Beiträge, die mit Israël getaggt sind
#hamas #palestina #israel #antisemitism #terrorism
„From the river to the sea“: Berliner Gericht stuft umstrittene Parole erstmals als Terror-Kennzeichen ein
Wer den Spruch „From the river to the sea“ gebraucht, macht sich des Verwendens von Terror-Kennzeichen schuldig, entscheidet das Landgericht. Eine 42-Jährige muss eine Geldstrafe zahlen.Kerstin Gehrke (Der Tagesspiegel)
Der aaronitische Segen lautet:
"Der HERR segne dich und behüte dich; der HERR lasse sein Angesicht leuchten über dir und sei dir gnädig; der HERR hebe sein Angesicht über dich und gebe dir Frieden." 4. Mose 6
Unsere Buch-Religionen sind Geschwister-Religionen. Wir gehören zusammen.
#Trauer in #Hannover #Palästina #Israel #Gaza
#Imperialismus #Kapitalismus,hannover18730.html
Der Aaronitische Segen
Er wird in fast jedem evangelischen Gottesdienst gesprochen: der Aaronitische Segen. Er ist der älteste überlieferte Segensspruch in der Tora und verbindet Juden und Christen.Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland
The #UNRWA Health Clinic Center was turned into a Military Base by the #IDF, as shown by images shared by the Reservist soldier, Adi Daniel from the "84th Givati" Infantry Brigade, "424th Shaked" Battalion.
Images display multiple Armored Vehicles, of which included "NAMER" APC and "PUMA" Troop Carriers.
Interestingly, one of the "PUMA" Vehicles has an RWS, turning it into an IFV. [4th image]
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine group @israel group
#liban #324cat #gaza #hezbollah #guerraagaza #israel
Almenys una seixantena de morts en una nova nit d'atacs d'Israel al Líban i a Gaza
Els atacs israelians han afectat especialment el Mont Líban i Jabalia, al nord de Gaza, on han mort una quinzena d'infants3Cat
Security Boosted For France-Israel Match - EUROPE SAYS
Text size A high police presence is being prepared for the France v Israel Nations League match atEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Pregătiri pentru Franța - Israel: 4000 de polițiști și jandarmi mobilizați pentru meciul cu risc ridicat din Liga Națiunilor
Un total de 4.000 de polițiști și jandarmi vor fi mobilizați joi pentru meciul cu risc ridicat dintre Franța și Israel, care va avea loc pe Stade deRedacția (G4media)
Pro-Palästina-Protestcamp in München beendet
Organisatoren brechen nach einem halben Jahr Protestcamp vor Münchner Universität ab. Anlass war der Gaza-Krieg und die hohe Zahl ziviler News (
Media claims of ‘antisemitic pogroms’ against Israeli fans in Amsterdam are the latest in a pattern of false narratives fueling anti-Muslim violence and justifying the genocide in Gaza.
#Gaza #Israel #JudeoNazis #JudeoFacism #Facism
So freaking sick of these propaganda and protection of Israelis, even when they out outside their country and commit crime
Do they have a special protective status that prevents media to call them for who they are?
Any other team's supporters shouted such disgusting racist chants and attacked the host nation before and after a match would have been subject to punishment and sanctions by UEFA and FIFA. But these assholes are excemt from the norms.
@israel group #Football
#Hooligans #Amsterdan #BBC #Hypocrisy #Israel
#Politique #AuroreBerge #DirectAN #Racisme #Israel #Palestine
"We now have a confirmed report that everybody in that house was killed. The last few remains were removed from under the rubble in the past couple of hours"
Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud
#Israel #Gaza #WarCrime
Israel bombs northern Gaza house killing 13 children amid ongoing siege
At least 32 killed after Israel bombs a house in Jabalia as aid agencies say weeks of siege has choked off north Gaza.Al Jazeera
#OwenJones #SkyNews #Israel #Amsterdam
le préfet de police de Paris n'interdira pas le gala "Israël is Forever" - EUROPE SAYS
Le gala “Israël is Forever” se tiendra bien ce mercredi 13 novembre à Paris, a annoncé, ce dimancheEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#MaccabiTelAviv #Israel #Media
#amsterdam #pogrom #maccabi #israel #rellen #voetbalgeweld
Confira! 👇
#OrienteMédio #Líbano #Israel #Irã #Hezbollah #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Mundo
Bombardeio israelense no norte de Beirute deixa pelo menos 20 mortos
Pelo menos três crianças estão entre as vítimas do ataqueAFP (CartaCapital)
#israel #gaza
Tientallen doden bij Israëlisch bombardement op Jabalia
In dit blog houden we je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
News zum Nahostkonflikt: Mehrere Tote bei Luftangriffen im Gazastreifen und Libanon
Die palästinensische Nachrichtenagentur berichtet von 36 Toten ...Julia Bergmann (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
„Hamas’ 7 October 2023 attack on Israel and the subsequent Israeli military attack on Gaza generated enormous rage and despair throughout much of the world. To understand these reactions, it is helpful to examine the tactics commonly used by powerful perpetrators of actions perceived as unjust.”
See also:
„Backfire manual: tactics against injustice”
Brian Martin: publications on backfire
Writings on backfire by Brian Martin and
Gaza's civil defence agency says 13 children were among the dead in Jabalia.
#Palestine #PalestineNews #Israel #IsraelNews #IsraeliPalestinianConflict #News
#Israel #Gaza #NorthernGaza #Jabalia
Tientallen doden bij Israëlisch bombardement op Jabalia
In dit blog houden we je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
#Israel #IDF #Gaza #Trump
Tientallen doden bij Israëlisch bombardement op Jabalia
In dit blog houden we je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
(AP) #Israel #Gaza #Lebanon
Mideast wars: Israeli strikes kill dozens in Lebanon and isolated northern Gaza, officials say
Israeli strikes have killed dozens of people in Lebanon and the northern Gaza Strip. An Israeli airstrike on Sunday killed at least 20 people and wounded six in the village of Aalmat, north of Beirut and far from the areas in southern and eastern Leb…WAFAA SHURAFA (AP News)
US-Kampfflugzeuge haben erneut Stellungen der Huthi-Miliz im Jemen angegriffen. Der deutsche Botschafter in Israel pocht auf die Freilassung der verschleppten Geiseln. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.
#Israel #Nahost #Liveblog
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Israel greift Ziele in Gaza und Libanon an ++
Israel greift erneut Ziele im Gazastreifen und im Libanon an. Der Zivilschutz im Gazastreifen meldet 30 Tote. Der deutsche Botschafter in Israel pocht auf die Freilassung der verschleppten Geiseln. Die Entwicklungen im
Bei israelischen Luftangriffen sind im Gazastreifen und im Libanon mehr als 50 Menschen getötet worden. Palästinenser im Gazastreifen sprechen von zivilen Opfern, libanesische Medien vermuten Binnenvertriebene unter den Toten.
#Israel #Nahost
#Știri #Palestina #Gaza ##Jabalia #Terorism
Orientul Mijlociu. SUA și UK au bombardat depozite de arme ale rebelilor houthi, în capitala Yemenului. În Fâșia Gaza, medicii susțin că zeci de palestinieni au murit, într-un atac israelian asupra orașului Jabalia. - Biziday
Postul de televiziune Al Masirah, condus de gruparea rebelă Houthi din Yemen, a raportat nouă raiduri aeriene asupra capitalei Sana’a și a guvernoratuluiAuras Rosu (Biziday)
🔺El primer ministro del régimen de #Israel, Benjamín #Netanyahu, prepara un golpe contra el poder judicial #sionista, revela un exagente de inteligencia #israelí.
🔗Más detalles
Exjefe de inteligencia israelí acusa a Netanyahu de planear un golpe | HISPANTV
El primer ministro del régimen de Israel, Benjamín Netanyahu, prepara un golpe contra el poder judicial sionista, revela un exagente de inteligencia israelí.HISPANTV.COM
#Propaganda #amsterdampogrom #SkyNews #Israel #hasbara #AmsterdamAttack #InformationWarfare
The Israeli Defence Ministry signed a major contract to purchase around 130 D9 bulldozers, a type of heavy-duty construction equipment produced by Caterpillar, a major American manufacturer of construction machinery.
Ik vind wel dat Israël zelf verantwoordelijk is voor het toegenomen anti-semitisme, wat in feite alleen anti-zionisme zou moeten zijn.
Want #israel is bezig met genocide. Arme arme Palestijnen.
Allemaal verliezers. #buitenhof
So I appreciate that *everyone* involved in the violence should be charged, will the Israeli thugs be extradited? Or are they protected?
#Amssterdam #Israel
Activists Demand Spain Stop Port Calls of Maersk Line Ships Carrying Arms - EUROPE SAYS
The continuing effort by activist groups to interrupt the shipment of military supplies to Israel took aEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Antisemitische Vorurteile gegen Juden entgegnen | Campact
Antisemitismus ist immer noch tief in unserer Gesellschaft verwurzelt. Was Du antisemitischen Vorurteilen entgegen kannst.Campact-Team (Campact Blog)