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Beiträge, die mit 3DPRINTING getaggt sind

First Metal Object 3D-Printed in Space Recovered on Earth




The single Qi Charger Stand (which is extendable to a dual charger) is finished.

The Qi Charger Stand (activated, because a Pixel 8 pro was 3 seconds before near the charger) with a green light ring stands on a wooden table. Near the stand an unplugged second charger with Pixel Buds pro on top). In the background a lamp Anna Pixel Watch 3 charger).
The back of the Qi Charger Stand. Assembled with four parts (foot with a cable door, stand with backplate and front cover).

#3dprinting #bambu

Per Firmwareupdate will Bambu Lab die Nutzer ihrer 3D-Drucker zur Verwendung von Bambu Labs eigener Software zwingen.

Hmm - hört sich nicht gut an!

Ok, #Qi Kombi-Charger sind wohl durchgängig Crap

Also werde ich mir zwei Qi Charger kaufen (für #Pixel 8pro und Buds Pro) und mit dem Pixel Watch Lader in einem Case vereinigen (3D Druck).

In der Regel scheitert es bei allen Geräten an Standfestigkeit, Ladegerät und/oder Qualität der Elektronik.


THE WEAKLY 107 is here.
My weekly recap Blog Post.
#photography #3dprinting #pottery #media #bloggingislife
good week.

Moin #PhysikEdu,

ich habe endlich mein Isotopentafel-Puzzle fertig modelliert und gedruckt. Damit kann man die Isotope zusammenpuzzelnd und anschließend Zerfallsreihen ermitteln, wobei ein „Zerfallsrahmen“ auch nur auf die Isotope passt, die diesen Zerfall „können“.

- Makerworld: https://makerworld.com/en/models/998223?profiled=975203#profileId-975045 freue mich über Boost/Likes

- GitHub: https://github.com/tweh/Table-of-Isotopes-Puzzle

#FediLZ #Physik #Atomphysik #Strahlung #3ddruck #3dprinting #maker #BlueLZ #modell #physics #iteachphysics #onshape #openscad
Auf einem Schreibtisch liegen 3D-gedruckte Teile, die zusammen eine Isotopentafel ergeben. Die einzelnen isotope sind weiße oder schwarze Puzzleteile. Darauf liegen Rahmen mit Pfeilen, um Zerfallsreihen darzustellen. Ebenfalls im Bild sind verschiedene Schreibutensilien und mehr Dekoration.
Detailansicht aus dem vorherigen Bild für die Zerfallsreihe von po-206.
Detailansicht aus dem vorherigen Bild für die Zerfallsreihe von Pb-212.

THE WEAKLY 105 is here!
2 years pasted by with weekly recaps. Still feels great. Still have some ideas of what I want to adjust and so on.
Need some technicalities to be figured out first and I will get to it at some point I am sure. Just having and actively using my Blog is a good feeling. It really feels like a part of me and my (especially online)identity.
#weekly #recap #blog #bloggingislife #photography #making #3dprinting #stuff

THE WEAKLY 105 is here!
2 years pasted by with weekly recaps. Still feels great. Still have some ideas of what I want to adjust and so on.
Need some technicalities to be figured out first and I will get to it at some point I am sure. Just having and actively using my Blog is a good feeling. It really feels like a part of me and my (especially online)identity.
#weekly #recap #blog #bloggingislife #photography #making #3dprinting #stuff

COBOD International has unveiled its revolutionary BOD3 3D construction printer, promising to transform housing construction! 🏗️✨ This eco-friendly technology uses 99% locally sourced materials, reducing costs and downtime. With modular designs and advanced features, it’s set to meet the global housing demand efficiently! 🌍💡 Check out the full story here: https://www.techradar.com/pro/New-3D-printing-technology-makes-housing-construction-faster-and-more-efficient #3DPrinting #ConstructionInnovation #EcoFriendly #newz

"First assassination in the United States using a 3D printed weapon"


#3dprinting #weapon #assassination

It’s Sunday. It’s here. THE WEAKLY 098 is out.
#photography #bloggingislife #weekly #recap #blog #3DPrinting #etc

I also enjoyed visiting the Te Rua Makerspace at the library of the University of Canterbury

https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/study/library/library-facilities/te-rua-makerspace It was fascinating to hear how the library managers seek to engage and include the various parts of the university community. #3dprinting #sewing #fashion #makermovement #innovation

Matthew Rimmer, 'Intellectual Property and Bioprinting: The Battle Royale between BICO and Organovo' (2023) 6 (1) Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review 15-36. https://stockholmiplawreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/02.SIPLR2023nr1_Rimmer.pdf https://works.bepress.com/matthew_rimmer/427/ My latest. #3dprinting #bioprinting #patent #litigation #health

Finally got my new (used, though) MK3S+ dialed in after having to replace some parts that broke during shipping. Quite the machine I must say :)

#prusa #3dprinting #benchy
A photograph of a Prusa 3D printer displaying a finished print of a test model.
Closeup of a 3D-Benchy boat model sitting on a 3D printer build plate

#Introduction #Introductions

Dr Matthew Rimmer is a Professor in Intellectual Property and Innovation Law at the Faculty of Business and Law, at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He has published widely on copyright law and information technology, patent law and biotechnology, access to medicines, plain packaging of tobacco products, intellectual property and climate change, Indigenous Intellectual Property, and intellectual property and trade. He is undertaking research on intellectual property and 3D printing; the regulation of robotics and artificial intelligence; and intellectual property and public health (particularly looking at the coronavirus COVID-19). His work is archived at QUT ePrints, SSRN Abstracts, Bepress Selected Works, and Open Science Framework.


#auslaw #auspol #IP #copyright #trademark #plainpacks #patent #PBR #access2meds #tradesecrets #SDGs #climate #IndigenousIP #trade #TPP #3dprinting #robotics #innovation

Posts will also feature #books #music #film #TV #photography - some sport #AFL #football #socceroos #LFC #YNWA #basketball. There will also be the odd post about #dogs #labradors and #swimming