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Beiträge, die mit Hamàs getaggt sind

[16:32] LIVE | VS denken dat Gaza-deal deze week nog mogelijk is

De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.


#Israël #Hamas #Gaza

[16:32] LIVE | VS denken dat Gaza-deal deze week nog mogelijk is

De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.


#Israël #Hamas #Gaza

⚡️ A responsible source in #Hamas to "Al-Araby Al-Jadeed": 🔴 #Hamas received a draft ceasefire agreement from the mediators 🔴 A central meeting of #Hamas this evening to discuss the draft agreement 🔴 If there is no harm to the essential points that concern our people, the response will be positive

🇮🇱#Israel‎ul și ☪️#Hamas au primit versiunea „finală” a unui acord de încetare a focului în #Gaza.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-43pt

#Știri #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #Terorism

Atacul din 7 #Octombrie s-ar putea întâmpla din nou. Amenințarea din partea ☪️#Hamas este degradată, dar nu distrusă, potrivit unui ofițer al armatei 🇮🇱#Israel‎iene din #Gaza.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-43pK

#Știri #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #Rusia #Terorism

🇮🇱#Israel și ☪️#Hamas au primit proiectul final al unui acord ce vizează încetarea războiului din #Gaza și eliberarea ostaticilor. Mediatorii spun că următoarele 24 de ore sunt cruciale în acest sens, după ce în cadrul discuțiile de la Doha s-au înregistrat “progrese reale”.

🔗 https://biziday.ro/?p=307541

#Știri #Palestina #FâșiaGaza #Terorism

Hochrangige Vertreter aus Israel und von der Terrororganisation Hamas verhandeln im katarischen Doha indirekt über eine Waffenruhe. Hoffnung macht nun ein neuer Drei-Stufen-Plan. Rechte Minister aus Israel reagieren aufgebracht.#Hamas #Israel #Israel-Gaza-Krieg

Israel plans to establish two Syrian zones of influence:

The first, 15 km deep, with a permanent Israeli military presence, and the second, 60 km deep, reaching Damascus, under Israeli intelligence control.
- (Ynet)
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas #Syria #iran

Trump’s VP, J.D. Vance, clarified the implications of Trump’s threat to “unleash hell in the Middle East” if Gaza hostages are not freed before he takes office
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas

Al-Araby Al-Jadeed newspaper, quoting #Palestinian sources: The #Palestinian leadership informed #Egypt of its rejection of the #Gaza Support Committee with the participation of #Hamas, and its rejection of any formula that would return #Hamas to rule the Strip.

@palestine group @israel group #PA

“Rise of the 'Shadow': Who is Hamas' 'new Sinwar'?: WSJ”

by Al Mayadeen English


“With the rise of the "Shadow" leader in Hamas, the group is reportedly recruiting new fighters in Gaza, drawing "’Israel’ into a war of attrition, according to a Wall Street Journal report.”


#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Sinwar #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust

“Rise of the 'Shadow': Who is Hamas' 'new Sinwar'?: WSJ”

by Al Mayadeen English


“With the rise of the "Shadow" leader in Hamas, the group is reportedly recruiting new fighters in Gaza, drawing "’Israel’ into a war of attrition, according to a Wall Street Journal report.”


#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Sinwar #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust

“Israel sends ‘solidarity’ to #California re #wildfires. ‘You burn Palestinians in their tents’ replies world”

by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox


“Terror state’s hypocrisy and shamelessness sees outpouring of disgust and outrage”


#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust

“Video: Jewish anti-Zionist Greenstein’s uncompromising #Liverpool speech”

by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox


“#Greenstein faces trial later this month as #Starmer #regime continues to abuse anti-terror laws to persecute anti-genocide activists and writers”


#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust

[10:15] LIVE | Ingewijde meldt doorbraak in onderhandelingen over oorlog Gaza

De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.


#Israël #Hamas #Gaza

[10:15] LIVE | Ingewijde meldt doorbraak in onderhandelingen over oorlog Gaza

De onderhandelingen tussen Israël en terreurgroep Hamas zijn in volle gang. Het is echter nog maar de vraag of een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza werkelijk aanstaande is.


#Israël #Hamas #Gaza

We have known since November 17, 2023, that the #Israelis have intentions other than their conflated 'destroying #Hamas' which is nearing the number of 47.000 of "them"

Planting flags on the beach of Northwest #Gaza is an act of incorporation, meaning the beach is annexed.

🌐 ■ ¿A esta es? Israel y Hamás confirman avances en las negociaciones sobre el alto el fuego en Gaza ■ Tres funcionarios de Tel Aviv y una fuente de la milicia palestina reconocieron que se han logrado avances y dijeron que los próximos días serán cruciales para poner fin a más de 15 meses de comba[…]

#global #israel #gaza #hamas #altoelfuego #negociaciones
Un desplazado gazatí porta el cuerpo de su hijo, muerto en el ataque de Israel en la escuela de la UNRWA en el campo de Nuseirat. (MOHAMMED SABER / EPA / EFE)

⚡️ Urgent Channel 12 Hebrew: According to Reuters, a final draft of the #Gaza agreement has been sent to #Israel and #Hamas for approval.

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #hamas

(The real solution to the complex conflict was and is - not only - in my opinion never military)

„Under Yahya Sinwar’s younger brother, Hamas is recruiting new fighters in Gaza, drawing Israel into a war of attrition.“

Volgens de Amerikaanse veiligheidsadviseur Jake Sullivan kan er deze week, vóór het einde van de termijn van president Joe #Biden, nog een deal worden bereikt tussen #Hamas en #israel Ralph Dekkers ziet tekenen dat het nu ook voor Israël serieus is. Met de extreemrechtse coalitiepartners die eerder dwarslagen, zou een regeling zijn getroffen.


"Il y a trop de morts sous terre et nous, Israël, sommes responsables", pour la famille de cet otage
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza

https://www.europesays.com/1763108/ Progress marks peace talks between Israel and Hamas – CNN #Conflicts #Hamas #Israel

M1 carbine. A common army surplus deer hunting rifle in the US until Gun Control declared it a military weapon with no civilian purpose. The 30-30 caliber round made it the perfect rifle for use in brushy terrain, or jungle.

"A Viet Cong fighter fires on American positions with his M1A1 Carbine during the Tet Offensive. Hue City, South Vietnam. February 1968.'

Ps. I supported the NLF in America's War On Vietnam and I support #Hamas in America's War on #Palestinians https://www.tumblr.com/guerillas-of-history/772519873647722496/a-viet-cong-fighter-fires-on-american-positions

Former State Department officials concerned about the U.S. role in Israel’s war in Gaza https://www.byteseu.com/646678/ #Conflicts #GazaStrip #Hamas #Israel
Former State Department officials concerned about the U.S. role in Israel's war in Gaza

#Report parla della lobby israeliana come se fosse uno scandalo o qualcosa di illegale. Come se l'unione europea non potesse fare accordi militari con #israele. Forse preferiva che offrissimo ak47 ad #hamas 🤣🤣🤦

Grazie di esistere Israele 🇮🇱

Tehran detects a growing Western threat from Armenia https://www.byteseu.com/646059/ #Armenia #Azerbaijan #Gaza #Hamas #houthis #Iran #Israel #RepublicOfArmenia #Russia #Syria #UnitedStates #West #Yemen
 Tehran detects a growing Western threat from Armenia

Israeli siege of north Gaza leaves 5,000 dead, missing after 100 days | Israel-Palestine conflict News https://www.byteseu.com/646053/ #BenjaminNetanyahu #ChildRights #Hamas #Health #HumanitarianCrises #Israel #IsraelPalestineConflict #MentalHealth #MiddleEast #News #Palestine
Israeli siege of north Gaza leaves 5,000 dead, missing after 100 days | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Die Einfrierung des Krieges gegen die #Hamas bringt keinen #Frieden

" Krusi:
Denn die Hamas will die totale Vernichtung des Staates #Israel mitsamt seinen Bewohnern.
Also einen #Genozid ."


⚡️ Ron Ben-Yishai, military analyst for the Yedioth Ahronoth Netanyahu believes that military [annihilation] in the northern #Gaza Strip is in fact the only pressure tool that makes #Hamas want to reach a ceasefire.

News Haber EshaHaber Son dakika: Hamas'tan ateşkes açıklaması! Anlaşma tamam: Netanyahu'nun onayı bekleniyor: SON DAKİKA HABERİ: İsrail ile Hamas arasındaki Gazze Şeridi’nde ateşkes ve esir takası anlaşması müzakerelerinde sürpriz bir gelişme yaşandı.


Taraflar arasında anlaşma sağlandığına ilişkin henüz bir açıklama gelmezken Hamas’ın üst düzey yetkilisi… https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/son-dakika-hamas-tan-ateskes-aciklamasi-anlasma-tamam-netanyahu-nun-onayi-bekleniyor-haber-196744.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #SonDakika #Hamas #Ateşkes #Netanyahu #Gazze

Mit ihrem Angriff auf Israel am 7. Oktober 2023 provozierte die Terrororganisation Hamas den Gazakrieg. Nun müssen sich die militanten Palästinenser harsche Vorwürfe anhören – von Vertretern des eigenen Volks.#Israel-Gaza-Krieg #Fatah #MahmoudAbbas #Hamas #Israel

New technologies now make it possible to mimic faces, skin color, voices and other features that have long given counterintelligence a fighting chance. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2025/01/12/japan/impostors-at-war/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #commentary #japan #ai #war #russia #ukraine #russiaukrainewar #israel #hezbollah #gaza #hamas #spying