Beiträge, die mit gazaGenocide getaggt sind
La dieta da fame, la malvagità delle guardie, torture e abusi che non farebbero vergognare #Hamas, qui sono commessi dallo Stato.” 🧵1/7
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #13gennaio
I bambini prematuri non possono regolare adeguatamente la loro temperatura corporea e quindi necessitano di incubatrici e ventilatori - e nel reparto neonatale dell'ospedale Nasser esiste solo una macchina del genere."
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #13gennaio
"אני חושש כל הזמן לאבד עוד ילד": תינוקות מתים מקור בעזה - שיחה מקומית
כשאשתו של יחיא אל-בטראן ילדה תאומים בריאים בבית החולים שוהדא אל-אקצא בדיר אל-בלח ב-6 בדצמבר 2024, הוא הרגיש בר מזל. "הלידה היתה מוצלחת והם לא סבלו משום מחלה", הוא מספר. "קראנו להם עלי וג'ומעה".שיחה מקומית
#IsraeliDestructionForces #ConcentratieKampGaza #Gaza #GazaConcentratieKamp #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Libanon #Sirie #ICCisRight
Hamas: vorderingen in onderhandelingen over kernpunten • 21 doden bij Israëlische aanvallen in Gaza
In dit blog volg je de ontwikkelingen in de oorlog in Gaza en de hoogopgelopen spanning tussen Israël en landen in de regio.NOS Nieuws
War of words as Erdogan says Turkey could intervene in Israel’s war on Gaza
Turkey is again comparing Netanyahu to Hitler, while threatening more than a trade ban for the first time
#Gaza #Gazagenocide #Palestine
War of words as Erdogan says Turkey could intervene in Israel’s war on Gaza
Turkey again compares Netanyahu to Hitler; Israel says Erdogan ‘following in the footsteps of Saddam Hussein’.Al Jazeera
Niet in hun DNA, wel verwerken zij de trauma's van hun ouders in hun dagelijks leven. Begrijpelijk, maar m.i. een enorm risico voor Nederland als wij hen de kans geven om hun m.i. extremistische (vaak waan-) ideëen te verwezenlijken. Dan verandert "integreren" in een andere kant op sleuren.
🔸 VOLKSPARTIJ: "volk" als in degenen met een "volks"wagen als eerste auto (, stijgende huurprijzen, hypotheekrenteaftrek, etc.
🔸 VRIJHEID: Chatcontrol, EHDS, Gazanen, ongelijke kansen voor Marokkanen en Moslims, godsdienstvrijheid, asielzoekers zondebokkeren, etc.
🔸 DEMOCRATIE: verheerlijking van kapitalisme, privatiseren, big company partijsponsoring, inperken demonstratierecht, kamermoties naast je neerleggen (vb: [1]), liegen over Jodenhaat, CIDI-invloed, etc.
Dat het ook anders kan, bewijzen velen met een migratieachtergrond (Aboutaleb, Marcouch, Nasr, etc).
[1] (veel meer detals, ook over TK-moties:
Edit 14:53: laatste link toegevoegd en taal EN -> NL (sorry!)
#Getraumatiseerd #DoodEng #Populisten #Populisme #Polarisatie #ChatControl #EHDS, #Asielzoekers #Gaza #GazaGenocide #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #NietInMijnNaam #CIDI #NCAB #Verdoner
De prijs van de Volkswagen Golf GTI is in 20 jaar tijd verdubbeld
De prijs van de Volkswagen Golf GTI is in 20 jaar tijd verdubbeld. Lees hier de nieuwe prijs van de Volkswagen Golf GTI 8.5Jan-Willem Eysink (TopGear Nederland)
The screenshot below is taken from and the topmost reply.
See my explanation in
Please stop the REPEATED ABUSE of victims of WWII for Israeli propaganda!
#Auschwitz80 #NeverSayNeverAgain #ProGenocide #Hypocrisy #WWIIGenocide #GazaGenocide #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria
Auschwitz Memorial (
Attached: 1 image We expect that some 50 Auschwitz Survivors will come to the Memorial to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation, which will be held in front of the main gate of the former Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp.Mastodon
Azaria's Execution: Unraveling the Threads of Israeli Society's Decline - Yoav Litvin
On Saturday, October 7th, a shift occurred in the Israeli-Palestinian narrative. What was a normalized, often gradual genocide, peppered by savage episodes of “mowing the lawn”, concealed by liberal Zionist propaganda and backed by a benefactor in Wa…Yoav Litvin
Amid genocide, the tide is turning on Palestine
Pro-Palestine activists could not end Israel’s genocide, but managed to shift the public opinion on the conflict.Majed al-Zeer (Al Jazeera)
Big Ride for Palestine Adelaide
UPDATES MEDIA RELEASE 09 JANUARY 2025 Local cycling group does not welcome Israeli team involvement in the Tour Down Under Local cycling group The Big Ride for Palestine (SA) will cycle from Victoria Square to Glenelg on Sunday 12th Januar…The Secretary (Australian Friends of Palestine Association)
Uma investigação independente publicada na revista científica The Lancet conclui que as autoridades de saúde de Gaza subestimaram em cerca de 41% o número de vítimas do genocídio.
#Palestine #GazaGenocide #Gaza @palestine
Israeli forces killed an estimated 490 Palestinians in the first nine days of 2025”
LIVE: Israel bombs ports, power station in Yemen as Gaza carnage continues
Gaza authorities ask for international help to count victims as UK study finds 41 percent of deaths likely undercounted.Federica Marsi (Al Jazeera)
[1]Niet alleen doden. Van de aanvankelijk meer dan 2 miljoen nog (min of meer) levende Gazanen "wonen" verreweg de meesten niet eens in barakken, maar in lekkende en soms ijskoude tenten.
Zij hebben geen luchtafweergeschut om zich tegen de steeds intensievere bombardementen te beschermen, geen zwaar materieel om overlevenden onder het puin te halen en geen fatsoenlijke wegen om hen te vervoeren. De weinige overgebleven ambulances hebben geen brandstof meer of worden bestookt. Ziekenhuizen zijn grotendeels vernietigd en medisch personeel zit, zonder enige vorm van proces, in Israëlische martelinstellingen.
Kinderen worden door Israëlische sluipschutters "geëlimineerd", onder meer als zij, uitgehongerd, met een pannetje aan wat eten proberen te komen. Zij dragen geen kogelwerende vesten. En de wereld kijkt weg.
🇮🇱 ❝De Poolse regering van premier Tusk heeft een resolutie aangenomen waarin staat dat "vrije en veilige" toegang wordt gegarandeerd aan de "hoogste vertegenwoordigers van de staat Israël" als ze bij de ceremonie op 27 januari willen zijn. Netanyahu wordt niet bij naam genoemd.❞
Kan *IEMAND* mij uitleggen waarom verantwoordelijken voor een *voormalig* concentratiekamp, ÜBERHAUPT (mede-) verantwoordelijken voor een *huidig* concentratiekamp genaamd Gaza, verwelkomen bij een herdenking?
Ongeacht of zij Netanyahu heten?
#AuschwitzMemorial #ArabHaters #MuslimHaters #GayHaters #Gaza #GazaGenocide #IOFTerrorists #IDFTerrorists #Westbank #Lebabon #Syria #AuschwitzMuseum #AuschwitzMemorial #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #FrancescaAlbanese #KaagHeeftGelijk #ConcentrationCampGaza #ConcentratieKampGaza #Netanyahu #Herzog #BenGvir #Smotrich #Bastards #Propaganda #EthnicCleansing #Genocide #NietInMijnNaam #WTF
Polen: Netanyahu wordt niet gearresteerd bij Auschwitz-herdenking
Het Internationaal Strafhof heeft een arrestatiebevel tegen Netanyahu uitgevaardigd in verband met de oorlog in Gaza. Polen erkent het Strafhof en zou Netanyahu eigenlijk moeten aanhouden als hij in het land is.NOS Nieuws
É #Lancet, non #Hamas.
E noi complici.
Ma attenzione, non chiamatelo #Genocidio...
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #10gennaio
Lancet: “A Gaza morti sottostimate, sono più di 70mila”
Washington condanna la volontà della Cpi di "indagare, arrestare, detenere o perseguire qualsiasi persona protetta" dagli UsaF. Q. (Il Fatto Quotidiano)
#Gaza #Gazagenocide #Israelwarcrimes #Palestine #WestBank #MiddleEast
Israel’s leaked plan for annexing the West Bank, explained
Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s plan to annex the West Bank would see over 60% of the territory becoming a part of Israel. But Palestinian experts say it is “already happening.”Qassam Muaddi (Mondoweiss) #auspol #BDS #StopArmingIsrael #GazaGenocide
#zionism #zionazis #IsraelTerroristState #IsraelWarCrimes #warcrimes #Nakba #Gaza #Gazagenocide #Palestine #PalestineWillBeFree
Netanyahu’s willing executioners: how ordinary Israelis became mass murderers
After ten months of relentless genocidal war, it is impossible to avoid the conclusion that both the Israeli state and society are partners in the genocide. The picture that emerges is a genocide from above and below.Faris Giacaman (Mondoweiss)
#gazagenocide #gaza #genocide #holocaust #IsraelTerroristState #IsraelWarCrimes #warcrimes #nakba #nakba2 #palestine
“Che differenza c'è tra un combattente palestinese che si nasconde nei sotterranei di un ospedale e un soldato israeliano che si nasconde in un'ambulanza?”
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #9gennaio
#WestBank: l'IDF uccide 2 bambini di 8 e 10 anni in Cisgiordania.
Coloni e destra chiedono di più, sono invidiosi delle morti e della distruzione di Gaza.
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #9gennaio
Sì, i bambini hanno dei nomi. Continueremo a nominare tutti quelli che riusciamo a ricordare. Non li dimenticheremo."
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #9gennaio
“Nelle scorse ore le IDF hanno ucciso di nuovo più di 50 persone, in una serie di attacchi su tutta la Striscia di Gaza”
#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu
LIVE: Israel kills 50 in Gaza as fuel shortages threaten 3 key hospitals
The killings come as authorities warn that dire fuel shortages in Gaza could force more hospitals to close.Alastair McCready (Al Jazeera)
A mother and her four children were reportedly killed when a tent camp for displaced people in al-Mawasi was hit
#Gaza #gazagenocide
Israeli strikes kills 19 in southern Gaza, health officials say
Eight children were reportedly among those killed in the al-Mawasi area and Khan Younis city overnight.David Gritten (BBC News)
“Gli attacchi sulla Striscia di Gaza continuano con particolare intensità: nelle scorse ore solo Khan Yunis è stata attaccata 5 volte, compreso un altro attacco sulla tendopoli dell’area di al–Mawasi — 4 bambini sono stati uccisi in un attacco drone contro una tenda, altri 3 bambini sono stati uccisi in un attacco su una residenza privata.”
#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #8gennaio
LIVE: More Gaza children and women killed in relentless Israel bombing
Air strikes on southern Gaza kill more than a dozen women and children as Israel’s attack intensifies.Edna Mohamed (Al Jazeera)
Raffi Berg, now at the center of a media scandal over the BBC’s Israel coverage, once worked for a known CIA front and collaborated with Mossad officials
#Gaza #Gazagenocide
He's calmly spitting straight fire here. Here's his website:
#FreePalestine #Palestine #Gaza #GazaGenocide #genocide #IsraeliWarCrimes #justice #news #media
- YouTube
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January 7, 2025
Alan MacLeod reports on the connections of Raffi Berg, now at the center of a scandal over the BBC’s systematic pro-Israel bias, to the U.S. national security-state and an Israeli intelligence agency.
#Gaza #Gazagenocide #Palestine
BBC Middle East Editor Collaborated With CIA, Mossad
Alan MacLeod reports on the connections of Raffi Berg, now at the center of a scandal over the BBC's systematic pro-Israel bias, to the U.S. national security-state and an Israeli intelligence agency.Consortium News
Kindertjes met nog alle ledematen die hun problemen wegtekenen en kleuren.
NIETS over wie die trauma's veroorzaakt en NIETS over het feit dat de Nederlandse overheid, maar zeker ook Nieuwsuur en de NOS medeplichtig zijn aan GENOCIDE.
#VukNieuwsuur #ProZionisme #ProGenocide #VukDeNOS #Nieuwsuur #NOS #Gaza #GazaGenocide
Schildertherapie voor kinderen in Gaza: 'Ze hebben een omhelzing nodig'
Volgens de VN hebben bijna alle kinderen in Gaza mentale zorg nodig als gevolg van trauma's die ze hebben opgelopen tijdens de oorlog. Kunstenares Maysa Yousef biedt kinderen daarom schildertherapie op de ruïnes van haar vroegere
Mi rifiuto di appoggiarli o di permettere che continuino in mio nome.”
#CeasefireNOW #SanctionIsraelNOW
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #7gennaio
Netta Lannes Arbe, obiettore di coscienza israeliano: “Mi rifiuto di chiudere gli occhi. C'è un altro modo”
Netta Lannes Arbel, 24enne di Emek Hefer, che il 29 dicembre si è rifiutato di riarruolarsi nell'esercito israeliano nel campo di Ir HaBahadim, nel sud diMesarvot (Pressenza)
#IsraelWarCrimes #Israel #Gaza #gazagenocide
Afgelopen weekend ca. 100
Palestijnen gedood door Israëliërs
Wel op het NOS journaal van 13:00:
Drie Israëliërs gedood door Palestijnen
#VukDeNOS #NOS #Pro-Genocide #Propaganda #EenzijdigNieuws #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Lebanon #Sirie
The possibility of a #ceasefire and captives-for-prisoners swap deal has inspired cautious hope as the people of #Gaza continue to endure #airstrikes and growing hunger... #israel #israelgazawar #middleeast #doha #israelimassacres #gazagenocide
Peoples Dispatch: New round of ceasefire talks resumes in Doha amid Israeli massacres in Gaza…
The possibility of a #ceasefire and captives-for-prisoners swap deal has inspired cautious hope as the people of #Gaza continue to endure #airstrikes and growing hunger… #israel #israelgazawa…for much deliberation
#Gazagenocide #Gaza #Palestine
#israelterroriststate #GenocideJoe
New report.. De-Gaza: A Year of Israel’s Genocide and the Collapse of World Order
An estimated 10 per cent of Gaza's population has been killed, injured, reported missing, or detained as a result of Israeli military assaultEuro-Med Human Rights Monitor
'Israël wil militairen bijstaan die in buitenland worden aangeklaagd voor oorlogsmisdaden'
'Israël wil militairen bijstaan die in buitenland worden aangeklaagd voor oorlogsmisdaden'
Volg hier de ontwikkelingen van de oorlog in Gaza en hoogopgelopen spanningen tussen Israël en landen in de regio.NOS Nieuws
By News Desk, January 3, 2025
"The UN agency has been the target of an Israeli #SmearCampaign, which has included #coercing confessions of UNRWA employees into admitting ties with Hamas.
"UN officials who spoke with the New York Times (NYT) say that the leading agency providing #HumanitarianAid for #Palestinians is 'preparing' to end its operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.
"'It would be a massive impact on an already catastrophic situation. If that is what the Israeli intention is – to remove any ability for us to save lives – you have to question what is the thinking and what is the end goal?' UN resident and humanitarian coordinator Jamie McGoldrick told the NYT on 2 January.
"UNRWA is a critical provider of staple necessities and essential services, relied on by thousands of Palestinians for their livelihood and basic needs. Since the start of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, UNRWA has been at the forefront of delivering aid to the displaced Palestinians, providing food, water, and medicine, as well as overseeing aid deliveries and running shelters.
"UNRWA has provided fuel to the remaining hospitals and has been working to clear the accumulated waste, which is critical amidst the recent outbreak of diseases such as #cholera.
"'The world has abandoned us. We have nothing but the aid we get from UNRWA to survive,' #SamiAbuDarweesh told the NYT."
Read more:
#FreePalestine #GazaGenocide #Genocide #BibiIsAWarCriminal #IsraeliWarCrimes #HumanRightsAreNeverWrong #StopArmingIsrael #IDF #GenevaConvention #HumanRightsViolations #WarCrimes
UNRWA ‘Preparing To Close Its Doors’ In Gaza, West Bank
UN officials who spoke with the New York Times (NYT) say that the leading agency providing humanitarian aid for Palestinians is “preparing” to end its operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.Christopher Johnson (PopularResistance.Org)
Ex-#IDF general likens military control of #WestBank to #NaziGermany
Amiram Levin accuses the IDF of being a ‘partner in #WarCrimes’ when it stands by as settler extremists attack #Palestinians, says situation in West Bank is ‘absolute #apartheid’
By ToI Staff 13 August 2023
#NorthGaza #IsraeliWarCrimes #HumanRightsAreNeverWrong #FreePalestine #Genocide #BibiIsAWarCriminal #GazaGenocide #IsraeliNazis
Ricomincia la trattativa armata per il cessate il fuoco
#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu
Ricomincia la trattativa armata per il cessate il fuoco
Le IDF intensificano le violenze mentre in Qatar si riapre la trattativa per sospendere l’aggressione di Gaza.Alessandro Massone (The Submarine)
“Come è successo ormai ciclicamente in questi mesi, qualsiasi forma di ingaggio di Israele con la diplomazia — siano trattative mediate da Qatar ed Egitto, anche le più leggere pressioni statunitensi, o critiche dalle Nazioni Unite — si traduce in un aumento immediato delle violenze delle IDF sulla popolazione palestinese.”
#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu