/pixels/article/2024/01/23/elon-musk-says-he-was-naive-on-antisemitism-as-he-visits-auschwitz_6456954_13.html van Elon Musk (met keppeltje op) die bij concentratiekamp Auschwitz, in winterse omstandigheden, een kaarsje aansteekt op een gedenksteen. Naast hem staat een zeer Joodse meneer, eveneens met keppeltje op.

Aanvulling: links achter Musk staat een groot bord waarop te lezen valt: "EJA Delegation to Auschwitz [Januari 22-23, 2024]" met daaronder (op dat bord) een foto van handen die een papier met daarop "NEVER AGAIN!" (plus Davidsster) vasthoudt. Daar weer onder op dat bord:


Onder de foto in Le Monde staat:
Tesla and SpaceX's CEO Elon Musk lights a candle as he visits the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, on Monday, Jan. 22, 2024. YOAV DUDKEVITCH / AP

2-year-old Laila al-Khatib was shot in head and killed by #Israel's occupation forces in Saturday January 25th in the village of Muthallat Ash-Shuhada, south of the city of #Jenin on #Palestine's

#Israeli occupied West Bank.

"Funeral of Laila al-Khatib, in Jenin"


#Israel #Israeli #Palestine #Palestinians #MiddleEast #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Palestinian #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia #Gaza #Qatar

GAZA: SECONDO SCAMBIO DI PRIGIONIERI. CORTEI PER LA PALESTINA IN UNA DECINA DI CITTA’ ITALIANE. https://www.radiondadurto.org/2025/01/25/gaza-secondo-scambio-di-prigionieri-cortei-per-la-palestina-in-una-decina-di-citta-italiane/ #INTERNAZIONALI #Cisgiordania #Palestina #jenin #gaza

Als alles goed gaat, wordt vandaag weer een groep Palestijnen vrij gelaten door Israel. Waarschijnlijk wordt een zelfde aantal Palestijnen gedood of gevangen genomen tijdens de militaire operatie op de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Ik hoop dat ik geen gelijk krijg.
#israel #Jenin #netanyahu #westbank #stopwar


“‘Jenin is Gaza’: Refugees Describe Israel’s Brutal Assault on Their West Bank Camp”

by Fahya Shalash in The Palestine Chronicle


“A journey of exodus into the unknown, but this time in Jenin, not Gaza. It seems that the Israeli army is using its same policies everywhere”


#Press #WestBank #Jenin #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust

PALESTINA: JENIN RISCHIA DI DIVENTARE LA NUOVA JABALYA. https://www.radiondadurto.org/2025/01/24/palestina-jenin-rischia-di-diventare-la-nuova-jabalya/ #INTERNAZIONALI #Cisgiordania #Palestina #jenin #gaza

Hundreds flee Jenin amid Israel’s deepening West Bank crackdown | West Bank | The Guardian…

Hundreds of people have fled the Jenin refugee camp and surrounding areas as an Israeli assault on the West Bank city enters its third day... #israel #gaza #westbank #israelgazawar #middleeast #middleeastconflict #jenin


Israeli Forces Kill 2 Palestinian Militants Wanted in Deadly Attack https://www.byteseu.com/679317/ #Israel #Jenin(WestBank) #PalestinianIslamicJihad #palestinians #WestBank
Israeli Forces Kill 2 Palestinian Militants Wanted in Deadly Attack

Palestinian lawyer Mohammad Dahleh on the Israeli assault on #Jenin :

“I think it’s quite clear that it has to do with the agreement about the ceasefire. They want to continue the war in Gaza, and the way to do that is escalation in the West Bank.”

Meanwhile, reports on the ground are emerging that the Israeli army is arresting people trying to flee Jenin and preventing medical workers from reaching injured people who are bleeding to death in the streets.

#Palestine #genocide #ceasefire

#warcrimes against health system of #Palestine are continuous.
Director of Khalil Suleiman Governmental Hospital in #Jenin:

○ "About 600 medical personnel are taking shelter inside."

○ "Food and water supplies in the hospital are only enough for a few days."

○ "The current situation is horrific, as the occupation has destroyed the roads in front of the hospital."

(Occupied West Bank)
#IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelTerroristState


“Nei raid sulla città di #Jenin e sull’annesso campo profughi urbanizzato sono già state uccise 12 persone — il numero dei feriti nel corso della giornata non è aumentato, ed è a 35 come nello scorso aggiornamento. Il conto delle vittime può inevitabilmente solo aumentare con il proseguire dell’operazione — solo nelle scorse ore sono state uccise altre due persone.”


#TheSubmarine #gaza #palestine #cisgiordania #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

Israeli army and Palestinian Authority besiege and raid Jenin hospitals

Israeli forces have continued besieging and attacking two Jenin hospitals for a second consecutive day since the launch of a major assault on the northern occupied West Bank city, as Palestinian Authority (PA) forces stormed a third hospital.

Medical teams attempting to provide care have come under direct Israeli fire, while paramedics have been obstructed from reaching the dead and wounded, who remain strewn across the streets.

Israeli forces have killed at least 10 Palestinians and wounded 40 since the attack began on Tuesday morning, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Amid the raid, Israeli military bulldozers destroyed the main road leading to the Jenin government hospital, blocking access with dirt barriers.


#Israel #PA #Jenin #WestBank #Occupation #Politics #Genocide

#Israel #TerroristState #Westbank #Jenin #occupation #violence #MSF

"Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has said Israel’s attacks on the occupied West Bank after a ceasefire deal was announced in Gaza “are taking a heavy toll on people’s physical and mental health”, as ambulances and medical staff are prevented access.

“What we are seeing in Jenin camp is horrific,” an unnamed MSF-trained paramedic was quoted by the organisation as saying."

MSF says West Bank raids taking ‘heavy toll’ on Palestinians
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has said Israel’s attacks on the occupied West Bank after a ceasefire deal was announced in Gaza “are taking a heavy toll on people’s physical and mental health”, as ambulances and medical staff are prevented access.

“What we are seeing in Jenin camp is horrific,” an unnamed MSF-trained paramedic was quoted by the organisation as saying.

“People are targeted while being evacuated, and wounded cannot be reached by ambulance. We are running out of electricity, and we will soon be unable to use our electric vehicles to transport and stabilise patients.”

MSF said the surge in violence was taking place at a time when it had already been “forced to suspend operations in Jenin and reduce activities in Hebron and Nablus due to obstruction of movement”.

MSF called for “unimpeded access to medical care” and the protection of hospitals, ambulances and healthcare workers.

#Israel Presses Ahead With Raids in the #WestBank

At least 10 people have been killed in the raids, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Dozens have been arrested, #Palestinian officials told the Wafa news agency.

from #NewYorkTimes #NYT
[gift article - link can be shared. Expires in 30 days.]
[Bias alert - #NYT usually favors Israel]

By Lara Jakes, Fatima Abdul Karim, and Hiba Yazbek
Jan. 22, 2025 Updated 8:58 a.m. ET

“The #Jenin battalion of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, an armed group loosely affiliated with #Fatah, the political faction that controls the #PalestinianAuthority, said in a statement...that its fighters were engaged in “fierce clashes” with #Israeli forces in several areas of Jenin and had detonated explosive devices.”


#EndTheOccupation #SettlersOut
#FreePalestine #LetGazaLive
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

#Katz : #Jenin -Operation wird iranisch unterstützten #Terrorismus

„Wir werden nicht zulassen, dass die Waffen der iranischen Krake und des radikalen sunnitischen Islams das Leben der [israelischen] Einwohner gefährden und eine östliche Terrorfront gegen den Staat #Israel aufbauen“, so der israelische Verteidigungsminister Israel Katz.


#Israeli occupation forces have intensified their attacks in the occupied #WestBank, with #Jenin becoming a focal point of their crackdown.

The Israeli forces made dozens of arrests in the West Bank, offsetting the release of 90 #prisoners under the ceasefire agreement so far.

According to political analyst Mohammad Elmasry, this surge in military activity serves as a diversion from the Gaza ceasefire deal, which has been perceived domestically as a political debacle for Netanyahu.

“The ceasefire in Gaza was kind of a defeat for #Netanyahu. Israeli media reports are calling it an embarrassment for him to have Hamas, after all these months, still very much alive and well and operational in #Gaza,” Elmasry told Al Jazeera.

“This is a way for the Israeli government to show its ardent supporters and especially those on the right wing that this is only temporary in Gaza and [Israel is] still able to do whatever we want in the West Bank,” he said.
@palestine @israel

Genau das hatten unsere Gesprächspartner in Palästina und Israel befürchtet: Dass der lang ersehnte Waffenstillstand in #Gaza eine Verlagerung des Krieges in die Westbank bedeutet. Die Angriffe der israelischen Armee auf #Jenin und andere Orte müssen gestoppt werden.
Screenshot https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/israel-beginnt-grossen-militaereinsatz-im-westjordanland-a-99a110c8-a7c7-4e8a-93a4-3d3ab0755e1d

The Israeli "Operation Iron Wall” seems to be targeting medical staff in Jenin. The Director of Jenin Governmental Hospital told Al Jazeera that several nurses, doctors and other staff members had been injured by the IDF shootings in the West Bank.

In the video below a nurse can be seen running from IDF snipers, a man running in the same direction falls injured.

The death toll has now been increased to 9 dead and 98 injured in Jenin alone.

#Jenin #IronWall #WestBank #JeninGeneralHospital

Among the injured in Jenin today was a young child, a toddler. These genocidal creeps got forced into a ceasefire with Hamas and are taking it out on toddlers in the West Bank.

#WestBank #Jenin #IDF

Once day broke today Israel unleashed snipers in the West Bank city of Jenin, killing 9 Palestinians simply going about their day and wounding a further 98+ people.

These snipings occurred completely at random.

In this clip an elderly man cross a street as bullets land at his feet. Thankfully the sniper missed in this case.

Updated: The total dead and injured has continued to climb. 😢

#WestBank #Jenin #GazaDeal #Israel #IDF #FreePalestine

>> Krusi:
Ja, so ist das halt.Wenn man viele seiner gefährlichsten und bereits inhaftierten Terroristen einfach freilässt, dann hat man wieder viel zu tun. War ja von vornherein klar!<<

„Eiserne Mauer“: Israelische Streitkräfte beginnen Anti-Terror-Operation in #Jenin

An der Operation sind Truppen der #IDF , des israelischen Sicherheitsdienstes und der Grenzpolizei beteiligt.


#Israel #Terror #Mord #Gewalt

On day one of his reich, #Trump said that he didn't think the #ceasefire in #Gaza will hold. At the same time, the IOF started drone attacks in #Jenin, killing 6. This under the gaze of the so called "Palestinian Authority", that actively collaborates with #Israel in spite of presenting itself as representative of #Palestine in the UN and other international forums.

The crisis in Palestine has not ended, and it need to end with Washington burning.


While everyone is now busy analyzing Trump's executive orders and Musk's "awkward gesture" (i.e. Nazi salute), #Israel is transferring its #Genocide and #EthnicCleansing into the #WestBank. They're literally hunting down unarmed people in the streets of #Jenin.


The Palestinian Authority (PA) has launched a military campaign against Jenin Refugee Camp for 40 days

The military operation began as a means of stamping out anti-occupation Palestinian resistance groups in #Jenin camp in order to protect Israel, during which it cut off water and electricity to the refugee camp. The #PA also killed civilians, including a female journalist and children.

#WestBank #Traitors #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Puppets
@palestine@a.gup.pe @israel @palestine@lemmy.ml