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Beiträge, die mit JERUSALEM getaggt sind

Balcony Over Jerusalem: A Middle East Memoir - Israel, Palestine and Beyond by John Lyons, 2017

A gripping memoir of life in Jerusalem from one of Australia's most experienced Middle East correspondents. Leading Australian journalist John Lyons will take readers on a fascinating personal journey through the wonders and dangers of the Middle East.

From the sheer excitement of arriving in Jerusalem with his wife and eight-year-old son, to the fall of dictators and his gripping account of what it feels like to be taken by Egyptian soldiers, blindfolded and interrogated, this is a memoir of the Middle East like no other. Drawing on a 20-year interest in the Middle East, Lyons has had extraordinary access - he's interviewed everyone from Israel's former Prime Ministers Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert to key figures from Hezbollah and Hamas. He's witnessed the brutal Iranian Revolutionary Guard up close and was one of the last foreign journalists in Iran during the violent crackdown against the 'Green Revolution'. He's confronted Hamas officials about why they fire rockets into Israel and Israeli soldiers about why they fire tear gas at Palestinian school children. By telling the story of his family travelling through the region, this book is extremely readable and entertaining, full of humour, colour. It is sometimes dazzling in its detail, sometimes tragic. Lyons says he has written it in a way that readers can feel they are there with him - so they can smell the wonderful markets of the Middle East and feel the fear of what it is like to be blindfolded and have your hands bound with electrical cord. Lyons also looks at 50 years of Israeli occupation of the West Bank - the mechanics of how this works and the effect it now has on both Israelis and Palestinians.

The Broader Push to Rewrite #History.

Israel's assault on #Palestinian #heritage goes beyond fabricated #archaeological narratives—it’s a #systematic effort to erase history and consolidate control. Here are more key aspects of the campaign:

#Looting of #WestBank #Antiquities :

For decades, #Israel has #exploited the occupied territories' rich archaeological sites, #smuggling thousands of #artifacts to build its #colonial narrative. The new bill seeks to #institutionalize this #theft, granting #extremist officials unchecked authority over excavation and #HeritagePreservation in Palestinian areas.

The Role of the Israeli Antiquities Authority:

Under the guise of #AcademicResearch, the #IsraeliAntiquitiesAuthority frequently removes artifacts from the West Bank, exhibiting them in Israeli #museums without acknowledging their Palestinian origins. This process not only strips Palestinians of their #cultural history but also bolsters Israel’s claim to the land.

Settler-Led Excavations:

Settler organizations like #Elad are at the forefront of #illegal excavations, particularly in East #Jerusalem. These digs disrupt Palestinian neighborhoods, displace families, and create #tourist sites glorifying biblical narratives while erasing the #multicultural history of the region.

Linking Settlements to #BiblicalClaims:

Israeli settlement expansion is increasingly tied to archaeological claims. By declaring areas with supposed biblical significance, such as #Hebron or #Shiloh as part of #Jewish heritage, the #llegalOccupation justifies #annexation and denies Palestinians access to their land.

The International Fallout:

Despite warnings from Israeli #archaeologists and global institutions, the government continues its #unilateral moves. If the bill passes, Israel risks severe isolation, as #CulturalTheft violates international conventions, including #UNESCO protection of #CulturalHeritage during conflicts.

These moves are not just an assault on history—they are an extension of the colonial project, reshaping the narrative to legitimize an occupation that erases Palestinian identity. The stakes go beyond antiquities; they encompass the right of a people to their past, present, and future.

Full article by Alaa Al-Lami:



###The Israeli army is going to demolish the house of a Palestinian in #Hebron who killed an Israeli soldier near #Jerusalem last year.

This is a common occurrence, but there is a difference. His house was already demolished by this action and what they are going to destroy now is a house rebuilt at the beginning of this year.

#Israel #Occupation #Politics #Palestine #WestBank #Jerusalem #Inhumanity #IDF #WarCrime

#Barrot content de son premier degré de sanction contre #Israël après l'arrestation de deux gendarmes français à l' #Eléona de #Jérusalem
Caricatures de l'ambassadeur d'Israël, Joshua Zarka, et de Jean Noël Barrot. Ils sont dans leur fauteuil, face à face. Zarka, ne se démonte pas: Et quand on va annexer la Cisjordanie l'an prochain, vous allez faire quoi? Barrot se fait pipi dessus et claque des genoux. Derrière son fauteuil il a préparé une bonbonne d'oxygène.

🏙 City: Jerusalem, Israel
🏛️ Attraction: Golden Gate

❓ What is the most photogenic sight you have ever seen while on a sightseeing tour?

➡ See the sights like a local in Jerusalem: https://visitsights.com/sights/Israel/Jerusalem?mtm_campaign=mastodon

#️⃣ #Israel #Sights #Jerusalem #Building #Sightseeing #Historic #Travel #CityGate

© Credits: Wikimedia / This image was produced by me, David Castor (user:dcastor). The pictures I submit to the Wikipedia Project are released to the public dom...

What does the 2nd Coming of Jesus actually mean?

“Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” Acts 1.9-11

#Israel #Jerusalem #jesus #jesuschrist #Messiah #salvation #SecondComingofChrist #returnofmessiah


At a Maccabi Haifi soccer match in Jerusalem today the broader Israeli soccer fanbase continues to embrace celebrations of genocide and now burn the Netherlands' flag along side the Palestine flag.

#jerusalem #Netherlands #Israel #maccabihaifa #Palestine

Sunday morning, recommended #documentary film.

Before the formation of the Israel Defense Forces in 1948, there were three underground #Zionist #militias - The #Haganah, the #Irgun and the #Lehi.

They differed in tactics and beliefs, and at times fought with each other - but together they terrorised #Palestinian villages and executed attacks and #bombings against the #British to force them to give up control of the land.

They blew up hotels in #Jerusalem, embassies in #Europe and #assassinated a UN mediator.

After #Israel was officiated as a state - the three #terrorist militias would create the #IDF - and their leaders would go on to form Israel’s government, become #politicians, #ambassadors and #PrimeMinisters.

And their dark #history would be forgotten.



French security officials detained by Israeli police in a diplomatic incident in Jerusalem

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfcpxT6mH6c

Israeli police briefly detained two French security officials in a diplomatic incident that prompted the cancellation of a local visit by France's foreign minister.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Noel Barrot had planned to go to the French-owned Eleona church compound in Jerusalem during a visit to the region attempting to calm tensions in the region.

However, he said that the compound visit was called off "because Israeli security forces entered with weapons, without prior French authorisation, without agreeing to leave today."

Speaking at the scene, Barrot called the situation "unacceptable" and said that it's "likely to weaken the ties” between France and Israel.

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#Israel #jerusalem #palestine #idf #genocide #freepalestine #StopGenocide #News

[Le Parisien] - La police israélienne arrête deux gendarmes français sur un site géré par la France à #Jérusalem, Paris convoque l’ambassadeur.

La visite à Jérusalem du ministre français des Affaires étrangères Jean-Noël Barrot a été marquée jeudi par un incident diplomatique quand la police israélienne est entrée « armée » et « sans autorisation », selon le ministre, sur un site géré par la #France. Dans la foulée, Paris a indiqué convoquer l’ambassadeur d’Israël.


#ÉtatVoyou #RogueState
#RevueDePresse #Press

🇮🇱🇫🇷🇪🇺 [Vidéo] Incident diplomatique franco-israélien à Jérusalem, deux gendarmes français arrêtés https://www.election-politique.com/index.php?display=M

#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #politique #politics #international #Israel #Jerusalem #France

Israeli human rights group Ir Amim reports the destructions of 6 homes in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan. 6 families who may have to leave Jerusalem.

Under the guise of “enforcing building regulation”, Israel continues colonizing & judaizing East Jerusalem.

#Israel #Palestine #jerusalem

I was standing at a traffic light in Mea Shearim this evening, listening to the Hasidic high school boys, with their thick Brooklyn accents, eagerly discussing trendy sneakers, all the while glancing sadly at their polished black shoes.

@israel @mazeldon

#jerusalem #israel #mazeldon

"In February, his house was demolished by Israeli authorities for not having a building “licence”, even though the house was built before East Jerusalem was even under Israeli authorities...

He pleaded with them to retrieve one picture, the only one he had, of him and his mother. Instead, it was taken and shattered on the ground before him"



“They don’t have time any more, We will go to #Jerusalem where the people who have the power to decide sit, where the prime minister and the war cabinet sit, where all of the #Knesset is, and we will demand to meet with them. We will demand to hear why our families aren’t home yet. “ - Yuval Haran

Relatives of #hostages taken by #Hamas on its 7 October attack on southern #Israel have begun a march from #TelAviv to Benjamin #Netanyahu’s office in Jerusalem.

Nearly 1 AM in the Middle East - a quick recap:
#Hamas's military wing says it has fired a "barrage of rockets" at #Jerusalem and Tel Aviv - with sirens sending lawmakers to bomb shelters
UN aid chief says #Gaza 's health system and hospitals are "collapsing before our eyes" without water, fuel and medical supplies
#Rafah crossing from Egypt into Gaza has been hit by an air strike - the extent of the damage is unclear
Nr of people #Israel believes are being held hostage in up from 155 to 199