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Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind


“L’aggressione di #Gaza continua indisturbata: nelle scorse 24 ore l’esercito israeliano ha ucciso 48 persone nella Striscia di Gaza. Negli attacchi sono rimaste ferite anche 53 persone. … Finora il numero di morti contati è di 44.330 persone, a cui si devono aggiungere più di 100 mila feriti e più di 10 mila persone disperse.”


#TheSubmarine #gazamassacre #gazagenocide #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

Călin #Georgescu i-a spus unui ministru 🇮🇱#Israel‎ian că, dacă va deveni președinte, îl va invita pe #Netanyahu la #București, în ciuda mandatului de arestare CPI.
El i-a mai promis că va muta 📜#AmbasadaRomâniei la #Ierusalim.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3YfA

#Știri #România ##București

Thủ tướng Israel Benjamin Netanyahu đã bày tỏ sự sẵn sàng chấp nhận thỏa thuận ngừng bắn với Hamas ở Dải Gaza bất cứ lúc nào. Ông cho biết bối cảnh đã thay đổi rất nhiều theo hướng tích cực.

Hãy cùng theo dõi những diễn biến tiếp theo của tình hình Israel - Palestine tại: https://vnexpress.net/ong-netanyahu-israel-ngung-ban-o-gaza-luc-nao-cung-duoc-4821886.html

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Netanyahu #Hamas

"Western hypocrisy knows no bounds"


"France on #ICC arrest warrant for #Putin: No-one should escape justice"

"#France believes Israel's #Netanyahu has immunity from ICC arrest warrant"

#Palestine #Gaza #Westbank #Ukraine #UkraineWar ##Europr racism #colonialism #imperialism

Why does #France say #Netanyahu may be immune from arrest for the #ICC? The Appeal Chamber already said there is no #immunity for the head of a non-State Party in #Al-Bashir. Still, that case was referred by the #SecurityCouncil, unlike #Palestine.
A Pre-Trial Chamber has found #Putin has no immunity from arrest when he visited #Mongolia, but the Court's reasons are weak, as Keiichiro Kawai notes. Mongolia is seeking to appeal, which may enlighten us on Netanyahu too.

«📣 La #France, par la voie de @francediplo, semble suggérer qu’elle n’arrêtera pas #Netanyahu s’il venait sur son territoire. 🤯

Dans ce thread, je vous explique pourquoi cette position est juridiquement erronée et politiquement dangereuse. 🧵👇»

🧵 par #JohannSoufi, juriste


#CPI #CourPénaleInternationale #Netanyahou #CrimesDeGuerre #CrimesContreLHumanité #DroitInternational #DPI #Gaza #Palestine #Israël #polFr #PolitiqueFrançaise #Macronie @palestine @israel

The legal reality is that heads of state can not be arrested by any international organization (for any reason). #Italy 🇮🇹 also recognizes this, & I am not surprised by the statement issued by Paris.

👉🏾 #France 🇫🇷 believes #Israel's 🇮🇱 #Netanyahu has immunity from ICC arrest warrant https://www.reuters.com/world/france-says-israels-netanyahu-has-immunity-will-continue-working-with-him-2024-11-27/

For those who do not understand, arresting a head of state is the same as declaring war against that country. This is why signatory nations ignore ICC requests regarding heads of state.

What the F$&K! Gaat #netanyahu en z’n kameraadje de VS nu alle ICC leden bedreigen: “Daarnaast deelde Netanyahu in de verklaring dat hij met de Amerikaanse Republikeinse senator, Lindsey Graham, heeft gesproken over „een reeks maatregelen die [Graham] in het Amerikaanse congres promoot tegen het ICC en tegen landen die daarmee samenwerken” - Wat is de volgende stap: invasie van Nederland om de ICC uit te schakelen? #isreal #gaza https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/11/27/zes-gewonden-bij-grote-raketaanval-van-hezbollah-op-israel-na-israelische-aanval-op-beiroet-2-a4874307

France said on Wednesday that #Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu had immunity given his country was not party to the statutes of the International Criminal Court that has sought his arrest, and Paris would continue working closely with him. FRANCE 24's James Vasina reports.
#ICC #France #Gaza #Palestinians #Lebanon #Hamas #Hezbollah

Tl;dr, #France is full of it.


#ICC #WarCrimes #Netanyahu #Gaza

Netanyahu gaat in hoger beroep tegen arrestatiebevel ICC - #NRC

Kijk nou...
Netanyahu neemt het arrestatiebevel vsn het ICC serieus. Die punten heeft het ICC ij elk geval binnen. 🙂


#Israel #Netanyahu #ICC

#Israel will appeal the decision by the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Israeli media reported on Wednesday

Ahh, the Gorgeous, Civilized West...

'France says Israel's Netanyahu has immunity from ICC, will continue working with him' | Jerusalem Post

#ICC #civilization #France #Netanyahu #israel


Par cette énième pirouette pour bafouer le droit international en faisant mine de le respecter, le régime #Macron/#Barnier nous aura fait honte jusqu'au bout...
#France #Israel
#CPI #Netanyahu

🇫🇷#Franța spune că #Netanyahu este acoperit de regulile de imunitate ce se aplică statelor care nu sunt parte a acordului Curții Penale Internaționale.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3XUU

#Știri #Israel

International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Israel's prime minister 'for the use of starvation as a method of warfare & crimes against humanity of murder, persecution & inhumane acts'.

It’s definitely about time. I’d say a year in, it’s too late for the countless & innocent people who have died.

#Israel #wanted #netanyahu #starvation #warfare #crimesagainsthumanity
Face of Netanyahu on the front page: WANTED BENJAMIN NETANYAHU  International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Israel's prime minister 'for the use of starvation as a method of warfare & crimes against humanity of murder, persecution & inhumane acts'.

🇫🇷#Franța menționează „chestiuni de imunitate” pentru „anumiți lideri” în cazul mandatului de arestare emis pe numele lui #Netanyahu.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3XTr

#Știri #Israel

#Skwawkbox | #Netanyahu, #Biden claim #Hezbollah ceasefire deal and continues bombing – but ‘deal’ not confirmed



Finally... A headline that tells it like it is! #Israel Agrees to Stop Bombing #Lebanon — So It Can Keep Bombing #Gaza

President Biden said that the truce could be a prelude to a ceasefire in Gaza. #Netanyahu's actions seem to indicate otherwise.

by Jonah Valdez
November 26 2024

"Netanyahu’s own address seemed to undercut Biden’s point. In pitching the ceasefire to the Israeli audience, Netanyahu, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for potential war crimes, emphasized that closing the northern front of its war would allow Israel’s military to regroup and give the nation an opportunity to focus on other enemies: Iran and Hamas. He also emphasized that Israel would 'retain complete military freedom of action,' adding that 'should Hezbollah violate the agreement or attempt to rearm, we will strike decisively.'

"The evidence that Netanyahu’s government is interested in any sort of lasting peace in both Lebanon and Gaza is thin on the ground."


#BibiIsAWarCriminal #IsraeliWarCrimes #FreeGaza #FreePalestine #StopArmingIsrael #WorldWarBibi #Genocide #Iran #Lebanon #Palestine #Hezbollah

"Netanyahu’s boycott of Haaretz won’t stop us reporting the grim truth about Israel’s wars. Unlike most Israeli news outlets, my paper shows the suffering in Gaza and Lebanon. That’s why the government has targeted us."

~ Aluf Benn, editor-in-chief of Haaretz

#Israel #Netanyahu #IDF #Haaretz #Palestinians #Gaza #media


Haaretz.com is now openly attacked and sanctioned by the #Netanyahu government. They are calling for support through subscription. Please consider if this might be possible for you, monthly canellation is possible:


#Israel #Gaza #Press

“#Netanyahu is responsible for undermining all decision making hubs,” the report said. Top military officials, it said, were to blame “for accepting the doctrine of ‘money for quiet,’ and utterly ignoring all other perceptions.”



Biden announces that he has FINALLY secured an internationally backed PERMENANT #CEASEFIRE between the government of #Israel and the #Lebanon militia
group #Hezbollah.

While it is unclear how he managed this, if it means anything for #peace in #Gaza, the #WestBank, and #Palestine, or whether it will actually last, it marks MAJOR progress in deescalating the #Netanyahu regime's constant warfare and aggression which has gone on for the two decades since Netanyahu first came to power. It is likely that nations in Europe and the #MiddleEast will now attempt to leverage this and other factors, such as the Biden administration's sanctions against #Israeli #settlers and other #terrorist groups, to attempt to deescalate the situation in Palestine.

(Now if only he had managed something like this BEFORE the damn election...)


Mandatul CPI de arestare a lui #Netanyahu: Statele #G7 își vor respecta ‘obligațiile’, dar fără o poziție comună.
#PrimMinistrulFranței nu a spus în mod explicit dacă #Paris‎ul ar proceda la arestarea lui #Netanyahu.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3XOa

#Știri #Franța #Israel #Economie

⚠️The #ICC just issued an arrest warrant for #Netanyahu... Now it's time for world leaders to act : if Netanyahu steps foot in their country, he must be arrested and tried. Let's all sign here to make leaders comply #gaza #StrongerTogether 💪#Palestine 🇵🇸 #Petition 👇 https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/arrest_netanyahu_loc/?twitter Avaaz 👏