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Beiträge, die mit Extermination getaggt sind

Israel's leaflets promise GENOCIDE


Can someone explain to me the difference between what this Israeli leaflet says, and what was said by Adolf Hitler 86 years ago?

#ForcedDisplacement #Genocide #Intent #Clear #Leaflet #Dropped #Gaza #Extermination #Armenia #Hitler #Israel #Parallels

Human Rights Watch finds Israel guilty of extermination and ‘acts of genocide’ https://mondoweiss.net/2024/12/human-rights-watch-finds-israel-guilty-of-extermination-and-acts-of-genocide/
#gaza #palestine #zionist #warcrimes #genocide #extermination

Exterminate, expel, resettle: Israel's endgame in northern Gaza

“In years to come, Israel will write in the history books: they left of their own accord”

(+972 Magazine) #Israel #Gaza #settlement #ethniccleansing #extermination
