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Beiträge, die mit HTS getaggt sind

Blinken visits Ankara with Israel and Turkey on collision course in Syria https://www.byteseu.com/557549/ #Blinken #Erdoğan #Gaza #HTS #Israel #kurds #PKK #Syria #Turkey #YPG
Blinken visits Ankara with Israel and Turkey on collision course in Syria

Remember folks. If they don't say this they die.

Same is true for 'defectors' everywhere. If you don't say what the host governments wants to hear, you get shipped back to certain imprisonment or death. @syria #Syria #HTS #alQaeda #WokeAQ #Assad

Factions of the #DemocrarticParty and their respective leaders would do well to learn from rebel factions in #Syria.

"Since 2019, #HTS has been developing a military doctrine that it used to turn fighters coming from disparate, disorganised opposition and jihadist groups into a disciplined fighting force… the fundamental problem was the absence of unified leadership and control…"

#Republicans have succeeded in herding their cats in a line, but #Democrats have not.


Umgang mit Syrien - Grüne: Europa muss mit einer Stimme sprechen

Tobias Lindner (Grüne), Sonderkoordinator für Syrien, fordert ein einheitliches europäisches Vorgehen im Umgang mit den neuen syrischen Machthabern.#SYRIEN #Sonderkoordinator #TobiasLindner #ISRAEL #HumanitäreHilfe #HTS

Without swift action, Syria risks descending into instability, echoing the chaos that followed regime collapses in Libya and Iraq. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/editorials/2024/12/13/syria-has-a-chance-to-be-free/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #editorials #basharassad #syria #iran #russia #hayattahriralsham #hts #alqaida

Jolani’s Speaks Out After Khamenei’s Warning; Syria Conflict Enters New Phase https://www.byteseu.com/553651/ #Conflicts #HTS #Iran #jolani #khamenei #Syria
Jolani's Speaks Out After Khamenei's Warning; Syria Conflict Enters New Phase

(unconfirmed ) Kiev provided Syria’s #HTS with drone operators in order to fight against the Syrian Army during its offensive

The Ukrainians, who are struggling to defend their own territory amidst the #NATO war with #Russia, sent specialist drone operators along with around 150 FPV UAVs to aid the successful regime change operation. This has called into question their priorities at such a time, given the struggle for manpower in #Ukraine.


"[W]hile #Syria’s geography and official state ideology made it central to the Iran-led ‘#AxisOfResistance’, #Assad was apparently leveraging 'non-resistance' to rehabilitate his standing among Arab allies of the US.

"So when #HTS rolled into Aleppo and Hama without a fight, #Iran was in no rush to come to Assad’s aid."


#ResistanceAxis #MiddleEast #geopolitics @syria @lebanon @iran @palestine

"Death of a nation: Black Flags, #massacres, land grabs as #vultures feed on the carcass of #Syria" by #PepeEscobar

"In a nutshell: this is the #NATO/ #Israel combo demilitarizing the former Syria – with not as much as a peep from anybody in the Arab world and the lands of Islam, starting with the Black Flag killers that have taken #Damascus." (Sitrep follows)

Passed along from the often censored Strategic Culture Foundation at AltWorld https://thealtworld.com/pepe_escobar/death-of-a-nation-black-flags-massacres-land-grabs-as-vultures-feed-on-the-carcass-of-syria #HTS #WokeAQ #ISIS #alQaeda

“Terrorist Organization” Means Whatever The US Wants It To Mean – Caitlin Johnstone


> "The US government is simultaneously (A) preparing to remove from its list of designated terrorist organizations the group which led the charge to oust Bashar al-Assad in Syria and (B) justifying Israel’s land grab in Syria by saying the nation has been taken over by terrorists."

#Imperialism #USA #Terrorism #HTS #Israel #Genocide #Syria
picture of a US politician speaking. There's a US flag and another flag with some North American seal. I judge his looks to be deceptive, like having no remorse to do whatever it takes to stay in power, or to gain more, be it his own or USA's, although I suspect his own is in a much higher priority.

#RichardMedhurst is back with his latest stream unpacking the fog of war in #Syria and what it means for the struggle against #ZIonism and #USA #imperialism .


#Iran #Israel #terrorism #AlQaeda #HTS #Damascus #CeasarSanctions #alJolani

"US debates lifting terror designation for main Syrian rebel group. The fall of Assad marks a seismic shift for the Middle East": https://www.politico.com/news/2024/12/09/us-debates-lifting-terror-designation-for-main-syrian-rebel-group-00193367 #Syria #HTS

Dont need #prisons if you just summarily #execution everyone, right? That's already occuring according to reports I posted yesterday.

'#Syria’s #lslamists #HTS #alQaeda #ISIS leader vows to dissolve #Assad regime security forces, close prisons'
https://www.scmp.com/news/world/middle-east/article/3290430/syrias-rebel-leader-vows-dissolve-assad-regime-security-forces-close-prisons @syria

Human Rights Watch: *Northeast Syria: Displacement Worsens Aid Crisis*

"Ensure Civilians’ Right to Shelter, Food, Health, Basic Necessities"


"Tens of thousands of civilians seeking safety in Kurdish-controlled northeast #Syria are facing dire conditions due to the lack of adequate shelter, water, food, and health care, Human Rights Watch said today. All parties to the conflict in Syria are obligated to ensure the unimpeded flow of aid, safe passage to fleeing civilians, and protection for those who stay.

On November 27, a coalition of armed groups including Hay’et Tahrir al Sham (#HTS) and the Syrian National Army (#SNA) opened military operations against the former government of Bashar al-Assad. Seeking safety from SNA factions seizing territory throughout #Aleppo governorate, more than 100,000 people fled to areas governed by the Kurdish-led Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (#AANES). The situation is exacerbating an acute and longstanding crisis, with overcrowded camps and severely damaged infrastructure and a lack of water, power, healthcare, food, and weather-appropriate shelter. …"

#refugees #displacement #Rojava #Manbij #HumanRightsWatch #Kurds

More proof the #ISLAMISTS the US has enabled in #Syria and elsewhere on the region are NASTY AMORAL #APOSTATES. It is absolutely forbidden by the Koran to desecrate ANY grave, body, etc.

"Tomb of Bashar al-#Assad's father set on fire in Syrian hometown" AFP footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDhujWxVfiE

@syria #HTS #ISIS #alQaeda #Islam

Merica LUVS #WokeAQ!

"...Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (#HTS) (is) a US-designated terrorist group. And its leader, Ahmed al-Shara aka Abu Mohammad #alJolani, has a $10m bounty over his head.

A senior Arab official (says) Washington was discussing the merits of lifting the bounty on Jolani's head... the Biden admin has signalled an openness to working with HTS." aka #WokeAlQaeda

US says it could recognise new #Syria-n government, lawmakers (2 named) push to unwind sanctions

"When westerners see 'enemy' governments fall, or civil wars erupt, they are led to think they are the geopolitical equivalent of a natural event. Nothing could be further from the truth"

Jonathan Cook's latest

#Syria #Israel #Iraq #Iran #Jordan #HTS #AlQaeda #CIA #USPolitics

Syria's Assad has fallen - just as the Pentagon planned 23 years ago

“Israel Expands Invasion of Syria, Launching Massive Airstrikes After Assad's Fall”

by Jeremy Scahill & Sharif Abdel Koudous in Drop Site News on Substack

“Israel’s message is clear: regardless of who governs Syria, Israel will ensure it does not possess the basic military capacity to defend itself.”


#Press #Syria #Israel #HTS #Airstrikes #Golan #Invasion #Occupation #Colonization #US #Genocide #Gaza #WestBank

“If you are on the side of the empire, you are allowed to commit all of the acts of violence and oppression you like. Just look at how we cosy up to brutal dictators around the world and you will see this is nothing new. Still, to see the empire open their arms for terrorists they’ve been fighting since 2001 is disturbing.”

via Ricky in Council Estate Media on Substack


#Press #UK #Terrorism #Proscription #Hypocrisy #HTS #Syria #Starmer ##Labour #US #Empire #Assad

“#UK reviewing #HTS proscription because the terrorist label is only for enemies of the empire: It seems our allies can do whatever the hell they like”

by Ricky in Council Estate media on Substack

“The British government’s definition of ‘terrorist’ is someone who is not on the side of the empire. Mark my words, if Hezbollah had befriended Israel and overthrew Assad, they would be the ones getting de-proscribed. It’s that cynical.”


#Press #Terrorism #Appeasement #Syria

Islamisten versprechen Stabilität und Ruhe für Syrien

Die neuen Machthaber in Syrien haben erklärt, dass es kein weiteres Blutvergießen geben wird. Stattdessen ist von Stabilität die Rede - der Islamisten-Chef gibt sich gemäßigt. Doch bei Beobachtern herrscht Skepsis.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/syrien-regierung-102.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Syrien #Assad #HTS

@world-WashPost Meanwhile, in Syria's CURRENT slaughterhouse...

"Extremist groups carry out revenge, sectarian killings in #HTS-controlled #Syria"

'Dozens of summary executions reported across the country since former #AlQaeda/ #ISIS leaders took control of #Damascus"
https://thecradle.co/articles-id/28026 @syria

Nach dem Sturz des Assad-Regimes in Syrien fliegt Israel weiter Luftangriffe und rückt augenscheinlich im Nachbarland vor. Geht es dabei nur um Verteidigung? Ein Experte sagt, es habe auch mit dem 7.Oktober zu tun. Von A. Armbrecht.#Israel #Syrien #Assad #HTS

'The day the media decided militant jihadism was respectable
Suddenly, after years of misrepresenting Hamas, western politicians and media are desperate to clarify – if only in Syria – the difference between jihadists and Islamic nationalists'
#syria #hts #hamas #uk #zionist #mainstreammedia

Meanwhile, the US and UK, who funded these headchopping SCUMBAGS are "Considering" removing HTS from the terror org list even as the US bombs the non-compliant factions. They were NEVER ANYTHING but a shill; an excuse, to attempt #destabilization of the region.

"Extremist groups carry out revenge, sectarian killings in #HTS-controlled #Syria"

'Dozens of summary executions reported across the country since former #AlQaeda/ #ISIS leaders took control of #Damascus"
https://thecradle.co/articles-id/28026 @syria

Post-Assad Syria Will Be a New Challenge for US’ Middle East Strategy https://www.byteseu.com/547853/ #AlJolani #Assad #BashaReport #BurcuOzcelik #Conflict #Conflicts #country #HTS #Iran #MiddleEastStrategy #power #RebelMilitia #role #Russia #Syria #US
Post-Assad Syria Will Be a New Challenge for US' Middle East Strategy

Ungewöhnliches Umgewöhnen
Friedrich @kueppersbuschtv.bsky.social in #RadioEins
#Syrien #Assad #al-Dscholani #al-Dschalali #HTS #Trump #Putin #Abschiebung #Asyl


If the people of #Syria aspire for a democracy, I'm afraid they're in for an unpleasant surprise. #HTS ruled Idlib in more or less the same way #Assad ruled Syria. They crushed opposing factions and allowed other factions to exist as long as they got folded under their leadership. Kinda like how the #Baath party disbanded most political parties and what was left was folded into what they called the "Progressive Front".

#Israel bombs #Syria as #HTS/ #ISIS #alQaeda seeks to form a new administration" and the #zionists seeks to expand their armed squatter quota in new illegally gained territory.

Israeli attacks pose new challenges as Syria’s new administration seeks to bring the fractured country (WHO 'fractured' it?) together.


La lucha por el poder en Siria: las claves tras la caída del régimen de al-Assad | vía #UChileRadio


#basharalassad #estadosunidos #guillermoholzmann #hts #irán #israel #mediooriente #mladenyopo #mohammedaljawlani #rusia #siria

"The Syrian government was overthrown, and Salafi-jihadist rebels led by a rebranded version of Al-Qaeda called Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (#HTS) took power in #Damascus. #US President #Biden and Israeli Prime Minister #Netanyahu boasted of helping topple Bashar al-Assad. #NATO member #Turkey played a key role as well. Ben Norton explains how the West dealt a major blow to the Axis of Resistance and #Iran."

#AlQaeda #Syria #AxisOfResistance #Israel


What #CaitlinJohnstone said re #WokeAlQaeda on US talkshows comes to mind... Just so you know, #HTS IS the progeny of #ISIS. Hillary Clinton's Libya hires

"US officials discussed merits of removing $10m bounty on HTS leader"

"Assad Is Out, Woke Al-Qaeda Is In

Only a matter of time before we start seeing former ISIS/ #alQaeda members chatting it up on liberal western talk shows with their preferred gender pronouns listed next to their names.'"

⚠️ Flash Info ⚠️

Ce matin, la chaîne israélienne i24News rapporte les propos du chef du Front de salut syrien, Fahd Masri, ancien porte-parole de l'Armée syrienne libre soutenue par les Etats-Unis, qui a évoqué la "contribution" d'Israël aux événements qui ont conduit à la chute du régime Assad après 24 ans de pouvoir.

#Israel #Syrie #HTS

"Sans les coups que vous avez portés au Hezbollah et à l'Iran, nous n'aurions pas pu...


A couple of days back, I heard in a podcast that saying the current #HTS offensive being linked to #Israel (or NATO) was a "conspiracy theory". In that same podcast they recognized that one of the factors in the success of the anti-Assad forces was the years long bombing campaign by Israel. Since the offensive started, the USA bombed #Syria twice.

Now, Zionist media publishes a FSA commander calling for support from Israel to "hit back at Iran".


@israel @palestine
An image of The Times of Israel, with a picture of a HTS militant shooting an assault rifle to the air. The article title is: Syrian rebel commander urges Israel to support uprising, strike Iran-backed forces.