Beiträge, die mit DRAMA getaggt sind
Speaking last night, we were all of the opinion that the ‘Crow Road’ would make a very good Gaelic translation. Ian Banks writes in English, but…
What do people think?
#AntEillan #Drama #BBC #Gaelic #Gàidhlig
A’ bruidhinn a-raoir, bha sinn uile den bheachd gun dèanadh an ‘Crow Road’ eadar-theangachadh Gàidhlig fìor mhath. Tha Ian Banks a’ sgrìobhadh sa Bheurla, ach…
Dè tha daoine a’ smaoineachadh?
#AntEillan #Drama #BBC #Gàidhlig
@finn and I did at least, so we wrote a blog post talking about what happened with VLC and Google, how that drama formed and what you can do to stop spreading misinformation.
This is my first-ever blog post that I wrote with someone together, so I hope the way I show what's written by whom is understandable.

Anyway, thank you, Finn, for helping me write such an important blog post. I think I couldn't have done it without you!

#blog #android #google #safetycore #vlc #ai #drama #fediverse
Outrage Warps Reality
How mass paranoia and uninformed outrage will hurt the Fediverse, and what we can learn about the drama regarding VLC's AI and Google's newest service.SteffoSpieler (Steffo Blog)
#FilmeDoDia #OneMovieADay #OneMoviePerDay #TheGeekNews #Drama #InvestigativeJournalism #OpenRoadFilms #TomMcCarthy #MarkRuffalo #MichaelKeaton #RachelMcAdams #WalterRobinson #MikeRezendes #SachaPfeiffer #MartyBaron
Revenge in Her Eyes - Short Story - Available on W.D.L Diamond Blog
#Writing #Reading #Blog #shorts #stories #Drama
Revenge in her Eyes: The Private Investigator's Quest for the Truth - W.D.L Diamond
Join a Private Investigator on a mission to uncover the truth in Revenge in her Eyes. A gripping tale of mystery and betrayal.deblang222 (W.D.L Diamond)
MILLERS IN MARRIAGE – Official Trailer (2025) Morena Baccarin
MILLERS IN MARRIAGE - Official Trailer (2025) Morena Baccarin - INBELLAINBELLA
‘September 5’ movie relives horrifying Munich Olympics massacre
'September 5' movie relives horrifying Munich Olympics massacre - INBELLAINBELLA
Local playwright explores Jewish experience after Oct. 7 attacks in ‘Picking Up Stones’
The Jewish High Holy Days this year have also been a time of reflection and mourning a year after the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas.Alex Nunes (TPR: The Public's Radio)