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#BriahnaJoyGray #BadFaith #KendrickLamar #Drake #NFL #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #FreePalestine #Israel #Apartheid
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#militaryembargo #Palestine #Westbank #gaza #Syria #Lebanon #bdstheus0i
„Israeli military roadblocks have tightened their grip on Palestinian territory since the fighting stopped in Gaza in mid-January. For shared cab drivers and their customers, every journey is a ordeal.“
#Palestine #WestBank #Israel
I coloni israeliani stanno portando avanti un'annessione di fatto, in gran parte inosservata, di vaste aree rurali nella #Cisgiordania occupata.
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #13febbraio
++ 📢 Egyptian-Qatari mediation efforts salvage Gaza ceasefire: Official source ++ 📢 Union for African Journalists condemns proposals to displace Palestinians ++ #lebanon ⚠️Violation of Truce: 🔥 ISR forces set fire to homes, properties in Al-Aadaissah ++ #gaza ⚠️ Violation of Truce: ISR forces detonate explosives in Khan Younis, open fire in Rafah ++#westbank ❌🚰 Israeli destroys water network in Kisan village, near Bethlehem ++
🌃 rundown 16:30 CEST
++ NIGHT SHIFT NEWS rundown ++
Welcome! Here's the news headlines rundown 2024-OCT-31 - 22:30 CEST #Gaza #WestBank #Lebanon #Yemen 🔔 with updates 🛡 SECURITY LEB (local time): 📢 🛑🕯 Public Health Ministry's Emergency Operations Center: Israeli strikes on Civil defense points in sout…Villebooks Publishing
Honestly, it was utterly stupid to limit agreements to #Gaza.
Israel’s offensive in the West Bank is the second act of the Gaza #Genocide.
It's ongoing assault on the West Bank is not to wipe out the Palestinian resistance. It is to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from their homes and set the stage for annexation.
#Israel #Palestine #Hamas
Israel’s offensive in the West Bank is the second act of the Gaza genocide
Israel’s ongoing assault on the West Bank is not to wipe out the Palestinian resistance. It is to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from their homes and set the stage for annexation.Qassam Muaddi (Mondoweiss)
#Palestine #WestBank #Israel #IDF #EthnicCleansing
#Israel #WestBank #Palestine
Germany says Gaza, WestBank, and East Jerusalem belong to Palestinians.
#Germany #Gaza #WestBank #EastJerusalem
Germany Says Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem Belong to Palestinians
The foreign minister of Germany, a staunch ally of Israel, said "it is clear that Gaza — along with the West Bank and east Jerusalem — belongs to the Palestinians. They form the starting point for a future state of Palestine.الشرق الأوسط
Zij hebben er kennelijk zelf niets over te zeggen; de rest van de wereld bepaalt hun lot. Wat er gaat gebeuren weet ik niet, maar dat lijkt mij beperkt tot 3 mogelijkheden:
1) Alle Palestijnen in Gaza en de Westbank worden gedeporteerd naar andere landen;
2) Alle Palestijnen worden uitgeroeid door Israël (in de Westbank is dit al gaande, in Gaza zullen vanaf zaterdagmiddag de bombardementen genadeloos worden hervat);
3) Iets en/of iemand weet Israël te laten inzien dat wat zij doet (sinds 1948) volstrekt onacceptabel is.
Optie 3 is, vrees ik, volstrekt kansloos.
Ook van optie 1 (volstrekt mensonwaardig) verwacht ik niets, uit
Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit said the prospect of Palestinian displacement from Gaza and the occupied West Bank “is unacceptable for the Arab world, which has fought this idea for 100 years”.
Een poll die zou uitwijzen dat 64% van de Amerikanen tegen Donald's #Gavièra plan is, had kunnen helpen als de VS een democratisch land was (zie, bron:
Maar zelfs als Trump, op dit moment, persoonlijk op de rem zou willen trappen: machtige Zionistische organisaties zoals AIPAC (met zeer veel invloed op nog zittende Republikeinse politici, maar ook op veel Democraten) zullen niet toestaan dat hij dat doet.
Ik vrees dat we nog veel meer van de onderstaande soort beelden gaan zien - maar dan zonder overlevende Palestijnen.
En voor zover er vanaf zaterdag nog levende fotografen in Gaza zijn om verslag te doen van de totale vernietiging.
#Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #EtnischeZuivering #Genocide #OorlogsMisdaden #MisdadenTegenDeMenselijkheid #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #AmnestyIsRight #HRWIsRight #WarChildIsRight
LIVE: Israel threatens ‘new war’ as Gaza ceasefire collapse fears grow
Palestinians in Gaza condemn Israel for threatening to restart the war if Hamas does not release all captives.Virginia Pietromarchi (Al Jazeera)
Palästinenser leben gefährlich in Israel oder im Westjordanland
Was dürfen palästinensische Intellektuelle noch sagen, ohne in Israel als Terroristen zu gelten? Eine Reportage.Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
"Come è possibile che proprio coloro che erano sull'orlo dell'annientamento adottino gli stessi metodi di cui sono stati vittime?" 🧵1/11
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #12febbraio
הבנאליות של הטרנספר - שיחה מקומית
הדיווחים על תמיכה נרחבת בקרב הציבור הישראלי ברעיונות של גירוש כפוי (טרנספר) של הפלסטינים מעזה מעוררים חלחלה ומחייבים חשבון נפש עמוק.שיחה מקומית
Naturalmente sui media non se ne parla.
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #12febbraio
L'interferenza sistematica di Israele che nega l'assistenza sanitaria in Cisgiordania
L'ultimo report pubblicato a inizio febbraio da Medici senza frontiere ricostruisce attraverso interviste a operatori sanitari e pazienti l'aumento dell'uso della violenza fisica estrema contro i palestinesi da parte delle forze israeliane e dei colo…Martina Ferlisi (Altreconomia)
#Boicottare tutto quello che indirettamente e direttamente sostiene l’azione genocidaria di Israele: è una prassi #nonviolenza che si interpone alla violenza."
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #12febbraio
Ri-costruire e Boicottare: la Re-sistenza nonviolenta al genocidio
Ieri pomeriggio Guy, attivista israeliano, volontario di “Operazione Colomba”, ha condotto le numerose persone partecipanti l’iniziativa (organizzata daRedazione Toscana (Pressenza)
#yesitisjustnetanyahu #nonotbothsidesarewrong #unfollowmeifyoudisagree #fromtherivertotheseapalestinewillbefree #freepalestine #freegaza #vivapalestina #palestina #falestin #palesrine #westbank #gaza #stopnetanyahu #israel #israelisafasciststate #israelisanapartheidstate #israelisaterroriststate
- Photos: Palestinians flee their homes in Nur Shams camp
- Israeli forces raid another refugee camp in West Bank
- Palestine calls for urgent UN action on Israeli ‘crimes’ in West Bank
- WATCH: Palestinian father reunites with his lost baby after a year of war
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #USA
LIVE: Israel threatens to resume Gaza war; Egypt, Jordan reject Trump plan
Egypt, Jordan say Arab states will present a plan to rebuild Gaza without forcibly displacing Palestinians.Lyndal Rowlands (Al Jazeera)
‘A war of erasure’ – Wednesday Journal
Anan Abu-Taleb, a two-term former Oak Park village president and local restaurant owner, was born in Gaza. He still has family there.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
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by Kit Klarenberg in Global Delinquents on Substack
“Numerous leaked documents on the clandestine operations of Adam Smith International, a British intelligence cutout, lay bare the depth of London’s infiltration & control of the Palestinian Authority”
#Press #Palestine #Authority #PA #Britain #Control #Gaza ##WestBank #Crackdown #AdamSmith #International #ASI #Israel #Genocide #UK #Labour
Britain's Secret Palestinian Authority Control
Mere weeks after a ceasefire in the Gaza genocide was finally reached, the agreement already appears on the verge of collapse, due to brazen - and self-admitted - Israeli violations of its terms.Kit Klarenberg (Global Delinquents)
Met nog altijd het dagelijks welbevinden van actief aan genocide medeplichtig Nederland.
#Palestina #Genocide #Gaza #EtnischeZuivering #WestBank
"Ze namen alle boeken mee met Palestijnse vlaggen of met het woord ‘Palestina’ erop."
‘Ze namen alle boeken mee met Palestijnse vlaggen erop’ - Israëlische agenten doen inval in beroemde Palestijnse boekwinkel en arresteren eigenaren
Inval: Afgelopen zondag vielen Israëlische undercoveragenten de bekendste Palestijnse boekwinkel van Oost-Jeruzalem binnen. Boeken over Palestina werden geconfisqueerd en de eigenaren gearresteerd. „Ze willen onze stemmen wegdrukken.”Lucia Admiraal (NRC)
- Hamas won’t make deadline to release ‘all’ captives: Trump
- Israeli army boosts forces to prepare for ‘various scenarios’
- Winter storms destroy Gaza safe spaces: OCHA
- Jordan’s king noncommittal on taking people from Gaza
- West Bank annexation is ‘going to work out’: Trump
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #USA
LIVE: Trump says Gaza truce should end as Hamas suspends captives release
Hamas says it is delaying the release of captives as it accuses Israel of delaying aid to Gaza.Lyndal Rowlands (Al Jazeera)
E quando si vuole cancellare l'esistenza di un gruppo, bisogna prima cancellarne l'identità."
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #11febbraio
סכנה: פלסטינים קוראים - שיחה מקומית
כשהגענו אתמול (יום שני) ל"חנות הספרים החינוכית" (The Educational Bookshop) שברחוב סלאח א-דין במזרח ירושלים, כדי להביע סולידריות אחרי הפלישה הברברית לחנות ומעצרם של מחמוד ואחמד מונא, החנות הצנועה כבר היתה מסודרת, הספרים עמדו על המדפים, ולא נראה זכר לש…אורלי נוי (שיחה מקומית)
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #11febbraio,-Israel-forcibly-uproots-thousands-of-Palestinians-in-the-West-Bank
In its latest ethnic cleansing efforts, Israel forcibly uproots thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank
Israel aims to drive the Palestinians from their homes and establish new realities that defy international law.Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor
Israel’s fatal shooting of a pregnant Palestinian woman puts the focus on West Bank violence
KAFR AL-LABAD, West Bank (AP) — The call came in the middle of the night, Mohammed Shula said. His daughter-in-law, eight months pregnant with her first child, was whispering. There was panic in her voice.“Help, please,” Shula recalled her saying.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#jerusalem #EducationalBookshop #palestine #Gaza #westbank #Israel
»#Israel Army Expands Open-fire Orders in #WestBank, Leading to Surge in #Palestinian Civilian Deaths
Under the new orders, anyone suspected of planting an explosive device can be shot at, along with vehicles coming toward a checkpoint from a combat zone, Israeli army commanders and soldiers told Haaretz. (Paywall)
- Photos: Palestinians continue to return to north Gaza amid severe weather
- Palestinians in Gaza ‘very, very afraid’ at prospect of war
- Israel’s West Bank operation ‘may be politically motivated’
[Anyone who hoped Trump would improve things for Palestinians need their heads examined]
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #USA
LIVE: Trump says Gaza truce should end as Hamas suspends captives release
Hamas says it is delaying the release of captives as it accuses Israel of delaying aid to Gaza.Lyndal Rowlands (Al Jazeera)
Het beëindigen van de Nederlandse medeplichtigheid aan de koloniale en genocidale praktijken van Israël en de V.S. begint bij jou. Laat zien dat je het etnisch zuiveren van het Palestijnse volk en de normalisering hiervan niet pikt.
Kom in verzet!
To Trump, Netanyahu and Wilders, we have only one message:
Ending Dutch complicity in the colonial and genocidal practices of Israel and the U.S. starts with you. Reject the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, and its normalization by the international community.
Keep resisting!
#HandsOffPalestine #FreePalestine
#GazaGenocide #Gaza #WestBank
#Israel #IsraeliOccupation #PACE #10febbraio
Israeli newspaper Haaretz said on Monday that the ISR occupation army has expanded its open-fire orders in the occupied #westbank, leading to an increase in the number of Palestinian #civilian casualties.
Haaretz added, that the so-called "Central Command" has decided to implement the open-fire mechanism it used in the #gaza Strip to kill unarmed Palestinians.
📰 Report WAFA 👇🏽
- Photos: Palestinians return to ruins of towns and villages in the Netzarim Corridor
- Israeli cabinet delays decision on inquiry into October 7 attacks
- Israeli forces killed 7 Palestinian journalists in Gaza in January
- WHO slams ‘severe access constraints’ in Gaza
#Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Israel #USA
LIVE: Israel steps up West Bank assault; Hamas slams Trump plan to buy Gaza
Israeli soldiers kill six Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank as Trump says he’s committed to buying and owning Gaza.Lyndal Rowlands (Al Jazeera)
Israeli Troops Withdraw From Netzarim Corridor in Gaza
Israel’s military withdrew Sunday from a key corridor dividing the Gaza Strip, leaving nearly all of the territory’s north, as required by a tenuous cease-fire with Hamas ahead of any negotiations for a longer-lasting agreement.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#USA #Imperialismus #Gaza #Westbank #Palestina #Israel
US-Hegemon gegen das Recht
Das US-Repräsentantenhaus hat ein Gesetz angenommen, um den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof als Vergeltung für die Haftbefehle gegen israelische Spitzenpolitiker zu sanktionieren. Ein Schlag gegen den
Israeli forces withdrawing from Netzarim corridor in Gaza, official says - EUROPE SAYS
MUGHRAQA, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli forces withdrew from a key Gaza corridor on Sunday, Israeli officials andEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)