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Beiträge, die mit PRopaganda getaggt sind

"One of the world’s most influential global investigative news organizations, whose work has regularly produced political shockwaves, has been primarily funded since its launch by the United States government, according to a review of budget documents, audit reports, and interviews with its founder and government funders.

In the world of investigative journalism, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) is a known quantity: a nonprofit news outlet backed by civic-minded philanthropists—a ProPublica, but for global corruption. “Investigative reporting has to be a global phenomenon. It takes a network to fight a network of corruption. And OCCRP is that network,” said Drew Sullivan, co-founder and head of OCCRP. "It's the most important investigative reporting organization you've never heard of.”

What has thus far been obscured from the public is the magnitude of its government funding and the strings attached to it. OCCRP’s founding and most generous donor, the one responsible for a majority of the organization’s budget, is the government of the United States and within the government, the largest donor is USAID—the U.S. Agency for International Development."


#Journalism #InvestigativeJournalism #USAID #Propaganda #Reporting #USA #OCCRP

This is why you can't trust #CorporateMedia

#Skwawkbox | Exclusive: #UK #media serving ads with anti-#UN Israeli #propaganda

"Some readers visiting, for example, an article in the Independent about TV show Lost, which has no link to Gaza, were presented with images showing a supposed Hamas fighter – Israeli propagandists have been known to impersonate them – and then the same character wearing a headband bearing the letters ‘UNRWA’"


#Gaza #Genocide

"If you saw through the lies about #Gaza, don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep pulling on threads. Keep learning. Stay curious. They lied about Gaza, they lied about #Iraq, they lied about #Libya, they lied about #Ukraine, and they’re lying about #Syria too..."

They Lied About Gaza, And They’re Lying About Syria – #CaitlinJohnstone @syria #Propaganda #Lies and the #Liars who tell them #DisInformation #MisInformation #MSM

https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/12/01/they-lied-about-gaza-and-theyre-lying-about-syria/ @palestine


"The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has decided it will no longer post content on Elon Musk’s social media platform, X, from 20 January 2025, when Donald J. Trump will officially become the 47th President of the United States."



#ConspiracyTheories #disinformation #hatred #media #Medien #Musk #propaganda #SocialMedia #Twitter #X

#BuyNothingDay meme Via Øyvind Randers-Pehrson (Norway) on FB, with my added FB comment below:

"Aside from selling you ioT Dildos you can control from the other side of the planet and Toy Guns... video War Games for #Xmas, this ABSOLUTELY INCLUDES your sElections kkkampain advertising, and the ACTORS they call kkkandidates." #KillYourTelevision #Propaganda #Marketing #EatTheRich #BlackFridayDeals 😎 #BlackFriday #Consumerism #Indoctrination

The European Federation of Journalists, #EFJ, says starting January 20, it will discontinue posting content on the #ElonMusk-owned #SocialMedia platform #X.

In a statement on its website, EFJ says it can no longer ethically participate in a social network whose owner peddles #disinformation and #propaganda.

#Journalism #Europe


"ir haben analysiert, wie oft das #ZDF den Begriff „barbarisch“ in seiner Berichterstattung nutzt. Dabei wurden über 500 Beiträge des @ZDF und der Social Media Kanälen von ZDF-heute seit Oktober 2023 betrachtet. Das Ergebnis ist klar: Für das ZDF ist „barbarisch“, was Israels Regierung als „barbarisch“ vorgibt."


#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Propaganda

"I say this not as an expression of #pessimism or #defeatism, but because that’s simply where we’re at as a society right now... #dystopia where minds are continuously inundated with... #propaganda and tyrants enact their abusive agendas without much meaningful #resistance. This doesn’t mean we can’t win, it just means we can’t...expect many big wins in the immediate future..."

In The Fight Tyranny, Don’t Let Your Happiness Depend On Big Wins – #CaitlinJohnstone #PepTalk https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/11/26/in-the-fight-against-tyranny-dont-let-your-happiness-depend-on-big-wins/

"Under heavy pressure from the right, and with the help of #elonmusk, the leading tech platforms opened the floodgates for propaganda to spread unchecked. The result was a flood of lies and distortions flowing through our social media feeds. That led to possibly the most misinformed electorate we’ve ever seen."
#media #election2024 #propaganda #fascism


Owen Jones:

Amsterdam Mayor: I REGRET Claiming Pogrom And Not Denouncing Tel Aviv Thugs' Violence


#Amsterdam #Maccabi #racist #violence #Israel #farRight #media #framing #propaganda

😁"#Wikipedia Labels #Zionists spooks, the #ADL, ‘Unreliable’😎

"Wikipedia, the digital billboard of #CIA-approved narratives, decided that the ADL is no longer a reliable source on issues like #antisemitism and the Israeli-#Palestinians conflict. When the Empire’s own mouthpieces begin eating their own, you know the gears of the #propaganda machine are grinding against reality."

More https://t.me/two_majors/36429 @israel @palestine@a.aup.pe

"Eine YNET-Recherche deckt dubiose Verstrickungen zwischen #Netanjahu und Paul #Ronzheimer auf. Der BILD wurden gezielt exklusive Zugänge Dokumente zugespielt, um (teils nachgewiesen falsche) Berichterstattung im Interesse des Premierministers zu garantieren"


#Propaganda #HaltDieFresseBild #AxelSpringer #Netanyahu #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Genozid

This SHOULD BE WORDED "ALL 'soldiers bringing wartime violence back'.", but "Russia"... and @BBCNews #Propaganda😎

#Russia's soldiers bringing wartime violence back

https://wwhomew.bbc.com/news/articles/c1e7vl01gngo #antiwar

On repeat, pointing to the votes in Dutch Parliament of today, November 19, 2024:

Something to witness: how "the safety of Israel" is the weapon Western democracies use to dismantle civil rights and turn their own countries into more open authoritarian police and surveillance states. IMO, they really got bold after they managed to "dissappear" the still ongoing pandemic.

#Necropolitics #media #propaganda #democracy #israel #authoritarianism #policestate #EU #HumanRights #CivilRights #RuleOfLaw #CovidIsNotOver #politics

"The fight for control over the Israel-Palestine narrative has been as intense as the war on the ground itself. U.S. media have been widely criticized for displaying a distinct bias towards the Israeli perspective. However, a new investigation from MintPress News reveals that not only is the press skewed in favor of Israel, but it is also written and produced by Israeli lobbyists themselves. This investigation unearths a network of hundreds of former members of the Israel lobby working at some of America’s most influential news organizations, helping to shape the public’s understanding of events in the Middle East. In the process, it helps whitewash Israeli crimes and manufacture consent for continued U.S. participation in what a wide range of international organizations have described as a genocide."


#USA #Israel #News Journalism #Propaganda #Palestine #Lobbying #Gaza #Media #MiddleEast

"Raportti: Pilkkalaulut ja Palestiinan lippujen repiminen edelsivät Amsterdamin kahakkaa"

"Paikalliset viranomaiset pormestarin johdolla julkistivat oman raporttinsa tapahtumien kulusta maanantaina. Viimeistään siitä kävi ilmi myös israelilaiskannattajien osuus iskuissa."

"Myös STT:n uutisista sai tuoreeltaan virheellisen kuvan, että kyse oli ennen muuta hyökkäyksestä israelilaisia kohtaan."

#Israel #propaganda #ase #antisemitismi #valhe


"Only 19% of Germans support military support for #Israel"


Since most of the bourgeois press here in #Germany has been uncritically copying x-#propaganda for a year now, this is truly astonishing.

It also shows that parliamentary democracies are way too undemocratic and that one should never make the mistake of drawing conclusions about the population from a government. We gave to fight for more democratic control.

#Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Lebanon #genocide

Pro-Russia Israeli politician & Former Israeli Minister of Defense, Avigdor Liberman, following the incidents in Amsterdam, calls on European Jews to abandon Europe once and for all & move to Israel

#Israel #Ansterdam #Propaganda #Liberman #Europe

"Wie sich jetzt herausgestellt hat, haben Zeitungen und Sender ihre Berichte über gewalttätige Angriffe auf die Fans von Maccabi Tel Aviv mit Bildern illustriert, die diese als Opfer zeigen, obwohl sie die Angreifer waren. Maccabi-Ultras waren zuletzt in Athen mit ähnlichen Gewalttaten gegenüber arabischen Menschen bekannt geworden." via @ndaktuell


🧵 1/2

#Mefienptoblem #Journalismus #Propaganda #FakeNews #Amsterdam #Rassismus #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank

Feeding frenzy


Shit que j'aimerais donner un cours sur la propagande. J'aurais ça comme exemple iconique:

Sky News a modifié APRÈS PUBLICATION un reportage sur la casse des hooligans israéliens. Je vous laisse deviner quelle version est la plus objective (merci marcowenjones sur X)

#Propaganda #amsterdampogrom #SkyNews #Israel #hasbara

This is freaking 40 beheaded babies all over again, but this time they are doubling down and pushing it to a whole new level!

#Amsterdam #Propaganda #hooligans #Israel #Antisemitism #Football

They keep repeating the same lie.

Fascists and terrorists are not victims nor innocent.

The disgusting AP is pretending that these hooligans were attacked for no reason or they were targeted because they are Jewish.
Israeli fans were assaulted after a soccer game in Amsterdam by hordes of young people apparently riled up by calls on social media to target Jewish people, Dutch authorities said Friday. Five people were treated at hospitals and dozens were arrested after the attacks, which were condemned as antisemitic by authorities in #Amsterdam, #Israel and across #Europe.

#Racism #Politics #Hooligans #Terrorists #StopTheLies #UEFA #BoycotIsrael #SanctionIsrael #Politics #Maccabi #Ajax #TelAviv #propaganda @israel group @palestine group @lebanon group

Fuck you CNN

So sick of all these BS titles to hide the ongoing genocidal actions of Israel in Gaza.

#CNN #Propaganda #Media #FoodAsWeapon #Genocide #Israel #Gaza

@palestine group @israel group

"Kulturzeit" vom 07.11.2024: Wie die Hamas im Westen Propaganda macht

Die Themen der Sendung: Hamas-Propaganda, Volker Schlöndorff und Beirut, Tashkent-Festival, zum Tod von Daniel Spoerri, 65 Jahre Asterix, Märchen aus der Oberpfalz.


#sat #Hamas #Israel #Propaganda #Beirut #TashkentFestival #Spoerri #Asterix #Oberpfalz