Beiträge, die mit WRITING getaggt sind
#Rome #travel #WomensHistory #Italy #books #bookstodon #writing #history
« You Hear Me Now, » a poem about the struggles of outgrowing older versions of oneself…
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You Hear Me Now
should you ever o my darling hear that i am forever gone…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
#Longreads #Bestof2024 #Essays #Journalism #Writing #Reading
A Year in Reading: A Shift in Perspective
The stories that sparked awe and made me think differently in 2024.Krista Stevens (Longreads)
Feel free to read if you like to.
About Tech: Give Me Boredom Or Give Me Death
Another corner of the good ol' internet, another guy with opinions, another collection of 3AM thoughts dumped into HTML pages as if it were a good replacement for pen and paper.Nowhere
I wrote a book. It's really good. It has beautiful nature writing, it's smart, it's honest in a way that is rare, it covers many important/difficult themes & it's really funny.
'Drystone - A Life Rebuilt'
Pre-orders early 2025
You can read more here
#Depression #Writing #Scotland #Books #Author #MentalHealth
#writing #writingcommunity #books #humor #humour
#UrsulaKLeguin #Books #Bookstodon #book #Writing #WritingCommunity
featuring the lyrics of « One Day, » a catchy pop number that is actually a prayer to the divine disguised as a love song…
#writing ✏️ #writerscommunity #CreativeWriting #poetry #lyrics #poems #OriginalPoem #indie #selfpublish #author #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry #faith #spirit 🎧 #Substack
One Day
one day this song will find your way you'll hear the words i dare not say…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
Link to story on Tall And True:
More Time and a Ouija Board
Communicating with the living would be difficult unless someone brings a Ouija board to my funeral.Tall And True
"Ah, God, I'm hit... No wait, it's just soup."
"I'm done for, tell my wife I ... no, I'm good, it's just soup."
"There's so much blood! Oh nevermind, it's just tomatoes."
Ended with a head shot.
#writing #scifi #humor #humour #book #books
Unfortunately, it's Thanksgiving, so I'm going to have to go and do things
But we don't usually run too late, so I'll be able to do some of this tonight
#Thanksgiving #Reading #Blog #Writing
#art #writing #writingcommunity #humor #humour
What can take up a paragraph in an outline might stay as a paragraph, and what is a single sentence might become a large section of adventure.
That is all.
"If 'science fiction' could refer to something with no science and no fiction, it would be a useless concept." — @bodiednovel
26. What's the best feedback you've ever received on your writing?
Probably that the world seems "lived in." Characters have lives that go on outside of the events of the story.
#writing #writingcommunity #amwriting #dog #dogs #dogstodon #DogsOfMastodon #humor #humour
Inhaltswarnung: Spicy SF M/M romance promo: Preorder Too Hot to Handle now!
What are your favourite platforms?
I don't want anything robust, I don't need to host a corporation or anything.
Should I stick with #wordpress?
I heard #tumblr is makin' a comeback (I guess it never really went away).
Give me your suggestions!
#Writing #AmWriting #AcademicChatter #AcademicMastodon #blogging #blog
#amwriting #writing #writingcommunity #humor #humour
a new poem titled « At The Heart Of Despair » that aims to convey constructive interpretations of apparently undesirable experiences…
#writing ✏️ #poetry #poems #TheWingedLife @poetry #CreativeWriting #selfpublish #authors #indie #PoetryLovers
#Light #Faith #PersonalDevelopment #SelfDevelopment #KarmicProcess #Maturation #Maturity #Humanity #DivineIntelligence #IrrationalIntelligence #Heart #Despair
At The Heart Of Despair
that unscheduled passage through the echo chamber where worshippers of night stare at a shrine to gloom…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
#quotes #writing #amwriting #writingcommunity
"Rules only take us so far, even good rules."
That said, "let the bear have your coffee" is one to always follow.
#amwriting #writing #writingcommunity #humor #humour
So I just wrapped a blankety thing around my legs while I write.
If so, I'd recommend reading this piece I wrote for Barley magazine about drystone, the land, resilience and the life lessons learned from this ancient craft.
#Writing #Scotland #NatureWriting #Article #Reading
The Wonder Waller
Writer and photographer explains how drystone walling in Scotland helped her discover a more nourishing future away from the rat race.Kristie De Garis (Barley)
#amwriting #writingcommunity #writing #humor #humour
Primarily I write #ScienceFiction and #humor, but I've also written darkly comic stuff, fabulist satire, and some literary fiction. Once I blogged squibs, screeds and other drivel (some pure & some quite tainted with meaning.)
My cats keep me sane(ish).
If you want to understand my rich inner life, I recommend this #book: Alpha Max.
Occasionally pimp some of the others.
Co-host at:
#SFF #humor #writing #writingcommunity
« On The Run » aims to convey the pursuit of a vision of artistic freedom and self development despite the recurring temptations of personal demons…
#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #indie #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry #faith #spirit #lyrics #SelfDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #quest
On The Run
we were on the run always on the run aiming for the dream gliding on a moonbeam…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
#typing #writing #writingcommunity #humor #humour
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#arts #artshare #paintings 🎨 #NicholasRoerich #writing #books #wisdom #purpose
― Robin Wall Kimmerer
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#quotes #writing #RobinWallKimmerer #GiftEconomy #reciprocity #interbeing #unity #oneness
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
For me, writing is an act of reciprocity with the world; it is what I can give back in return for everything that has been given to me. — Robin Wall Kimmererpoligraf (Tumblr)
« Mother Of Pearl » is built around the idea that divinely orchestrated challenges lead individuals to their fullest expression, like irritants cause oysters to yield pearls…
#writing ✏️ #CreativeWriting #poetry #poems #indie #selfpublish #authors #PoetryLovers #TheWingedLife @poetry
#lyrics #PersonalDevelopment #destiny #IrrationalIntelligence #DivineIntelligence #pearls #maturation #maturity #oysters
Mother Of Pearl
told love was not for me i used to play the fool blind to my own folly yet in me you saw the jewel…Christopher Andrew Stewart (The Winged Life)
#zelazny #writing #chroniclesofamber #novels #sciencefiction #fantasy #novel #rogerzelazny #writingtips
They are altered to fit the premise and narrative, not accurately described, but the essence taken and replicated. It's usually small things - something annoying, some observation I've made, etc.
I'm sure most writers do this too, but it's often works well to flesh out characters or even to bring in unexpected sub plots. Often these additions can easily be tied into the existing story.
Author Peter Darbyshire joins the lads to champion the classic Roger Zelazny fantasy series, The Chronicles of Amber.
#writing #writingcommunity #amber #RogerZelazny #peterDarbyshire #podcast #podcasts
#writing for a bit.
Have been struggling to write since I had surgery recently. Right now, brain and body feel a bit overloaded, so I just need a good rest. So having a holiday/vacation at home.
Tricky bit is resting without feeling guilty. Shouldn't feel guilty for self-care, right?