Beiträge, die mit VIOLENCE getaggt sind
I was a #journalist in #Russia when Putin launched his #campaign against #LGBTQ+ #people just over a decade ago.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #Hategroups #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Homophobia #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews #Russia #FuckRussia #FuckPutin
How Republicans' Trans Panic Echoes Putin’s Authoritarian Playbook
I was a journalist in Russia when Vladimir Putin launched his campaign against LGBTQ+ people just over a decade ago.Miriam Elder (Them.)
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than 100 killed.
#crime #violence #justice #Haiti
Gang leader in Haiti accused of massacring older people to avenge son's death
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than …CTVNews
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than 100 killed.
#crime #violence #politics #Haiti
Gang leader in Haiti accused of massacring older people to avenge son's death
A gang leader who controls a key port in Haiti's capital is accused of massacring older people and Vodou religious leaders in his community to avenge his son's death, according to the government and human rights organizations that estimate more than …CTVNews
#VioletDuMont fears is that “I’m gonna be walking down the street and somebody’s gonna come up and, like, #shoot me.”
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #TransKids #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Hategroups #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate #Media #MoralPanic #HateSpeech #StochasticTerrorism #Hatecrimes
Video: Trans 10-year-old on worrying about being murdered
Violet DuMont says she fears that "I’m gonna be walking down the street and somebody’s gonna come up and, like, shoot me or something.”Trudy Ring (
Hint: It wasn't #FoxNews. #Democrats are #debating #transgender #issues without addressing why they're an issue.
BLUF: It was the #rightwing #network #CNN.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate #Media
Who Blew Up The Transgender Issues Attack On Kamala Harris?
Hint: It wasn't Fox News. Democrats are debating transgender issues without addressing why they're an issue.Jonathan Larsen (Crooks and Liars)
👍 « No Other Land »: documenter, résister
🔸 Le film « No Other Land » est présenté dans le cadre des Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal, le 26 novembre et le 1er décembre 2024
#guerre #Palestine #cinéma #film #violence #dépossession #résistance #documentaire #reportage #colonisation #colonies #prix #Montréal #Québec #Canada
«No Other Land»: documenter, résister
Le film maintes fois primé, présenté aux RIDM, dépeint la résilience de villages cisjordaniens face à la colonisation.Olivier Du Ruisseau (Le Devoir)
Parlare della violenza di genere è importantissimo perché crea una rete di solidarietà dove chi subisce violenza si sente meno sola ed emarginata. Abbattere il muro del silenzio indebolisce il carnefice, e la vittima SA che può contare sull’aiuto 1/2
#stop #violence #25novembre #nonunadimeno
„The delivery of life-saving aid across Gaza “is grinding to a halt” amid a surge in armed looting targeting humanitarian convoys, the senior aid official in the region said on Thursday.“
Palestinian olive harvest under threat from Israeli settler attacks and restrictions
Harvesting olives is an economic necessity for many Palestinians, but it is increasingly precarious.Wyre Davies (BBC News)
#Trump #fascism #immigrants #deportation #MassDeportation #cruelty #violence
~ Heather Cox Richardson
#Trump #fascism #immigrants #deportation #MassDeportation #cruelty #violence
November 18, 2024
On Friday, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo locked in a $6.6 billion deal with the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company for it to invest $65 billion in three state-of-the-art fabrication plants in Arizona.Heather Cox Richardson (Letters from an American)
„Huge rise in attacks by Israeli settlers and soldiers killed 171 children in year after 7 October.“
Amsterdam Mayor: I REGRET Claiming Pogrom And Not Denouncing Tel Aviv Thugs' Violence
#Amsterdam #Maccabi #racist #violence #Israel #farRight #media #framing #propaganda
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🇸🇬👍"officers fr 24hr #emergency response team will be given power to issue emergency #orders at e scene of high-risk #domestic cases (to) immediately stop perpetrators fr committing more #violence.. def'n of #familyviolence will be updated to explicitly incl physical, sexual, emotional & #psychological #abuse. Egregious forms of controlling behaviour will be considered emotional/psychological abuse"
Emergency response team for domestic violence to be given more power from Jan 2025
Its officers will soon have the power to issue emergency orders at the scene of high-risk domestic cases.Syarafana Shafeeq
Tragedy in Beit Lahiya: Rising Tensions in the Gaza Conflict - EUROPE SAYS
Dozens of Palestinians were killed or injured in a devastating Israeli strike on a multi-storey residential buildingEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Escalation and Complexity: The New Middle East Battleground - EUROPE SAYS
An Israeli airstrike in central Beirut resulted in the death of Hezbollah's chief spokesman, according to aEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
"Subtle high fives" the morning after the election; whispers about the "impending success of the next four years," etc.
#Trump #women #misogny #violence #MaleEntitlement #patriarchy
#Trump #women #misogny #violence #MaleEntitlement #patriarchy
~ Anna North
#Trump #women #misogny #violence #MaleEntitlement #patriarchy
“Your body, my choice”: The misogynist MAGA attack, explained
Trump supporters are targeting women with a threatening meme.Anna North (Vox)
#Media often focus on trans teens #fleeing the #antitrans #states they’re #living in. But what about those who can’t leave?
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Texas #Education #TransKids #PoliticalAsylum #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #Hategroups #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews
Not Everyone Can Leave: Survival Advice From Trans Teens in Texas | Truthout
Media often focus on trans teens fleeing the anti-trans states they’re living in. But what about those who can’t leave?Merula Furtado (Truthout)
"Het is niet duidelijk of er ook Israëliërs onder de arrestanten zijn. Het Openbaar Ministerie zei gistermiddag nog meer aanhoudingen te verwachten, maar wilde niets zeggen over de achtergrond of nationaliteit van de verdachten."
Drie keer raden ... #Amsterdam #Maccabi #hooligans #IDF #Israel #violence
Maccabi-fans hadden planken en riemen, politie neemt beelden mee in onderzoek
De politie zegt dat het onderzoek in volle gang is en dat alle beelden, dus ook die van Maccabi-fans, daarin worden meegenomen.NOS Nieuws
'Op beelden in het bezit van Het Parool van die avond en nacht, is te zien hoe Maccabisupporters met riemen in hun handen door het Centrum gaan. Een jongere wordt door hen tegen de grond gewerkt, op een andere wordt ingeslagen.'
#Israel #Maccabi #Amsterdam #violence #media #frame
Beelden harde kern Maccabi schuren: ‘Ze trapten tegen onze deur en probeerden ons huis binnen te komen’
Beelden van de mishandelingen van Israëlische voetbalsupporters donderdagnacht leidden tot wereldwijd afgrijzen. Intussen duiken er ook beelden op van de harde kern van Maccabi Tel Aviv die ’s nachts de confrontatie zoekt.Roos van Riel (DPG Media)
Op beelden die gisteren door persbureau Reuters zijn verspreid, is te zien hoe na de wedstrijd naar de binnenstad teruggekeerde Maccabi-fans mensen belagen bij het Centraal Station. Het is niet duidelijk wie ze aanvielen.
Op andere beelden van het YouTubekanaal Benderbij zijn de gebeurtenissen vanuit een andere hoek ook te zien.' #Maccabi #violence #hoologans #Amsterdam #Israel
Fans van Maccabi belagen mensen in binnenstad van Amsterdam
Na de wedstrijd tegen Ajax heeft een groep supporters van Maccabi Tel Aviv geweld gebruikt voor het Centraal Station. Op beelden is te zien hoe ze mensen
Amsterdam, attacco ai tifosi israeliani. “Abbiamo rintracciato tutti”
Erano arrivati in 3mila da Israele per vedere giocare il Maccabi Tel Aviv contro l'Ajax, poi l'ondata di violenza
Amsterdam, attack on Israeli fans. "We have found everyone".
They had arrived in 3,000 from Israel to see Maccabi Tel Aviv play against Ajax, then the wave of violence.
#Israel #Ajax #Netherlands #Maccabi #TelAviv #violence #amsterdam #attack
"… Thursday evening. When everyone stays silent, the media makes no effort to tell the story in the correct order, and the police only protect the perpetrators... it seems that for a group of young people, enough is enough.
The silence broken. A week of silence and inaction. The one-sided approach of politicians, authorities, and the media is once again overwhelming.
The silence broken. The framing screams. The double standard in full daylight.""
#Amsterdam #Ajax #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel
#violence #hooligans #selfdefense #Palestine #Gaza #genocide
"… Wednesday night. A group of Maccabi fans goes hunting to remove Palestinian flags from buildings. The police watch as this happens on the Rokin, the flag is taken, and later set on fire by a group with loud cheers.
Wednesday night. Maccabi fans attack a taxi driver. A video shows a fan using a chain to attack the taxi. In the distance, you can see the headlights of two police cars, but they don’t intervene. The taxi drivers do. The rioters hide in the casino.
Thursday afternoon. Maccabi fans bring banners to Dam Square, displaying emblems of IDF units and names of fallen soldiers. Including a radical unit that even the U.S. has sanctioned.
Thursday evening. On the way to the subway, a large group of Maccabi fans, under police protection, chant for the IDF to "destroy the Arabs." The police does nothing.
Thursday evening. The one-minute silence for Valencia is rudely interrupted by Maccabi fans. After all, Spain recognizes Palestine and has condemned Israeli war crimes from the beginning.
#Amsterdam #Ajax #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel
#violence #hooligans #selfdefense #Palestine #Gaza #genocide
From New Neighbours Utrecht:
"“My whole life, the news has told our stories in reverse order.”
This was a statement made this morning by a Lebanese man from our community. Because Femke Halsema, the police, and everyone else: this is what really happened... an anthology.
Sunday. A man wearing a kufiya returns from a peaceful protest, is attacked, and beaten into the hospital. People start warning each other to be careful in Amsterdam next week. The atmosphere becomes threatening.
From Monday. Groups advocating for Palestinian rights are flooded online with violent threats in connection with the match. Halsema and the police are aware of this.
#Amsterdam #Ajax #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel
#violence #hooligans #selfdefense #Palestine #Gaza #genocide
Are you there @gemeenteamsterdam? Please inform Halsema! This is unacceptable and should never happen again! Starting with breaking all ties with Tel Aviv and the rest of Israel.
Footage from Mokum Tegen Fascisme.
#Amsterdam #Ajax #MaccabiTelAviv #TelAviv #Zionists #IDF #Israel #violence #hooligans #squad #Palestine
This is how how the world sees the majority.
#Dishonesty #Racism #Misogyny #Hate #Violence #Heartlessness #Propaganda
The former president muses about reporters getting shot.
By Helen Lewis
#Trump #Trump2024 #violence #press