Beiträge, die mit BLOG getaggt sind
#boekbespreking #kunststukjes #blog #tumblr #dedeelen #natuurgebied #BrunovanDijck #ChristiaanKuitwaard #schilderijen #drawings #kunst #art #water #struiken #HanSteenbruggen #stilte #natuur #Wijdemeer #MuseumBelvédère #pleinair #beschouwing #boek #tentoonstelling #catalogus #essays #sfeer #stemming
Om de emotie te doorvoelen die Sjoerd de Vries en Jan Snijder aan de petgaten en langs de rietkragen ervoeren, trok Han Steenbruggen natuurgebied De Deelen in. De plek kort ten noorden van de plaats…Tumblr
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Thanks to Will Freeman
#bitmapbooks #book #retrogaming #retrogames #gaming #art #reading #foryou #asmr #bookstagram #booktok #fyp #blog #christmas #GremlinGraphics
Moled Wine: The warming tale of Gremlin Graphics’ unlikely Christmas hero
Monty played a key role in Gremlin’s emergence as a Britsoft icon – a story told in A Gremlin in the Works. For now, though, let's focus on the Gremlin mole’s seasonal misadventures.Will Freeman (Bitmap Books)
#photography #blog #UnintentionalCameraMovement #vibes #DowntownChicago #Panasonic #Lumix #LX1
Picture a Day: Dec 22
I know this is not a well-framed picture with all the blurriness, but I still like the vibe with the tree inexplicably lit up in front of these buildings that still have their Christmas colors lit.Cheryl Lindo Jones (CJ's Wunderkammer)
#cartography #blog #Newcaledonia
Writing the article ‘In Nouméa, “new” urban festivals and sensorial cartography’
Giving an account of the redaction of a scientific article is unusual. Generally speaking, little is known about the context in which it was...Cartodataviz (Blogger)
#Anime #TTRPG #Blog
Let's Talk About "Ghibli-inspired" TTRPGs - Thought Punks
Also check out the free micro-RPG I was inspired to share from my slush pile by this post.admin (Thought Punks)
I’ve spent more than 20 years – more than two-thirds of my life – contributing to WordPress."
"Edit: A few hours since publishing this, I have been blocked from, and hence from contributing on Trac as well."
#WordPress #tech #blog #OpenSource #news #web
Newsletter Korzára: Prečítajte si správy z východného Slovenska - EUROPE SAYS
Newsletter Korzára: Legendárny Blšák mal povstať z popola. Namiesto toho opäť len horeli vášnePrečítajte si správy z východného Slovenska:EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
4 Free eBook Reader Apps for Android to Get You Out of Your Reading Slump
Google Play Books and the Kindle app are perfectly fine. They keep your books in the cloud (perfect if you switch devices often) and provide a decent enough interface to read for long periods. But they’re only compatible with just one or two file formats. Neither app plays nicely with formats other than EPUB or MOBI. You have to manually upload your files to the cloud to read the books, so these apps aren’t totally offline. Plus, you can’t really fine-tune the reading experience or the app interface like you can with other apps.
For Kindle, you could convert formats in Calibre and send via WhisperSync to your Kindle library, but if you want to stay out of the Kindle ecosystem, then using a standalone app is your alternative.
For the rest of us who find these big tech apps lacking in some way (perhaps you want to read comic books or use a custom font), here’s a list of a few neat eReader apps that I like.
Personally, I use Moon+ Reader Pro. It not only opens the Calibre e-book server directly on my desktop computer, it will also filter that Calibre library by newest or Reading List, and it can use any WebDAV networked folder (e.g. NextCloud) to sync reading progress, highlights, etc across my Android devices. It’s downside really is that it is limited to reading across Android devices, so my desktop computer as well as iPad won’t sync with it.
#Blog, #ebooks, #reading, #technology
#gaming #giveaway #free #gnu #linux #unolinux #opensource #mastodon #blog #steam
Giochi gratis. Wizard of Legend su Epic Games Store e Distant Space 2 su Steam
Ieri purtroppo non sono riuscito ad informarvi del gioco del giorno in regalo sul Epic Games Store, ma oggi per farmi perdonare ve ne seg...Linux Italia Gaming
#buch ##bookstodon #blog #review
#libros #Books #blog #Reading #bookstodon
Algunos libros que disfrute en 2024
Simplemente un listado de algunos de los libros que disfrute de leer este 2024 que se está terminando.Reflexiones y diatribas de uno 🧉
Casus Wrocławia, prywatnego inwestora i zielonych terenów przy miejskim parku. #wroclaw #przyroda #blog
Czy potrzeba podstaw prawnych, aby chronić przyrodę? - Świat z twistem Czy potrzeba podstaw prawnych, aby chronić przyrodę?
Czy potrzeba podstaw prawnych, aby chronić przyrodę? mediaAndrzej Jóźwik (Świat z twistem)
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#Zettelkasten #Blog #AI #Automation
Silly little post about #Metal Christmas music.
Hail Santa! Metal Christmas music.
Just going to start by saying that I’m not the biggest fan of metal Christmas music generally speaking. It’s okay to enjoy things that aren’t related to met...Hails and Ales Club
Who needs a roof when you can use balcony solar for apartments
Lots of people, especially city dwellers and renters, don’t have rooftops where they can install solar panels to generate some of the electricity they use in their daily lives. Community solar offers a partial solution for some, but it is not available everywhere. In Germany, more than 1.5 million people have installed Balkonkraftwerke, which translates as “balcony power plants.” Almost every apartment has a balcony with a railing to keep folks from tumbling into the street below. If it gets any sun exposure during the day, balcony solar panels can be mounted to those railings to make electricity that helps power a home.
It may not be as much power as a rooftop system but is still around 300 W which does offset electricity costs a bit, and there is a battery to also store excess energy.
What is different from a rooftop system is that it is easily portable, so you can take it with if you move, or even if you go off camping. If you live in an area subject to hail, then these are easy to take inside when you need to. It usually also does not require professional electricians to install it.
And as far as the electricity grid goes, in Germany there are already more than 500,000 of these installations, so that adds up to quite a saving anyway on the grid side.
#Blog, #balconysolar, #environment, #solarenergy, #technology
#WritingCommunity #WriterCommunity #BloggingCommunity #BloggerCommunity #ChristmasGhostStories #FestiveSeason #History #Tradition #Blog #Holidays #HolidaySeason #Christmas #Ghost #Xmas #Solstice
The History of Telling Ghost Stories at Christmas
Hi everyone, I hope you’re all well!It’s that time of year again—the time for eggnog and Christmas cookies, and as the winter nights draw close and turn chilly, there is no better time …GEORGE L THOMAS
#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Monochrom #Paris #RicohGRIII #architecture #subway
Pasquale Beresti - Photographie, experimentations, réflexions, voyages
Au sujet de la photographie, argentique et numérique, ancienne et récente, entre expérimentations, réflexions, essais et voyages par Pasquale BerestiPasquale Beresti
#photography #blog #AtNight #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Monochrom #RicohGRIII #landscape
Pasquale Beresti - Photographie, experimentations, réflexions, voyages
Au sujet de la photographie, argentique et numérique, ancienne et récente, entre expérimentations, réflexions, essais et voyages par Pasquale BerestiPasquale Beresti
#TTRPG #Blog
Great TTRPG Newbie Paradox (they're easier to teach) - Thought Punks
One of the great paradoxes I've noticed in TTRPGs is that newer players don't always need the extensive examples and explanations that seasoned gamers oftenadmin (Thought Punks)
I've been busy working on my blog. I like to write stuff in advance when I have the motivation, energy, and time.
With the more busy days coming up, I wanted to make sure that I had some bits ready to be shared.
Sorry I can't Alt text the whole image, as its too much text and sigh all the little images... I could never fully describe everything. But I'll do my best to get as many details in the alt as I can. 😊
My blog can't share on beige when posts go live, so I linked my fit account on another instance to do that. I try to share one post every day, as I've been doing for about 1650 days now. 😊
The direct link to the blog site is:
Hope you all have good time! And, if you enjoy writing, don't stop! 😁
🧚🏼♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾
PS: @rubenerd is on Mastodon!
PPS: happy anniversary!
#SmallWeb #indieweb #smolweb #PersonalSites #homepage #blog
"Matt Mullenweg commented on Joost’s blog post, offering a passive-aggressive dismissal of everything he proposed. His comment was veiled in politeness while handing out indirect criticism and a recommendation that Joost should leave the WordPress community."
The drama continues.
#Wordpress #tech #blog #web #OpenSource #news
Yoast Co-Founder Calls For WordPress Leadership Change – Mullenweg Resists
Joost de Valk calls for a change in WordPress leadership. Mullenweg resists and implies that Joost should start his own project.Roger Montti (Search Engine Journal)
#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Monochrom #RicohGRIII #landscape
Pasquale Beresti - Photographie, experimentations, réflexions, voyages
Au sujet de la photographie, argentique et numérique, ancienne et récente, entre expérimentations, réflexions, essais et voyages par Pasquale BerestiPasquale Beresti
#article #python #freesoftware #wordpress #squarespace #gnu #linux #webdev #opensource Auto mechanic car repair workshop theme is created as a wonderful solution for any cars and automobile websites, cars repair workshops, auto blogs, car services, garage and other industrial websites that require special cars niche functionality and auto service presentation #WordPress #Theme #Mechanic #Services #Blog #Responsive #SiteBuilder #WebDesign #Business #Car #Repair 🚙🚘🚗🚐🚍🚛
Mechanic WordPress Theme - Auto Workshop & Car Repair
Mechanic WordPress theme is a responsive auto services & car repair workshop template, a wonderful website builder tool & solution for WPVisualmodo
Release of the week!
#Metal #HeavyMetal #NewMusic #DeathMetal #Blog
Release of the Week!
Look I know usually I would pick an LP as release of the week, and usually it would be a release that is actually you know, released that week. But it’s late...Hails and Ales Club
As ever always consult a medical expert.
#t2d #generativeAI #type2diabetes #blog #selfhelp
#soulslike #fantasy #dark #gaming #videogame #game #review #blog #pc #steam #wintersale
Lords of the Fallen Review: A Casual Souls-like Experience - Churape's Dungeon and Stuff
If you're in the mode for a casual souls-like with solid flavor and gameplay, you might want to look at Lords of the Fallen.josechurape (Churape's Dungeon and Stuff)
#Anime #TTRPG #Blog
Let's Talk About "Ghibli-inspired" TTRPGs - Thought Punks
Also check out the free micro-RPG I was inspired to share from my slush pile by this post.admin (Thought Punks)
Retour sur cet étonnant film indien sur le #blog , qui évite pas mal de clichés de #Bollywood
Cinéma - Dangal de Nitesh Tiwari (2016)
un blog libre et léger qui parle de culture, de geeks et geekeries, de logiciel libre, de géopolitique, de tutoriels informatique,
Happy Friday!
You made it and that is worthy of a high five and a pat on the back. Well done! And it is candy and cookie season and if you had that for breakfast, I am sure as hell not gonna judge you for that. …Musings of a marginally sane feline-appreciating female.
My site’s personal—it includes #blog posts, accessibility resources, updates on my projects (like learning #programming and Braille proofreading), a portfolio of my programming projects, and my experiences as a multiply #disabled person. I’m doing my best with what I have (I can’t afford other tools), but I’m frustrated that even with AI help, I’m not getting anywhere.
If you’ve got any tips—especially for finding keywords or optimizing a personal site—I’d love to hear them! Thanks so much 💜
#SEO #SEOTips #Accessibility #PersonalWebsite #Blogging #ContentCreation #DisabilityAdvocacy #Disability #WordPress #SEOPress
@wordpress @accessibility
To all the other Dans—don’t take it personally. I'm sure you're still good, just... not dot best.
#webdev #coding #blog updates ✨
#microblog, #socialnetwork, #newsheadlines, #newsticker, #blog, #news, #translationready, #minimalist, #minimal, #community, #responsive, #speedoptimized, #crossbrowsercompatibility, #mobileready, #cleancode
#photography #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #shootfilm #35mm #blog #yashicafx3 #colorplus200 #Italy #Rome
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#Zettelkasten #Blog #AI #Automation