Beiträge, die mit NEWS getaggt sind
Reuters burying: Trump to revoke 530,000 black and brown Central Americans and Caribbeans
Liberal #socialmedia who supported #Biden’s racialist embrace of Ukrainians as he mass deported Haitians will lose its shit strictly on the 240K
#news #media #immigration
Now, with the complete collapse of federal law enforcement, programmed social media algorithms and the corruption of the republican party, they commit crimes to get famous.
Then the criminals can run for republican office or start a podcast.
#republicans #crime #criminals #podcast #socialmedia #media #news #legal #lawenforcement
A slowing economy and the ongoing impacts of inflation have made it harder for many consumers to stay current on their bills. Auto loans have been a particular pain point, with higher car prices and elevated borrowing costs driving a surge in repossessions.
#AureFreePress #News #press
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Musk #Twitter #socialmedia #Tesla #SpaceX #Breaking #BreakingNews
SpaceX again loses its Starship rocket on test flight after explosion during previous attempt
After SpaceX’s Starship rocket exploded during a test flight in January, the company had hoped its nect launch attempt would go better. But again...Denise Chow (Yahoo News)
Auch der acht Testflug der Riesenrakete von SpaceX war letztlich nicht erfolgreich. Starship erleidet Kontrollverlust im All, immerhin kam der Booster zurück.
#Raumfahrt #SpaceX #news
'Huge reinforcements' are heading to the coastal province city of Jableh following reports of deadly clashes.
#Syria #SyriaNews #Syria #News
Trump and the Press: Frank Sesno on the State of Journalism
Amanpour and Company
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
Der US-Telecomregulierer sucht schlaue Ideen für Ergänzungen oder Alternativen zum Ortungssystem GPS. Dieses ist nicht hinreichend zuverlässig.
#FCC #Forschung #GPS #KRITIS #Navigation #Netze #news
Saat 00.20'de meydana gelen sarsıntı yerin 6,91 kilometre derinliğinde oluştu.#ESHAHABER.COM.TR
#haber #gündem #sondakika #news #press #worldnews #deprem #Karadeniz #AFAD #gündem #sondakika
Son dakika: Karadeniz'de deprem!
Son dakika haberi... Karadeniz'de bir deprem meydana geldi. AFAD'da yer alan verilere göre depremin büyüklüğünün 3,4 olduğu belirtildi.Eshahaber ( - EshaHaber Yerel ve Ulusal Güncel Gündem Haberleri)
Active shooter reported at Naval Air Station base in Pensacola, Florida
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews
#media #news #speech #newsmedia #information
Depremin 7 kilometre derinlikte meydana geldiği belirlendi.
#haber #gündem #sondakika #news #press #worldnews #deprem #Hatay #sondakika #AFAD #gündem
Son dakika! Hatay'da 3.9 büyüklüğünde deprem
Son dakika haberi: Hatay'ın Samandağ ilçesi açıklarında 3.9 büyüklüğünde deprem meydana geldi.Eshahaber ( - EshaHaber Yerel ve Ulusal Güncel Gündem Haberleri)
US President Donald Trump has ordered all hostages held in Gaza to be released, with bodies returned "now, not later" as it was revealed the US has been speaking directly with Hamas.
#Palestine #PalestineNews #USA #USANews #IsraeliPalestinianConflict #News
Gut ein Jahr nach Odysseus hat Intuitive Machines Athena auf den Mond gebracht. Ob der zweite Lander steht oder auch umgekippt ist?
#Mond #Mondlandung #NASA #Raumfahrt #news
Karşılaşmanın 20. dakikasında maça iftar arası verildi.
Verilen arada Müslüman futbolcular oruçlarını açarken karşılaşma kaldığı yerden devam etti. #ESHAHABER.COM.TR
#haber #gündem #sondakika #news #press #worldnews #AvrupaLigi #RealSociedad #ManchesterUnited #iftar #spor
Avrupa Ligi maçına iftar arası verildi
Tüm Spor - Real Sociedad-Manchester United maçının 20. dakikasında iftar arası verildi.Eshahaber ( - EshaHaber Yerel ve Ulusal Güncel Gündem Haberleri)
381 verified accounts from #news organizations in
21 languages and on
116 instances.
243 were active today.
Some accounts, that were active today are
@indybay (ENG)
@28kanala (BAQ)
@Medor_mag (FRA)
@berria (BAQ)
@br_data (GER)
Find the whole list on:
Built by @mho
#MastodonMigration #SocialMedia #Fediverse #Media #Press #Newspaper #TwitterMigration #Newstodon
Es war wieder ganz schön voll: Nach Jahren der Pandemie hat sich der MWC Barcelona erholt. Die GSMA zeigt sich zufrieden mit der Messe, die viele Ableger hat.
#Messe #Mobilfunk #MWC #Provider #news
"The Los Angeles Times removed its new AI-powered “insights” feature from a column after the tool tried to defend the Ku Klux Klan.
Columnist Gustavo Arellano’s Feb. 25 column reflected on Anaheim’s history with the hate group after the city’s council did not acknowledge the 100th anniversary of booting four Klan-affiliated council members from the group.
Arellano noted how the group’s presence in the city was a “stain” on its history, but that leaders should reflect on the lesson of “how to combat tyranny and white supremacy — and also that the work is never really done."
But the “perspectives” feature produced by AI company Perplexity—which debuted on Monday for “Voices” pieces and has been heavily touted by billionaire owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong—included a defense for the group under a banner that offered “different views on the topic.”
“Local historical accounts occasionally frame the 1920s Klan as a product of ‘white Protestant culture’ responding to societal changes rather than an explicitly hate-driven movement, minimizing its ideological threat,” the point read.
Within hours of its debut, the feature was removed from the column. It remains available on other “Voices” pieces that offer points of view, which includes news commentary and reviews, among others."
#AI #GenerativeAI #LLMs #Chatbots #LATimes #Journalism #Media #News #WhiteSupremacy
MAGA Newspaper Owner’s AI Bot Defends KKK
An AI-generated summary tried to offer “different views” on the hate group.Corbin Bolies (The Daily Beast)
Nach dem Startabbruch am Montag hat es heute geklappt: Ariane 6 ist gestartet. Auch das erneute Zünden des Vinci-Triebwerk hat funktioniert.
#Raumfahrt #news
Die Bundesrepublik hat die Whistleblower-Richtlinie nach Einwänden der CDU erst anderthalb Jahre später umgesetzt. Der EuGH ahndet die Verzögerung jetzt hart.
#Regulierung #Whistleblower #news
Forscher haben einen 3,5 Milliarden Jahre alten Einschlagkrater eines Meteoriten gefunden. Er könnte eine Rolle in der Erdgeschichte gespielt haben.
#Forschung #news
#news #press #politics
Gaza, la doppia faccia del negoziato
Il futuro immediato di Gaza e della tregua firmata lo scorso 15 gennaio continua a rimanere avvolto nell’incertezza per via delle manovre del regime di Netanyahu e della doppiezza dell’amministrazione
Exciting times are ahead, a motivational message and loads of new curated bits found in February 2025 while surfing the Internet for you to enjoy.
#blog #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #gaming #tech #news
The proposed Sky Shield would be EU-led, separate from NATO, and protect Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv & nuclear plants.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war #Breaking #BreakingNews
Trump said goods compliant with the North American free trade agreement will not face a 25% tariff, which he put in place Tuesday on Mexican and Canadian imports
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Mexico
Trump says most goods from Mexico will be exempt from recent tariffs for one month
President Donald Trump said in a social media post that he will issue an exemption on tariffs for most goods coming into the U.S. from Mexico, after putting in place sweeping 25% tariffs on Tuesday.Shannon Pettypiece (NBC News)
Höhere Preise für schlechtere Leistung frustrieren Streaming-Abonnenten, illegale Angebote bekommen Zuspruch. c't zeigt Techniken und rechtliche Konsequenzen
#Digitalisierung #Drucker #FotoTool #Kaufberatung #MicrosoftTeams #MiniPC #Multifunktionsgeräte #Piraterie #Security #Smartphone #Streaming #USBStick #Video #news
- Romanian media
The Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism says the criminal group, established in 2023, had plans to undermine Romania's sovereignty and stage a coup d'etat.
The members of the group, including a 101-year-old retired general, also frequently had contacts with "agents of a foreign power located both in Romania and in Russia."
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline
Spy agencies around the world may limit their information-sharing with the U.S. due to its reconciliatory approach to Russia
Intelligence agencies among American allies - including Five Eyes Spy Alliance (US, UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada), Israel, and Saudi Arabia - are concerned that US may reveal sensitive, confidential information to Moscow.
The discussions on how this potential threat may be curbed are currently underway.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline
Heavy exchange of fire reported in Syria at the Russian Khmeimim base
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Syria #Russia #BreakingNews #Breaking
- Aure
Republicans can't meet their own budget target without cutting Medicare or Medicaid, budget office says
The House GOP has ordered the Energy and Commerce Committee, which oversees Medicare and Medicaid funding, to cut $880 billion in a bill to advance Trump's agenda.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol
Auf Amazons Streamingplattform gibt es bereits jetzt zwölf lizenzierte Projekte mit KI-Synchronstimmen in Englisch und lateinamerikanischem Spanisch.
#AmazonPrimeVideo #KünstlicheIntelligenz #news
Noch sind Gaming-Notebooks mit GeForce RTX 5000 gar nicht im Handel, doch fehlerhafte GPUs mit zu wenigen ROPs betreffen auch diese Geräteklasse.
#Grafikchip #Grafikkarten #NVIDIAGeForce #news
Das dänisch-schwedische Postunternehmen Postnord setzt den digitalen Wandel radikal um: Ende 2025 soll der Briefdienst in Dänemark eingestellt werden.
#Gesellschaft #news
Die Verantwortlichen hinter der Chatplattform erwägen laut einem Medienbericht, ihr Unternehmen an die Börse zu bringen und führen erste Gespräche.
#Börse #SocialMedia #news
Python kennt keine Typendeklarationen, was schnell zu Fehlern führt – gerade wenn man im Team an einem Projekt arbeitet. Pydantic macht den Code robuster.
#Programmierung #Python #Rust #Softwareentwicklung #news
Sora generiert fotorealistische Videos, auch von Menschen. Hier erfahrt ihr, worauf zu achten ist, bevor ihr eure Credits einsetzt.
#ChatGPT #Deepfake #GenerativeAI #KünstlicheIntelligenz #OpenAI #Video #news
Ende 2024 gab es eine starke Umverteilung bei Desktop-Grafikkarten. Nvidia verlor acht Prozentpunkte an AMD und Intel.
#AMD #AMDRadeon #Grafikkarten #Intel #Nvidia #NVIDIAGeForce #news
Das "KI-Update" liefert werktäglich eine Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten KI-Entwicklungen.
#Amazon #Drohnen #GenerativeAI #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Google #KIUpdate #Microsoft #news