Beiträge, die mit WESTBANK getaggt sind
'The deadly raids, which Israel calls the ‘Iron Wall’ campaign, were launched just days after a ceasefire was agreed on in Gaza.'
#Israel #Westbank #Jenin #occupation #violence #Palestine
Teen among five Palestinians killed by Israeli air strikes on Jenin
The deadly raids, which Israel calls the ‘Iron Wall’ campaign, were launched just days after a ceasefire was agreed.Al Jazeera
A clear sign that the Palestinian genocide isn't over, its just shifted to the West Bank.
#WestBank #Jenin #FreePalestine #IOF
In another story of a released West Bank Palestinian, this father spent 20years in Israeli prison. He was abducted by the IOF while his wife was 5 months pregnant and he'd never gotten to meet his son until this week. His son is now a man and the two cried in each others arms at their first reunion this week.
Earlier in the week Israeli soldiers were shooting randomly into West Bank homes and murdered a two year old girl.
#WestBank #Tulkarm
Hamas decried the siege on Al-Razi Hospital and specifically called it a crime against the nation of Palestine when IOF forces carried out a shooting in the hospital while Palestinian Authority cops protected the occupation soldiers.
#Hamas #PalastinianAuthority #WestBank #Israel #IOF #AlRaziHospital #Jenin
حماس: مشاركة السلطة في هجوم الاحتلال على جنين جريمة بحق شعبنا
استنكرت حركة المقاومة الإسلامية حماس بأشد العبارات، تواصل نزيف الدم الفلسطيني على يد أجهزة السلطة في الضفة الغربية، والتي كان آخرها إصابة الشاب محمد شادي الصباغ من مخيم جنين، إلى جانب محاصرة مستشفى الرازي وملاحقة المقاومين، واعتقال المصابين، في سلوك …حركة المقاومة الإسلامية - حماس
In a "leopards ate my face" moment a band of zionist settlers and Israeli cops got into a fight resulting in two zionist settlers getting shot by cops.
Palestinian sources suggest the cops and zionist mistook each other for Palestinians. It seems to be an accidental friendly fire mishap.
#Zionist #WestBank #Qalqilya
Israeli settlers attack West Bank villages under army’s protection
Israeli settlers attack Palestinian villages, set vehicles on fire and injure several residents in the West Bank.Al Jazeera
#WestBank #Jenin #JeninGeneralHospital #IOF #Israel
UPP-Unies Pour La Palestine, It’s Not Complicated e.a. (bron)Demonstratie op 09/02 ter ondersteuning van het Palestijnse volk, georganiseerd door het collectief UPP-Unies Pour La Palestine en It’s Not Complicated in samenwerking met verschillende Brusselse collectieven en verenigingen die actief zijn in de strijd voor het Palestijnse volk.
Helaas is het nu de beurt aan de Westelijke Jordaanoever om binnengevallen te worden. Na het staakt-het-vuren in Gaza maakt de Israëlische regering van de situatie gebruik om Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever te vermoorden en te ontvoeren.
Het is van vitaal belang dat de beweging voor Palestina hier in Europa blijft groeien, met niet aflatende solidariteit en eenheid.
De strijd gaat door tot de overwinning van het Palestijnse volk!
- Start - Poelarts (14u30)
- Finish - Terrein Mehdi Bouda (17u)
Local reports said Israeli forces detonated 20 houses in the occupied #WestBank camp«
Israel destroys neighbourhood in Jenin refugee camp, damaging hospital
Israel has pounded Jenin refugee camp and destroyed residential buildings as part of its ongoing large-scale operations in the occupied West Bank.MEE staff (Middle East Eye)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“The Israeli genocidal war on Gaza on Gaza has killed over 61,000 Palestinians and displaced more than two million, creating an #unprecedented #humanitarian #disaster”
#Press #Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
Mass Displacement and Unprecedented Tragedy: Gaza’s War in Numbers - Palestine Chronicle
The Israeli genocidal war on Gaza on Gaza has killed over 61,000 Palestinians and displaced more than two million.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
++ ⚠️VoT* ISR throws two sonic bombs on residents, LAF position #lebanon ++ Turkey could accept some Palestinians freed by Israel: FM ++ 📌 Israel builds bases in Syria, sparking fear of occupation: WashPo ++ ⚠️VoT* At least seven Palestinians injured in Israeli strikes in #gaza despite ceasefire ++ ⚠️ Massive damage to infrastructure amid Israeli offensive in al-Far'a refugee camp #westbank ++
*(VoT) Violation of Truce
🌃 News rundown 16:30 CEST
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
video in link:
Netanyahu op weg naar Washington • Israël geeft beelden vrij van luchtaanval in Jenin
In dit liveblog lees je het laatste nieuws van de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas en andere ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“Israeli forces violated the ceasefire in Gaza, firing two rockets northwest of #Nuseirat and warning shots in #Rafah. Meanwhile, seven Palestinians, including an elderly, were killed in the occupied West Bank as the Israeli aggression continues”
#Press #Israel #Genocide #Gaza #WestBank #Ceasefire #Violation
LIVE BLOG: Israel Violates Gaza Ceasefire | 7 Killed in West Bank amid Escalation - Day 485 - Palestine Chronicle
Israeli forces violated the ceasefire in Gaza, firing two rockets northwest of Nuseirat and warning shots in Rafah.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
Ik waarschuw meestal voor gemiddelden (denk aan Klaas Knot bij Buitenhof die het over "dé" loonstijging had), maar deze is zó veelzeggend dat ik hem de lezer niet wil onthouden:
"Life expectancy losses in the Gaza Strip during the period October, 2023, to September, 2024"
(23-01-2025 by Prof Michel Guillot, PhD; Mohammed Draidi, MA; Valeria Cetorelli, PhD; José H C Monteiro Da Silva, MA; Ismail Lubbad, PhD) in
Ná sep. 2024 is de levensverwachting, vooral van Palestijnen in Nóórd-Gaza, ongetwijfeld snel verder gedaald. Maar ook van Palestijnen elders in Gaza en op de Westbank. En van Libanezen.
1) Patrick Sudlow (@patricksudlow) in
2) "Lancet study finds Gaza life expectancy slashed in half by Israeli genocide in Palestine
by Andre Damon • 01/02/2025" (de foto hieronder komt uit dat artikel).
#Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Libanon #Lebanon #MSFIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #HRWIsRight #AmnestyIsRight #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #SarahSchwartIsRight #SarahSchwartz
Patrick Sudlow (
'Lancet study finds Gaza life expectancy slashed in half by Israeli genocide' https://countercurrents.Mastodon
Al Aqsa Flood Deal: Occupiers Release 183 Palestinian Detainees
Zionist occupation authorities released the fourth batch of Palestinian detainees today as part of the prisoner exchange deal under the ceasefire agreement (Al-Aqsa Flood Deal) in Gaza.
According to the Palestinian Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society, 183 detainees were released including 111 from the Gaza Strip, who were detained after October 7, 2023.
Ahead of the release, Zionist forces declared the area near Ofer Prison a closed military zone, preventing families from gathering to welcome their loved ones. The occupation soldiers further fired sound bombs towards them.
Hundreds of local residents and detainees’ families gathered since the early morning hours in the Mahmoud Darwish Museum Square in the city of Ramallah to receive the released detainees, raising the Palestinian flags.
The release marks a significant development in the implementation of the ceasefire agreement, with emotions running high among families and supporters celebrating the return of their loved ones.
The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, handed over three Zionist prisoners to the International Red Cross in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, on Saturday morning, as part of the fourth batch of the first phase of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” deal.
The Al-Qassam Brigades released the prisoners “Ofer Calderon” and “Yarden Bibas” from Khan Yunis, and the prisoner “Keith Shmonsel Segal” from the Gaza port, west of the city.
#alAqsaFlood #gaza #hamas #palestine #westAsia #westBank
Zionist occupation authorities released the fourth batch of Palestinian detainees today as part of the prisoner exchange deal under the ceasefire agreement (Al-Aqsa Flood Deal) in Gaza.
According to the Palestinian Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society, 183 detainees were released...
#News #AlAqsaFlood #gaza #hamas #palestine #WestAsia #WestBank
Israel and Hamas Exchange 3 Hostages and More Than 180 Prisoners
Hamas gunmen released three more hostages and Israel freed more than 180 Palestinian prisoners on Saturday, quickly conducting the latest exchange in a tense cease-fire deal and avoiding the chaos that marked a drawn-out transfer earlier this week.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
“ostaggi” e “prigionieri”: una nota di raffaella battaglini sul vocabolario del colonialismo
Rivelatore è sempre il linguaggio: gli israeliani liberati da Hamas sono ‘ostaggi’, parola che sottintende il loro essere civili innocenti (falso, perché molti erano soldati, come abbiamo potuto constatare) mentre i palestinesi liberati da Israele vengono definiti ‘prigionieri’, che sottintende il loro essere criminali condannati e giustamente detenuti (completamente falso, la maggioranza sono persone arrestate e trattenute illegalmente in carcere dall’Idf, a volte per anni, tra cui molte donne e moltissimi minori).
Questo è solo un esempio, non innocuo, di come il distorto linguaggio coloniale e razzista usato da tutti i media mainstream manipoli costantemente i fatti , senza che questo venga minimamente messo in discussione da nessuno. Eppure è attraverso questo linguaggio che si formano le convinzioni delle persone.
“Israele non è tanto la sorgente quanto il sintomo della nostra colonialità del presente” (Iain Chambers)
#Gaza #zionism #genocide
#genocidio #Palestine #Palestina
#starvingpeople #starvingcivilians
#izrahell #israelterroriststate
#Cisgiordania #WestBank
#iof #idf #colonialism
#settlers #coloni #sionismo
#prigionieri #ostaggi
#Cisgiordania #coloni #colonialism #Gaza #genocide #genocidio #ICC #icj #IDF #IOF #israelterroriststate #izrahell #massmurders #ostaggi #Palestina #Palestine #prigionieri #RaffaellaBattaglini #settlers #sionismo #sionisti #starvingcivilians #starvingpeople #warcrimes #WestBank #zionism
- Palestinian journalists detained by Israeli troops near Hebron
- More details on deadly Israeli drone strike in occupied West Bank
- ‘Scene of happiness’: Medical evacuations under way in Gaza
- Israeli forces storm villages in the occupied West Bank
- Deadly Israeli attack on home in besieged Jenin camp
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel
LIVE: Israel frees Palestinians after 3 captives released in Gaza
Fourth captive-prisoner swap comes as dozens of Palestinians leave through Rafah crossing to hospitals abroad.Usaid Siddiqui (Al Jazeera)
Updates: Palestinian prisoners freed by Israel, Hamas confirms Deif’s death
These were the updates on Israel’s war on Gaza and occupied West Bank raids on Thursday, January 30.Lyndal Rowlands (Al Jazeera)
Note to editors: The ICRC will not be providing any footage of released hostages or detainees during these operations. #media
📑 Full report ICRC (prime source) 👇🏽
Israel and the Occupied Territories: More hostages and detainees returned home in fourth phase of release operations
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) today safely transferred three hostages out of Gaza to Israel, and 175 Palestinian detainees from Israeli detention centres to Gaza and the West Bank. In total 183 detainees were released today.International Committee of the Red Cross
‘I feel a mixture of grief and joy’: Father of freed Palestinian prisoner
Signs of starvation, infections and injuries from beatings among those freed: Palestinian Prisoner’s Society
LIVE: Israel frees Palestinians after 3 captives released in Gaza
Fourth captive-prisoner swap comes as dozens of Palestinians due to leave through Rafah crossing to hospitals abroad.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
"In de bestandsvoorwaarden is afgesproken dat Hamas in de eerste zes weken 33 gijzelaars vrijlaat en Israël bijna 2000 gevangenen vrijlaat. In totaal houdt Israël bijna 10.000 Palestijnen vast. Tegen een derde van de Palestijnse gevangenen is nooit een aanklacht ingediend."
#Israel #bezetting #Palestina #Gaza #Westbank #gijzelaars #gevangenen
Israël en Hamas ruilen voor de vierde keer gijzelaars en gevangenen
Hamas liet drie Israëlische gijzelaars vrij, in ruil daarvoor laat Israël ongeveer 180 Palestijnse gevangenen vrij.NOS Nieuws
Grensovergang Rafah voor eerst in negen maanden open voor zieken en gewonden
De grensovergang bij Rafah tussen Gaza en Egypte is voor het eerst sinds mei geopend voor medische evacuaties. Dit maakt het mogelijk voor zieke en gewonde Palestijnen om medische hulp te krijgen in Egypte.
Bij de grensovergang zal een grensmissie van de Europese Unie het Palestijnse grenspersoneel dat de mensen controleert die het gebied willen verlaten ondersteunen.
#Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Libanon #Syrie #Lebanon #Syria #MSFIsRight #AmnestyIsRight #HRWIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight
Grensovergang Rafah weer open voor evacuatie van zieken en gewonden
In dit liveblog lees je het laatste nieuws van de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas en andere ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
Prisoners’ release ‘symbolic win’ for Palestinians
'Sultan Barakat, a professor at Qatar’s Hamad Bin Khalifa University, says the release of Palestinian prisoners is a “symbolic win” rather than a victory for the Palestinians, primarily showing the inhumane conditions they live under.
“Israel can capture people in the West Bank and Gaza because they all live in a confinement area under the control of Israel.”
LIVE: Israel begins freeing Palestinians after 3 captives released in Gaza
Fourth captive-prisoner swap comes as dozens of Palestinians due to leave through Rafah crossing to hospitals abroad.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
by Palestine Chronicle Staff
“The # border crossing between Gaza and #Egypt will open today amid protests by Egyptians over displacement plans for Palestinians”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #WestBank #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Qassam #PermanentCeasefireNoW #SettlerColonialism #Zionism #Barbarism #BloodLust
LIVE BLOG: Fourth Prisoner Swap Ahead as Israel Exits Rafah Crossing | West Bank Massacres Continue - Day 483 - Palestine Chronicle
The Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt will open today amid protests by Egyptians over displacement plans for Palestinians.admin (Palestine Chronicle)
U.S. Considers Sending Israel 24,000 Assault Rifles Held Back Under Biden
The Trump administration is considering sending 24,000 assault rifles to Israel that had been held up at the State Department on the orders of Antony J. Blinken, the former secretary of state, a U.S. official said.Mr.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
How Israel tests military tech on Palestinians | The Palestine Laboratory E1
#Gaza #WestBank #Israel
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How West Bank Aggression Could Endanger Gaza Ceasefire
Zionist attacks on Palestine’s West Bank continue to take on a new intensity. In the wake of the Gaza ceasefire, occupation forces and settlers have worked in tandem to attack innocent Palestinians, opening fire and injuring scores of individuals. The spike in violence should send a powerful message to all those who believe that the occupation can be trusted on the Gaza ceasefire: it has simply shifted the center of its brutal aggression to the West Bank. “[Her] mother was feeding her [when] she got a bullet from the sniper in her head,” said the grandmother of Laila al-Khatib, the two-year-old Palestinian girl shot and killed by occupation forces over the weekend. This violence cannot be seen in isolation and has the potential to disrupt the Gaza ceasefire.
Take the Zionist forces’ violent raid at Al-Aqsa Mosque in 2023 into account. The deadly event became a catalyst for spillovers elsewhere, promoting escalations and increasing the scope of confrontations manifold. At present, the Zionist regime is testing the Resistance’s ability to respond to its deadly onslaught in the occupied West Bank and is creating conditions that could prompt more fitting reactions. Realities on the ground speak for themselves: hundreds of Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp were forced to leave their homes and the casualty count in the occupied West Bank has reached double-digits. By pushing to expand “large scale” occupation raids, the Zionist entity shows few signs of bringing its terror campaign to a halt. Continuation could put the Gaza ceasefire on thin ice, where both sides are expected to operate in good faith. These expanding raids also put a premium on stamping out groups that are committed to protecting Palestine’s freedoms. If violence in the occupied West Bank spirals out of control in the future, an already-fragile Gaza ceasefire may not hold firm.
The value of the ceasefire is impossible to ignore. Legions of Palestinians are finally returning to their homes in northern Gaza, having borne the brunt of a raging genocide that confined their home soil to rubble. The ceasefire also reaffirms the Resistance’s commitment to its people, as well as their freedoms and liberties as it prioritizes their interests in the captive exchange.
But the regime appears hellbent on introducing new risks to that arrangement. It has been using sophisticated weaponry and deadly warfare techniques to attack the Jenin refugee camp and proudly claims that “lessons” from the Gaza genocide are being applied to the occupied West Bank. Why should Resistance groups hold back? It is Palestinian blood that is being targeted from Gaza to the occupied West Bank, and the regime feels it can normalize repeated massacres and avoid any consequences. There are also reports that the occupation is tightening the screws around the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), calling it to “vacate all premises in occupied East Jerusalem and cease its operations in them by 30 January 2025.”
This move should be seen as part of a broader effort to strangle critical assistance to Palestinians in both Gaza and the occupied West Bank. After all, UNRWA wields a central role in humanitarian assistance across these territories. The timing of a potential UNRWA ban thus coincides with the Zionist regime’s raging West Bank warfare, suggesting a conscious strategy to further entrench the occupation – while projecting itself as committed to the Gaza truce. All this offers a solid reason for Resistance groups – across the aisle – to be on the alert for the regime’s future transgressions and understand the notorious logic behind its criminal campaigning. “As the long-awaited ceasefire in Gaza took place, the Zionist regime’s death machinery escalated its firing in the West Bank, killing 10 people in Jenin today”, said UN Rapporteur on Human Rights in Palestine, Francesca Albanese, in a recent post on X. “If it is not forced to stop, ‘Israels’ genocide of Palestinians will not be confined to Gaza. Mark my words.”
There are clues that the regime won’t stop at anything. In the words of war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, occupation massacres in Palestine’s West Bank are tied to a so-called ‘battle’ with Resistance groups across Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen. This rhetoric is similar to the falsehoods touted by the genocidal regime to justify its mass extermination campaign in Gaza, upending lives, displacing legions of residents, and pushing the aggregate death toll beyond 47,300. However, the genocide didn’t prevent groups allied with the Palestinian cause from responding to occupation terrorism. Little suggests this would change if the Zionist entities pushed West Bank terrorism to an unprecedented extreme.
And so, backers of the Gaza ceasefire have been warned, once again, that the greatest obstacle to a pause in hostilities is none other than the occupation. A genocidal regime pardoned by many in the West feels empowered to escalate its terror campaign, rather than cease it in the interests of relative calm.
But as Palestinian Resistance groups have shown thus far, brutal injustices will be met with a proportional response.
source: Al Mayadeen
#alAqsaFlood #guerrilla #hamas #palestine #pflp #pij #resistance #westAsia #westBank
Zionist attacks on Palestine’s West Bank continue to take on a new intensity. In the wake of the Gaza ceasefire, occupation forces and settlers have worked in tandem to attack innocent Palestinians, opening fire and injuring scores of individuals.
#Analysis #AlAqsaFlood #guerrilla #hamas #palestine #pflp #pij #resistance #WestAsia #WestBank
"Nel corso della storia, il corpo delle donne è sempre stato usato nelle guerre come simbolo della dominazione e dell'umiliazione del nemico.
In queste situazioni, la profanazione del corpo dell'individuo rappresenta la profanazione dell'intera nazione, e la violenza di genere diventa così un'arma tattica, progettata per terrorizzare la popolazione e rubarle dignità e umanità."
✍️ #YoanaGonen
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #31gennaio
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #31gennaio
Waarschijnlijk claimen ze dat er in één van de botsauto's een Hezbollah strijder zat (die eerder zijn pieper op z'n nachtkastje had laten liggen toen hij boodschappen ging doen). Of dat Hezbollastrijders vanuit het reuzenrad beter uitzicht hebben op de Golan-hoogte.
#Libanon #Gaza #Westbank #Genocide #Warcrimes #GazaGenocide #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #AmnestyIsRight #MSFIsRight #HRWIsRight #ICCisRight #ICJisRight
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l’attivista pacifista luisa morgantini e l’inviato del sole 24 ore roberto bongiorni arrestati da israele. rilasciati dopo ore di interrogatori
«La pacifista, ex parlamentare europea e fondatrice di Assopace Palestina Luisa Morgantini e l’inviato del Sole24Ore Roberto Bongiorni sono stati arrestati in Cisgiordania, nei Territori occupati da Israele. Dopo alcune ore in caserma e dopo lunghi interrogatori, sono stati rilasciati. Con loro si trovavano anche altre persone: una di nazionalità dei Paesi Bassi, una neozelandese e un palestinese. Quest’ultimo è l’unico rimasto agli arresti.
Bongiorni si era recato in zona, infatti, per un servizio da realizzare in una colonia israeliana, accompagnato dalla rappresentante di Assopace Palestina, storicamente impegnata a fianco dei palestinesi. Sono però stati fermati a Kiriat Arba, un insediamento di coloni, che è tra i più estremisti in Cisgiordania, vicino a Hebron, e accusati di aver invaso una zona militare israeliana. Dopo aver precisato di non aver trovato nessuna segnalazione del divieto i due sono stati caricati su un cellulare e portati nella base israeliana, con pc e telefonini sequestrati. Secondo la prima ricostruzione sono stati gli stessi Morgantini e Bongiorni a comunicare cos’era successo prima di essere bloccati: la notizia è arrivata al consolato italiano e poi trasmessa alla Farnesina».
Continua qui:
Per le false accuse, cfr. anche
#arresti #arresto #AssopacePalestina #attivistaPacifista #Cisgiordania #coloni #coloniEstremisti #colonialismo #genocide #genocidio #Hebron #ICC #icj #IlFattoQuotidiano #IlSole24Ore #interrogatori #Israele #israeleStatoTerrorista #israelterroriststate #izrahell #KiriatArba #LuisaMorgantini #massmurders #Palestina #Palestine #RobertoBongiorni #settlers #sionismo #sionisti #territoriOccupati #warcrimes #WestBank #zionism
Perché Luisa Morgantini e il giornalista Bongiorni sono stati arrestati in Cisgiordania
Luisa Morgantini, ex eurodeputata e storica attivista del movimento per la pace in Palestina, e il giornalista Bongiorni sono stati fermati a Kiriat, insediamento israeliano vicino a Hebron. È una delle colonie più oltranziste.Redazione Web (L'Unità)