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Beiträge, die mit USPOl getaggt sind

"Let me say this more clearly: what is happening right now, in America, in real time, is a coup."

"This is an information war and this is what a coup now looks like."

"Musk didn’t need a tank, guns, soldiers. He had a small crack cyber unit that he sent into the Treasury department last weekend. He now has unknown quantities of the entire US nation’s most sensitive data and potential backdoors into the system going forward."

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#USPol #coup

This is part of why having and using communication systems, like Signal, Bluesky and the already decentralized Mastodon, that are not directly controlled by the cyber putschists (twitter completely, facebook, instagram, threads, and tiktok likely as well) is essential. Vital to have ways to connect with and share information that are not subject to coup plotters' direct manipulation.

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#USPol #coup

Inhaltswarnung: Trump-adjacent

Good move from the mods at rpg.net! Even more relevant today than when it happened in 2018.

#uspol #ttrpg #rpg #gaming #resist #humanity #GoodVsEvil
A forum admin posts reads "New Ban: Do Not Post In Support of Trump or his Administration
The following policy announcement is the result of over a year of serious debate by the moderation team. The decision is as close to unanimous as we ever get. It will not be the subject of further debate. We have fully considered the downsides and ultimately decided we have to stay true to our values. We will not pretend that evil isn't evil, or that it becomes a legitimate difference of political opinion if you put a suit and tie on it.
We are banning support of Donald Trump or his administration on the RPGnet forums. This is because his public comments, policies, and the makeup of his administration are so wholly incompatible with our values that formal political neutrality is not tenable. We can be welcoming to (for example) persons of every ethnicity who want to talk about games, or we can allow support for open white supremacy. Not both. Below will be an outline of the policy and a very incomplete set of citations.
We have a community here that we've built carefully over time, and support for elected hate groups aren't welcome here. We can't save the world, but we can protect and care for the small patch that is this board......"

The USAID’s IG has just released a report on Trump Admin’s assault on the agency.

"All #USAID programs were suspended🚨, incl. those with funds already obligated & disbursed. The Sec’s Jan 24 order contained an initial waiver for “emergency food asst.” 4 days later, the Sec issued a waiver for disbursements under existing “lifesaving humanitarian assistance” programs: “life-saving RX, MED services, food,
shelter, & subsistence asst...."

#USAID #HumanitarianCrisis #USPol
Title of the report: Oversight of USAID-Funded Humanitarian Assistance Programming Impacted by Staffing Reductions & Pause on Foreign Assistance:

#USAID crisis worsens:

Trump’s sudden cutoff of funding & staff at USAID: loss of “almost all ability to track🚨$8.2B in unspent humanitarian aid."

The admin’s rapid dismantling of #USAID has left oversight of the humanitarian aid “largely nonoperational.”

Reduced ability to ensure: no aid falls into the hands of violent extremist groups or goes astray in conflict zones. Ct decision doesn’t remove concerns - being able to “work with PTRs to protect/distribute-."

#USPol https://www.therepublic.com/2025/02/10/usaid-watchdog-warns-of-lack-of-oversight-of-8-2-billion-in-unspent-aid-after-trump-moves/

Mom has completely given up on the media. Doesn't believe any of it. She's a staunch anti-Trumper but is falling for his schtick anyway.

#USpol #Trump #media #journalism

Don’t know how this could be more clear—Trump wants to pave Gaza over and turn it into his resort.

Trump says Palestinians wouldn't be allowed back into Gaza under his plan https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-says-palestinians-wouldnt-allowed-back-gaza-plan-rcna191491

#Gaza #Palestinians #StopTrumpNow #ImpeachDonaldTrump #ArrestDonaldTrump #USPol

Good to see the US getting back into the ethnic cleansing business. Driving indigenous people off their land in order to profit from it is really one of the basic traditions of the country, and it's something that's been mostly missing from our culture for over a hundred years.

MAGA: Make America genocidal again!

#gaza #israel #palestine #USPol


It's the NSA, and maybe that's a better idea than expected. After all, it might be a good idea not to hand over sensitive information that may refer to vulnerable people and networks to Trump or Musk.


I'm not interested in blaming them. I just want to know why they thought that Trump could be trusted.

#USPol #Gaza


Isn't america great or what?

I have never heard of a country that threatens its own citizens like this on behalf of a foreign nation.

I honestly don't understand it.

#US #Israel #Florida #Fascism #Protests #Students #Politics #Trumpistan #Genocide #USpol

@palestine group @israel group

If you thought the daily news was nice and boring under Biden, you were obviously reading the wrong news. #USpol

When criticising homophobic tyrant Donald Trump, consider not making a homophobic meme.

Consider whether, in fact, you see queer people as objects of scorn, despite claiming to be progressive. In short, take a fucking look at yourself.


Why we should be grateful for Trump and Musk's gargantuan egos
#USPol #AusPol


Trump’s Gaza proposal frustrates his new Arab American supporters - The Washington Post

They were fools to support him.

#Gaza #Palestine #USPol

« Parmi les contre-mesures envisagées, la CPI pourrait demander à la Commission européenne d’activer sa loi de blocage, un texte qui permet d’atténuer des sanctions venant de l’extérieur de l’Union, si elles devaient toucher l’institution elle-même. »

Sanctions prises contre la #CPI : le cadeau de Donald #Trump à Benyamin #Nétanyahou


#CourPénaleInternationale #JusticeInternationale #USpol #USforeignPolicy #USsanctions #Gaza #Palestine #Israël @palestine @israel

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, one of the world's most important resources when it comes to digging up information about #kleptocrats all over the world, lost 29% of its budget due to #ElonMusk's attacks on #USAID .

There are few better causes you could donate to where your money would go anywhere near as far as it would with OCCRP (journalists in Moldova are kinda cheap in the scheme of things).


#OCCRP #ICIJ #broligarchy #broligarchs #corruption #moneylaundering #kleptocracy #uspol #eupol #putin #russia #uspolitics
screenshot of donation page

“We've learned at least three individuals closely associated with Palantir or its cofounder Peter Thiel were involved in an online recruiting effort for DOGE late last year. Step inside the recruitment effort that helped build Elon's DOGE army.”

Thiel, Palantir, Musk…

#USPol #DOGE #Musk #Coup


"The story of Carlos is an example of how immigrants — some without legal status, others with legal protections — are being caught up in President Donald Trump's promises of mass arrests and deportations, despite not having a criminal record."


#immigrant #immigration #migrant #migration #deportations #ICE #USpol

Top Historian Timothy Snyder Warns Elon Musk Is Performing a Coup

#coup #USPol #Musk #disinformation #authoritarianism

American flag, flying upside down to indicate that our nation is in distress, at State.
#uspol #buildTheResisance
Looking out a window at a flag pole with an upside down American flag
Street view of the flag and a map
Another view of the flag

Ich mache mir immer mehr Sorgen! Und diese werden erst verschwinden, wenn die cxu und co. keine Mehrheit erfahren an der Wahlurne!

Vielleicht lese ich zur Zeit zu viele Statistiken, aber ich werde immer unruhiger.

Sollten die USA in den nächsten Monaten endgültig in Richtung Autoritarismus kippen und Deutschland (als größtes EU-Land) sich nicht absolut klar für Demokratie und Menschenrechte einsetzen, könnte das eine globale Wende auslösen, die sich nicht mehr so leicht umkehren lässt.
Es wäre eine Zäsur für die Menschenrechte, für den Kampf gegen Desinformation und für die gesamte Weltordnung.

Die Pressefreiheit, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Bürgerrechte stehen immer mehr unter Druck. China zuerst und nun USA nutzen zunehmend Überwachungstechnologien, Künstliche Intelligenz und soziale Medien, um Massenüberwachung durchzuführen und Narrative zu steuern. Hier war sicherlich China die Blaupause, welche andere autokratische Regierungen übernehmen.
Denn mit Mit Milliardären wie Musk und Zuckerberg, die die soziale Medien kontrollieren und möglicherweise Desinformation und autoritäre Narrative verstärken, werden Demokratien immer mehr von innen ausgehöhlt.

Der Vertrauensverlust in politische Institutionen, Polarisierung und Desinformation schwächt auch zunehmend unser Land und macht es anfälliger für populistische und autoritäre Strömungen.

... prove me wrong!

#depol #uspol

Trump has been meeting with wanted was criminal Netanyahu this week, after these me we meetings Trump unexpectedly suggested the idea of deploying US troops to Gaza to directly assist Israel in displacing Palestinians into neighboring countries.

This idea has been widely condemned by Arab countries and even Israel is beginning to down play as pledges mount from Jordan to join the war if the US becomes involved in the ground.


#FreePalestine #Jordan #USPol #MeidasTouch