Beiträge, die mit israẽl getaggt sind
#Israel se atribuye el asesinato de unos “20.000 agentes” de la organización político-militar «Hamas», según comunicó general Herzi Halevi, jefe del Estado Mayor israelí. “El brazo militar de «Hamas» ha sido duramente golpeado. La mayoría de la cúpula de la organización fue abatida”, sostuvo Halevi, quien dejará el cargo el próximo 06 de marzo, tras asumir su responsabilidad por los fallos que permitieron la incursión de «Hamas» en Israel en octubre del 2023.
#Israel #Genocide #Gaza
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🕦 23.01. 23:35 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Hisbollah warnt Israel vor verzögertem Abzug ++
Die Hisbollah warnt Israel vor einem verzögerten Abzugs aus dem Südlibanon. Israelische Soldaten haben im Westjordanland zwei Palästinenser getötet, die einen Anschlag verübt haben sollen. Die Entwicklungen vom Donnerstag zum
Dans les médias, des prisonniers palestiniens libérés et invisibilisés
Dans les médias, des prisonniers palestiniens libérés et invisibilisés - Par Élodie Safaris | Arrêt sur images
Quasi absents des JTs, les 90 prisonnières et prisonniers palestiniens libérés par Israël en échange de trois otages du Hamas ont souvent été oubliés par les médias français.Arrêt sur Images
A Special Request From Agam Berger’s Mother
The hostage Agam Berger may be set free on Shabbat.Liba (Linda Hirschel, Certified Jewish Mother)
#Palestine #Israel
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Verweist auf Verstöße der Hisbollah und darauf, dass sie noch 30 Tage braucht, um sich aus dem Libanon zurückzuziehen – Aurora Israel News auf Spanisch - EUROPE SAYS
Die IDF findet weiterhin Waffenlager und die libanesische Armee ersetzt die Hamas nicht wie vereinbart. Israel hat dieEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Palestine #Israel
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#324cat #proximorient #israel #guerraagaza
Khamenei approves talks with all nations except Israel, Iran's president says - EUROPE SAYS
Iran’s President Masoud Pezeshkian on Thursday said the county's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has allowed engaging with allEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
„All indications suggest that Netanyahu plans to return to war—and Washington is unlikely to stand in his way.“
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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Tehran describes UN chief’s remarks on its nuclear program as audacious
TEHRAN - The Iranian foreign minister on Thursday described as 'audacious' UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres’ remarks about Iran's peaceful nuclear activities, reaffirming Tehran’s “longstanding commitment” to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Palestine #WestBank #Israel
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Yemen’s Houthi rebels call US ‘terrorist organisation’ label ‘bias for Israel’, Iran condemns move
Yemen's Houthi rebels accused Washington on Thursday of designating them a terrorist group for supporting the Palestinian people, their stated motive for months of attacks on Israel and in the Red Sea.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
LIVE: Israel’s deadly West Bank raids continue as Gaza ceasefire holds
Truce in war-battered Gaza continues to hold as Palestinians return home to vast devastation and vow to reconstruct.Federica Marsi (Al Jazeera)
#Știri #Israel #UE #UniuneaEuropeană #Sport #Fotbal
VIDEO Manifestații pro-palestina la meciul din Europa League dintre Bodo/Glimt și Maccabi Tel Aviv
Câteva sute de manifestanți s-au adunat, joi, în orașul Bodø pentru a-și exprima sprijinul față de cauza palestiniană, în contextul meciului echipeiRedacția (G4media)
«#Microsoft has a “footprint in all major military infrastructures” in Israel, and sales of the company’s cloud and artificial intelligence services to the Israeli army have skyrocketed since the beginning of its onslaught on #Gaza, according to leaked commercial records from #Israel’s Defense Ministry and files from Microsoft’s Israeli subsidiary.»
Leaked documents expose deep ties between Israeli army and Microsoft
Since Oct. 7, the Israeli military has relied heavily on cloud and AI services from Microsoft and its partner OpenAI, while the tech giant’s staff embed with different units to support rollout, a joint investigation reveals.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
#Israel ist für die Kriegsführung auf #Microsoft angewiesen, Mitarbeiter davon arbeiten eng mit dem Militär zusammen, quasi direkt beim Militär.
»Leaked documents expose deep ties between Israeli army and Microsoft«
Leaked documents expose deep ties between Israeli army and Microsoft
Since Oct. 7, the Israeli military has relied heavily on cloud and AI services from Microsoft and its partner OpenAI, while the tech giant’s staff embed with different units to support rollout, a joint investigation reveals.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
Israeli drones fitted with loudspeakers ordered people to leave their homes in Jenin, residents said, as the military demolished a number of houses on the third day of a major operation in the West Bank city.
#Palestine #PalestineNews #Israel #IsraelNews #Palestine #News
92% des habitations détruites,...
92% des habitations détruites, maladies, malnutrition… : les Gazaouis face à l'horreur des destructions
Alors qu'Israël poursuit sa tentative de coloniser la Cisjordanie, une nouvelle enquête d'un département de l'ONU démontre l'horreur perpétrée par l'armée israélienne dans la bande de Gaza.Revolution Permanente
#Știri #Israel
Netanyahu: Musk este „defăimat în mod fals” pentru salutul său controversat
Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu l-a susținut joi pe miliardarul Elon Musk după ce acesta a fost acuzat că a făcut un „salut nazist” la începutulRedacția (G4media)
Die Hisbollah warnt Israel vor einem verzögerten Abzugs aus dem Südlibanon. Israelische Soldaten haben im Westjordanland zwei Palästinenser getötet, die einen Anschlag verübt haben sollen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.
#Israel #Nahost #Liveblog
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Trump will schärfere Sanktionen gegen Huthis ++
US-Präsident Trump will mit einer neuen Terror-Einstufung der Huthis im Jemen härtere Sanktionen gegen sie möglich machen. US-Außenminister Rubio sicherte Israels Premier Netanjahu weiter Unterstützung zu. Die Entwicklungen im
Die libanesische Hisbollah hat vor einem verzögerten Abzug der israelischen Armee aus dem Südlibanon gewarnt. Sollten die israelischen Bodentruppen nicht bis Sonntag abgezogen sein, wäre das ein Bruch der Vereinbarung über eine Waffenruhe, schrieb die pro-iranische Miliz. Sie reagierte auf Medienberichte, Israel habe die USA um eine Verlängerung der Frist um 30 …
🕢 23.01. 19:34 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Zwei Palästinenser nahe Dschenin getötet ++
Israelische Soldaten haben im Westjordanland zwei Palästinenser getötet, die für einen Anschlag verantwortlich gewesen sein sollen. US-Präsident Trump will härtere Sanktionen gegen die Huthi ermöglichen. Die Entwicklungen im
Conflict between judicial system and Justice Minister continues as court president rejects misconduct claims
Supreme court justice Isaac Amit at a memorial ceremony for late President Shimon Peres, at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem, on September 4, 2024.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Daily Memo: Russian Economic Indicators, Saudi Outreach to Washington - EUROPE SAYS
Russian industry. Russia’s production of certain iron and metal products declined markedly inEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
With Gaza quiet, Israel is turning its focus on the West Bank. Here’s why - EUROPE SAYS
CNN — The Israeli military has intensified operations across the occupied West Bank, targeting Palestinian militant cells, imposingEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Un funcionario #palestino, refiriéndose a campaña militar de #Israel en el norte de #Cisjordania, remarca que #Netanyahu está tratando de compensar la derrota en #Gaza.
🔗👉🏻 Nota completa
‘Netanyahu busca compensar en Cisjordania su derrota en Gaza’ | HISPANTV
Un funcionario palestino, refiriéndose a campaña militar de Israel en el norte de Cisjordania, remarca que Netanyahu está tratando de compensar la derrota en Gaza.HISPANTV.COM
Quando Motaz è stato colpito, non c'erano scontri nell'area.
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #23gennaio
Prior to 2024, OpenAI’s terms included a clause prohibiting the use of its services for “#military and warfare” activities. But in January 2024, as the Israeli army was ramping up its reliance on #GPT-4 while pummeling the #Gaza Strip, the company quietly removed this clause from its website and expanded its partnerships with militaries and national intelligence agencies.
In October, OpenAI publicly stated that it would examine cooperation with security agencies in the United States and “allied countries,” believing that “democracies should continue to take the lead in #AI development, guided by values such as freedom, fairness, and respect for human rights.”
#Israel #Palestine #IDF
Leaked documents expose deep ties between Israeli army and Microsoft
Since Oct. 7, the Israeli military has relied heavily on cloud and AI services from Microsoft and its partner OpenAI, while the tech giant’s staff embed with different units to support rollout, a joint investigation reveals.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
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