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Beiträge, die mit LIES getaggt sind

“More evidence refutes Met’s claim marcher’s ‘forced’ through police line”

by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox @UKLabour


“Film-maker’s footage and testimony undermines even further the Establishment’s attempt to criminalise peaceful marchers”


#Press #UK #MetPolice #Peaceful #Protest #Criminalisation #PoliticalPolicing #IsraelLobby #Starmer #Labour #Genocide #Participation #WarCriminals #CPS #Lawfare #Lies

'Israel passes law banning challenge of debunked 7 October atrocity propaganda claims. 5 years jail time for questioning fake claims of rapes, beheaded babies and mass slaughter'
#palestine #zionist #hasbara #lies

"Jared Kushner raised $2B from the Saudi govt & is now funneling the money to his father-in-law, partnering with the Trump Org. to build Trump Tower Belgrade It is one of the most corrupt deals in political history And it has been virtually ignored by large media outlets.

Number of stories about or mentioning Trump Tower Belgrade, more than a week after it was announced:
All major news outlets: Zero."

Compliant #Media #Journalists #Trump #Corrption #Lies #Grift #USPol


“Ben Jamal, #PSC head, hits back as corrupt #CPS and Met charge him with public order offences”

by The Canary @thecanaryuk


“As the Canary has been documenting, cops have been fabricating events that day – accusing people of pushing through the police line onto Trafalgar Square. Prominent politicians, - [..] along with countless members of the public – dispute the Met’s claims, saying police gave them permission to pass.”

#Press #MetPol #Lies #Repression #Starmer

“Corbyn is being smeared again – this time to stop protests against genocide”

by Jonathan Cook on Substack


“I was an eyewitness to events on Saturday. The Metropolitan force are lying when they argue the ex-Labour leader and John McDonnell MP forced their way through a police cordon”


#Press #UK #Labour #Starmer #Police #Repression #MetPol #PoliticalPolicing #Peaceful #Protest #Israel #Genocide #Lies #PoliceLies #Corbyn #McDonnell

“It didn’t take long. The British public now believe Keir Starmer should resign as prime minister.”

by James Wright in The Canary @thecanaryuk @UKLabour

“It’s little over five months since the Labour Party won the election. Yet, [..], according to YouGov, 40% of respondents think he [Starmer] should resign, while 36% think he should remain and 24% don’t know.”


#Press #Labour #WFA #Starmer #TwoChildBenefitCap #ChildPoverty #Complicity #Lies #ToryContinuityParty

This is the crux of the #Trump problem vis a vis the #media #news #misinformation #disinformation #lies #Maga #MagaMedia

It's a quote from Oliver Darcy on Bluesky. I think his newsletter status.news is paywalled

But this is a perfect summary
The issue gets to the difficulty all news networks are grappling with as Trump returns to power. News executives believe that their programming should reflect the views of Americans across the political spectrum and are hesitant, to say the least, of icing out half the country in their coverage. But, at the same time, much of the country believes falsehoods pushed by Trump and his MAGA allies, such as the lie that the 2020 election was stolen. What is a news organization to do when so many people have been misinformed, almost entirely due to the toxic waste contaminating the public discourse as a result of Trump's lies and the propaganda pushed by his allies? Is it really the journalistically prudent decision to fold into coverage viewpoints that are not grounded in reality? Of course, the answer is quite simple: Amplifying those who promote falsehoods, even if they genuinely believe them, only serves to misinform audiences. But arriving at that conclusion would also mean acknowledging that truth-based organizations are primarily only going to serve one-half of the country, given that the vast majority of the Republican Party is under the trance of Trump and his propagandists. And that seems to be a reality that too many news executives, constantly enamored with attracting conservative eyeballs, simply cannot accept.

STICK A PIN in THIS and REMEMBER that 1 person has already died from Bird Flu

BRAIN WORM Bobby murdered 83 babies and young children and sent 1867 other human beings to the hospital in Samoa. He did this by LYING about an outbreak of the deadly MEASLES virus. #rfk #rfkjr #death #dead #lies #disinformation #uspol #uspolitics


#pentagon #lies

"Violent clashes continued to rage between the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Turkish-backed factions from the Syrian National Army (SNA)"
"At least 179 people, including 25 civilians, have been killed since the clashes started"
"...clashes came less than one day after Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh told reporters that a US-brokered “ceasefire” was “holding” in northern Syria"
But there never was a ceasefire..


“They Lied About Gaza, And They’re Lying About Syria”

by Caitlin Johnson in Caitlin’s Newsletter on Substack

“There are a lot of people who see through the imperial lies about Gaza but still buy into the imperial lies about Syria, largely because the lies about Gaza are so much easier to see through.”


#Press #Syria #Gaza #Iraq #Libya #Ukraine #Lies #ImperialLies #RegimeChange #US #UK #Empire #Propaganda #Disinformation #Misinformation #Distraction

“The more I read about Keir Starmer, the more my loathing meter keeps going up”

by EuropeanPowell on Substack


“All the signs and symptoms are quickly emerging that Starmer is very bad news for Britain. Watch Labour privatise the UK as zone fever and capitalism without democracy eclipses all public services and dissenting voices are silenced.”


#Press #UK #Labour #Starmer #Lies #Corruption #Hypocrisy #NeoFascism #SEZ #Mandelson #McSweeny #Blairism #FreePorts

Labour MP claim of 'catastrophic' SNP damage to the NHS


The waiting list comes from data compiled by PHS, England uses different metrics. It includes those waiting to be seen for an appointment or admitted for treatment in-hospital or outpatients. It double-counts the same patient if they are seeking multiple treatments. There is more misrepresentation. All four countries need to improve - but Labour will not make that possible.
#Lies #LabourLies #ScottishIndependence

My DSA chapter (StL) recently tweeted a farewell "Thank You" to our comrade Cori Bush.

The chapter doesn't have a Mastodon account, so I'm tooting this screenshot of the tweet myself.

Cori was among the few genuinely progressive members of Congress. She was targeted for her stance against the genocide in Gaza.

A massive Dark Money smear campaign that never mentioned Palestine funded her primary opponent - a former Republican.

#CoriBush #DarkMoney #Corruption #Gaza #Genocide #Lies #AIPAC
Screenshot of a tweet featuring a photo of outgoing Congresswoman Cori Bush with the caption "Thank You Cori"

The tweet is from Saint Louis DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) with the text "From St. Louis to Gaza, thank you @CoriBush for always fighting for what is right and standing up for the oppressed and working class!"

The photo is a beautiful Black woman with long braids pulled back, a big smile, arms crossed, and wearing a black suit with a narrow black tie.

"If you saw through the lies about #Gaza, don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep pulling on threads. Keep learning. Stay curious. They lied about Gaza, they lied about #Iraq, they lied about #Libya, they lied about #Ukraine, and they’re lying about #Syria too..."

They Lied About Gaza, And They’re Lying About Syria – #CaitlinJohnstone @syria #Propaganda #Lies and the #Liars who tell them #DisInformation #MisInformation #MSM

https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/12/01/they-lied-about-gaza-and-theyre-lying-about-syria/ @palestine

'The media's role in lying about Amsterdam violence just keeps getting darker
News outlets didn't make a mistake. They knowingly aired disinformation and peddled fake news. Admitting that requires a troubling recalibration of perspective if we're ever to make sense of the world'
#palestine #mainstreammedia #fakenews #hasbara #lies

No, there were no ‘antisemitic pogroms’ in Amsterdam. Here’s what really happened. https://mondoweiss.net/2024/11/no-there-were-no-antisemitic-pogroms-in-amsterdam-heres-what-really-happened/
#palestine #zionist #hasbara #lies #fakenews

"Understanding and truth are our best weapons against an exploitative society based on lies."https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/truth-takes-a-side

#Gaza #genocide #BigOil #CorporateCapture #MainstreamMedia #Lies #Disinformation

Who Solzhenitsyn was

Who Solzhenitsyn was
Semyon Badash's open letter to Solzhenitsyn, with whom he was in the same camp.
In 2003, Solzhenitsyn's fellow campmate Semyon Badash wrote him an "Open Letter" in which he accused Solzhenitsyn of deceit, snitching, and anti-Semitism.
"Semyon Badash's "Open Letter" published in the American émigré journal Vestnik, No. 15, 2003.
Unfortunately, this is not the only case of your, to put it mildly, inadequate attitude towards your former friends, including people to whom you owe a lot. Ilya Zilberberg's book "A Necessary Conversation with Solzhenitsyn" (Ilya Zilberberg. 14 Colchster Vale. Forest Row. Sussex. Great Britain. 1976). Its author was friends with the Teusza family, who secretly kept your archive. After the Teusha's apartment became unreliable, they, going on vacation, gave it to Ilya Iosifovich Zilberberg. But by that time the Gebists had already tapped the Teushey's cell phone and knew everything in advance. On September 11, 1965, they raided Zilberberg's house, took the folder with your materials, after which both Teusch and Zilberberg were dragged for many weeks for interrogation.
Not only did you not take part in their fate, but you did not show up at Teusz's house for several months, and Zilberberg was even accused of cooperating with the GB. You, of course, were believed in dissident circles, after which this crystal-clear man lived for many years with a stigma that remained on him even after his emigration from the USSR. All his attempts to explain himself to you or to your trusted people came to nothing. In "The Calf" you disparagingly and insultingly called V. Teusch "an anthroposophist who handed over the archive to his proselyte-anthroposophist, the young I. Zilberberg".


Also, Solzhenitsyn's last name has the root of the word lzhe (i.e. lie), It's hard to believe such a liar.
#lie about #USSR
#lies about #Russia #soviet #russian #jewish #history by #Solzhenitsyn #gulag

The war in Ukraine is based on lies — lies about how it started, how it’s going, and how it will end.

We are told that Ukraine is winning when in fact it is losing. We are told that the war makes NATO stronger when in fact it is depleting it. We are told that Ukraine’s biggest problem is a lack of funds from the U.S. Congress when in fact the West can’t produce enough ammunition — a problem that will take years to fix. We are told that Russia is suffering greater casualties when in fact Ukraine is running out of soldiers — another problem money can’t fix.
#USA #us #ukraine #nato #lies about #ukrainian #war #deepstate is #warmongers

The guardians of morality sometimes give voice, but it's a pity it's very rare.

Archbishop Viganò Denounces Globalist Elite’s ‘Coup d’état’ at National Congress: A Call for Resistance Against New World Order
We are now facing an epochal threat, in the form of a coup d’état perpetrated by the globalist elite. This coup d’état has only recently appeared in full evidence, but the rambling statements of the participants in the Davos Forum that has just ended are the result of a subversive project carried out for decades. A project that is based on lies, blackmail, and corruption.
Lies. All the reasons given by the globalist network to legitimize their action are false, or rather: they are false pretexts that deliberately hide other unmentionable reasons.

He is mistaken here about the unification of liberalism and communism, but otherwise his reasoning is correct.
#western #us #eu #globalists #corruption #lie #lies for #power of #capitalism #imperialism #deepstate #anti-humanity