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Beiträge, die mit israẽl getaggt sind

█ Els houthis alliberen el vaixell "Galaxy Leader", segrestat durant més d'un any al mar Roig ▓▒░ Els rebels del Iemen van segrestar la tripulació de l'embarcació per protestar contra l'actuació d'Israel a la Franja i ara l'alliberen com a gest de suport a l'alto el foc a Gaza

#324cat #proximorient #israel #guerraagaza
Un rebel houthi a bord del vaixell de càrrega "Galaxy Leader"  (Reuters/Houthi Military Media)
El capità del "Galaxy Leader", Lubomir Chanev, ha arribat a Bulgària (REUTERS/Spasiyana Sergieva)

https://www.europesays.com/1791000/ Khamenei approves talks with all nations except Israel, Iran’s president says #Conflicts #Israel
Khamenei approves talks with all nations except Israel, Iran's president says

Displaced families in Gaza struggle to rebuild lives amidst rubble and harsh winter - YouTube

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

Tehran describes UN chief’s remarks on its nuclear program as audacious https://www.byteseu.com/679053/ #audacious #Iran #Israel #JCPOA #LongstandingCommitment #NPT #Nuclear #ReligiousDecree #RenounceToHaveNuclearWeapons #UNSecretaryGeneralAntonioGuterres #WeaponsOfMassDestruction(WMDs)
Tehran describes UN chief’s remarks on its nuclear program as audacious

Situation across West Bank, not only Jenin, ‘really catastrophic’: Palestinian activist - YouTube

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel

'Israeli drones are buzzing over central Gaza's further regions coupled with sporadic gunfire heard.

The situation is getting intense during the night hours. Israel continues violating the ceasefire.'

- Abubaker Abed in Gaza, reporting for Press TV

#Gaza #Palestine #Israel

#columbia has identified and suspended one of the #palestine supporting participants in Tuesday’s classroom disruption.

The investigation is ongoing.

A new era of accountability in higher education appears to have arrived.

#jews #israel #usa #kkk #nazis

Yemen’s Houthi rebels call US ‘terrorist organisation’ label ‘bias for Israel’, Iran condemns move https://www.byteseu.com/678945/ #Conflicts #Houthi #HouthiRebel #Israel
Yemen's Houthi rebels call US 'terrorist organisation' label 'bias for Israel', Iran condemns move

Manifestații pro-🇵🇸#Palestina la meciul din ⚽#EuropaLeague dintre Bodo/Glimt și Maccabi #TelAviv, scor 3-1.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-45l6

#Știri #Israel #UE #UniuneaEuropeană #Sport #Fotbal

Els colons sionistes –civils– estan mostrant al món de que són capaços emparats pel seu estat, #Israel.

L'objectiu –per a Israel– és clar, apoderar-se del cent per cent de #Palestina ralment com un truc de màgia... escabrós.

Yuval Abraham and +972 Magazine strike again.

«#Microsoft has a “footprint in all major military infrastructures” in Israel, and sales of the company’s cloud and artificial intelligence services to the Israeli army have skyrocketed since the beginning of its onslaught on #Gaza, according to leaked commercial records from #Israel’s Defense Ministry and files from Microsoft’s Israeli subsidiary.»


Already for three days Israel is targeting a refugee camp on the West Bank. Hundreds of people fleeing the terror created by Israel. Bulldozers flattening the past and the future of Palestinians in preparation of illegal Israeli settlers. The world is watching in silence. #westbank #israel #palestenians


#Musk does #Nazi salutes, endorses Nazi parties, shares Nazi #memes, amplifies Nazi accounts, and spreads Nazi conspiracy theories.

#netanyahu speaking for “the one and only Jewish state,” launders his image.

#Israel #Fascism #Politics #Hypocrisy
@palestine@a.gup.pe @israel @palestine@lemmy.ml

Es gibt eine neue Recherche von +972, Localcall und Guardian bzgl. des Einsatzes von Cloud-Speichern, AI-Tools und ähnlicher Dienstleistung durch das israelische Militär in ihrer Kriegsführung in #Gaza und der #Westbank und darüber hinaus.

#Israel ist für die Kriegsführung auf #Microsoft angewiesen, Mitarbeiter davon arbeiten eng mit dem Militär zusammen, quasi direkt beim Militär.

»Leaked documents expose deep ties between Israeli army and Microsoft«

Jenin residents leave homes amid Israeli West Bank raid

Israeli drones fitted with loudspeakers ordered people to leave their homes in Jenin, residents said, as the military demolished a number of houses on the third day of a major operation in the West Bank city.


#Palestine #PalestineNews #Israel #IsraelNews #Palestine #News

Revolut°Permanente🚩 92% des habitations détruites, maladies, malnutrition… : les Gazaouis face à l'horreur des destructions: Alors qu'Israël poursuit sa tentative de coloniser la Cisjordanie, une nouvelle enquête d'un département de l'ONU démontre… 🚩RP #Gaza #Palestine #ONU #Israël #BandeDeGaza

92% des habitations détruites,...

Revolut°Permanente🚩 92% des habitations détruites, maladies, malnutrition… : les Gazaouis face à l'horreur des destructions: Alors qu'Israël poursuit sa tentative de coloniser la Cisjordanie, une nouvelle enquête d'un département de l'ONU démontre l'horreur perpétrée par l'armée israélienne dans la bande de Gaza.International / Palestine / ONU / Israël / Benyamin Netanyahou / Bande de Gaza / Guerre en Palestine… https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/92-des-habitations-detruites-maladies-malnutrition-les-Gazaouis-face-a-l-horreur-des-destructions?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 🚩RP #Gaza #Palestine #ONU #Israël #BandeDeGaza

#Netanyahu: #Musk este „defăimat în mod fals” pentru salutul său controversat.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-45ks

#Știri #Israel

Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Hisbollah warnt Israel vor verzögertem Abzug ++

Die Hisbollah warnt Israel vor einem verzögerten Abzugs aus dem Südlibanon. Israelische Soldaten haben im Westjordanland zwei Palästinenser getötet, die einen Anschlag verübt haben sollen. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-donnerstag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Israel #Nahost #Liveblog

Hisbollah warnt Israel vor verzögertem Libanon-Abzug

Die libanesische Hisbollah hat vor einem verzögerten Abzug der israelischen Armee aus dem Südlibanon gewarnt. Sollten die israelischen Bodentruppen nicht bis Sonntag abgezogen sein, wäre das ein Bruch der Vereinbarung über eine Waffenruhe, schrieb die pro-iranische Miliz. Sie reagierte auf Medienberichte, Israel habe die USA um eine Verlängerung der Frist um 30 …

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-donnerstag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Hisbollah-warnt-Israel-vor-verzoegertem-Libanon-Abzug
🕢 23.01. 19:34 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Conflict between judicial system and Justice Minister continues as court president rejects misconduct claims https://www.byteseu.com/678628/ #Conflicts #Israel
Conflict between judicial system and Justice Minister continues as court president rejects misconduct claims

https://www.europesays.com/1790468/ With Gaza quiet, Israel is turning its focus on the West Bank. Here’s why #Israel
With Gaza quiet, Israel is turning its focus on the West Bank. Here’s why

🔴 ‘#Netanyahu busca compensar en #Cisjordania su derrota en #Gaza

Un funcionario #palestino, refiriéndose a campaña militar de #Israel en el norte de #Cisjordania, remarca que #Netanyahu está tratando de compensar la derrota en #Gaza.

🔗👉🏻 Nota completa

“Since Oct. 7, the Israeli military has relied heavily on cloud and AI services from #Microsoft and its partner #OpenAI, while the tech giant’s staff embed with different units to support rollout, a joint investigation reveals.
Prior to 2024, OpenAI’s terms included a clause prohibiting the use of its services for “#military and warfare” activities. But in January 2024, as the Israeli army was ramping up its reliance on #GPT-4 while pummeling the #Gaza Strip, the company quietly removed this clause from its website and expanded its partnerships with militaries and national intelligence agencies.
In October, OpenAI publicly stated that it would examine cooperation with security agencies in the United States and “allied countries,” believing that “democracies should continue to take the lead in #AI development, guided by values such as freedom, fairness, and respect for human rights.”

#Israel #Palestine #IDF

Revealed: Microsoft deepened ties with Israeli military to provide tech support during Gaza war. #microsoft #israel

Iran nennt Trumps Vorhaben "ungerechtfertigt"

Der Iran hat die von US-Präsident Donald Trump erklärte erneute Einstufung der jemenitischen Huthi-Miliz als Terrororganisation als "ungerechtfertigt und unbegründet" kritisiert. Trumps Entscheidung sei zudem ein "Vorwand, um unmenschliche Sanktionen gegen das jemenitische Volk" einführen zu können, erklärte der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums, Esmaeil Bakaei…

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-donnerstag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Iran-nennt-Trumps-Vorhaben-ungerechtfertigt
🕠 23.01. 17:38 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

As Israelis celebrate the return of hostages held in Gaza, they are also anguished over the long time it took to bring them home. A nagging question for many is whether a social contract of mutual responsibility has been broken. Gaza #hostages #Israel #Hamas https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2025/0122/israel-gaza-freed-hostages-social-contract

EU-Außenbeauftragte Kallas in der Türkei erwartet

Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Kaja Kallas wird morgen zu Gesprächen in der Türkei erwartet. Sie kommt in der Hauptstadt Ankara mit dem türkischen Außenminister Hakan Fidan zusammen - gegen 14 Uhr 30 ist eine Pressekonferenz angekündigt. Themen sind nach Angaben aus Brüssel die Lage in Syrien und im Gazastreifen sowie der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine.

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-donnerstag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#EU-Aussenbeauftragte-Kallas-in-der-Tuerkei-erwartet
🕠 23.01. 17:16 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

"I documenti mostrano che i team di professionisti di #Microsoft lavorano a stretto contatto con le unità militari nello sviluppo di prodotti e sistemi."

#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #23gennaio

Uffici Microsoft a Herzliya (Foto: Gil Yaari / Flash90)

Air India to resume Tel Aviv-Delhi flights from March 2

With ceasefire holding up in the north and south of Israel, several major international airlines, including Air India, have announced plans to resume flights to Israel......This was originally posted on India Weekly. Read the detailed report here:


#AirIndia #Flights #Airlines #Israel #TelAviv #Delhi #India #UK #USA

Under Trump, Taxpayers Will Continue to Foot the Bill for Israel’s War Crimes https://www.byteseu.com/678303/ #Conflicts #Israel
Boys watch smoke billowing during Israeli strikes east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, on May 13, 2024.

"As the ceasefire in #Gaza goes into effect, the Israeli army has launched widespread attacks against the #WestBank. In this episode of 'This is #Palestine,' host #DianaButtu speaks with #IMEU’s #SarahAbuAlrob about the ceasefire agreement breaking down what is means for #Palestinians. The episode also delves into the Trump’s administration’s actions giving #Israel the green light to fully illegally annex the West Bank."

#USpol #oPt #GazaCeasefire @palestine @israel