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Beiträge, die mit CLIMATE getaggt sind

> "US supreme court allows Hawaii lawsuit against fossil fuel firms’ misinformation"


"Honolulu officials had filed a lawsuit against the companies for an alleged decades long misinformation campaign"


#Climate #Fire #Flood #CarbonFuels #Forest #Catastrophe #Klima #Climat #LAFires

Hawaii has officially joined the fight to hold fossil fuel companies accountable for the climate crisis.

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New York State Has Sent OIL Companies an INTERIM BILL for Climate Destruction of 75 Billion Dollars.

(interim means more bills coming)

New York State has BILLED oil companies SEVENTY FIVE BILLION for Climate Destruction SO FAR.

California BILL Oil Companies for Climate Dstuction so far.

California👉 Bill Oil for Los Angeles

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Hochul is governor of New York

#Climate #Fire #Flood #CarbonFuels #Forest #Catastrophe #Klima #Climat #LAFires #NY
 Tags: oil | global warming | fossil fuels | kathy hochul | climate change | liz krueger
Hochul Signs Bill Forcing Big Oil to Pay for Climate Damage

Trump is making lists of Mayors
to blame for Hiroshima level
forest fires across America.

Trump will be blaming Mayors for Climate Destruction For Four Years.

Exxon Burned L.A.


#Climate #Fire #Flood #CarbonFuels #Forest #Catastrophe #Klima #Climat #LAFires #FourYears
Front Page NewS
Climate Catastrophes
"National Weather Service Warns Of ‘Extreme Danger’: Latest Updates:

I was 16 years old in 1970. Of course I expected a lot of things to change during my lifetime — but not like this. Not like this.

#Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency
Two maps of Earth, side-by-side, showing global temperature anomalies compared with the 1951-1980 average. The first map, labeled 1970, shows how much cooler temperatures around the globe were then, with most areas in blue or white and only a few in orange. The second map, labeled 2024, reveals how much heat is now baking the planet. Almost all areas are orange, red, or dark red.

Blaming LA Mayor for #LAFires is like blaming the Mayor of Hiroshima for the Atomic Bomb.

Exxon Burned Los Angeles.

Exxon and bribed Politicians, and Papers Like the LA Times, Burned Los Angeles.

The Saudis and Exxon Burned LA.

Exxon and Shell and The Saudis Burned LA.

The Republican Climate Hoaxers and Exxon Burned Los Angeles.

The Saudis and Exxon Burned LA.

Exxon and Shell and The Saudis Burned LA.

#climate #klima #climat
#LAFires #Newsom #Karen #California
And Republican Climate Denial

over a picture of the Pallisades fire in Los Angeles 

“Record Drought, Record Heat, Record Winds
Decades of Denial And Disinformation Destroys One of The Modern World's Great Cities.

If I were to write a headline of last night’s wildfires, I would write: “Los Angeles Burns in Corporate-Backed Climate Offensive” or “Los Angeles Engulfed by Fires in Ongoing Climate Conflict Waged by the Ultra-Rich.”

But I would go further, as the people in charge are just the wielders of power in a system that incentivizes them. If it wasn’t them, it would be someone else. Because the economic, political, and cultural system we are part of—not just in America but the world over— is based around exploitation. Its roots go deep, based in slavery, authoritarianism, and genocide.


#lafires #climate #eattherich #eladnehorai

#la #lafires #lafire #wildfires #wildfire #lacounty #ClimateChange #Climate
Perspective. All the states with populations smaller than LA County. Stats U.S. Census Bureau 2023 [correction: Upper Michigan and SC should be grey. Thank you @Luxonardo
Perspective. Map of all the states with a smaller population than LA COUNTY. Exceptions: Texas, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, NY, California

🧵 The #LAFires are the REAL story of "Landman," one that #BigOil sellouts and propagandists #BillyBobThornton, #JohnHamm and #TaylorSheridan won't touch with a ten foot pole.

Is #Landman compelling television. Sure (though it's already getting a little stupid). Is it also thinly veiled, ham-fisted #BigOil -servicing, anti- #EnergyTransition, #Climate-worsening #Disinformation & even outright #Propaganda? Without a doubt. By every definition of the word.

#wildfires #ClimateCrisis
Image of LA on fire from today's news with the Landman logo placed on it alongside images of the show actors and executive producer with their names and the word propagandist


Uh-oh. There’s a funny thing about that insane experiment being conducted by our rulers.

Although many scientists have done their best to warn what could happen if such reckless burning of fossil fuels didn’t stop, it turns out now that those scientists might not have fully understood all that was happening.

It seems their models were not good enough. The problem, you see, is even more difficult than they realized…

Fifty years into the project of modeling Earth’s future climate, we still don’t really know what’s coming. Some places are warming with more ferocity than expected. Extreme events are taking scientists by surprise.

Right now, as the bald reality of climate change bears down on human life, scientists are seeing more clearly the limits of our ability to predict the exact future we face. The coming decades may be far worse, and far weirder, than the best models anticipated.

Some variables are missing from climate models entirely. Trees and land are major sinks for carbon emissions, and that this fact might change is not accounted for in climate models. But it is changing: Trees and land absorbed much less carbon than normal in 2023, according to research published last October. In Finland, forests have stopped absorbing the majority of the carbon they once did, and recently became a net source of emissions.

The interactions of the ice sheets with the oceans are also largely missing from models, despite the fact that melting ice could change ocean temperatures which could have significant knock-on effects. Changing ocean-temperature patterns are currently making climate modelers at NOAA rethink their models of El Niño and La Niña; the agency initially predicted that La Niña’s cooling powers would kick in much sooner than it now appears they will.

While models struggle to capture the world we live in now, the planet is growing more alien to us, further from our reference ranges, as the climate keeps changing. If given unlimited time, science could probably develop models that more fully captured what we’re watching play out. But by then it would be too late to do anything about it.

The above is just a few excerpts from a long and very informative article. I suggest reading the whole thing.

FULL ARTICLE -- https://archive.ph/sl6bA

#History #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "Climate models can't explain what's happening to Earth. Global warming is moving faster than the best models can keep a handle on." Below this is an image of a globe of Earth mounted on a stand, with regions of the planet showing dark red coloration to indicate rapid warming.

Several decades ago, the rulers of our society chose to begin a massive project, essentially conducting a unique scientific experiment with potentially foreseen but possibly unpredictable outcomes.

They decided to go all out in: (1) extracting fuels buried deep in the Earth, energy from the sun stored via photosynthesis and animal metabolism over a span of 500 million years as coal, oil, and gas; and (2) burning all this fuel they could find in the brief period of a few decades.

Our rulers were warned by scientists that their project involved serious risk, but they figured the power they could gain and the money they could make was worth any cost. They didn't care about the negative consequences, and/or foolishly believed that imaginary future technologies would somehow be able to fix whatever problems their actions caused.

And now, guess what — we're seeing signs that this experiment might be out of control. Feedback loops are kicking in, causing "natural" emissions which could trigger cascading effects, breaking down the ecosystem. It also appears that Earth's climate is more sensitive to greenhouse gases than first believed. Yet our rulers *still* continue to recklessly burn fossil fuels, always drilling and fracking for more, hungry for power and compelled by greed.

🧵 1/2

#History #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Smoke billowing into the air from a steel factory in China. Photograph: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

If anyone claims slowing or stopping #climate change is too expensive, they have it exactly backwards.
Failing to slow or stop #climatechange is what's expensive.


#fire #fires #lafire #lafires #lafires2025
#Climate #ClimateChange #climatechange2025 #California #CaliforniaWildFire
The Great Fire
The following is the best account I’ve read of the fire that’s consuming Los Angeles. It’s from Steve Schmidt’s substack, The Warning. (steveschmidt.substack.com.

“….The scale of the conflagration is biblical. These epochal fires will join Chicago and San Francisco atop an infamous registry of American destruction….”


The six biggest banks in the US have all quit the global banking industry’s net zero target-setting group, with the inauguration of Trump as expected to bring political backlash against climate action.


I just wonder about peoples sanity. Fires in Califonia, floods across much of the US and the Florida coastline keeps on shrinking - and still they do not get it. These banks have been part of the problem. But it is always someone else.

#Climate #Banks #NetZero #Trump

Following on from my rant the other day about Antarctic Cruises, here's a story about how smoke particles from the Grampians bushfire were detected in Antarctica.

The article ends by talking about Antarctic tourism and scientists estimate that each visitor is responsible for 83 tonnes of snowmelt. "Last season there were 122,000 tourist visitors to Antarctica, a figure that has tripled in the last decade".

#ClimateChange #climate #climatecrisis #australia #antarctica


Dear journalists, if you're writing/publishing/broadcasting about the Los Angeles wildfires and you don't mention the role of #climate change, you're not doing your full job.

Theoretically, it is still possible that all the leaders of major governments could jointly choose to enact radical degrowth policies — but a realistic look at the world today makes it clear how unlikely that would be.

No matter how much we want it, how loudly we yell, or how hard we protest, I can’t see that happening.

So what’s the alternative?

Since I began posting regularly here at Mastodon a year and a half ago, many people have asked in comments: What can we do? What actions can we take?

My answer has always been that the most important steps you can take are personal and local. No, I don’t mean just lowering your carbon footprint, although of course that’s a good idea. I mean beginning to make the big changes now on a local level that are coming to us, sooner or later, whether we like it or not.

We must simplify. We *will* simplify, at some point, so why not start now? Be an example. Find others who want to change, and join with them. Build a community. Create co-ops, clothing and furniture exchanges, neighborhood gardens, seed libraries, tool libraries, and establish teaching and training sessions.

Develop systems of sharing resources — such as low-carbon transportation, small-scale solar or wind power, engineering know-how, financial assistance, medical expertise, and more. The possibilities are endless.

You can do this. We can do it. Together, we will change our world.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #Degrowth

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted California two waivers to enforce stricter-than-federal vehicle emission standards, which means the state now has the go-ahead to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035 and establish stronger standards for heavy-duty vehicles. #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #pollution #California https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2024-12-18/epa-oks-california-ev-mandate-and-tailpipe-emission-rule

How Congolese climate activists stopped a ‘carbon bomb,’ for now

After constant campaigning and mounting global condemnation, the Congolese government has temporarily canceled a dangerous oil and gas auction


#Congo #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate #ClimateStrike

It's T-3 for congestion relief in Manhattan below 60th street, and it's not a day too soon.

Right now, on a Thursday afternoon, in a week when many are still off work: "Typical conditions with delays up to 23 min."

#climate #NYC
Heavy traffic in this area: Typical conditions with delays up to 23 min.

https://www.europesays.com/1736365/ A palm oil company, a group of U.S. venture capitalists, and the destruction of Peru’s rainforest #Climate
A palm oil company, a group of U.S. venture capitalists, and the destruction of Peru’s rainforest

https://www.europesays.com/1735953/ Indigenous metal roars against colonialism and climate change #Climate #ClimateChange #Energy #EnvironmentalJustice #GlobalWarming #toxics
Indigenous metal roars against colonialism and climate change

"Farmers Are Using Wool To Save Water in the Drought-Ridden West"

#Agriculture #Drought #Climate #ClimateChange


“Activists have been pushing hard for the legislation. Over the last few weeks scores have occupied rooms in the capitol, and about twenty people, a great many of them elder members of Third Act, have been arrested for trespassing around the state Xmas tree—they’ve been singing carols as the cuffs go on. (Campaigners also won a big victory in Albany last week, when Hochul signed a bill that should prevent backdoor attempts at overturning the state’s fracking ban).”
#climate #climatechange #climateaction #activism
#law #usa #uspo #newyork


Amid Arizona’s data center boom, many Native Americans live without power -

As data centers drain US power grids, a fierce battle is being waged for electricity.

On Navajo Nation land, many are on the losing end. #Indigenous #ai #arizona #environment #climate https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/12/23/arizona-data-centers-navajo-power-aps-srp/

The EPA announced over $735 million to assist in the purchase of over 2,400 zero-emission vehicles across 27 states, three Tribal Nations, and one U.S. Territory through its first-ever Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles Grant Program #environment #renewables #climate #ClimateChange https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/biden-harris-administration-announces-over-735m-selections-clean-heavy-duty-vehicles

By #Voting for #Democrats We Make Our Lives Better!

The EPA announced a $319 million Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act loan to the City of Portland, serving Oregon’s Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties. The loan supports construction of the new Bull Run Treatment Projects to meet federal and state safe drinking water standards, and it will help protect the public health of nearly 1 million residents. #portland #oregon #climate #water #environment https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/epa-announces-319m-wifia-loan-improvements-critical-drinking-water-system-oregon

For more than 30 years, scientists have warned that unless fossil fuel use is reduced to a minimum, Earth's climate and environment will be damaged beyond repair.

We're caught in a battle between the need for a livable planet versus Business As Usual.

Guess which side is winning...

The world’s coal use is expected to reach a fresh high of 8.7 billion tonnes this year, and remain at near-record levels for years.

There has been record production of coal and power generation from coal since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine inflated global gas market prices, according to the International Energy Agency.

The IEA said the coal rebound, after a slump during the global Covid pandemic, means consumption of the fossil fuel is now on track to rise to a new peak of 8.77 billion tonnes by the end of the year – and could remain at near-record levels until 2027.

The Paris-based agency blamed power plants for the growing use of coal over the last year, particularly in China which consumes 30% more of the polluting fuel than the rest of the world put together.

Coal demand in China is expected to grow by 1% in 2024 to reach 4.9 billion tonnes, which is another record, according to the IEA. India is expected to see demand grow by more than 5% to 1.3 billion tonnes, a level previously reached only by China.

FULL STORY -- https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/dec/18/coal-use-to-reach-new-peak-and-remain-at-near-record-levels-for-years

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "Coal use to reach new peak – and remain at near-record levels for years." Below this is an aerial photo of smokestacks at a coal power plant spewing emissions into the atmosphere.