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Beiträge, die mit Civilwar getaggt sind

Tesla dealers, cars, and charging stations being incinerated. Now a Tesla dealer shot up at night.

Wonder if civil war is starting up a little at a time? After all, all of these attacks are targetted on the regime via Musk's main supply line.

#Tesla #Civilwar

#LGBTQ #guns #civilwar #defense
Washington Post reports another wave of trans folks buying firearms for the first time due to the election of genocidal dictator Donald Trump.

Other outlets have been reporting since November that members of the entire LGBTQ community have been arming fast for defense given the uncertain dangers ahead.

The main concern is bigots on the street, empowered by the knowledge that they will never be prosecuted by any arm of government Trump has any say over. "Civil unrest" has also been cited as a reason for getting armed and trained.

The Pink Pistols are right: armed Gays (and trans folks) don't get bashed!

India Today reports the Pink Pistols and SRA are doing especially well

These groups have had to schedule additional training classes due to the huge demand. It seems most of the new gun buyers understand very well that a gun you've never shot before is all but useless in a fight. Same as in any army: it's not just the weapons, its the training that makes the difference.

No link to the Post, only a tiny summary of most Post articles now loads with javascript and their paywall blocked. I will not link to any paywalled story that I cannot provide instructions to crack.

Localities need to refuse ro cooperate with ICE even if rhis requires ordering their cops ro resist ICE or Federal marshalla by armed force. That of course is automatic civil war but better than surrendering wirhout a fight.

This would basically re-use the Eagle Pass precedent in reverse.

#civilwar #ICE

EU lifts sanctions on Syria but warns against ‘backtracking’ https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/eu-lifts-sanctions-on-syria-but-warns-against-backtracking/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=dlvr.it #BasharalAssad #civilwar #EUsanctions #Russia #Syria

What would it take for US states to continue as independent states and no longer be part of the USA. #usa #civilwar #movie #trump #elon #evil #traitors

Google Censorship
We terminated 7 YouTube channels as part of our investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to Ukraine.
This campaign uploaded content in Ukrainian and Russian that was supportive of Russia’s government and critical of the Ukrainian military. We received leads from FireEye that supported us in this investigation.
We blocked 10 domains from eligibility to appear on Google News surfaces and Discover as part of our investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to Russia. This campaign uploaded content in Russian that was critical of Ukraine’s government and supportive of Russia.

#censorship #youtube #google #ukraine #ukrainian #ATO #civilwar #war #psyop #bigbrother #1984 against #russian #Donbass #Russia #history

Trump originally threatened to send Federal TROOPS against ANY protest, but blinked on that first on Inauguration day and again with the big LA ICE protests.

That handed us the initiative and an opportunity to grow the movement. Trump's National Guard/Insurrection Act threats scared a lot of less radical people (our civilian backbone) off the streets.

The Uprising detonated in 2020 after the cops followed months of exploiting covid rules to order Black people off the streets with an especially brutal murder. An ICE raid that blows up into a gun battle and kills migrants could easily detonate the current situation into another nationwide uprising.

If Trump met that with troops and live ammunition civil war would result. If he blinked again or was forced to by cooler heads around him, the rest of the year would look a lot like 2020. In the latter scenario, Trump probably does not succeed in becoming more powerful than just another US President and his entire agenda may stall and crash. If he gets to 2028 without dying of old age in that scenario, he would have little chance of becoming President for Life/King/Emperor. He no longer has to worry about going to prison, removing one motivation to fight to the bitter end.

We may yet get peace (well, relative peace with rioting but no actual warfare) but cannot drop our guard against #civilwar yet.

Would recommend Alex Garland's 2024 film Civil War. It provides a powerful portrayal of a fractured North America, following journalists as they navigate the chaos of internal conflict. But maybe save it for a day when you haven’t been keeping up with the latest news from the U.S.

#civilwar #film #usa #journalism #alexgarland

If you ever see this sort of mass grave for political dissidents in real life, it becomes not your right but your duty to take out as many of the executioners as you can catch. This is true regardless of the effect on your own fate, like many things in war.

Video clips below expresses my thoughts on how to handle mass executions #civilwar

Could not have said it better myself. I tried in this post https://techhub.social/@justin_free/112768368786419731
(with mass grave pic and reference to the mass grave scene in #movie #CivilWar )

#ICE #Civilwar #Trump


An ICE memo has been leaked threatening major raids in Los Angeles sometime this month.


Since this is now public knowledge like Chicago was for Jan 21, the raids might have to be cancelled to avoid charging into an ambush as the whole city sets up on them. One of the most difficult of all military or police operations is to attack a target when and where you are expected, with advance warning.

Trump's attorney gender Pam Bondi is screeching about this, bellowing threats against the leaker if they are ever found, and whining about ICE agents lives being in danger.


May their next raid target the crater of an erupting volcano! If they go into LA now, a volcano of resistance presumably awaits them. FUCK Trump, FUCK Musk, FUCK ICE!

Alex Garland's #CivilWar is a movie to watch.

Just Saying.

#israel #palestine #lebanon #syria : #war / #civilwar / #gaza / #truce / #ido / #nutrition / #uno / #wfp / #dailylife

„In the first week of the ceasefire, the World Food Programme (WFP) has been able to reach more than 330,000 people with food assistance in Gaza. (…)
Programme Director of Emergencies (…) told (…) that their work is “needed more than ever” across the whole Middle East, with crises continuing in Lebanon and Syria, where millions are still going hungry.“


https://www.europesays.com/1815275/ Syrian Rebels Seize Control of Deir Ezzor as Assad Troops Withdraw #CivilWar #Conflicts #Damascus #LiveBlog #Syria
An opposition fighter fires his AK-47

https://www.europesays.com/1815275/ Syrian Rebels Seize Control of Deir Ezzor as Assad Troops Withdraw #CivilWar #Conflicts #Damascus #LiveBlog #Syria
An opposition fighter fires his AK-47

What to know about the civil war in Syria https://www.byteseu.com/699486/ #Aleppo #CivilWar #Conflicts #Syria #Syria'sCivilWar #SyrianPresidentBasharAlAssad
What to know about the civil war in Syria

#Trump #Gitmo #Civilwar
Trump has stated he is going to sign an executive order to prepare Gitmo to receive about 30,000 deportees.

HEADS UP! If Trump is sending migrants to Gitmo, we social activists should assume we are next and prepare to slug it out.

https://www.europesays.com/1798798/ UN chief António Guterres ‘alarmed’ by resurgence of fighting in Syrian civil war after hundreds killed in Aleppo offensive #AntonioGuterres #BasharAlAssad #CivilWar #Conflicts #Syria #un #UnitedNations
UN chief António Guterres 'alarmed' by resurgence of fighting in Syrian civil war after hundreds killed in Aleppo offensive

#ICE #civilwar

This is a MAJOR heads-up if ICE is raiding business like 1968 NYC vice cops in a Gay bar. It is possible history will record that the 2nd US civil war began in Newark on January 23 in Newark, New Jersey. This raid is an act of war against us, and a huge wake-up call.

We need to have rapid reaction teams ready in every city, and an observation network dense enough to detect any further raids in realtime. This is probably what scared them out of starting in Chicago, now we need it everywhere.

Whether you are Latino or not, documented or not, this means you are exposed to the risk of being kidnapped or even shot by armed gang members (ICE is the gang) in every place you go.

Too bad the Mayor of Newark didn't have the guts to order his city cops to put on their heavy raid armor, get their rifles from their stations or cars, and protect his constituants from ICE's armed Nazi stormtroopers.

This IS in fact going to force states (most likely California) to secede from the United States to protect their residents from ICE. That's why this sort of thing could literally lead to a hot, armed, state on state/state vs feds civil war. Real armies, real war, real death and economic collapse. This is how it starts.

The expected rules of engagement between the government and residents have been used to wipe Trump's ass and flushed down the toilet. Civil peace goes down in the next flush.

#Trump #civilwar #ICE

We have reports in corporate media that Trump's Department of Injustice is now threatening state and local officials who don't cooperate with his anti-migrant pogrom with prosecution.

This doesn't just mean trying to arrest ICE agents for their crimes, it presumably means any failure to allow ICE to fish in jails and courthouses, to trespass them from public schools, anythihg.

Presumably such prosecutions would be for obstruction. Obstructing INJUSTICE however is a DUTY not an offense, opening the door to jury nullification.

Beyond that, this has the potential for open-ended state on state or state vs Federal escalation. A problem for resisting states will be that they cannot trust their police or National Guard troops not to treasonously turn on them and side with Trump if they seek to physically resist Federal arrest of their officials for standing up to Naziism.

If the Federal government is trying to cooerce states to participate in criminal acts such as pogroms, this could force states that are serious about protecting people to secede from the Union. Trump would probably meet this with invasion. Given the doubtful loyalty of existing police and National Guard troops, such states may have to raise new armies of reliable but hastily-trained fighters. Politicans could resign instead, but that protects nobody but themselves.

Thus, we see this threat by DOJ has the potential to escalate all the way to state on state civil war.

Germany’s Baerbock announces aid for Syria, calls for ‘smart’ sanctions https://www.byteseu.com/646127/ #AhmadAlSharaa #AnnalenaBaerbock #Assad #Captagon #CivilWar #eu #Germany #HAKANFİDAN #IslamicState #KajaKallas #Sanctions #SaudiArabia #Syria #Turkish #UnitedStates
Germany’s Baerbock announces aid for Syria, calls for ‘smart’ sanctions

#civilwar #getready

Video: get ready for just about anything

This video is a reminder about just how bad things may get starting in just 20 days! Shit's about to get real...

Reposting as I originally created this in November

1: Trump promises a "Unified Reich in America" at Madison Square garden pro-election rally that drew widespread comparisons to 1939 Nazi rally same venue

2: Trump promises Christians they won't have to vote anymore

3: Roadside arrest for abortion travel by a stereotypical Southern Sheriff's deputy

4:Guerilla warfare training scenes from the 2012 remake of Red Dawn. If you think this is over the top (I wish to hell it was) remember that Trump has repeatedly threatened to use the military on peaceful protesters.

5: Join The Fight! (Hunger Games/Mockingjay)

#SDF (ie. US paid and trained) forces target a Turkish radar near Tishrin dam, on the Euphrates river. The Euphrates is the dividing line between the Kurdish and Turkish controlled regions of #Syria...

It is increasingly looking like the new "free" Syria is going to spiral into another #civilwar as the #Kurds are unlikely to give up their hard-won territory without a fight, and #Erdogan's far right party will not allow an independent Kurdish state to exist."

SDF forces target a Turkish radar near Tishrin dam, on the Euphrates river. The Euphrates is the dividing line between the Kurdish and Turkish controlled regions of Syria. The Turkish army and their proxies have been accelerating attacks on Kurdish forces, who have mobilized to resist. 

It is increasingly looking like the new "free" Syria is going to spiral into another civil war as the Kurds are unlikely to give up their hard-won territory without a fight, and Erdogan's far right party will not allow an independent Kurdish state to exist.

#Trump #J20 #civilwar

34 days to go. Hell awaits-are you ready to rumble?

Steve Bannon is ALREADY talking of a 3ed (and illegal) Trump term in 2028. It is clear this piece of shit does not ever plan to leave office again

Here's the quote in question:
"Are you guys down for that? Trump ’28? "

'Since the start of its #civilwar in 2011, #Syria has become a well-known case of large-scale #emigration. By 2020, nearly half (48%) of all Syrian-born people — about 8.5 million — had left the country.'

#unhcr #refugeeswelcome

The tomb of Bashar al-Assad's father, Hafez al-Assad, has been destroyed

#news #politics #syria #assad #civilwar

#Iraq: 2,000 Syrian Army soldiers entered Iraq

"Bassem Al-Awadi" government spokesman Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani: Two thousand Syrian #army #soldiers entered Iraq with their full equipment, they are guests of the Iraqi forces.

#Syria #CivilWar #Politics

What to know as Syrian rebels take charge after forcing Bashar al-Assad from power https://www.byteseu.com/549826/ #BasharAlAssad #CivilWar #Conflicts #Hezbollah #Iran #MiddleEast #Russia #Syria #War
What to know as Syrian rebels take charge after forcing Bashar al-Assad from power

The Turkistan Islamic Party launches invasion of Latakia, Syria - Alawite dominated region.

Clashes ongoing at Kabani, Kinsabbah and Hayat.

#Syria #Turkey #Israel #Invasion #CivilWar

Turkey/Israel/US backed Free Syrian Army captures several towns and small cities in southern Syria.

What begun in Inkhil in the morning has spread to several other towns. #FSA sleeper cells have captured towns, checkpoints and administration buildings, with the Syrian Arab Army retreating.

#Syria #Israel #Turkey #US #CivilWar #Politics

#CivilWar in #Syria looming. Whether the Islamists could ever actually control the city of Damascus, the government, or all syrian territory remains to be seen. Pretty certain the ONLY civil government that would be permissible would be NATO friendly, if the islamists actually allow any civil government to exist at all. Referring to Libya where this crew originated. They intended this for Syria too.

Syrian rebels topple Bashar al-Assad: How (some of) the world reacted.


#israel #syria : #civilwar / #bufferzone / #golan / #uno / #occupation

„The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has announced it has deployed forces into the demilitarized buffer zone separating Israel from Syria along the Golan Heights following the "entry of armed personnel" into the area.“


See also:

„Israel army says it is assisting UN force in ‘repelling attack’ in Syria“

#UHC #UnitedHealthCare #civilwar #eattherich #hungryformore #classwar

There is the possibility that the UHC CEO execution was in fact the first shot of the Second Civil War. If rhis is so and more CEO's get taken out, this is not the civil war Trump has been preparing to fight.

CEO's and billionaires being hunted down in the streets as tens of millions cheer is a totally different alignment of forces than the racial and religious war Trump had in mind.

While this incident may have been a one-off, there's no guarantee of that and the wave of support the shooter has earned make follow-up actions more likely. If that happens the moment becomes a movement.

The Class War is now two-sided if nothing else. Punish one, instruct a hundred...

Syrian military have retreated from Hama and Jeish AlSha'eb and Hashad AlShaibi ( حشد الشعبی) entered eastern areas of the city.

Heavy fighting is reported between the Turkey/Israeli/Ukrainian rebels and Syrian Arab Army backed by Russian Air force and Small group of Fatemian brigade (shia Muslims from different countries under "advisory" command of Iran IRGC Quds force).

Large (Ukrainian made and operated) drone attacks were reported against targets in Damascus that is only 44 minutes away from Hama.

SAA in agreement with 11 tribal leaders have officially requested help from Iran to stop the advancement of Arab fighters towards nations capital.

#Syria #Damascus #Israel #Turkey #US #Iran #IRGC #CivilWar #ISIS #AlQaeda #Politics #USpol

IED attack against the car of an officer of the Syrian Arab Army in Damascus earlier today!

Bashar al-Assad's cousin, Ali Munir al-Assad, was killed by rebels in Hama!

#Syria #Civilwar #Politics #US #Turkey #Israel

#CivilWar in America edition:
"#ACAB across the U.S. are illegally selling #firearms, CBS News investigation finds..."

And they ain't selling them to left wing groups fershure.
https://www.cbsnews.com/video/police-across-us-illegally-selling-firearms-investigation/ #Fascism #Blackshirts

#DeSantis #Trump #CivilWar

Heads up! Trump is apparently considering FL Governor DeSantis, a notorious anti-LGBTQ and anti-migrant bigot as secretary of Defense.

Combining this appointment with the use of the military to round up migrants, hunt familes of trans kids, and suppress dissent could mean we are in for a very nasty civil war.