Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind
The biggest Torah / Quran / Bible oversight of the Tower of Babel metaphors and Bible verse John 1:1 is that October 7 is Putin's Birthday. Symbolism abounds.
I do not believe #Netanyahu understands the Arab Spring #iPhoneFever and #SurkovAndPutin
#MonoMythWarfareSpecialist :::
#Netanyahu #Gaza #Lebanon #Palestine #Israel
At the house of commons on Monday, independent MP and former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, questions the UK’s continued arms sales to Israel following the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants.
#UK #Corbyn #WeaponsSales #Gaza #Warrant #Netanyahu #Why
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~ Peter Beinart
#Israel #Netanyahu #ICC #crime #genocide #Palestinians #Gaza
Why the International Criminal Court’s Warrant for Netanyahu Matters
It’s a Test of Whether International Law Applies to the WestPeter Beinart (The Beinart Notebook)
Macht der Typ wieder als #Joirnalismus getarnte #Propaganda?
Ich nehme hierauf Bezug:
#Netanjahu #Netanyahu #Gallant #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Lobbyismus
#Israel #Lebanon #Netanyahu
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A little #Gazan toddler, not even two years old....
#Știri #Israel
Marea Britanie ar urma 'procedura legală' în cazul unei vizite a lui Netanyahu, afirmă ministrul de externe
Marea Britanie ar respecta procedura legală în cazul în care Benjamin Netanyahu ar face o vizită în această ţară, a declarat luni ministrul de externeRedacția (G4media)
> «Ha sido una excelente noticia que la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) haya cursado finalmente órdenes de detención contra los dirigentes israelíes Benjamín Netanyahu y Yoav Gallant por crímenes de guerra y crímenes contra la humanidad, incluido el exterminio. Excelente, porque desde su fundación en 1998 la CPI ha sido un recurso de los poderosos del mundo que practican la justicia de los vencedores y el doble rasero. Financiada en un 75% por países europeos y Canadá, la CPI ignoró la guerra de Irak, no existió en Libia, no hizo nada contra Israel tras las mortíferas masacres de 2008 en Gaza y puso siempre el foco en las fechorías del Sur Global, con la mitad de sus investigaciones centradas en países africanos.»
#Israel #Gaza #Genocidio #CPI #Colonialismo #Netanyahu #Gallant #RafaelPoch #ctxt
Gaza: es hora de romper relaciones con Israel
Periodismo libre y de servicio público. Contexto y acción. Suscríbete y defiende la prensa | Contexto y Acción
Why Netanyahu’s Ambition to Remake the Middle East Is Unlikely to Succeed. By Shalom Lipner, November 25, 2024
#israel #netanyahu #trump #palestine #gaza #beiruit #lebanon #westbank
(Just makes you wonder, what did all those pro trump, anti Harris voters in Michigan think would happen?)
#Știri #Israel
CNN: Premierul israelian Netanyahu aprobă „în principiu” un acord de încetare a focului în Liban
Premierul israelian Benjamin Netanyahu a aprobat „în principiu” acordul emergent de încetare a focului cu Hezbollah în timpul unei consultări deȘtefan Munteanu (G4media)
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
The INFORMER | The INFORMER Staff | Substack
Source for in-depth news, investigations, whistleblower leaks, and insightful analysis you won't find anywhere else, produced by independent journalists exploring the fringes of society, technology, and
#US #LindseyGraham #EU #RulesBasedOrder #Sanctions
West splits on Israel: US threatens ICC & allies over Netanyahu arrest warrant
The Western alliance is divided over Israel, after the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, charging him with crimes against humanity i...TankieTube
Ignoring ICC Rulings, Hungary Invites Netanyahu for a Visit - EUROPE SAYS
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban has invited Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu toEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Netanyahu is already punishing an important newspaper in Israel: #Haaretz #freedom
Israel sanctions Haaretz due to articles that ‘hurt’ Israeli state
The Haaretz news outlet called the decision ‘another step in Netanyahu’s journey to dismantle Israeli democracy’.Al Jazeera
Catturati i tre presunti responsabili della morte del rabbino Kogan
Il premier israeliano Netanyahu: “Faremo giustizia sugli assassini del rabbino e sui mandanti”
Three suspects have been arrested in connection with the death of Rabbi Kogan.
The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: "We will bring justice to the rabbi's murderers and their accomplices."
#Israel #Netanyahu #RabbiKogan #primeminister #rabbi #Kogan
Ucciso il rabbino Zvi Kogan negli Emirati, Netanyahu: 'Terrorismo antisemita'
La rabbia di Israele, già arrestati i killer. Sospetti sull'implicazione dell'Iran
Rabbi Zvi Kogan was murdered in the Emirates. Netanyahu: "Anti-Semitic terrorism."
Israel's rage, the killers already arrested. Suspicions of Iran's involvement.
#Israel #Iran #RabbiZviKogan #UnitedArabEmirates #Netanyahu #rabbi #ZviKogan #Emirates #Terrorism
Let’s see how this ruling will be enforced by the International Community as from this depends the credibility of #international #law
Die Vorstellung, dass es deutsche »#Staatsräson« sei, Israels Spitzenpolitiker zu »schützen« – und zwar selbst vor Vorwürfen schwerster völkerrechtlicher Vergehen –, ist ein verhängnisvoller Irrweg. Netanyahu wird nicht in Den Haag angeklagt, weil er sein Land verteidigt, wozu er selbstverständlich berechtigt und verpflichtet ist. Er wird angeklagt, weil ihm schwere Verbrechen gegen die Zivilbevölkerung in #Gaza zur Last gelegt werden, die mit Selbstverteidigung nichts mehr zu tun haben.[...]
Es steht gerade viel auf dem Spiel, nicht nur für Deutschland, sondern auch international. Wenn die Bundesregierung den Angeklagten #Netanyahu nun anders behandelt als den Angeklagten Wladimir #Putin oder als in der Vergangenheit die Angeklagten Omar al Baschir aus dem Sudan oder Slobodan Milošević aus Serbien, dann gibt es dafür nur eine Bezeichnung: Heuchelei. Wenn dieselben Personen, die den Haftbefehl gegen Putin feierten, nun den Haftbefehl gegen Netanyahu skandalisieren, dann kann man sich sicher sein: Um Recht geht es dabei nicht.(🎁) #Israel #KriegInGaza #IStGH #Völkerrecht
Haftbefehl gegen Israels Premier: Das Völkerrecht ist deutsche Staatsräson
Die Bundesregierung hat stets den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof unterstützt – duckt sich aber nach dem Haftbefehl gegen Benjamin Netanyahu weg. Sie muss sich der Frage stellen, was echte historische Verantwortung heißt.Mathieu von Rohr (DER SPIEGEL)
"Not only will I not execute the #ICC's #ArrestWarrant for #Netanyahu, but I intend to invite him to visit #Hungary." -#VictorOrban.
#WarCriminals #Gaza #Genocide #Palestine @palestine @israel
#Netanyahu #Israel #Antisemitism
#Știri #Israel #Antisemitism #Rasism
Netanyahu califică atac antisemit uciderea rabinului cu dublă cetăţenie Zvi Kogan şi promite dreptate
Premierul israelian, Benjamin Netanyahu, a promis că justiţia va acţiona împotriva celor responsabili de moartea rabinului Zvi Kogan, cu cetăţenieRedacția (G4media)
Israelul numeşte un apropiat al premierului Netanyahu în funcţia de ambasador în SUA
Guvernul israelian a aprobat duminică numirea lui Yechiel Leiter, un apropiat al prim-ministrului Benjamin Netanyahu, drept ambasador al Israelului înRedacția (G4media)
#bibileaks #netanyahu #israel #hamas #gaza #geopolitics @geopolitics
New details emerge about Netanyahu aide accused of leaking Hamas documents to the press
Israeli prosecutors have accused one of Benjamin Netanyahu’s aides of illegally leaking classified intelligence in an attempt to blunt criticism.Raf Sanchez (NBC News)
'Canada is lost': Trudeau dances night away at Taylor Swift's Eras Tour in Toronto while violent riots rock Montreal
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was seen enjoying the pop star’s hits as she brought her Eras Tour to Toronto for a second weekend.Corné van Hoepen (Yahoo News)
Déjà en 1991, Israël faisait preuve d'un racisme décomplexé ⬇️
"la fédération israélienne ne justifiait pas directement sa demande par la guerre, mais par « la trop forte concentration d'Arabes »"
Coupe Davis 1991 : le match France-Israël déplacé de Marseille à Rennes | INA
Dans un contexte géopolitique tendu, le match de football France-Israël de jeudi 14 novembre aura bien lieu au Stade de France, sous haute
#IsraelWarCrimes #gaza #beirut #netanyahu
Vermiste rabbijn in Abu Dhabi dood aangetroffen • Dodental aanval Beiroet loopt op
In dit blog houden we je op de hoogte van de laatste ontwikkelingen in het Midden-Oosten.NOS Nieuws
Donald Trump ally warns Keir Starmer the US will ‘crush’ the UK economy if it helps arrest Benjamin Netanyahu
Senator Lindsey Graham hit out at US allies warning they should not comply with the warrant for the Israeli leader issued by the ICCKate Devlin (The Independent)
#EthnicCleansing #genocide #WarCrimes #Gaza #Israel #netanyahu
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