Beiträge, die mit répression getaggt sind
„Mit zunehmend repressiven Gesetzen will die israelische Regierung die Pressefreiheit im Land weiter einschränken.“!N17B6WEH6X1R
PFLP Mourns its Field Commander Abdul Qader Qarmout “Abu Ghassan”
With great pride and honor, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns its comrade, Field Commander Abdul Qader Hussein Abdul Qader Qarmout “Abu Ghassan” (42 years old), a son of Jabalia Camp, who was martyred in a treacherous zionist airstrike targeting him in the northern Gaza Strip.
Comrade Abu Ghassan hailed from the village of Deir Sunayd in the 1948 occupied lands. He joined the ranks of the Popular Front in 2000, advancing through various party ranks and taking on diverse organizational and combat responsibilities. He was a courageous and devoted fighter who dedicated his struggle to his homeland and his people.
Abu Ghassan exemplified a unique model of a field commander, combining boldness on the battlefield with deeply rooted humanity. He was not merely a fighter in confrontation zones but a comrade devoted to serving our people under the most difficult and harsh conditions. Known for his unwavering connection to the families of martyrs and the broader community, during the zionist aggression—and despite bombings and risks—he moved between destroyed homes to assist martyr families, console the wounded, and ensure the needs of affected families were met. He firmly believed his role extended beyond the battlefield to strengthening popular resilience.
Comrade Abu Ghassan refused to leave the engagement zones in the northern Strip, always taking the initiative to shoulder the most challenging tasks. He was quick to provide aid to our people and his comrades, remaining close to them and humble in his daily life.
As the Front mourns our commander, Abu Ghassan, we extend our deepest condolences to his honorable family and all his comrades. We pledge that his pure blood will not be shed in vain. The Front remains steadfast in the principles he believed in and fought for, striving to achieve our people’s aspirations for freedom, independence, and the establishment of the State of Palestine, from the river to the sea, with Al-Quds as its capital.
Glory and immortality to the soul of the martyr Commander Abu Ghassan… Victory to our resisting people… Defeat to the enemy and its collaborators.
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
December 1, 2024
#alAqsaFlood #gaza #palestine #pflp #repression #westAsia
With great pride and honor, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine mourns its comrade, Field Commander Abdul Qader Hussein Abdul Qader Qarmout "Abu Ghassan" (42 years old), a son of Jabalia Camp, who was martyred in a treacherous zionist airstrike targeting him in the northern Gaza Strip.
#Communiques #AlAqsaFlood #gaza #palestine #pflp #repression #WestAsia
Preprint available at
#mediafreedom #uganda #mobilisation #LegalMobilization #pressfreedom #journalism #repression #authoritarianism
Resisting Media Capture: Mobilising for Media Freedom in Uganda
How can journalist groups and media organisations resist government media capture?Governments in hybrid regimes seek to control the media sector, by, for instance, introducing laws and regulations that limit free speech, arresting journalists, corrup…Carl-Magnus Höglund (Springer Nature Switzerland)
Aanstaande zaterdag om 14u vindt er op de Dam in Amsterdam een grote demonstratie plaats voor de Palestijnen, en tegen de repressie en criminalisering van de Palestina-beweging. Hierbij roepen wij als antifascisten op om je bij de demonstratie aan te sluiten. Niet alleen uit solidariteit met de Palestijnen, maar ook omdat de repressie en de criminalisering ons allemaal raakt. Om onze zichtbaarheid te vergroten vragen we je om, naast Palestijnse vlaggen/symbolen, antifascistische vlaggen/symbolen mee te nemen.
nn (bron/bron)
"It should be unthinkable to ask a Jewish student to remove their kippah at a graduation, so why is anti-Palestinian discrimination acceptable?"
"The Education Department document on “conflict in the Middle East” has been quietly updated recently to remove the word “neutral” ..."
"It is possible that the keffiyeh makes supporters of Israel’s genocide in Gaza uncomfortable, but schools shouldn’t pander to that. Schools displaying the Aboriginal flag, or giving an acknowledgement of country may make some racists uncomfortable, but schools don’t buckle to racism in those cases."
nn (bron)
„Donald Trump has vowed to deport millions and jail his enemies. To carry out that agenda, his administration will exploit America’s digital surveillance machine. Here are some steps you can take to evade it….“
#Surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism #Privacy #Data #Datenschutz #Privacy #Repression
„Israel's yearlong crackdown against Palestinian citizens who speak out against the war in Gaza is prompting many to self-censor out of fear of being jailed and further marginalized in society, while some still find ways to dissent -- carefully.“
Israel cracks down on Palestinian citizens who speak out against the war in Gaza - The Mainichi
UMM AL-FAHM, Israel (AP) -- Israel's yearlong crackdown against Palestinian citizens who speak out against the war in Gaza is prompting many to self-cThe Mainichi
Nearly 100 people have been summoned by the police and interrogated, charged with serious offenses as a result of their condemnation of the ongoing colonization and genocide in Palestine. The primary accusation is preposterous: « membership of a group promoting segregation and/or racial discrimination. »
These police, judicial and administrative attacks are not directed against a few people; they threaten our entire political movement, which has as its goal nothing other than a liberated #palestine
We extend our heartfelt salutations to all of the resilient students of the world, and all other members of civil society who have supported them and struggled as part of our ongoing student intifada. We encourage all people internationally who condemn the genocidal violence of the Zionist colonizers to stand with us and fight back, for « injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. »
Join us!
Spread the word!
Join the fight!
#FreePalestine #repression #zionism #ZionismIsNazism #Belgium #Brussels
George Abdallah: A Symbol of Resistance Against Four Decades of Injustice
Fidaa Abdel Fattah
From his French prison cell, Georges Abdallah recently spoke to L’Humanité, describing his release decision as “a minor detail compared to the global assault on people’s rights and freedoms.” The 72-year-old Lebanese revolutionary communist and Europe’s longest-serving political prisoner vowed, “I will never abandon the commitments I made in my youth and will adhere to my convictions for life.” Reflecting on his lifelong activism, he recalled witnessing the Sabra and Shatila massacre in 1982, when “France and the US guaranteed the safety of the Palestinian refugee camps, yet 4,000 were executed,” and now, he added, they are ignoring the genocide by “Israel” in Gaza and Lebanon.
The decision to review Abdallah’s 11th parole application was scheduled on October 7, coinciding with the anniversary of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. On October 15, a French court approved his “conditional” release and ordered his deportation from France by December 6. His lawyer, Jean-Louis Chalanset, hailed the ruling as a “judicial and political victory,” noting it bypassed government approval.
However, fears of obstruction remain. France’s Anti-Terror Prosecutor’s office plans to appeal, replicating the 2013 intervention when US and Israeli pressure overturned a court ruling in favour of Abdallah’s release. Despite being eligible for parole since 1999, his freedom has been denied repeatedly—turning his case into a “stain on France’s judicial system,” with several officials admitting there has been tampered evidence and foreign interference.
The question remains: will France finally defy US and Israeli pressure to deliver justice to George Abdallah, or will it continue to perpetuate 40 years of injustice against a man whose steadfastness has become a global symbol of resistance against oppression?
Full article in Arabic:
#georgesAbdallah #lebanon #palestine #repression
Fidaa Abdel Fattah
From his French prison cell, Georges Abdallah recently spoke to L’Humanité, describing his release decision as “a minor detail compared to the global assault on people’s rights and freedoms.” The 72-year-old Lebanese revolutionary communist and Europe’s longest-serving political prisoner
#Analysis #GeorgesAbdallah #lebanon #palestine #repression
"At the end of 2005, the #FBI opened a new phase of its assault on earth and animal liberation movements—known as the Green Scare—with the arrests and indictments of a large number of activists. This offensive, which they dubbed Operation Backfire, was intended to obtain convictions for many of the unsolved #Earth Liberation Front arsons of the preceding ten years—but more so, to have a chilling effect on all ecological direct action.
In this analysis, originally published in Rolling Thunder in 2008, we review everything we can learn from the Operation Backfire cases, with the intention of passing on the lessons for the next generation of #environmental activists."
#Repression #ClimateChange #AbolishThePolice #USA #Repression #Activism
"In a further attempt to rein in the increasing number of women defying Iran's compulsory dress code, authorities are installing cameras in public places and thoroughfares to identify and penalise unveiled women, the police announced on Saturday.
After they have been identified, violators will receive “warning text messages as to the consequences”, police said in a statement."
#Iran #Repression #videosurveillance #Surveillance #socialcontroll #Biometrie #Gesichtserkennung #WomanLifeFreedom #Antireport #faceID #reclaimyourface
„Sophie Ross, Bridget Shergalis and Calla Walsh approached the Elbit factory, chained the doors shut, broke windows, marked graffiti & ascended to the roof of the building. Standing on the roof, they poured red paint down the front wall & held aloft colorful theatrical smoke flares (…).
“Our action was to show solidarity with the people of Gaza in a material, not abstract, way (…).“
Six comrades were arrested on Viktoria square, three others in Attiki metro station, and 7 others outside the venue of OAKA (Olympic Stadium) in Maroussi.
#IsraelTerroristState #FreePalestine #palestine #repression #EuComplicity
Left Laser: *How Zionist hooligans provoked chaos in Amsterdam*
#Amsterdam #repression #Zionism #fascism #Haccabi #TelAviv #Israel #Halsema #Palestine #Gaza #FreePalestine
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I've studied #journalism and what now is happening (worldwide, not only .nl) is completely the opposite what journalists were trained for. What is going on!? I'm not a conspiracy person, but why does that happen all at once? Why exactly days after the re-election of #Trump? Why while Israel is finishing their ethnic cleansing of North-Gaza? Is this all related or just by accident? I don't know what to think anymore. Only that the capitalist #media overlords are completely claiming their influence now and that many journalists are complicit in this road to an authoritarian clusterfuck!
#Amsterdam #repression #Zionism #fascism #Haccabi #Israel #policeViolence #ManufacturedConsent #Halsema
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#israel #repression
Israel upholds extended ban on Al Jazeera broadcasts
So the "only democracy in the Middle East" does not allow foreign journalists or UN inspectors and suppresses media who reports on what they actually do in Gaza and the West Bank.
Israeli official: “We will not allow the Al Jazeera terrorist channel to broadcast in Israel and endanger our soldiers,” and "...the channel's broadcasts are a real threat to the security of the state"