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‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza

"Israeli soldiers describe the near-total absence of firing regulations in the Gaza war, with troops shooting as they please, setting homes ablaze, and leaving corpses on the streets — all with their commanders’ permission"


#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #Antireport
Nachdem die israelische Polizei neun Soldat*innen der israelischen Armee wegen Vorwürfen von schwerer Misshandlung an palästinensischen Inhaftierten im Gefangenenlager 'Sde Teiman' (wo es schon zuvor öfter zu Misshandlung und Folter an Gefangenen gekommen sein soll) in Gewahrsam genommen hat, drehen Ultranationalist*innen und andere Rechtsradikale aus der israelischen Politik und Gesellschaft durch. Eine größere Gruppe Rechtsradikaler versuchte dabei sogar eine Militärbasis zu stürmen, um die mutmaßlichen Folterer frei zu bekommen.



#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #Antireport
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (7 Monate her)
Recherchen des +972 Magazins zeigen, wie Amazon, Google und Microsoft dem israelischen Militär Dienstleistungen und Kapazitäten zur Verfügung stellen, um ein Massenüberwachungsprogramm und Angriffe in Gaza durchzusetzen.

'According to multiple sources, the exponential capacity of the AWS public cloud system allows the army to have “endless storage” for holding intelligence on almost “everyone” in Gaza. One source who used the cloud-based system during the current war described making “orders from Amazon” for information while carrying out their operational tasks, and working with two screens — one connected to the army’s private systems, and the other connected to AWS.

Military sources emphasized to +972 and Local Call that the scope of intelligence collected from the surveillance of all Palestinian residents of Gaza is so large that it cannot be stored on military servers alone. In particular, according to intelligence sources, much more extensive storage capabilities and processing power were needed to keep billions of audio files (as opposed to just textual information or metadata), which compelled the army to turn to the cloud services offered by tech companies.'


#Amazon #Google #Microsoft #Gaza #Israel #Surveillance #Antireport #KI
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (7 Monate her)
Palestinian Healthcare Workers Tortured

„Isralei forces have arbitrarily detained Palestinian healthcare workers in Gaza since hostilities began in October 2023, deported them to detention facilities in Israel, and allegedly tortured and ill-treated them, Human Rights Watch said today. The detention of healthcare workers in the context of the Israeli military’s repeated attacks on hospitals in Gaza has contributed to the catastrophic degradation of the besieged territory’s healthcare system…“

https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/08/26/israel-palestinian-healthcare-workers-tortured @palestine

#israel #Gaza #Palestine #Antireport
It is horrible

Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old volunteer with the anti-occupation International Solidarity Movement, died in hospital on Friday after being shot in the head during a protest in Beita, near Nablus, the Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

Witnesses said she was shot at by Israeli soldiers positioned in a nearby field after “minor clashes” broke out.....

https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/sep/06/israel-gaza-west-bank-us-citizen-killed @palestine

#Israel #Westbank #Gaza #Palestine #Antireport

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Monate her)
The Gaza war is an environmental catastrophe

Toxic waste, water-borne diseases, vast carbon emissions: Dr. Mariam Abd El Hay describes the myriad harms of Israel’s assault to the region’s ecosystems.

https://www.972mag.com/gaza-war-environmental-catastrophe/ @palestine @israel

#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #climate #climatechange #war
UN says Israel killed 6 staff in airstrikes on refugee camp

“These dramatic violations of international humanitarian law need to stop now," U.N. chief António Guterres said.

Israel killed six workers from the United Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency in airstrikes on a Gaza school, the organization said.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said Israel struck a school being used as a shelter at a refugee camp in central Gaza, and that the death toll was the highest “among our staff in a single incident.”
At least 34 people in total were reportedly killed, according to Gaza health officials.

Übersetzen @palestine @israel

#Israel #Gaza #war #Palestine
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Monate her)
'Intentional' Israeli attacks behind two-thirds of aid workers' deaths worldwide

Over the past 11 months, a pattern has emerged showing the Israeli army is intentionally attacking humanitarian groups in Gaza that follow deconfliction protocols and share their coordinates with authorities….

https://thecradle.co/articles-id/26824 @palestine @israel

#Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Antireport
Springer-Portal verkauft Immobilien in besetzten Siedlungen im #Westjordanland
#AxelSpringer #SpringerZerschlagen

Über das Verkaufsportal #Yad2 des Axel-Springer-Konzerns können Wohnungen gekauft werden, die im besetzten Westjordanland stehen. Menschenrechtler halten diese Geschäfte für nicht legitim…..….

https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/springer-portal-verdient-durch-wohnungsangebote-in-israelischen-siedlungen-dlf-kultur-fdbce458-100.html @palestine @israel

#Springer #Westbank #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Germany
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Monate her)
Israeli military must be investigated for war crime of wanton destruction in Gaza – new investigation

“The Israeli military’s relentless campaign of ruin in Gaza is one of wanton destruction. Our research has shown how Israeli forces have obliterated residential buildings, forced thousands of families from their homes and rendered their land uninhabitable,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s Senior Director for Research, Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns.

“Our analysis reveals a pattern along the eastern perimeter of Gaza that is consistent with the systematic destruction of an entire area. These homes were not destroyed as the result of intense fighting. Rather, the Israeli military deliberately razed the land after they had taken control of the area…..“

https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/09/israel-opt-israeli-military-must-be-investigated-for-war-crime-of-wanton-destruction-in-gaza-new-investigation/ @palestine @israel

#Israel #Gaza #WarCrimes #Palestine #Westbank
Bundesamt bearbeitet keine Asylanträge von Menschen aus #Gaza

Weiterhin bearbeitet das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) keine Asylanträge von Menschen aus dem Gazastreifen. In der noch unveröffentlichte Antwort auf eine Kleine Anfrage nennt das Bundesinnenministerium zur Begründung eine »volatile Lage« in Gaza infolge der andauernden Kämpfe….
Nach dem Angriff der #Hamas auf #Israel im Oktober 2023 und dem darauffolgenden Krieg im Gazastreifen werden Palästinenser*innen in #Deutschland von der Politik und einschlägigen Medien mit Sicherheitsrisiken assoziiert oder pauschal unter Antisemitismusverdacht gestellt. Ihre Ausschlusserfahrungen finden hingegen wenig Beachtung, auch durch die #Polizei: Für Straftaten im Zusammenhang mit antipalästinensischem #Rassismus gebe es »keine bundesweite Begrifflichkeit«, schreibt das Innenministerium in der Antwort auf die Anfrage, regelmäßige Statistiken dazu könne das zuständige Bundeskriminalamt deshalb nicht liefern…..

https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1185526.entscheidungsstopp-beim-bamf-bundesamt-bearbeitet-keine-asylantraege-von-menschen-aus-gaza.html via @matthimon

@palestine @israel

#bamf #Bundesregierung #Germany #israel #Palestine #Antireport
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (5 Monate her)
Gaza-Geflüchtete mehrfach bestraft

„Wöchentlich werden schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch israelische Soldaten bekannt, ohne dass sie ernsthafte Konsequenzen fürchten müssen – wie im Fall von Vergewaltigungen im Lager Sde Teiman werden sie dafür sogar gefeiert. Das höchste internationale Gericht hält einen Genozid in Gaza für möglich, will sich dazu aber erst zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt festlegen. Ausländische Journalisten dürfen die Region nicht betreten, die Zahl ihrer getöteten palästinensischen Kolleg*innen ist so hoch wie in keinem anderen Konflikt.

In diese Kriegswüste könnten Geflüchtete bald zurück gezwungen werden. So lässt sich die Antwort des Bundesinnenministeriums auf die Anfrage der Linke-Gruppe verstehen, wonach Asylanträge aus Gaza nicht bearbeitet werden, solange noch Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen laufen. Das Ministerium verschweigt, wer die verheerenden Angriffe in Gaza seit fast einem Jahr durchführt: Das Wort »Israel« kommt in der Antwort nicht vor.…“

@matthimon zum Entscheidungsstopp für Asylanträge von Palästinenser*innen

https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1185546.asyl-entscheidungsstopp-gaza-gefluechtete-mehrfach-bestraft.html @israel @palestine

#Gaza #Israel #Migration #Rassismus #Palästina
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (5 Monate her)
„From the River to the Sea" kann aus Sicht des Innenministeriums (BMI) ein Ausschlussgrund für die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft sein. So steht es in den "vorläufigen Anwendungshinweisen" des #BMI zum neuen Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz, die Panorama vorliegen…….

WTF? Deutscher #Rassismus kennt keine Grenzen mehr!

Kein deutscher Pass wegen umstrittener Parole?

https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/panorama/aktuell/Regierungs-Dokument-Kein-deutscher-Pass-wegen-umstrittener-Parole,staatsangehoerigkeitsgesetz106.html @israel @palestine

#Germany #Deutschland #Migration #palästina #Antireport #Asyl #Rassismus
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (5 Monate her)
In Israel’s prisons, skin diseases are a method of punishment

#Prison authorities are allowing scabies to spread by restricting Palestinian inmates’ water supply and depriving them of clean clothes and medical care….

https://www.972mag.com/israel-prisons-scabies/ @israel @palestine

#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #War #Antireport #Warcrimes
A plan to liquidate northern Gaza is gaining steam

As Israeli ministers, generals, and academics bay for a decisive new phase in the war, this is what Operation Starvation and Extermination would look like.

The date is October, November, or December 2024, or maybe early 2025. The Israeli military has just launched a new operation throughout northern Gaza — “Operation Order and Clean-up,” we’ll call it…..

https://www.972mag.com/northern-gaza-liquidation-scenario-eiland-rabi/ @israel @palestine

#Israel #Gaza #Palästina #Palestine #Antireport #WarCrimes
Explosive Weapons, Unlawful Blockade Inflict Profound Trauma, Suffering

The ongoing siege of Gaza causes disproportionate harm to children with disabilities, who already faced a precarious situation, and they are at particular risk of lasting psychological harm.…..

https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/09/30/gaza-israeli-attacks-devastate-lives-children-disabilities @israel @palestine

#Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Palästina #WarCrimes
The Palestine Laboratory
How Israel Exports The #Technology Of #Occupation Around The World

For more than 50 years, occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has given the Israeli state invaluable experience in controlling an “enemy” population, the Palestinians. It’s here that they have perfected the architecture of control.
This book shows in-depth, for the first time, how Palestine has become the perfect laboratory for the Israeli military-techno complex: surveillance, home demolitions, indefinite incarceration and brutality to the hi-tech tools that drive the ‘Start-up Nation’. From the Pegasus software that hacked Jeff Bezos’ and Jamal Khashoggi’s phones, the weapons sold to the Myanmar army that has murdered thousands of Rohingyas and drones used by the European Union to monitor refugees in the Mediterranean who are left to drown.
Israel has become a global leader in spying technology and defence hardware that fuels the globe’s most brutal conflicts.
As ethno-nationalism grows in the 21st century, Israel has built the ultimate model....

https://antonyloewenstein.com/books/the-palestine-laboratory-how-israel-exports-the-technology-of-occupation-around-the-world/ via @baum
@palestine @israel @surveillance

#Palestine #Westbank #Spyware #Surveillance #Antireport
‘Dead bodies everywhere’ in #JabaliaCamp as Israel besieges northern #Gaza

Gazans in the north are trapped in their homes as Israel launches a new military operation, threatening hospitals and shooting at fleeing residents.

The Israeli army has launched a major new offensive in northern Gaza, besieging the Strip’s three northernmost cities and their surroundings. Early Sunday morning, the army ordered the approximately 400,000 residents remaining in the north of the Strip to move to the so-called “humanitarian area” in the south ahead of a new military operation. Many refused to leave their homes, and residents of Jabalia, Beit Hanoun, and Beit Lahiya have been under intense bombardment since Sunday afternoon, cut off from Gaza City to the south as tanks and drones shoot at people who try to escape.....

https://www.972mag.com/jabalia-camp-northern-gaza-siege @palestine @israel

#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #WarCrimes #Antireport
Inside the siege of northern Gaza, where ‘death waits around every corner’

Limbs scattered on the streets, shelters set ablaze, hundreds trapped inside hospitals: Palestinians detail the apocalyptic scenes of Israel’s latest campaign…..

https://www.972mag.com/northern-gaza-siege-jabalia-beit-lahiya/ @palestine @israel

#Gaza #Palestine #WarCrimes
The Palestine Laboratory, How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation around the world (2023)

"How Israel makes a killing from the occupation.
Israel’s military industrial complex uses the occupied, Palestinian territories as a testing ground for weaponry and surveillance technology that they then export around the world to despots and democracies. For more than 50 years, occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has given the Israeli state invaluable experience in controlling an “enemy” population, the Palestinians. It’s here that they have perfected the architecture of control. "

https://antonyloewenstein.com/books/the-palestine-laboratory-how-israel-exports-the-technology-of-occupation-around-the-world/ @palestine @israel

#Technology #Occupation #Surveillance #Israel #Palestine #Books
Israel’s Siege Forces First Responders to Totally Halt Operations in North Gaza

„All services that support life in north #Gaza have either ceased operation or will be forced to soon, reports say.
The Gaza Civil Defense agency, the government’s first responders, said that recent Israeli attacks on its workers have forced it to suspend its operations in the north. In a statement, the agency said that three of its members were wounded by Israeli forces who fired on them in #BeitLahiya, while another five were detained by Israeli forces at Indonesian Hospital.…“

https://truthout.org/articles/israels-siege-forces-first-responders-to-totally-halt-operations-in-north-gaza/ @palestine @israel

#HumanRights #Israel #WarCrimes #Palestine
Israel Strikes North Gaza Hospital, Destroying Medical Supplies Just Sent by #UN

Surgical services are totally suspended at Kamal Adwan Hospital, where only two doctors remain after an Israeli siege….

https://truthout.org/articles/israel-strikes-north-gaza-hospital-destroying-medical-supplies-just-sent-by-un/ @palestine @israel

#Israel #Gaz #Palestine #WarCrimes
@palestine @israel

Remember last year they attacked Al Shifa hospital and blamed it on Hamas and US media and government did the same?

Today they are doing it almost daily and no fucking asshole in the west governments lifting an eyebrow.

Heretical_i hat dies geteilt

„Debates over the details of the ‘Generals’ Plan’ distract from the true brutality of Israel’s latest operation — one that drops the veneer of humanitarian considerations and lays the groundwork for settlements….“

@palestine @israel

#Gaza #Palestine #WarCrimes #War #Antireport
„They were built to be places of healing. But once again, three hospitals in northern Gaza are encircled by Israeli troops and under fire.
Bombardment is pounding around them as Israel wages a new offensive against Hamas fighters that it says have regrouped nearby. As staff scramble to treat waves of wounded, they remain haunted by a war that has seen hospitals targeted with an intensity and overtness rarely seen in modern warfare.….“

https://apnews.com/world-news/still-wrecked-from-past-israeli-raids-hospitals-in-northern-gaza-come-under-attack-again-00000192eebfd414a79fffbf88cc0000 @palestine @israel

#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #WarCrimes
‘I will stay inside my hospital until the last moment’

The Israeli army killed his son and arrested his colleagues in Kamal Adwan Hospital, but director Hussam Abu Safiya refuses to abandon his patients..,,,

https://www.972mag.com/kamal-adwan-hospital-hussam-abu-safia/ @palestine @israel

#Israel #Gaza #WarCrimes #Palestine #Healthcare #Antireport
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
“I dream of food every day”

As Infested Flour Becomes a Staple, State Dept “Still Assessing” Israel’s Aid Restrictions to Gaza

„ This is the most difficult period I have endured since Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza began last year. Everyone is so hungry.

Over the past week, my family and I have resorted to eating canned pet food mixed with poor-quality rice that feels like chewing plastic. We live in Deir al-Balah, and like everywhere else in Gaza, there is nothing to buy in the markets. We typically eat one meal a day, usually some canned food along with olive oil and za’atar. To bake bread, we have to use bug-infested flour. Some days, when we are unable to find anything else, we are forced to pay absurd prices for vegetables that are rotten. I have severe stomach pains. I would rather fast than eat this.…..“

https://www.dropsitenews.com/p/gaza-hunger-israel-restricts-aid @palestine @israel

#Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Antireport #WarCrimes
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Monate her)
Eine Perspektive aus Kreta

„Eine klare Haltung gegenüber dem Staat Israel
Wie man einen Genozid erkennt:

Eine gemeinsame Erklärung der antiautoritären, antifaschistischen und feministischen Kollektive von Heraklion, Griechenland, anlässlich der kurzzeitigen „Wiederbesetzung“ der Roten Flora im späten Frühjahr sowie zur Position eines Teils der autonomen Bewegung in Deutschland zum Krieg in Palästina.

Wir finden es arrogant, orientalistisch (diese Haltung gegenüber dem palästinensischen Widerstand entspringt eindeutig einem islamophoben und westlichen Weltbild, das mit einer vermeintlich progressiven Haltung kaschiert wird) und abstossend, dass Teile der autonomen Bewegung (und der Fanszene des Fussballvereins St. Pauli) die Handlungen der eindeutig rechtsgerichteten israelischen Regierung, die mit voller militärischer und politischer Unterstützung und Hilfe westlicher Mächte die palästinensische (indigene) Bevölkerung massakriert, nicht verurteilen….“

https://www.xn--untergrund-blttle-2qb.ch/politik/europa/eine-klare-haltung-gegenueber-dem-staat-israel-wie-man-einen-genozid-erkennt-008692.html @palestine @israel

#Greece #Anarchism #Israel #Gaza #Palestine
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (4 Monate her)
‘I lost my wife and my land’: A deadly olive harvest season ends in the West Bank

Restrictions and attacks by the Israeli military, together with rampant settler violence, left many Palestinians unable to harvest this year's crop…..

@palestine @israel

#Israel #Palestine #Westbank #Gaza #Occupation #WarCrimes #Antireport
Refaat Alareer - If I Must Die

‘How many dead Palestinians are enough?’ The unbearable prescience of the late poet Refaat Alareer

The author and academic was killed in an Israeli airstrike a year ago. A posthumous collection of his work, If I Must Die, tells the stories of Gaza in a plea for chang

"In the face of siege and war in Gaza, the writer and educator Refaat Alareer fought for his people’s right to narrate their experiences and history. “As a Palestinian, I have been brought up on stories and storytelling,” writes Alareer. “It’s both selfish and treacherous to keep a story to yourself.”

First written in 2022, these lines now sit at the heart of If I Must Die, a posthumous collection from Alareer’s eclectic and compelling oeuvre. Published by OR Books to mark a year since the writer’s death by an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, If I Must Die contains a selection of journalism, literary criticism, essays and poems written between 2010 and 2023. Taken together, they provide a glimpse into a restless political and literary mind, one that was still rising to the height of its powers."

https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/dec/10/refaat-alareer-book-gaza-palestine-poet @palestine @israel

#Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Books #War #Antireport
a dark red and blue sky as a background. At the top is the name of the author Refaat Alareer and underneath is a white (paper) dragon.

At the bottom is the title “If I must die” Poetry and Poes
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Monate her)
' The alleged commanders [of the Israeli troops] had ordered or allowed the killing of unarmed women, children and men in the Netzarim Corridor, a seven-kilometre-wide (4.3-mile-wide) strip of land that cuts across Gaza from Israel to the Mediterranean, and which has been turned into a military zone.

The report quoted an officer who recalled an incident in which a commander had announced that 200 militants were killed, when actually "only 10 were confirmed as known Hamas operatives".
Soldiers meanwhile told Haaretz they received questionable orders to open fire on "anyone who enters" Netzarim.

"Anyone crossing the line is a terrorist -- no exceptions, no civilians. Everyone's a terrorist," a soldier quoted a battalion commander as saying. '

https://www.rfi.fr/en/middle-east/20241220-israel-media-report-accuses-troops-of-indiscriminate-killing-of-gaza-civilians @palestine @israel

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza #WarCrimes

Denis Buckley hat dies geteilt