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Beiträge, die mit REPUBLICANS getaggt sind

I think Senate #Republicans hate Matt #Gaetz more than facing Trump’s wrath for not confirming his nomination for Attorney General.

#Republicans Are Already Trying to Grant #Trump Dangerous Powers

Opinion by #HafizRashid
November 15, 2024

"House Republicans are trying to push through a bill that would give President-Elect #DonaldTrump powers as president to designate #nonprofit organizations as '#TerroristSupporting' even after it was seemingly defeated earlier this week.

"The Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act #HR9495 would allow the secretary of the treasury the ability to revoke any nonprofit organization’s tax-exempt status by branding it with a terrorism label. Earlier this week, the bill failed to receive the necessary two-thirds majority in the House to advance to the Senate.

"But on Monday, the House Rules Committee plans to hold a hearing that could set up a new vote on the bill, which initially had the support of all but one Republican and 52 Democrats. With the GOP only holding a seven seat majority in the chamber, they would need the support of more Democrats to advance the bill, which was introduced to combat #protests against #Israel’s war on #Gaza.

"Under any circumstances, the bill would threaten #FirstAmendment rights to #FreeSpeech, but after Trump’s election last week, there are now fears that the president-elect could use these new powers to crack down on his enemies with little recourse. Many #universities and #NewsOutlets are nonprofit organizations in addition to #activist groups.

"After the bill’s initial failure on Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union [#ACLU] celebrated the rejection of 'new broad and easily abused powers.'

"'The freedom to #dissent without fear of government retribution is a vital part of any well-functioning democracy, and now is not the time to grant the executive branch new powers to investigate and functionally shut down and silence its critics,' said Kia Hamadanchy, senior policy counsel for the ACLU, in a statement.

"Now, the bill could be given a retooling and sent up for a vote again, giving a president who has already threatened to use the #military against his critics even more sweeping powers. The question is if #Democrats will recognize the bill as granting dangerous powers to the presidency, or see it as a chance to clamp down on protesters they have tried to ignore at their peril for the past year.'"


#ClampDown #WorkingForTheClampDown #Fascism #CharacteristicsOfFascism #DonTheFascistCon #StopHR9495
#CriminalizingDissent #KristiNoem
#Blackwater #ErikPrince #Autocracy
#SilencingDissent #ClimateActivists
#AntiWarActivists #WaterProtectors
#PeaceActivists #ClimateJustice #Protests #StandWithStandingRock
#GazaGenocide #LebanonGenocide

Melissa Ryan offers readers today a helpful reading list for those seeking resources as we, in this period prior to the man's inauguration ask, "How do we prepare for the road ahead? How and where can we fight back? What do we need to know?"

The list has twelve book titles.

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


"Russia appears to be doing what every other entity that helped Trump get elected is doing, as they try to collect on their support: exerting what levers of pressure they have to get their objectives.

It turns out they likely have more levers of pressure — some of which are more powerful now, before Trump’s win is certified — and larger demands than most of the people who helped Trump get elected."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"Russia has been engaged in a good deal of dick-wagging with Trump since the election. …

Trump is going to be a tool of Russia."

~ Marcy Wheeler

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


"I will not spend a lot of time here blaming whoever caused this tremendous loss. People everywhere are already doing that.

Assigning blame is useless unless viable solutions are offered and implemented.

That said, here are my top three reasons why we lost the election:"

1. Racism
2. Sexism
3. Misinformation and disinformation

~ Pamela Hilliard Owens

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


"In this ecosystem, what matters is what resonates, regardless of how outrageous, and getting riled up is rewarded by the algorithm. Again, there is the interaction of such visceral instincts with the more factual grievance of the system not working in their interests."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"For many outside of progressive, liberal, and left-leaning circles, social media platforms rife with conspiracy, disinformation, and hate are what people are seeing daily – and where they develop their sense of the world they live in. Social media is now the media."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"Politics isn’t about politics anymore.

That significant numbers instead see it as a vehicle to channel their fears and resentment-driven emotional instincts – beyond facts – is the existential challenge facing democracy today. ...

The tech revolution has changed everything."

~ Hardeep Matharu

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


“He’s good and bad. People say he’s a dictator. I believe that. I consider him like Hitler. But I voted for the man.”

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

~ Scranton, Pennsylvania, voter Matt Wolfson


"Could we easily make up for the loss of these workers by replacing them with native-born workers? No. Employment among native-born adults in their prime working years is higher than it was at any point during Trump’s first term. There just isn’t a large pool of idle but employable native-born Americans to put to work."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"Undocumented immigrants are more than a fifth of the construction work force, so deportations would severely hamper efforts to increase the housing supply. (And no, contrary to what JD Vance said, immigration hasn’t driven the recent spike in housing costs.)"

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"If you’re upset about grocery prices now, see what happens if Trump goes after a huge part of the agricultural work force; immigrants are around three-quarters of agricultural workers — & roughly half of them are undocumented. (& do you really doubt that many workers legally here will be caught up in Trump’s threatened dragnets?) Undocumented immigrants also play a large role in food processing."

~ Paul Krugman

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


"Surveys show that Trump’s supporters don’t just tolerate his autocratic tendencies. They positively like them. ...

Most Americans don’t want explicit autocracy. But many Trump supporters are open to it, and most of his voters will support or tolerate authoritarian policies and acts."

~ Will Saletan'

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


"The question they should be asking is, 'Why?'

Instead, they waste time on their typical and tired blame-the-Democrats assessments while ignoring the underlying causes that led to this fraught and dangerous era, a fascist is putting together the most extreme cabinet in modern American history. Good job, everybody."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"It was Joe Biden’s fault. It was Kamala Harris’ fault. But apparently the bleak permanence of American racism and misogyny, the almost unimpeded rise of fascism, and a system so broken the Republican Party actually nominated, and America elected, an insurrectionist in direct violation of Article 3 of the 14th Amendment had nothing at all to do with the dark turn we’ve taken."

~ Mary Trump

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


"Most American voters who had correct facts about the major issues voted for Harris. Those who didn’t voted for Trump. However, when they were blindly presented with Harris’s policies, they greatly favored them.

What explains this dichotomy and breakdown?

Dan Froomkin 'blames the press' in part for failing to inform many Trump voters when it came to the reality of the economy, inflation, immigration and crime."

~ Wahajat Ali

#Trump #Republicans #disinformation


"and that while the worst of it is the foreign and far-right intentional distortion of reality, too much of the mainstream media has been deferential and will be more deferential to authoritarianism and will not stop letting the right set the agenda about what to be concerned about and what matters. In fact, I don’t have to believe that disinformation is impactful; I know it because it’s been documented."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"I believe this election turned out the way it did in no small part because a large number of Americans are now submerged in new factories of lies more insidious than anything Orwell imagined,"

~ Rebecca Solnit

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


Quote from Benjamin Franklin's letter from France: In Opposition to Executive Salaries, in the Antifederalist Papers. Be sure to read it. He WAS prescient with every word.

Inside House #Democrats 11th-hour plot to sabotage Trump's agenda (ed. just like the #Republicans do to them, and YOU ALWAYS are the VICTIM. ALWAYS.)


I suspect we'll be reading lots of ""I never thought leopards would eat MY face" stories now, sad to say.

"After winning historic # of Latinos,Trump names as border czar man who told 60 Minutes he would avoid family separation in mass deportation by also removing US citizen kids w/undocumented parents. (There are 4m such Latino kids.)"

~ Ronald Brownstein as quotes by Greg Dworkin

#Trump #Republicans #immigrants #deportations #Latinos


"Somebody will tell me many of those who voted for it didn't know what they were voting for, and I imagine that's true. I have to say, though, that the ignorance and complacency demonstrated by Republicans and their allies is an ignorance and a complacency so vast and unfeeling that it must be taken as interchangeable with malice. …

I'm disinterested in the usual circular firing squad."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #cruelty #future

"Everything they did was a shitshow and all of it was washed in threats of brutality and malicious lies and promises of retribution and revenge and destruction, none of it offered any solutions that didn't involve hurting lots of people, all its proponents went out of their way to disparage any fine aspiration or principal that anybody, including themselves, has ever claimed to hold. Their standard bearer is a criminal and a rapist. And he won."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #cruelty #future

"Fascism is, it turns out, very popular. It won on Tuesday, seemingly without even having to try. The side that won barely campaigned."

~ A.R. Moxon

But the problem, let's remind ourselves, is the Democratic party. The problem is not the voters who, told that one party will usher in fascism, went right ahead and voted for that party — choosing to usher in fascism.

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #cruelty #future


With #liberals going fully mask off and calling #ICE on their neighbors and saying they hope #Gaza “gets turned into a parking lot,” it’s worth tapping the sign.

#DemExit #Election #Vote #Democrats #DNC #DemocraticParty #Republicans #RepublicanParty #VoteBlue

Fun Fact: If there is a mass deportation, the jobs that open up are jobs Americans don’t want to do. They’re labor intensive, pay less than minimum wage and are dirty.

As the productivity drops in many areas, prices will rise…..especially in the food industry.

The more you know.

#immigration #republicans #trump #inflation

I’m still taken aback that the #DemocraticParty voter outreach strategy of yelling at strangers online who wanted the #genocide of #Palestine to end in lieu of reaching out to the non voters and undecideds and #republicans the #KamalaHarris was chasing after didn’t work

Right now, there are many different theories about why the #Democrats lost the #election. A lot of these theories conflict, and they can't all be right. But one thing all Democrats should be able to agree on is that they need a massive #Media Machine to compete with the #Republicans.


#Trump being the #president of the #USA is definitely not desirable
But let it be in the #history of #America that committing #genocide wasnt rewarded by #Americans in the #election2024
Some people with moral values from all #ethnicities & #beliefs stood up in the midst of horrible genocide in #Palestine & voted against #Harris, the #WarCriminal candidate of #democrats
#Republicans should know that they'll face the same fate in the next #election if they follow the same path & work for "#Israel"

“There are really serious implications for LGBTQ communities in states where we’re seeing more severe restrictions from the legislative side. It also emboldens folks to go out and harass LGBTQ people, trans and gender non-conforming people within their own communities.”

In my latest for Austin Free Press, I took #GLAAD data on hate incidents and looked at how bigotry has manifested in Central #Texas. Incidents have included assault, protests, and even a murder. https://austinfreepress.org/legislating-intolerance-anti-lgbtq-legislation-tied-to-massive-rise-in-hate-incidents/

#extremism #Fascism #news #Austin #politics #USpol #TXlege #LGBTQIA+ #bigotry #homophobia #transphobia #trans #transgender #Republicans

Rich white #liberals who did nothing to help any of us #socialists & #communists under the #JoeBiden regime are breaking down in tears that #KamalaHarris & #Democrats might lose to #DonaldTrump & #Republicans.

These people just don't get it. You wouldn't have to resort to this nonsense if you held #Biden accountable & strongly opposed #genocide. You failed to even try. So what will make you try in hold #Harris accountable?

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Vote #Election