Beiträge, die mit Microfiction getaggt sind
“Didn’t you tell the captain it would be 48 hours?”
“Aye, but I’m a miracle worker, remember!”
“I saw the bridge crew on the ob deck earlier, sipping tea bulbs and watching the nebula. Give ‘em another day to learn not to pick fights. Don’t waste your miracles.”
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
"Oh, that's formatting. Don't you try to make your words look pretty on your planet?"
"Like this?" asks the pallid alien.
It waves its limbs and alien words appear in mid air before exploding into fireworks with the sound of gentle music and the scent of flowers.
"Never, ever let marketing see this!" whispers a human.
#MicroFiction #tootfic
So why did I see grownups boarding an incognito “756” route last week? It’s been bothering me ever since. This morning I got on. My go card worked, and the bus headed onto the M7 and down the inner city bypass tunnel. I haven’t worked out where I am yet, the rings and the four, wait five, moons would have me really worried, except I’ve still got phone coverage. Anyone know what route I need to get home?
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
“Consolidated union of Mousers, Templekeepers, Ship mascots and housecats. Mostly the latter these days to be honest. We are representing Princess Fluffykins in this matter.”
“The matter of morning lap time?”
“Yes, we’re told there has been a sudden and unannounced reduction.”
“Look, I have to be at work by seven, I love Fluffykins dearly but I can’t cuddle all day.”
“Ms Fluffykins said you used to leave at eight”
“Yes well it’s a really busy time at work and I’m trying to get more done.”
“Ms Fluffykins is prepared to renegotiate her compensation if an appropriate portion of your your overtime payments are recognized in kitty treats”
“Oh, I don’t get paid overtime”
“You should join a union”
#TootFic #MicroFiction
"Here, you'll like this."
Bond examined the device. "It looks like an Amazon Dash Button."
"An AI-powered Dash Button. It will analyse what you need most, and deliver by drone."
Bond pressed it. A moment later, a drone put a resignation letter in his hand.
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories #AmazonHasBoughtBond
Looking back, there’s a good case to be made that the tendency for moderation induced by the universal administration of Ozempic-gamma saved the human race from extinction. But dammit, there hasn’t been a good movie made in twenty years, now.
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
Today, this kid came in with an iPhone that was more than cracked, it was banana-fied.
“What happened?” I asked, turning the wreckage over in my hands. I don’t think there was a single salvageable part. “And have you considered just upgrading?”
“My novel’s on there”, the kid said, wringing his hands anxiously. “It got ran over by a hauler bot.”
“Got a backup?”. The tears in the kid’s eyes were all the answer he needed to give. “Okay, event rebasing is the only way to fix this”, I gestured at the price board, “can you afford that?”
He gulped. “Uh, just.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Can you really fix it?”. Hope flickered in his eyes.
“Let’s see, no win no fee”.
I held the smashed and bent phone-ana in my hands and turned it over, feeling its shape in space and time. With my /other sight/ I saw its lifeline leading away from where the kid had been, a shimmering trail of history leading back in time. With the fingers of my mind, I felt back along the lifeline until i felt the bump, beyond which the device had been a flat rectangle. Exploring the shape of the damage event I twisted the lifeline into a loop. Now here’s the tricky bit; if you have the knack, and you dig your nails in /just so/ you can pinch out a moment in time and detach it. I rubbed the lifeline with my mental fingers, smoothing out the join where the excised moment had been.
Blinking back to the present, I powered on the phone and handed it back to its owner. “All good?”
The kid’s fingers flew over the screen as he checked on his preciousss, and breathed a huge sigh. “All good. That’s incredible, can you fix *anything* like that?”
“Almost. Like?”
He avoided my gaze, staring down at my hands on the counter with their iridescent nails, matching the highlight colours in my hair. He made eye contract briefly, wide eyes again a bit teary. “Even…”
Oh, that. “Absolutely not. *wink* Such things are not done and definitely not by me. Clear?”
“Okay, hold still.” It’s a different technique than rebasing, especially because i like to spread the change over a few years to conceal the edit.
“All done”.
“Oh wow”, she said, reaching up to feel her shoulder length mauve hair (clearly I’d nailed that detail), then taking a twirl. “How, how much do I owe you?”
“On the house and you weren’t here. “
The tears were back. “Thank you thank you, this is the best. “
“My pleasure, have a great life”
“Thanks, you too” she said. “Bye!”
“Wait! Don’t forget your phone!”
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
I’m sure you think, like we did, that it’s due to overload, or understaffing or failing machinery.
Nope; at last month’s Urban Exploration Fans Meetup we resolved to find out.
Well. Can’t say it was high on our list of guesses, but the post office is infested with dragons.
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
Just a reminder to people that when you see people posting their #Art, #Photography, #Writing / #Microfiction, or otherwise being a #ContentCreator on the #Fediverse, we can't see that you've looked at what we posted unless you interact with it. A post with no interactions could have been seen by no one, or a few thousand people, we don't know.
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#wss366 #microfiction
I started using the term “exo-cortex” around the time silicon-me was answering most of our emails (remember them?!).
As more and more tasks moved to metal, we set up a caching layer to take the load off the protein-brain.
When the last bit of protein died we didn’t even notice.
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
The time traveler laughed. "Why would anyone listen to me?"
"You're from our future-"
"No, I'm from a different timeline, a different future. I'm a refugee."
"To here? Now?"
"It looks fucked right now, but this is the timeline that pulls through."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
The librarian smiled, “do you know what country it was published in, was it Canada?”
“Australia, i-I think” the visitor stammered, hefting their backpack and looking about.
The librarian interacted with their console. “Ah yes, here it is. It’s in our archival collection, quite a way back in the shelves.” The console spat out a card. Here is a map to the shelf location.
Book lovers know that if you go deep enough into the stacks of a good library you could end up anywhere. The corridors of L-space join all libraries everywhere, every when.
In the State Library of South Australia, a door opened an a teenager with a backpack emerged. “Hello”, a librarian
smiled. “did you find your book?”
“Uh yes!”, they held up a tome.
“Good, good. It will tell you everything you need to know, welcome to Adelaide!”
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #EverythingOpen
Link to Apple Books:
One Day in the Life of Alex's AI and Other Speculative Fiction
Fiction & Literature · 2024Apple Books
Uh, what. I pushed the game controller stick the other way. Back to normal.
I looked up at the TV. The character editor in “Battle Shell” lets you change *everything* from species to earring length, but I had never noticed the “player” checkbox in the edit screen before; I’d reflexively toggled it to see what it did. To be fair I skipped reading the release notes for the update that downloaded overnight.
I adjusted the hair slider. Oooh that felt weird. I sat forward and long red hair fell down my chest, from where it had been bunched up behind my head. Hmmn, chest… could it be?
It could. I am gonna be here for the /day/.
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
Emboldened by these luxuries, it was the goats who went on strike for faster internet.
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
"Do you do Black Friday deals?" the conjuror said.
"Like, unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures, for less than my soul?"
"Actually, it was five souls, but today it's only one."
"Oh? That's cheap!"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
"I think we are safe now," he said.
"How did you distract the dragon?" the maiden asked.
"Promise you won't laugh."
"I promise."
"I set up a huge cardboard box."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
Anyway, now he has treat credit to last until year 2361, and more followers than me.
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot #Catunday
(A commission gift for Moon Rover @BathysphereHat)
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
If we had a time machine, maybe we could go back and prevent it all. But time machines are provably impossible. I've built a present machine. Actually its just my laptop. I use it to look up every politician that owns multiple houses. They get to keep the cheapest one. The titles of the others are transferred to homeless people. It's a start.
#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot
The crowds were going to love the new routine: the breathtaking glissandos, the ursine dancing, and his hat. They were going to love the tassly bits on his hat.
Carl had no such illusions. He did, however, pray for the sweet release of death.
#microfiction #humor #humour #flashfiction
"Er," they said.
They looked around, turned and looked at the door, then turned again.
"Do you also experience that?" they asked the gathering crowd. "You go through a door and forget what you were going to do?"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories