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Beiträge, die mit Holidays getaggt sind

Complete Guide on Growing Mistletoe.

Merry Christmas! ❤️


#mistletoe #Christmas #holidays #Growing #planting #gardening #garden #grow #blog #website #byjessicachillea

#santa #holidays #christmas

Man. I can’t remember if I’ve been bad or good but Hi Santa!
Santa in an old military jeep smiling at the camera.

Israel’s war prevents Palestinian Christians from celebrating like I remember. https://www.byteseu.com/589857/ #christmas #Gaza #Holidays #Israel #MiddleEast #Palestine #War
Israel’s war prevents Palestinian Christians from celebrating like I remember.

Solstice postcards should be a thing. I bet people who celebrate Yule/Solstice/Saturnalia get a lot fewer festive postcards...

#Solstice #pagan #witchy #holidays

Today's nominee for #MotherOfTheYear. In her defense, it was day before #TurkeyDay, so likely some last minute #shopping.

> 1-year-old trying to ‘crawl through opened sunroof’ was left there by mom who was ‘shopping at retail store’: Police https://lawandcrime.com/crime/1-year-old-trying-to-crawl-through-opened-sunroof-was-left-there-by-mom-who-was-shopping-at-retail-store-police/

#crime #holidays #Thanksgiving

My dear illustrator friend @margodeweerdt just launched her online store with hand-pressed holiday cards and posters of her lovely illustrations in her unique and wonderful style.

Check ‘em out here:


She made the wallpapers for my apps Comet (https://ar.al/2021/12/11/comet/), Watson (https://github.com/small-tech/watson?tab=readme-ov-file#get-the-wallpaper) and Catts (https://github.com/small-tech/catts?tab=readme-ov-file#get-the-wallpaper)

You can view some of her other work at https://margodeweerdt.com

#illustration #holidays #cards #margoDeWeerdt #indie
Hand-pressed holiday card, illustration of a woman and a man cycling while carrying a Christmas tree between their two bikes.

The end of year and its festivities are getting closer. Regardless of the philosophy/religion, it is always about peace. Let's make it about #peace in the middle east, decorate in red, green, white and black as a statement for the people in #Palestine and the #Lebanon #holidays

New Year's resolutions have been pre-selected for each citizen.
Self-improvement is Mandatory.

#Paranoia #rpg #ttrpg #games #resolution #holiday #holidays #PSA

New 5e compatible #ToddlerDnD expansion dropping this season:

The Holiday Times

No school
No rules
No turns
No long rests
No saving throws
Randomized family encounters

Have fun, everyone 😆

#dnd #holidays #parenting