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Beiträge, die mit WAR getaggt sind

One second before....


One second before...
A meeting of mobile MLRS units based on pickup trucks with Lancet kamikaze UAVs.
#ukraine #ukrainian #war #Lancet #photo

For the idiots who still don't get #Putin after 24 years in charge of an expansionist russian colonial empire (aka russian federation), if they start calling him now, without simultaneously INCREASING military supplies to #Ukraine as winter sets in, and doubling down on #sanctions as russia+DPRK #fascism is strengthened, Putin will interpret those calls as proof of a successful campaign of #terror, sabotage and subversion, and intensify his colonial imperialist #war

#NeverAgain #ArmUkraineToWIN

According to russian media, Mosfilm (the oldest film studio in russian empire) passed 36 tanks to russian army in 2023.

Russian state is mobilizing tanks that were used for dozens of years to make war movies...

#Russia #Militarism #War
People sitting on a tank

#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #hamas / #ceasefire / #conditions

»“We call on the US administration & Trump to pressure the Israeli government to end the aggression.
“Hamas informed the mediators that it is in favour of any proposal submitted to it that would lead to a definitive ceasefire & military withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, allowing the return of displaced people, a serious deal for a prisoner exchange, the entry of humanitarian aid & reconstruction…”«


„Debates over the details of the ‘Generals’ Plan’ distract from the true brutality of Israel’s latest operation — one that drops the veneer of humanitarian considerations and lays the groundwork for settlements….“

@palestine @israel

#Gaza #Palestine #WarCrimes #War #Antireport

Israel descarta possibilidade de criação de Estado palestino; Arábia Saudita pede cessar-fogo em Gaza e no Líbano

Negociação para normalizar relações com sauditas passaria pela criação de Palestina independente

Brasil de Fato | São Paulo (SP) | 11 de novembro de 2024 às 15:42
Israel não considera uma "posição realista" a ideia de dois estados como solução para a questão palestina. A declaração foi feita nesta segunda-feira (11) pelo ministro das Relações Exteriores israelense, Gideon Saar.

"Em uma palavra? Não", respondeu Saar à jornalistas quando perguntado sobre a proposta de normalizar as relações entre o país e a Arábia Saudita em troca da criação de um Estado palestino.

Os Acordos de Abraão, promovidos pelo presidente eleito dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, durante seu primeiro mandato, permitiram normalizar as relações entre Israel e países árabes (Bahrein, Emirados Árabes Unidos e Marrocos).

"Um Estado palestino (...) será um Estado do Hamas. Não acredito que seja uma posição realista hoje e temos que ser realistas", afirmou Saar. A solução de dois estados foi aprovada por meio de resolução da ONU de 1974 e vinha sendo um dos alicerces para as negociações de paz das últimas décadas. Mas em julho, o parlamento israelense havia votado contra a ideia por considerar um eventual estado palestino como sendo uma "ameaça existencial ao país".

Os bombardeios israelenses em Gaza mataram ao menos 20 palestinos nesta segunda-feira no campo de refugiados de Al-Bureji, no centro da Faixa de Gaza.

Começou também nesta segunda uma cúpula da Liga Árabe na Arábia Saudita, que defende uma nova "parceria internacional" para viabilizar um Estado palestino independente e soberano. O príncipe herdeiro do país pediu um cessar-fogo imediato em Gaza e no Líbano na abertura do evento na capital saudita, Riade.

Mohamed bin Salman pediu que a comunidade internacional "detenha imediatamente as ações israelenses contra nossos irmãos na Palestina e no Líbano", classificando como "genocídio" o massacre israelense em Gaza. Ele também pediu que Israel respeite a soberania do Irã e não ataque seu território.


O diretor de comunicação do Hezbollah, Mohammad Afif, afirmou nesta segunda-feira (11) que o Exército israelense não ocupa nenhuma localidade no sul do Líbano, onde iniciou uma ofensiva terrestre em 30 de setembro.

"Após 45 dias de batalhas sangrentas, o inimigo israelense ainda não conseguiu ocupar um único vilarejo no sul do Líbano", afirmou em uma entrevista coletiva no subúrbio sul de Beirute, área atingida pela aviação israelense.

Afif disse que os combatentes do Hezbollah conseguiram repelir o Exército israelense em Khiam, a seis quilômetros da fronteira. Além disso, os israelenses "tentaram entrar sem sucesso em várias frentes em Bint Jbeil", outra cidade fronteiriça.

Desde 30 de setembro, o Exército israelense realiza incursões em território libanês e dinamita edifícios em localidades fronteiriças, sem estabelecer uma presença permanente na área. Cerca de 3,2 mil pessoas foram mortas no Líbano por Israel desde o ano passado.

Edição: Thalita Pires

#Noticias #News #Gaza #Palestine #Hezbollah #Hamas #Israel #Mossad #Cisjordanie #Al Fatah #Lebano #Libano #Palestina #IsraelWarCrimes #IsraelWar #Israel War Crimes #Israel War #NoticiasInternacionais #Noticiais Internacional #GeoPol #Geo Pol #Pol #War



UN Special Committee finds Israel’s warfare methods in #Gaza consistent with #genocide, including use of starvation as weapon of #war | #OHCHR

"...#Israel is intentionally causing death, #starvation and serious injury, using starvation as a method of war and inflicting collective punishment on the Palestinian population..."

#Palestine #FreePalestine


#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #protest / #armsindustry / #elbit/ #repression

„Sophie Ross, Bridget Shergalis and Calla Walsh approached the Elbit factory, chained the doors shut, broke windows, marked graffiti & ascended to the roof of the building. Standing on the roof, they poured red paint down the front wall & held aloft colorful theatrical smoke flares (…).
“Our action was to show solidarity with the people of Gaza in a material, not abstract, way (…).“


#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #idf / #accusation / #warcrimes / #ngo / #hrw


A top US intelligence official said Tuesday that #Hezbullah’s capabilities had been significantly degraded, but their ground forces along the border with Israel remain largely intact.

“It still remains down, but far from out,” said Brett Holmgren, the acting Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

“Our assessment is that the Israeli military actions have significantly degraded Hezbullah’s military capabilities,” Holmgren said during a webinar with the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

But he warned that the group had built up a massive arsenal of rockets, missiles and other capabilities before the latest war with Israel.

“The leadership losses have had an impact on their ability to organize and to strategically put together a way forward. But the ground forces in the south remain somewhat intact,” Holmgren said on Tuesday.

#US #Israel #Military #Syria #War #Politics #Occupation

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #famine / #starvation / #uno / #wfp

„Reports of ongoing bombardments, likely starvation and despair continue to emerge from Gaza where many basic daily staples now “barely exist”, UN humanitarians warned on Wednesday.“


https://www.europesays.com/1607315/ Caught Between Conflicts, Lebanon’s Christians Resist Displacement and Division #christians #Conflicts #Hezbollah #idf #Israel #Lebanon #Muslims #war
Caught Between Conflicts, Lebanon’s Christians Resist Displacement and Division

I just watched a video, no matter how cruel wars are but they are always BAD FOR HUMANITY.

Small kids are being forced to go out from their land, on barefoot.
#Gaza #war #Israel

#italy #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #university / #protest / #militaryaid

„Around a hundred students occupied Leonardo's Turin headquarters to denounce what they say is the Italian defence group's complicity in Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip.“


#israel #palestine : #war / #islamicjihad / #warcrime / #hostages / #family

„It was the first sign of Sasha Troufanov since May, when the Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant group posted two videos of him. His family pressed for the release of all the hostages in Gaza.“


#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #uscompany

„The company is believed to have judged that it would be difficult to continue business there amid the war between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas.“


#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #usforeignpolicy

„Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be ambassador to Israel, has long rejected a Palestinian state in territory previously seized by Israel and has repeatedly signaled his staunch support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.“


#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #starvation / #usforeignpolicy / #humanitarianaid

„The Biden administration sidestepped its own 30-day deadline for Israel to provide significantly more humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip or face a weapons cut-off, saying that progress has been made despite aid groups warning of a looming famine.“


Sign the petition: #Stop sending #weapons to fuel Israel’s #war on #Gaza. Back Sen. Sanders’s legislation to block a $20 billion weapons sale to Israel. https://act.demandprogress.org/sign/sanders-weapons-resolution-post-election/?t=4&akid=32839%2E3072249%2Eq7A3E9

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #uno / #ocha / #humanitarianaid / #obstruction

„Israeli authorities rejected 43 per cent of humanitarian requests and impeded another 16 per cent, according to the latest snapshot from the UN humanitarian coordination office, OCHA.

Here are some highlights from the report: “
