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Beiträge, die mit Ghost getaggt sind

Ich habe mich mal testweise an Ghost herangetraut und wollte die ActivityPub-Funktion testen. Wer mag, kann meinen Erfahrungsbericht dazu auf meinem Blog lesen.

Link: BlogZwo.me: Ghost mit ActivityPub im Fediverse, Ghost(Pro) und Ghost Affiliate

#Ghost, #ActivityPub, #Fediverse

#Substack rival #Ghost is now connected to the #fediverse


#privacy #FOSS

Oh, nun scheint #Ghost fahrt aufzunehmen. Die Anzahl der Beiträge werden häufiger.

Timeline, in der nur Beiträge von Ghost gelistet werden.

handelt es sich bei #Ghost um ein Plugin für Friendica?

hast du da bitte noch was für mich zum nachlesen?

Mit #Ghost wird sich das Fediverse vermutlich noch einmal weiter in Richtung längerer Texte verschieben. Die ersten Beiträge sehen zumindest danach aus. Wobei man sie vermutlich nur dann genießen kann, wenn die Formatierung des Textes erhalten bleibt.

Ghost Beitrag in einem separaten Channel #friendica

"Several people have asked about using #ActivityPub if you're hosting #Ghost elsewhere. Some quick notes about that:
Importantly, Ghost's ActivityPub service is already out in the wild, #opensource, and released under the MIT license. We build in public, and all our work is up on GitHub for anyone to download, fork, run or deploy if they want to."


Ghost setzt zum Endspurt an

Ghost scheint so langsam den Endspurt auf dem Weg zu ihrer öffentlichen Beta einzuläuten. Ihr Reader sieht in der aktuellen Version schon mal richtig gut aus.

#Ghost #SocialMedia


Hello again! It's us, your friendly neighborhood ActivityPugs — with a short-form update for you this week about what we've been up to.

Firstly, thanks so much for all your comments and thoughtful feedback about ActivityPub onboarding in response to last week's newsletter. There were lots of great ideas in there that we'll be discussing and incorporating into the next revisions as we start putting things together.

What's new with ActivityPub?

The last few weeks have been challenging, and we were hoping to be closer to launching the public beta by this point, but we've been running into some engineering issues that are just taking a lot longer to get past than we hoped. So, this update is a little lighter than usual on details.

One bit of good news is that our reading client in Ghost has reached its final form, and is broadly representative of what you can expect to see in Ghost 6.0 later this year. It even has dark mode now 🌚


The main challenges remaining, now, are all on the back-end — making this functionality performant, stable and feature-complete.

Hopefully we'll have some more progress to share soon on that front. While you wait, here's some extra Fediverse news from our good friends over at Flipboard:

ActivityPub at SXSW '25

Flipboard + Surf.Social are hosting the first-ever [strong]Fediverse House[/strong] in Austin, Texas, on [strong]March 9 - 10[/strong], 2025, and are looking to invite Ghost community members into the space.

Come listen to panels, network, grab some refreshments, and dream big about an open-source future. And if you’re interested in getting involved on the panels about creators or communities, please email mia@flipboard.com with a bit about yourself. Otherwise, learn more and find RSVP here:

SXSW ’25 - About Flipboard
Flipboard and Surf are hosting the first-ever Fediverse House at SXSW to explore the world of decentralized social media.
Bild/FotoAbout Flipboard


Thanks to @shellsharks I discovered this fantastic blog post by @micahflee :

"Not only is Substack right-wing broligarchy garbage, it's way more expensive than #Ghost"


cc @dangillmor

#BigTech #publishing #blog

Thanks to @hiro - I learned about #ghost tonight and find it to be an interesting platform.

Here's my first post:


Still lots to learn about bird photography - but hey - its a start.

#photography #blog #post #pictures #birds #bird #birdphotography #birb #gayphotographer #gayphotography

3 videos geschaut - kleine #kirbycms webseite schon erstellt (ja ist echt easy) und schon habe ich eine lange liste von #fragen

bisher mit abstand das beste cms was ich in den letzten jahren gefunden habe - da kann #ghost einpacken (ist eh ein witz projekt) selbst #drupal oder #typo3 können sich damit warm anziehen.

bin gespannt ob ich jetzt noch die antworten für meine offenen speziellen fragen finde :P


BÖSE LEUTE BEI @getkirby

Long-form publishing software Ghost will become part of the Fediverse this year! "We're at the beginning of a significant shift in the history of the internet in more ways than one, and we're feeling both optimistic and excited for the future. After two decades of restrictive networks and centralized platforms, there are a lot of very motivated people focused on one thing: Bringing back the open web." https://activitypub.ghost.org/the-story-so-far #ghost #fediverse #blogging #newsletters #goodnews

Hi to those who use #GhostOrg for your website! Does anyone know of any themes that just make a bunch of #Fediverse (not just #Mastodon) social icons available for the menu, out of the box? #AskMastodon #AskFedi #Ghost

"We're at the beginning of a significant shift in the history of the internet in more ways than one, and we're feeling both optimistic and excited for the future. After two decades of restrictive networks and centralized platforms, there are a lot of very motivated people focused on one thing:

Bringing back the open web."


#ghost #activitypub #fediverse #openweb #blog

I'm going to watch some #BBC #Ghost Stories for Christmas -- which I bought a million years ago and I remember watching a couple but I don't remember anything about them.

They'd better be scary!

Found 32 new servers and 7 servers died off since 7 hours ago.

22,972 servers checked. 14,427,990 Total Users with 0 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

activitypub.gglvxd.eu.org a #gotosocial server from Private
fedi.farron-perry.uk a #mastodon server from France
social.jimmitchell.org a #mastodon server from France
plumedserves.fr a #wordpress server from France
mas.matrix.co.ua a #mastodon server from Ukraine
mast.booksthatburn.com a #mastodon server from France
live.whitevhs.xyz a #owncast server from Canada
mypeeps.social a #gotosocial server from Germany
puptube.rodeo a #peertube server from United States
soc.octade.net a #snac server from United States
ziezi.top a #mastodon server from Germany
fedi.opendronemap.org a #mastodon server from France
my.demo.openlinksw.com a #openlinkvirtuoso server from The Netherlands
lem.afiz.org a #lemmy server from Romania
lou.lueder.wf a #wordpress server from France
blogpocket-week.ghost.io a #ghost server from United States
social.wiredbodies.net a #mastodon server from France
misskey.bqc0n.com a #misskey server from Private
ambientedomeio.com a #wordpress server from United States
kiyukunland.xyz a #misskey server from Private
photo.ivanamat.es a #pixelfed server from Germany
social.darkflame.dev a #gotosocial server from Private
shrimp.acute.cat a #iceshrimp server from Austria
fedi.asdfzdfj.xyz a #dumpsterfederation server from Singapore
hasu.kaminsskey.jp a #misskey server from Private
kb.harumaki2000.net a #kmyblue server from Private
fmby.dev a #iceshrimp server from Poland
social.thestradleys.xyz a #mastodon server from France
jura.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
fedi-goto.eiszblu.me a #gotosocial server from Finland
thehyborianage.com a #mastodon server from Portugal
social.pixitha.me a #gotosocial server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer

Gibt es hier Kolleg*innen die Erfahrung haben, ihre Zeitungswebsite mit #ghost zu erstellen und ins #fediverse zu verteilen?
Frage für einen Freund.
#journalism #medien #activitypub

Can we import tweet archives into a Ghost instance?

Yes. We. Can!

Thanks to @Tupp_ed I have been incentivised to figure it out and I have a working proof-of-concept 🎉

If you're still on Twitter and haven't yet exported your archive, do so now. We can figure out what to do with that later.

#twitter #ghost #GhostCMS #SelfHosting

The Verge has a great guide on the export process:

Sometimes you discover that your partner's relationship goals differ from your own.

It's okay to break up under such circumstances, but that doesn't mean you should be a jerk about it.

#Germany #folktale #folklore #ghost #ghoststory @germany @folklore
German folk tale "The Ghostly Suitor on Hartenstein Castle". Drop me a line if you want a machine-readable transcript!

The blogging platform #Ghost is working on adding #ActivityPub integration. That means, among other things, being able to follow Ghost-powered blogs and comment on articles right from your Mastodon account. The website they made to explain their plans is really nice! This is what momentum looks like.
