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Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind

Interrogé par TV5 Monde #france au sujet de la décision de l’Etat d’Israël de bloquer toute aide humanitaire à destination de la bande de #gaza Philippe Lazzarini, Commissaire Général de l’UNRWA, répond : « plus rien n’entre, ce qui est regrettable et une instrumentalisation de l’aide humanitaire à des fins militaires ».

#westbank #jerusalem #ihl

📲 Video credit 🔵 #UNRWA / UN


#Skwawkbox | Israel abducts 12yo Palestinian girl in Jerusalem – for drawing Palestinian flag



#TaqwaGhazawi #Palestine #WestBank

‘Stain on Humanity’: Palestinian Women Endure Unprecedented Israeli Violence https://www.byteseu.com/810404/ #Conflicts #GazaGenocide #Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PalestinianWomen #WestBank #Women'sDay
'Stain on Humanity': Palestinian Women Endure Unprecedented Israeli Violence

"The Israeli army is building an AI language model using millions of intercepted conversations between Palestinians, which could accelerate the process of incrimination and arrest, a joint investigation reveals"


#Gaza #Westbank #Palestine #Israel #genocide #racism

"Ahmad Mansour verbreitet seine kruden Thesen auch im israelischen Fernsehen. Im Interview mit Zvi Jechezkeli sagt er etwa: „Wer halb Afghanistan aufnimmt, wird selbst zu Afghanistan“ – und behauptet, in Berlin mieden Frauen und Ältere nach 20 Uhr die Straße (ht: Yossi Bartal)"



Mansour wird regelmäßig von #ARD und #ZDF als Experte präsentiert. #Medienproblem

#Rassismus #Rechtsextremismus #Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Genozid

"Le battaglie delle donne palestinesi dal mandato britannico al dopo #7ottobre.
In lotta contro il colonialismo israeliano e contro l’impostazione patriarcale della società."

#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #8Marzo


It's always funny when the average Tel Aviv resident I talk to thinks they don't benefit from the occupation.

Tel Aviv is already in a never-ending housing crisis. What do you think would happen if 700,000 settlers had instead settled within Israel's recognized borders?

#Israel #Palestine #WestBank

[...] de totale Israëlische controle van de watervoorziening t.b.v. kolonisten, terwijl Palestijnen zelfs geen reservoir mogen aanleggen om regenwater op te vangen. Een geraffineerde versie van de Jim Crow-wetten, stelt Coates vast; niet alleen de zwembaden en drinkfonteinen zijn gesegregeerd, maar ook het water zélf. Hij maakt de balans op: dit apartheidsregime, met Amerikaanse rugdekking, komt het dichtst bij de wereld waarin zijn ouders zijn geboren.'
https://www.groene.nl/artikel/karikatuur-van-de-bevrijding #Israel #Westbank

This is what Israel calls a "ceasefire". Operation Iron Wall started 2 days after the ceasefire was declared. The only reason they "accepted" a ceasefire, and I use that term loosely since they never stopped the violence and killing, was because there was nothing left to destroy in Gaza and they had already committed to moving their efforts to West Bank.


State of Siege: Israel is conducting its largest mass expulsion campaign in the West Bank since 1967
More than 40,000 Palestinians have been forced from their homes in a violent Israeli rampage that at times has been aided by the Palestinian Authority

Qassas’s killing is part of a sweeping Israeli military assault, dubbed “Operation Iron Wall,” that has largely emptied four refugee camps in the northern West Bank—Jenin, Tulkarem, Faraa, and Nur Shams—forcing over 40,000 Palestinians to flee their homes in the largest forced displacement in the territory since the 1967 war. Israeli troops have bulldozed roads and destroyed homes, buildings, water and electricity lines, and other civilian infrastructure. On February 23, Israel’s Defense Minister said Israeli troops would remain in some of the refugee camps for the coming year and that displaced residents would not be allowed to return.

Israel launched Operation Iron Wall on January 21, two days after the Gaza “ceasefire” went into effect. More than 60 Palestinians, including 11 children, have been killed by Israeli forces and state-backed settlers in the West Bank since then. With the Gaza ceasefire deal in peril as a result of Netanyahu’s sabotage and Israel—even further emboldened by the re-election of Donald Trump—on an aggressive and violent rampage in the region, tens of thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank face one of the most dire realities imposed on them by Israel in decades.

For residents, this means a relentless escalation of daily terror and the brutal treatment of their dead.

Over the past two weeks, roads outside Jenin have been destroyed in an obliteration campaign, cafes and commercial infrastructure bulldozed, and the main streets rendered nearly impassable. While buildings inside the camp have been completely destroyed, civilian homes and buildings outside the camp have been converted into military positions, where Israeli soldiers stationed snipers and used them as shelters. The operation is now expanding beyond the refugee camp and penetrating toward the city, with the Israeli army declaring the entire district of Jenin a closed military zone.

“I want to be home,” the woman said. “I just want to be home. For the last year there has been no room to breathe. It has been one operation after the next.” She described the recent Israeli military attacks and those of the Palestinian Authority, conducted under the auspices of targeting armed resistance fighters in the West Bank. “Now this,” she said. “I can’t breathe, I want to breathe.”

“I can’t go and help them. They’ll shoot immediately at all of us because I’m a young man,” he said. With the camp ordered emptied, Israeli snipers stationed on the outskirts often shoot at will.

The snipers have also fired at journalists, medics tending to the chronically ill or injured, and the elderly who have tried to sneak in to gather some belongings.


#freepalestine #westbank #gaza

"Seit den Anfängen des #Zionismus hegten bekannte Namen, wie der Visionär des Judenstaates Theodor Herzl, Israels erster Ministerpräsident David Ben-Gurion oder der legendäre einäugige Verteidigungsminister Mosche Dajan Fantasien und gar Pläne für die Umsiedlung der einheimischen Bevölkerung. Sie gründeten auf Lebensraum- und Sicherheitserwägungen, die durch #rassistische und religiöse Argumente untermauert wurden."


#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank
#freiheitfurpalastina 🇵🇸 🤲🏾

LIVE: Israel troops attack West Bank mosques during Ramadan Friday prayer | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Yemen’s Houthis give Israel four-day deadline to lift Gaza blockage
- To people in Gaza, Trump’s threats make little difference
- Photos: Palestinians queue up at checkpoints to visit Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem
- Two Palestinian cvilians killed in Israeli drone strike: Report

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

https://www.europesays.com/1894315/ 10 Indian Workers, Held Hostage In Palestine’s West Bank, Rescued By Israel #IndiansRescuedFromPalestine #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #WestBank
10 Indian Workers, Held Hostage In Palestine's West Bank, Rescued By Israel

From #dropsitenews
State of Siege: #Israel is conducting its largest mass expulsion campaign in the #WestBank since 1967
More than 40,000 Palestinians have been forced from their homes in a violent Israeli rampage that at times has been aided by the Palestinian Authority
Mariam Barghouti
Mar 07, 2025

Israeli-American Activist DESTROYS #BillMaher's Zionist Garbage (w/ #MikoPeled)


#BriahnaJoyGray #BadFaith #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #FreePalestine #Israel #Apartheid #Genocide

Israeli-American Activist DESTROYS #BillMaher's Zionist Garbage (w/ #MikoPeled)


#BriahnaJoyGray #BadFaith #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #FreePalestine #Israel #Apartheid #Genocide

LIVE: Trump issues ‘last warning’ to Hamas, Israel maintains Gaza blockade | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

- Israel’s new defence chief of staff to present plans for resumed Gaza fighting
- WATCH: PM Netanyahu ‘in difficulties internally’ over restarting Gaza war
- US-Hamas talks ‘not promising’
- Report: Israel tries to interfere in Hamas-US talks
- West Bank mayor arrested over ‘incitement’: Report

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

Cosa ho trovato quando sono tornata a casa mia a Gaza.

Muri crepati e finestre in frantumi.
Ma i soldati israeliani mi hanno lasciato una “sorpresa” diversa: parole, frasi e numeri scarabocchiati sui muri come ferite fresche. 🧵1/ 7

Farida Algoul è una scrittrice, giornalista ed educatrice di Gaza che si occupa di politica, cultura e questioni sociali. Farida è insegnante e fondatrice del "Progetto Tenda Educativa", che mira a fornire opportunità di apprendimento ai bambini sfollati.

#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #6marzo

La famiglia Nijim stende i panni sulle rovine della propria proprietà durante la distruzione diffusa causata dall'offensiva aerea e terrestre dell'esercito israeliano a Jabaliya, nella Striscia di Gaza. Credito: Jehad Alshrafi, AP

Zionisten in SuperieurVolksKrant

In de SuperieurVolksKrant (pun intended) krijgen JankJoden opnieuw een podium, zie https://infosec.exchange/@martoiu@mastodon.social/114114937131115409.

@martoiu : het is het voortdurend herhaalde gejank van Zionisten. Zeggen dat Francesca Albanese een antisemiet is en elke dode Israëliër eindeloos tentoonstellen - nog erger dan Hamas.

En maar leugens blijven verspreiden over de explosie van antiSEMITISME in Nederland. Leugens, want *zélfs* van een explosie van antiZIONISME is geen sprake - een fenomeen dat, in elk zichzelf respecterend land, WÉL had moeten plaatsvinden. Als dat decennia geleden was gebeurd, had de "Bibas-familie, met twee jonge kinderen", waarschijnlijk nog geleefd.

Een beknopt overzicht van de laatst bekende meldingen betreffende "antisemitisme" (overigens betreft het hoofdzakelijk "kankerjood"-uitingen door voetbalhooligans, die *vanalles* roepen) t/m 2023 (cijfers over 2024 zijn nog niet gepubliceerd voor zover ik weet) geregistreerd door de Politie (*) vindt u onderaan https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113691676298077816

(*) Dus NIET de leugens van CIDI (Crimineel Israëlisch Defensie Instituut) en papegaai NCAB (= Nationale CIDI Ambassadeur Belastingbetaald = Verdoner, niet CvI = Criminelen Voor Israël en niet JoNet = Janken om Netanyahu).

Laat die genocidesteuners uit de SuperieurVolksKrant u eens vertellen (of voorlezen uit Haaretz) hoe Palestijnse gegijzelden door Israël worden behandeld. En hoe meer dan 1 miljoen kinderen voortdurend moeten leiden onder de eindeloze kolonisatiedrift van de ÜberIsraëliërs en het tomeloze geweld van de Israeli Destruction Forces. De laatste "tactiek" is om iedereen in concentratiekamp Gaza uit te hongeren.

Onderstaand plaatje komt uit een van de meer objectieve kranten, Trouw (dit geval) en NRC.

P..S. Verifieerbare feiten betreffende de nietsontziende Zionistische beheerders van concentratiekamp Auschwitz leest u in https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/114109842135519548.

#JankZionisten #JankJoden #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #Gaza #Westbank #Antisenitisme #DefinitieVanAntisemitisme #HolocaustVerloochening #SuperieurVolksKrant #CIDI #NCAB #Verdoner #CvI #JoNet
Foto van een pagina uit dagblad Trouw van 25 feb. 2025 "De Verdieping" met een foto van een Gazaanse jongeman (ik schat hem een jaar of 17) met ontbloot bovenlichaam.

Zijn beide onderarmen zijn geamputeerd en zitten in verband. Ook op zijn buik en op zijn rechter schouder is verband te zien.

Bijschrift: "De verminkte jongeren van Gaza".

We have some updates:

++ 📢 Egypt says 100 countries will attend Gaza reconstruction conference ++ New York: Police intervene at Barnard College amid renewed Gaza protests ++ 🔵 UN expresses support for Egypt's Gaza reconstruction plan ++ #westbank ⚠️ Day 39 of Israeli aggression: Tulkarm remains under attack ++ 🧕🏾⛺️ Jordanian Field Hospital 'Gaza 5' treats 26,361 Palestinians ++🕯 Palestinian detainee from #gaza dies inside Israeli detention ++

News rundown 11:00 CEST


LIVE: Trump issues ‘last warning’ to Hamas, Israel maintains Gaza blockade | Al Jazeera

- How are Palestinians responding to Trump’s threats?
- Israeli forces carry out mass arrests across West Bank
- WATCH: Israelis join TikTok trend mocking Palestinian children’s suffering
- ‘Everything scarce’ in Gaza as Israeli blockade continues
- Mayor of Deir el-Balah sounds alarm over dwindling fuel supplies

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

‘Public execution’: The Israeli checkpoint terrorising a Palestinian town | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

"Israel put a checkpoint on Deir Sharaf’s main street in October 2022. Since then village life has suffered, businesses are failing – and Palestinians are being killed."

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel

Breaking the Silence:
Those of us who served in the occupied Palestinian territories know the reality in the South Hebron Hills. Last night, it was exposed to the whole world on the big screen—yet remains hidden and censored from those who live right next door to it and are extremely affected by it: Israelis.
In Israel, there is a deep fear of confronting this reality. Soldiers are sent to maintain the occupation, then silenced when they speak out about what they did. They are not allowed to talk about the immorality, violence, or oppression. But burying the truth doesn’t erase it.
(rest in comments)

#Israel #Occupation #WestBank #iDF #Oscars #BreakinTheSilence #NoOtherLand #Palestine

"Die Bundesregierung distanziert sich von ihrem eigenen Antisemitismus-Beauftragten Felix Klein, nachdem er Trumps Pläne für Vertreibung und ethnische Säuberung des Gazastreifens gelobt hat."


Komplette BPK:

#Gaza #Westbank #Palästina #Israel #Genozid #Rassismus #Rechtsextremismus #Trump #USA


“Non ci è permesso parlare, non ci è permesso manifestare contro i ladri, contro i bugiardi, contro i razzisti.
Oggi non c'è legge nel Paese. Ci sono crimini come durante la #Nakba del 1948.
I coloni stanno prendendo il potere nelle loro mani, la polizia e il governo chiudono gli occhi”.

#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #5marzo

Grazie anche agli attivisti israeliani, le famiglie palestinesi sono rimaste. Saleh Diab nella sua casa nel quartiere Sheikh Jarrah a Gerusalemme Est, 4 marzo 2025 (Foto: Oren Ziv)

"#Libano: gli attacchi israeliani contro strutture sanitarie, ambulanze e paramedici devono essere indagati come crimini di guerra."

#GazaGenocide‌ #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #ZionistTerrorism #PACE #5marzo


#Westbank #Jenin #WhatsLeft

"Palestinian journalist shows Israel's destruction of Jenin refugee camp" [ ± 1min]
by MiddleEastEye


Quote by MEE:
"Feb 27, 2025
Israel's destructive raid of Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank has forced thousands of Palestinians to flee, many with nowhere to go.
With tanks stationed at the camp's outskirts and Israeli troops ordered to remain there for a year by the country's Defence Minister, Palestinians have been forbidden from returning to what remains of their homes.
Instead, as Barghouti reports, they have attempted to sneak in to gather what is left of their belongings, as much of the camp is now off limits. The raids are part of Israel's Operation "Iron Wall", a series of military assaults on cities across the occupied West Bank that first began during the Gaza ceasefire.
The operation has killed 70 people, according to Israel's military. It has also left several refugee camps across the occupied territory in ruins.

#NeverAgain #StopTheGenocide
#JailForNetanyahu #JailForGallant #SmotrichRaus

Damn those anti-semitic Holocaust survivors, amirite, zionists?

#Israel #apartheid #warCrimes #ethnicCleansing #genocide #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #UK #USA #Europe #complicity https://syzito.xyz/@fkamiah17/114108969382052631

Gaza-toot (niet van mij) boosten svp:


Stephen Kapos, 87, een holocaust slachtoffer die de waarheid vertelt over Israël (wel erg schokkende beelden tussendoor, maar we moeten deze waarheid onder ogen gaan zien).

Hij moet zich nu bij de Britse Politie melden voor zijn anti-Israel standpunt.

Zo'n toot kan niet genoeg worden geboost.


#Gaza #Westbank #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #Genocide

“LIVE BLOG: Hamas Welcomes #Arab #League’s Position | Israel Kills ‘Top Hezbollah Official’ – Day 515”

by Palestine Chronicle Staff


“Israeli forces re-detained freed prisoner #Israa #Ghneimat in Surif, north of #Hebron, amid ongoing aggression on the occupied West Bank”


#Press #Gaza #Palestine #WestBank #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust

LIVE: Israel, US criticise Egypt’s Gaza plan, Hamas welcomes it | Al Jazeera

- US criticism of Egypt-led proposal for Gaza comes as no surprise
- More than 150,000 students in Gaza have returned to school
- Four wounded as Israeli forces raid West Bank’s Ramallah
- More than 3,000 children in Gaza diagnosed with acute malnutrition since truce
- Photos: Palestinian families break Ramadan fast amid the rubble

#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel

IDF troops kill top Hamas terrorist in Jenin raid, as West Bank operation expands


Governor of terror hotbed reports ‘massive destruction’ in wake of IDF gunfight with terror commander Issar Saadi; soldiers shoot knife-wielding Palestinian near Homesh outpost

Israeli soldiers operate with their armored vehicles in the West Bank city of Jenin, March 4, 2025. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

Al Jazeera Shireen Abu Akleh gave a voice to the Palestinian people.

Two years ago, an Israeli sniper shot her dead while she was doing her job - reporting the news.

To this day, no one has been brought to justice over her death.

