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Beiträge, die mit freeSpeech getaggt sind

Free speech crises loom with crackdown on Israel criticism https://www.byteseu.com/539127/ #FreeSpeech #GazaWar #Israel #IsraelPalestine #Palestine
Free speech crises loom with crackdown on Israel criticism


And more terrible legislation coming out of #Oklahoma, this time introduced by the chair of the Oklahoma #GOP

1. All journalists by licensed by the state of Oklahoma.
2. Journalists must pass quarterly drug tests.
3. Journalists must attend special anti-propaganda classes.

I'm not making this up.

#FirstAmendment #Journalism #FreeSpeech

Trump Orders Republicans to Kill Journalism Shield Law They Had Supported


Trump’s War on Free Speech Continues With Call to Kill Journalism Shield Legislation

Convicted felon, Donald Trump, has fired another shot across the bow of free speech with his call to kill journalism shield laws.

Notice: We understand that the collapse of America can be distressing to some American readers, but help is


#Censorship #News #FreeSpeech #journalism #SHIELD

PETITION LAUNCH: blocktheban.org We scholars, journalists, and people of conscience stand in full solidarity with Written Revolution chief editor Prahlad Iyengar and Linguistics Professor Michel DeGraff as they face targeted attacks, bans, and unjust punitive action from MIT. #Gaza #FreeSpeech

Block the Ban at MIT

Signed this and sent it to all my representatives.

I customized their default message a little bit. I'll post my addendum as a comment on this post.

Title: Tell Congress To Pass the PRESS Act Now


#Journalism #FreeSpeech #FreePress #EFF

"#Trump literally standing before an Israeli flag and vowing to kill free speech for the advancement of Israeli information interests makes a lie of everything the so-called “#MAGA movement” has ever claimed to stand for and exposes it for the #scam it has always been." -#CaitlinJohnstone

“#AmericaFirst” Means Stomping Out #FreeSpeech In The US In Order To Help #Israel


#Republicans Are Already Trying to Grant #Trump Dangerous Powers

Opinion by #HafizRashid
November 15, 2024

"House Republicans are trying to push through a bill that would give President-Elect #DonaldTrump powers as president to designate #nonprofit organizations as '#TerroristSupporting' even after it was seemingly defeated earlier this week.

"The Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act #HR9495 would allow the secretary of the treasury the ability to revoke any nonprofit organization’s tax-exempt status by branding it with a terrorism label. Earlier this week, the bill failed to receive the necessary two-thirds majority in the House to advance to the Senate.

"But on Monday, the House Rules Committee plans to hold a hearing that could set up a new vote on the bill, which initially had the support of all but one Republican and 52 Democrats. With the GOP only holding a seven seat majority in the chamber, they would need the support of more Democrats to advance the bill, which was introduced to combat #protests against #Israel’s war on #Gaza.

"Under any circumstances, the bill would threaten #FirstAmendment rights to #FreeSpeech, but after Trump’s election last week, there are now fears that the president-elect could use these new powers to crack down on his enemies with little recourse. Many #universities and #NewsOutlets are nonprofit organizations in addition to #activist groups.

"After the bill’s initial failure on Tuesday, the American Civil Liberties Union [#ACLU] celebrated the rejection of 'new broad and easily abused powers.'

"'The freedom to #dissent without fear of government retribution is a vital part of any well-functioning democracy, and now is not the time to grant the executive branch new powers to investigate and functionally shut down and silence its critics,' said Kia Hamadanchy, senior policy counsel for the ACLU, in a statement.

"Now, the bill could be given a retooling and sent up for a vote again, giving a president who has already threatened to use the #military against his critics even more sweeping powers. The question is if #Democrats will recognize the bill as granting dangerous powers to the presidency, or see it as a chance to clamp down on protesters they have tried to ignore at their peril for the past year.'"


#ClampDown #WorkingForTheClampDown #Fascism #CharacteristicsOfFascism #DonTheFascistCon #StopHR9495
#CriminalizingDissent #KristiNoem
#Blackwater #ErikPrince #Autocracy
#SilencingDissent #ClimateActivists
#AntiWarActivists #WaterProtectors
#PeaceActivists #ClimateJustice #Protests #StandWithStandingRock
#GazaGenocide #LebanonGenocide

Deep conversation


#autrocracy #billionaires #freespeech #maga #gop #palestine #usa

#comics #medhihasan #darkmoney

And how much economic damage is from climate change and pollution from #FossilFuels? #BigOil is the real criminal here!

#ClimateProtesters are taking action against Big Oil. UK courts are handing them prison terms akin to rapists and thieves

By Kara Fox, CNN
September 14, 2024

London CNN — "As #RightWing rioters attacked communities with #racist violence across parts of the UK last month, 22-year-old #ClimateActivist #CressieGethin sat in a prison cell.

"Her crime? Organizing a disruptive protest against new government-granted licenses to drill for oil — a planet-heating #FossilFuel — in the #NorthSea.

"In late July, a London court found #Gethin and four other members of the #JustStopOil activist group guilty of 'conspiring intentionally to cause a #PublicNuisance,' after recruiting protesters to climb structures along the M25 — a major ring road around London — bringing traffic to a standstill in parts over four days in November 2022.

"Prosecutors alleged that the protests, organized over a #ZoomCall, disrupted more than 700,000 drivers, caused economic damage of over £760,000 ($980,000) and racked up £1 million ($1.3m) in policing costs.

"Now Gethin and three others — Louise Lancaster, #DanielShaw and #LuciaWhittakerDeAbreu, who planned the disruption on the call — are serving four-year jail terms, while Just Stop Oil co-founder #RogerHallam was given five years. All are appealing.

"The sentences are believed to be the longest in the UK’s history for #nonviolent protest and were delivered under two new controversial laws that supercharged #policing powers to crack down on disruptive protests, even when they are peaceful.

"They place the act of planning a 'public nuisance' event, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, on a similar footing as #ViolentCrimes like robbery, for which punishments range from community service to 12 years’ jail, or rape, which is four to 19 years.

"The judge — who in court referred to the activists as '#extremists' — justified the long jail terms because all five activists had previously been convicted of one or more offenses in relation to direct action protest. Each were on bail for another set of proceedings when the Zoom call took place. He also noted people missed important doctor’s visits and funerals because of the protest.

"But activists like Gethin say their demonstrations are proportionate to the problem at hand — a rapidly warming world that threatens to transform life as we know it, through deadly #ExtremeWeather events and by pushing #ecosystems to their brinks. They are now battling the bolstered powers of the #police and courts to get their point across.

“'A very harsh sentence like this doesn’t make sense morally or legally — but it does make sense politically,' Gethin told CNN in a handwritten letter from HMP Bronzefield, a women’s prison just south of London’s Heathrow Airport.

"The laws have drawn criticism from the UN’s special rapporteur on #EnvironmentalDefenders, #MichaelForst, who said not only do they criminalize peaceful protest, but they are being enforced in 'punitive and repressive' ways."

Read more:

#BigOilAndGas #ClimateActivists #ClimateProtest #SLAPPs #CorporateColonialism #WaterDefenders
#SilencingDissent #SLAPPs #ClimateActivists #CorporateColonialism
#EarthDefenders #CriminalizingDissent #FreeSpeech #RightToProtest #BiodiversityNecessityDefense
#SLAPPs #Fascism #CivilDisobedience
#Activism #ClimateStrike
#HumanRights #Article20 #2023PublicOrderAct #ClimateNecessityDefense #Corporatocracy #CorporateFascism #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe

AMERICA: Land of the free, home of the jerks

WASHINGTON POST: As the country counts down to #ElectionDay with both anticipation and dread, #ElonMusk — the #Billionaire who treats #FreeSpeech like a weapon rather than a right — has managed to become even more disruptive than he has already been

The man who turned #Twitter from a #PublicSquare into a squalid back alley known as X is now spending his free time doing air jacks for #DonaldTrump as the lead cheerleader....


“A doctor, arrested and jailed for her involvement in Just Stop Oil protests, has had her medical licence suspended for five months

(…)Doctors' Association UK said: "This is a story of a clinician being punished for raising serious concerns about dangerous inaction on the greatest threat to global health we have ever, or will ever

#climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #globalwarming #gmc #nhs #ukpolitics #freespeech #uk


Judge skeptical of lawsuit brought by Elon Musk's X over hate speech research https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234901186/judge-skeptical-of-lawsuit-brought-by-elon-musks-x-over-hate-speech-research 'In a hearing over Zoom on Thursday, U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer appeared highly skeptical of the case, devoting the majority of the proceeding to grilling Musk's lawyer over why the lawsuit was brought at all.

Jon Hawk, X's lawyer, said at core the suit is about honoring data security agreements to protect the platform's users.

Breyer was unconvinced.

"You put that in terms of safety, and I've got to tell you, I guess you can use that word, but I can't think of anything basically more antithetical to the First Amendment than this process of silencing people from publicly disseminated information once it's been published," Breyer said.

"You're trying to shoehorn this theory by using these words into a viable breach of contract claim," the judge added.' #socialmedia #Twitter #ElonMusk #freespeech #research #hatespeech

Inhaltswarnung: Twitter, X, Musk, Bots, Free Speech

“We should love everybody, and that's what we've been teaching, but they're expecting us not to do that.” #education #freespeech #lgbtq