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Beiträge, die mit AUSPOL getaggt sind

INTEREST ADDED: Watt, Murray Gifted one year membership to the National Press Club following speech on 18 September 2024 https://politicalgadgets.com/Interests/interests_display/?1731975789 #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/Interests/interests_display/?1731975789) #auspol

Well done on these authors stepping up to help Australia's appallingly ignorant politicians! Sadly, I suspect the politicians who need this material the most will be those least likely to read it.

#auspol #Australia #gaza #humanrights #Israel #history


Not in favour of high economic immigration to Australia, particularly from wealthy countries. We have limited resources and an ancient environment we're already straining.

Am in favour of much higher refugee and asylum seeker intake, for the good it spreads and the character of the new citizens it brings who've collectively proven they'll seize the opportunity and flourish.


#auspol #refugees

Inhaltswarnung: Just completed an "anonymous" survey for Crikey. They'll not find much pleasantness in my answers. Here's an early one, & the final one.

Australia, do you not understand what is coming? It's easy to dismiss Queensland as some far flung place but we are an early warning system. Stop fighting each other. Focus. Listen. It's clear we cannot fight the Qld LNP alone. #auspol

In response to concerns raised by customers of Ticketmaster and Live Nation, Melbourne-based class action law firm Gordon Legal last month announced it was undertaking an investigation into allegations of “deceptive, misleading or unconscionable conduct” which “may have inflated” the price of tickets for performances and events in Australia.
“We have been contacted by customers who are concerned that they have paid more than they should have for event tickets. We are investigating their concerns, including how ‘dynamic pricing’ is influencing the cost of tickets in Australia,” said James Naughton, Class Actions Partner at Gordon Legal.
“The focus of our investigation relates to whether any laws designed to protect consumers have been breached.”
#auslaw #auspol #consumerrights #competition

'Hello, I'd like to report some violent extremists please.

'Yes, I managed to get their address. They're quite overt, not exactly hiding it. It's 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC.'


via @David_Hollingworth @MorpheusB

#uspol #auspol

Modern Monetary Theory never made a lot of sense to me; here's some of my past writings on it: https://johnaugust.com.au/article/modern-monetary-theory #auspol #economics

Albanese Govt just demonstrated it will undermine democratic principles and any threats to its power - while paying itself generously from the treasury to do it - and will gang up with Dutton and the Coalition to ensure it happens.


#TheConversation #Energy #Environment #auspol As Australia privatises nature repair, the cheapest approach won’t save our threatened species Read more…https://theconversation.com/as-australia-privatises-nature-repair-the-cheapest-approach-wont-save-our-threatened-species-241900

Inhaltswarnung: Alan Jones, CSA, Sexual Abuse

List of Labor and Coalition MPs who voted together to reject referring the new electoral funding laws to a committee for review the day the bill was introduced.

Below the Crossbench members who voted for a review.

Source: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Chamber_documents/Live_Minutes?autorefresh=&track=0&scrollto=newest

Screenshot from https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Chamber_documents/Live_Minutes?autorefresh=&track=0&scrollto=newest

Showing lists of names - Text:

Division 492

The House divided (the Speaker, Mr Dick, in the Chair)—

AYES, 14

Mr Bandt
Ms Daniel
Dr Scamps*
Ms Tink
Mr Bates
Dr Haines
Ms Spender
Ms Watson-Brown
Mr Chandler-Mather
Ms Le
Ms Steggall
Mr Wilkie
Ms Chaney
Dr M Ryan*

NOES, 50

Dr Ananda-Rajah
Dr Freelander
Mr McCormack
Ms J Ryan
Ms Belyea
Dr Garland
Ms Mascarenhas
Ms Scrymgour
Mr Burnell
Mr Georganas
Ms Miller-Frost
Ms Sitou
Ms Burney
Mr Gorman
Mr B Mitchell
Mr Smith*
Mr Burns
Mr Gosling
Mr R Mitchell
Ms Stanley*
Ms Byrnes
Mr Hill
Dr Mulino
Ms Swanson
Dr Charlton
Mr Khalil
Mr Neumann
Mr Thistlethwaite
Ms Chesters
Ms Lawrence
Ms Payne
Ms Thwaites
Ms Claydon
Mr Laxale
Mr Rae
Ms Vamvakinou
Ms Coker
Dr Leigh
Dr Reid
Mr Watts
Ms Doyle
Mr Lim
Mr Repacholi
Mr J Wilson
Mrs Elliot
Ms McBain
Ms Roberts
Mr Zappia
Ms Fernando
Ms McBride

#TheConversation #auspol Dozens of refugees are still stranded in precarious situations in PNG – and support from Australia is dwindling Read more…https://theconversation.com/dozens-of-refugees-are-still-stranded-in-precarious-situations-in-png-and-support-from-australia-is-dwindling-241676

Steve Georganas is 30.60% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

Inhaltswarnung: Breaking news: Alan Jones no longer useful to those in power.

Glad the inexorable Me Too movement is slowly attempting to bring justice for the victims of celebrity perpetrators, but have anecdotal knowledge of survivors of 'everyday' criminals and crimes that go unbelieved or acted on.

I believe the high profile cases mask continuing and ongoing injustice and there remains systemic issues in the legal and law enforcement systems.

Worse, there's a counter-movement, mainly espoused by men, but also some women, who use language like, 'It was just boys being boys' and other misogynist tropes that seek to normalise and excuse the crimes.

#metoo #auslaw #auspol

'Two in five [Australians] gamble weekly...' Andrew Wilkie MP, 18 November 2024

Holy shit.


'Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Amendment (Making Gambling Businesses Accountable) Bill 2024 - A Bill for an Act to regulate suspicious gambling activities, and for related purposes'

Fed up with waiting on the Albanese Govt to tackle gambling and money laundering, Andrew Wilkie introduces his own bill into the House of Representatives during private members' business.

Debate was adjourned.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbH36tUKo78 [Debate starts 10:30am equivalent]



The Monday essay: The unmasking of the West reveals an ugly face - The latest analysis from New Politics. #AUSPOL https://open.substack.com/pub/newpolitics/p/the-monday-essay-the-unmasking-of?r=jwtmx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

So, this happened this morning.

#AlanJones, for those not in the know, was one of #Australia’s most powerful #media figures, a key ally of #conservative, #RightWing politicians, and in his prime held tremendous sway over public opinion. He was also a #RugbyUnion coach, working at a series of private boys’ schools and for the national team, the #Wallabies.

https://archive.md/2024.11.17-221424/https://www.smh.com.au/national/alan-jones-arrested-over-allegations-he-indecently-assaulted-young-men-20241118-p5krdu.html #Arrested #auspol
Screenshot from a Sydney Morning Herald article dated November 18, 2024: “Alan Jones arrested over allegations he indecently assaulted young men,” by Kate McClymont.

The first two paragraphs read:

“Alan Jones has been arrested at his luxury Circular Quay apartment by NSW Police over allegations the controversial broadcaster and former Wallabies coach indecently assaulted, groped or inappropriately touched multiple young men.

“For the past nine months, detectives from Strike Force Bonnefin, run by the State Crime Command's child abuse squad, have been conducting a top-secret investigation into Jones.”

A picture of Jones follows, showing him walking with the aid of a cane behind a parked BMW sedan. Caption: “Alan Jones, pictured in Sydney in May, has been arrested at his Circular Quay apartment. SAM MOOY”

'[T]oo much solar power in Australia's electricity systems to handle.'

Dutton's going to be really cranky when he realises there's already a giant nuclear reactor just giving its shit up for free.



Probably won't find a lot of local sympathy as tertiary institutions are turned into degree and diploma factories, student visas are rorted and housing is overwhelmed.

Unis got very greedy, often encouraged by government. Capping and redirecting students into rural and regional areas is probably a fair policy as long as it doesn't just push the problem into the bush.

Reckon Minister Clare has got the balance right on this one.


#auspol #education

Presumably our Free Trade Agreement with the United States doesn't mean shit. Third biggest in two-way trade and largest investor is just going to fuck that all up because it wants to.

Totally unreliable country. Good to know.

Someone remind Dutton and Albanese next time they bang on about the 'sanctity of the US alliance,' and the importance of relying on it for security.


#auspol #uspol

Inhaltswarnung: Opinion

Inhaltswarnung: Opinion

That so-called US 'Marine Rotational Force' established in Darwin in 2011 has grown to look suspiciously like a full blown military base.



#auspol #uspol

Of course, I could just be a paranoid online conspiracy idiot but the timing is curious - dumping all this stuff right before summer, flying the social media kids ban flag while hinting an online certification system will be required to implement it while simultaneously rejigging myGov into myID .

Then there's the senate committee smoking gun.

Nah, I think there's a strong possibility some idiots have a strategy that doesn't involve being upfront. We studied the Australia Card, and the Data Retention sell was a complete fuck up. They're probably terrified of both instances, as would be the minister.

Happy to be wrong but all this stinks of subterfuge and an attempt to get the public (and old media) to sleepwalk into a surveillance trap.

#auspol #privacy #myid

What's a reasonable argument *for* a Federal Government digital ID? Like what actual use is it (apart from the surveillance aspect). What will it bring to the table that isn't already covered?

Can't think of one and the government hasn't made any argument in the media release - just 'Presto, here it is.'

Trying to anticipate what a minister will blather on about if challenged. 'We are centralising government records?' That's already been done, albeit badly.

Who or what is going to ask you to present it? Porn sites? Social media? Is that the only route this goes down? They're just going to trot out the same old criminals, paedophiles and terrorist lines aren't they. Somehow a Federal Government ID stops all that... somehow...

It's fucking perplexing.

#auspol #privacy #myid

Welp, all signs point to a looming privacy battle with the Australian Government who seem set on sneaking in a comprehensive surveillance system data matching tax, health and other government records to social media accounts. People's Republic of China would approve.

These are fun. We'll need all the arts, legal, media, politics and tech skills we can muster. Fortunately, appears a proliferation of them abound in these here parts.

Not an easy battle to win against entrenched political parties and their old media propaganda wings but to misquote the Taliban, 'We thank god our enemies are idiots.'



#auspol #privacy #myid
Marketing image for Australian Government's 'myID' initiative. 

Portrays two smart phones, one at an angle, the other forward facing showing the 'myGovID' logo and 'myID' logos respectively.

God I'm so dumb...

I've only just realised that when people in positions of power refer to "checks and balances" they were actually taking about "cheques and (bank) balances" (for their friends and themselves of course)


No responsibility. No consequences.

Corruption commissioner blames blame culture - refuses to resign after admitting Robodebt investigation conflict of interest caused wrong outcome.

All that happened was Commissioner Brereton refused to investigate his good friend Kathryn Campbell who was instrumental in billions of illegal debts being raised against Australia's most vulnerable citizens, leading to draconian debt collection, mass poverty and a spate of suicides. Clearly something that can be brushed off, just like the corruption inquiry itself.


#auspol #nacc

What a creepy, Orwellian name this 'myID' shit has.

It's not your ID; it's the government's comprehensive file on you. Soon to be linked to all your thoughts, politics and pics via social media.

Government released image of a hand holding a phone with myID logo and stylised Australian map logo.

''“So, this isn't just about privacy or collecting data about kids,” said [Senator David] Shoebridge.

“This is literally everybody accessing social media, that's how it has to work, isn't it?”

“Yes,” replied Andrew Irwin, assistant secretary of online safety at [the Department of Communications].'

Odd that niche new media is carrying such an important story like the Australian government flagging putting the entire population onto internet verification checks, while old media is crickets.

Unless a) there's an inherent bias, b) they don't understand it or c) both.


#auspol #socialmedia

Appears banning children is just a smokescreen, Senate committee uncovers Communications Dept plans to force every Australian onto digital ID to access commercial social media.

That's kind of hilarious. And annoying they'd even try.


Via @parisba @vwdasher

#auspol #socialmedia

Is the political consensus around banning social media for children in Australia as much about cutting them off from news media that they consume as much as preventing harm? Just a thought.


Trump Administration skipping the security in security clearance for selective members.

Four out of Five Eyes members on notice future heads of US justice and intelligence depts are a clear and present intelligence threat.



#auspol #nzpol #ukpol #canpol #uspol