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Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind

#Israel faced the threat of living with a peaceful neighbour, so #Netanyahu made sure that it won't be peaceful.

https://www.europesays.com/1677630/ Russia Rains Fire On Netanyahu For Seizing Syrian Golan Buffer Zone #Conflicts #idf #Israel #Netanyahu #Putin #Syria
Russia Rains Fire On Netanyahu For Seizing Syrian Golan Buffer Zone

Chatter on #telegram channel of Syrian opposition is the feel of betrayal anger despair watching US and Israel destroying everything in the country. From headquarters of security police, to university research facilities, almost all remaining fighterjets, airbases, weapon storage, air defense, artilery and heavy weapons and on top of everything Israel invasion of major strategic areas only 20km from #Damascus.

Video of the aftermath of last night's massive Israeli bombing of Ladheqhie port in #Syria is available on my telegram channel [https://t.me/newsvideofa/3063](https://t.me/newsvideofa/3063)

They at getting an early wake up call about how it feels to be at the mercy of the west governments in modern history who claim to be the moral guardians of the western civilization and interested in peace and coexistence with the neighbors.

#Syria #Israel #US #Invasion #IDF #Netanyahu #Biden #Turkey
Screen capture of destruction at Syrian port after israeli massive bombing campaign last night.

Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley on Friday launched quite an extraordinary attack on Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu for his selective use of Bible to justify atrocities against Palestinians and Lebanese.

#Motley, who came to speak immediately after #Netanyahu, left no stone unturned in exposing Netanyahu and expressing her solidarity with Palestinians.

#palestine #gaza #guncontrol #peace #barbados

Remember this picture: our national #fascists Geert #Wilders cozies up to the genocidal #Netanyahu.

May this picture surface again in the future, when Bibi is in prison and our current #brownshirt government has fallen.

#FreePalestine #Israel #Netherlands

Haatprediker, baas van onze minister president en corrupte oorlogsmisdadiger bevestigen hun vriendschap

Wil Hoekstra 🍀

#Netanyahu susține că acuzațiile de corupție sunt „minciuni” și reclamă părtinirea de stânga a presei 🇮🇱#Israel‎iene.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3ZVj



“l’aviazione israeliana ha lanciato un attacco missilistico contro una casa nel campo profughi di Nuseirat, uccidendo almeno 7 persone. Il numero di morti confermati è molto inferiore a quello probabilmente reale. Nel corso della notte gli aerei israeliani hanno bombardato di nuovo le residenze civili di Beit Hanun … impossibile conteggiare il numero di morti e feriti”


#TheSubmarine #gaza #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

Netanyahu spricht in Korruptionsprozess von "absurden Vorwürfen"

Lange hatte er sich gewehrt, nun musste er vor Gericht erscheinen: Israels Premier Netanyahu hat erstmals im Korruptionsprozess gegen ihn ausgesagt. Er sprach von "absurden Vorwürfen", die er widerlegen wolle.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/korruptionsprozess-netanyahu-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Israel #Netanyahu #Prozess

#Netanyahu affirme que le Golan annexé "fera partie de l'État d'Israël pour l'éternité», l'ONU dénonce une «violation» de l'accord de 1974.

#golan #israel #syrie #ONU


#Netanyahu in court to give evidence in his corruption trial, the first sitting Israeli prime minister to take the stand as a criminal defendant.

He is also wanted by the International Criminal Court for #warCrimes committed in #Gaza.

Netanyahu has been fully supported by the #Biden administration both with arms and politically. As Trump says: "Only the best people"

The Biden admin has failed to secure humanitarian aid to the starving #Palestinians


#USpol #Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in court to give evidence in his corruption trial | Benjamin Netanyahu | The Guardian

#Israel #Netanyahu

#Israel macht in #Syrien gerade alles platt was nach Militär "riecht", ein paar zivile Opfer spielen wieder keine Rolle. https://syria.liveuamap.com/#Netanyahu reklamiert die #Golan - Höhen für "immer" für Israel! https://mastodon.social/@publicnewsfeed/113627808964155009

Map of Syrian Civil War - Syri...

#Israel macht in #Syrien gerade alles platt was nach Militär "riecht", ein paar zivile Opfer spielen wieder keine Rolle.
#Netanyahu reklamiert die #Golan - Höhen für "immer" für Israel!

Procesul de corupție care îl vizează pe #PrimMinistrul #Netanyahu dezbină 🧑‍🤝‍🧑#SocietateaIsraeliană.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3ZSm

#Știri #Israel

Wat valt er van het corruptieproces tegen de Israëlische premier Netanyahu te verwachten? | de #Volkskrant

Terwijl Wilders in Israel zit, moet Netanyahu vandaag in de rechtbank verschijnen om te getuigen in zijn corruptie proces.

#Israel #Netanyahu #Corruptie

Netanyahu muss erstmals in Korruptionsprozess aussagen

Der Prozess gegen ihn läuft bereits seit vier Jahren - heute muss Israels Premier Netanyahu trotz langer Weigerung erstmals aussagen. Ihm wird Korruption und Einflussnahmen vorgeworfen. Von Jan-Christoph Kitzler.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/netanyahu-gericht-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Israel #Netanyahu #Prozess

https://www.europesays.com/1675471/ Israeli PM Says Won’t Stop Gaza War ‘Now’ #conflict #Conflicts #Gaza #Israel #Netanyahu #palestinians #SYND
UN Urges Leveraging Carbon Markets To Help Poorest Countries

Israeli PM Says Won’t Stop Gaza War ‘Now’ https://www.byteseu.com/545644/ #Conflict #Conflicts #Gaza #Israel #Netanyahu #palestinians #SYND
EU 'Strongly Condemns' Attack At Turkey Defence Firm


"But if we do not, we will do whatever it takes to defend the State of Israel and the border of Israel."

So this guy defends the border of Israel, meaning stationing the army beyond the border so nothing can get to it. Interesting. Extends "the hand of peace" US-style: we are here to bring you peace, please do not resist.

#Israel #Syria #Netanyahu #MiddleEast #news

"The Syrian government was overthrown, and Salafi-jihadist rebels led by a rebranded version of Al-Qaeda called Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (#HTS) took power in #Damascus. #US President #Biden and Israeli Prime Minister #Netanyahu boasted of helping topple Bashar al-Assad. #NATO member #Turkey played a key role as well. Ben Norton explains how the West dealt a major blow to the Axis of Resistance and #Iran."

#AlQaeda #Syria #AxisOfResistance #Israel


James Bamford on Biden's complicity in the genocide of Palestinians. And, get ready for Trump.
https://israelpalestinenews.org/biden-complicity-genocide/ #gaza #genocide #netanyahu #biden

"الديك الرومي البري" - مقال جيد عن سوريا بقلم جيم وتعليقاتي

This article on the debacle in Syria is a must-read. My comments are include under his article. See link below.


#Syria #Palestine #Israel #turkey #Lebanon #Iran #Jordan #UAE #Iran #Turkey #Russia #Kurds #netanyahu #zionism #saudiarabia #sunni #shiamuslims #ShiaGenocide #Shia #Alawites

Mandat d’arrêt international émis contre Nethanyahu : il était temps !

Nouveau communiqué

À lire ici ⬇️ 🧵

#cpi #droitinternational #netanyahu #israel #palestine #gaza #france
Slide avec le titre « Mandat d'arrêt international émis contre Netanyahu : il était temps ! » et une photo du siège de la Cour pénale internationale en arrière-plan.

#Netanyahu anunță că a odonat armatei să ”să preia controlul” zonei-tampon a Platoului #Golan.
El își atribuie căderea lui Bashar #alAssad.
Atacuri ale de la 🪖#armataIsraeliană în apropiere de #Damasc.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3ZFc

#Știri #Israel

I’m seeing some posts about #Israel’s #Netanyahu ordering annexation of buffer zone with #Syria and dismissal of agreement on #GolanHeights.

Anyone able to confirm?

“In November 1989, while #Netanyahu served as a junior minister in Shamir’s government, he spoke at Bar-Ilan University, the academic mecca of religious nationalism in Israel. He said:

“#Israel should have taken advantage of the suppression of the demonstrations in #China in #Tiananmen Square, when the world’s attention was focused on what was happening in that country, to carry out #mass #expulsions among the #Arabs of the territories.“


#deportation #Gaza #continuity

'The calculated nonsense from Israel’s perennially opportunistic PM, which merely serves as a means to preserve his country’s impunity, has one implication: the stated exceptionalism of a modern colonising, displacing and dispossessing power that deems its policies above international law. Defenders of international law are, in turn, treated as Jew haters.'
#Gaza #Adass #Australia #Palestine #Hamas #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Yemen #Iran #Syria #apartheid #Zionism #Zionazis #USA #Netanyahu #Biden #Genocide #Orban #Israelism #ICC #amnesty_international https://johnmenadue.com/the-melbourne-synagogue-fire-antisemitism-political-meddling-and-exceptional-victimhood/?