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Beiträge, die mit AUSPOL getaggt sind

Dutton's one of those self-interested fuckwits whose ethos is based on a 1950s English history book full of righteous old men protecting the women they own and the natives they civilised.

He's a nothing, a dance puppet dance, and dangerous for it.


Trade wars serve no one and have serious side effects on cost of living. A tit for tat game achieves nothing but misery and angst. Let the US do what the US does but let’s negotiate without retaliation. In the end tariffs on imported goods only hurt the domestic economy.

#TheConversation #Energy #Environment #auspol Unambitious and undermined: why NZ’s latest climate pledge lacks the crucial ‘good faith’ factor Read more…https://theconversation.com/unambitious-and-undermined-why-nzs-latest-climate-pledge-lacks-the-crucial-good-faith-factor-248877

What's truly contemptible about Australia's leaders is we know - everyone knows - they privately use expletives like 'Fuckwit,' 'Idiot' and 'Shitcunt' to describe Trump and Musk, while publicly mouthing pleasantries and platitudes.

True cowards. And fuckwits, idiots and shitcunts by proxy.

#auspol #uspol

The failure of Albanese & 🥔 to denounce the Mandarin Mussolini’s plainly and egregiously genocidal plan to enrich himself in #Gaza is, of itself, a hate crime. Well may they hoist themselves on their own petard. #auspol

RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:4ef3tsa2wv7uqtv6jwb36jmb/post/3lhhv4jzoe22m

Is it the $200K+ he was paid as an ineligible senator back in 2017, do you think? I've seen no evidence that he's paid that back yet.

For mine, Israel should be declared a terrorist state (so Australian citizens who have gone to fight for Israel are subject to prosecution). At the very least, such "lone soldiers" are a menace.

Globally, Israel and Israelis are facing isolation as more and more states call for a cessation of their current activities. Developments such as the deaths of aid workers has contributed to the state’s growing pariah status. Domestically, Israel’s actions are becoming increasingly polarising with huge and ongoing protests.

Potential for extremism and violence

In such circumstances, the potential for extremist violence is heightened, though still uncertain. Several factors warrant particular attention. Firstly, returning lone soldiers are by definition militarily trained, rendering them more capable of inflicting harm than the average citizen. Secondly, there is reason to believe their experiences in Gaza may amount to trauma or desensitisation to extreme violence. Thirdly, upon a lone soldier’s return, not only are they trained for violence and inured to it, but they are likely to encounter hostility or antagonism in a polarised environment where many oppose what they have done and who they are.

If it’s possible to have a bad take on a situation, guaranteed, James Patterson will take the worst one possible. #AusPol #Gaza #EthnicCleansing

RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:35nqm7ecloznkhp2oavygd3r/post/3lhhh5ldfg22u

Advance is just another dodgy Liberal Party enity that AEC will do nothing about #auspol
'Henroth Investments Pty Ltd also handed the group $50,000 in 2023-24. One of its directors, John Roth, is also a director of the gelato chain Gelatissimo and the husband of the special envoy to combat antisemitism, Jillian Segal.'


#TheConversation #auspol In freezing foreign aid, the US leaves people to die – and allows China to come to the rescue Read more…https://theconversation.com/in-freezing-foreign-aid-the-us-leaves-people-to-die-and-allows-china-to-come-to-the-rescue-249024

Rant about Rupert Murdoch and his companies not paying any tax #auspol


Amy Remikis has a live blog on The Australia Institute website. She writes:

The Jewish Council of Australia condemns Trump plan to ‘take over’ Gaza
The Jewish Council of Australia has come out with very strong condemnation of Donald Trump’s suggestion the United States will ‘take over’ the Gaza Strip and move Palestinian people elsewhere:

“We furthermore condemn the cynical use of humanitarian language by Trump to justify his egregious plan. This language adds insult to injury given the mounting evidence collected by human rights organisations about Israel’s gross violations of International Humanitarian Law in its 15-months long attack on the Gaza strip. Palestinians have a right to return and a right to remain in Gaza.“



So the people that revenge-voted against Harris on the question of Palestine...now get to witness the obliteration of #gaza and say hello to The Gaza Hilton. #USPol #auspol #NZpol

#TheConversation #auspol It’s the most American of sports, so why is the NFL looking to Melbourne for international games? Read more…https://theconversation.com/its-the-most-american-of-sports-so-why-is-the-nfl-looking-to-melbourne-for-international-games-248870


Funny and so true about the bias of the 4th estate. RIP Aunty.


This is #Trumpolini's 'rules-based international order
- "The US will take over the #Gaza Strip". Will Elbow endorse this despicable genocidal criminal's plans? #auspol #USBasesOut

Influencing elections #australia
Advance comes in at #1 in Crikeys’ list
#auspol #politics


Stop white supremacists including Zionists hijacking Jewishness & antisemitism to push their horrible racism toward Palestinians and other people from the Middle East. It is obvious they are protecting criminal #Israel's genocide & land theft. #ZionismIsWhiteSupremacism #auspol

'Rallies around Australia over February 2–3 expressed a determination to keep fighting for a permanent ceasefire in #Palestine, which can only be bought about with justice.'

https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/thousands-protest-israel-continues-killing-despite-ceasefire #auspol #FreePalestine #ICJ4Israel #BDS

Angus Taylor’s only policy is a lunch led recovery.

Apparently golf is out now, that was a bit of improvisation from old Blokey Dutton.

But Angus forgot to work out the cost.

The cost of his only policy.

Laughable and idiotic, not a treasurer’s arsehole, our Angus.



Free speech paragon Meta's been shadow banning Australia's Legalise Cannabis Party. Pages. Ads. Whatever.

Because of course they have.

Reportedly give the same treatment to abortion pages in the 'States.


#auspol #uspol #socialmedia

so Greenland, Panama, Canada & now South Africa is there anywhere else the wannabe turd emperor wants to annexe? I'm sure certain quislings in Oz (Gina, Peter et al I'm looking at you) want him to make Oz a client state #Auspol #uspol

If there were an argument that Climate 200 cash is being used and abused for personal gain, I'd make it for Wannon.

Tehan sucks. And so does the challenger. Zoe Daniel they are not.

#auspol #4corners

From Wannon with family that knows Tehan quite well, Liberal royalty who was parachuted into the seat without ever having set foot in it.

And can't stand the leading indy Alex Dyson, a vapid social media shithead riding the (justified) anti-incumbency wave, but can't explain basic concepts like GDP or foreign policy, and just seems to want a parliamentary salary.

It's lose/lose 😐

#auspol #4corners

the Australian Electoral Commission has made changes that will make it nearly impossible to find out who donates to Advance and Australians for Prosperity. These groups flood social & other media with material to influence our elections
#auspol #journalism #democracy #election #australia #AtlasNetwork

Just speculating, but the US 'brain drain' must be off the charts. All that human capital - the basis of all capital - fleeing for its literal liberty and life.

Australia should seriously consider adding the United States to its refugee convention. Cynically, the generational economic gains could be stupendous.

#auspol #uspol

Victorian supreme court justice Elizabeth Hollingworth called it "a serious interference with the administration of justice". However, no further action on Peter Dutton or Home Affairs for failed report release to Abdul Nacer Benbrika's legal team. #auspol https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/feb/03/peter-dutton-abdul-nacer-benbrika-case-home-affairs-cleared-ntwnfb

Lies, damned lies and Coalition energy economics: Dutton's latest nuclear claim slammed | RenewEconomy #AusPol #NuclearLies


The absolute fucking fragility of men who think they're being overlooked and disenfranchised… Want to be a manly man? Be good at what you do at home *and* at work. Respect others, especially people different to you (except fascists and their fellow travellers who can diaf). Have the will and curiosity to learn and understand.

This manosphere shit is so arse backwards. I will never tolerate it. I will always call it out.



Matthew Canavan is 82.75% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

I just donated to Ellie Smith, independent candidate for Dickson. Get Dutton out of his seat! Dickson won't vote Labor, but an independent is possible
