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Beiträge, die mit ARTS getaggt sind

One of the reasons that the UK's creative industries have become increasingly monochrome over the last decades is the increasingly narrow class background of those who work in the creative sector(s).

If we want to revive the innovative & vital creative sector(s) of the 1960s/70s we need to ensure a wider range of people get the chance to build careers in the creative arts....

One more way that the idea the UK has left class politics behind is so wrong.

#class #arts


« Every vital social movement immediately begins to generate art-songs, poetry, posters, murals, novels-an outpouring of the creativity that people will create from even the smallest crumbs of hope. »

― Aurora Levins Morales

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/733648807411236864/every-vital-social-movement-immediately-begins-to

#quotes #AuroraLevinsMorales #art #arts #SocialMovement #creativity #hope

I just made this locket with a tiny piece of a Ham@s grenade that exploded on Oct 7th and which was stuck in a chair, which my Dad's student used for a design project at Sapir university, after her house was damaged by the terror attack. My parents and her survived, I made this for her today in kibbutz Gevim, with a Magen David and Amethyst gemstones because in Hebrew Amethyst is called Achlama, meaning, the "healing" gemstone. I think of it as a symbol of protection and survival, with a wish of healing for all of our survivors.

This is not for sale, just an emotional piece I wanted to share with you, if you'd like to see my judaica works for sale visit my website here: https://emmanuelleskaly.com/

#hamas #israel #handmade #art #jewishart #arts #jews #jew #jewish
A photo of a round silver locked, in it a stainless steel Magen David, a piece of a grenade and many little round amethyst gemstones

La fin de l'artiste engagé ?

« Dans cette conversation, Blanche Gardin, Ariane Labed et Maud Wyler explorent la question de l'engagement des artistes, en particulier en relation avec des questions politiques telles que la situation en #Palestine. »


#arts #ArtistesEngagés #FemmesArtistes #polFr #solidarité #SolidaritéAvecLaPalestine


Yesterday I arrived in Kibbutz Gevim, and today I'm already back to work!:) Just made these Sapphire gemstones beaded Magen David earrings with sterling silver hooks.
#handmade #art #arts #artists #artist #israel #jewish #madeinisrael #jews #jew #news #new
Beaded drop earrings with Miguel, David and dark blue sapphire gemstone beads and sterling silver hooks