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Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind

#IDF #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Lebanon #Hezbollah #حزبالله #LevantMonoMythCrisis

The biggest Torah / Quran / Bible oversight of the Tower of Babel metaphors and Bible verse John 1:1 is that October 7 is Putin's Birthday. Symbolism abounds.

I do not believe #Netanyahu understands the Arab Spring #iPhoneFever and #SurkovAndPutin

#MonoMythWarfareSpecialist :::

Putting your politically, legally needy self above the safety and security of your national compatriots and wards, not to mention those who share your cultural heritage worldwide – and that for a generation into the future – puts *you* easily among the world’s most prominent #antisemites.

#Netanyahu #Gaza #Lebanon #Palestine #Israel
Netanyahu visits candidate Trump in Mar-a-Lago, Summer 2024
Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at podium
Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at podium

"Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel #Smotritz: "It is possible to conquer #Gaza and cut the population in half [by "voluntary migration"] within two years."


#Netanyahu #Israel #Palestine #WestBank #genocide #racism

Jeremy Corbyn questions UK continued arms sales to Israel following ICC warrants


At the house of commons on Monday, independent MP and former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, questions the UK’s continued arms sales to Israel following the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrants.

#UK #Corbyn #WeaponsSales #Gaza #Warrant #Netanyahu #Why

"The level of destruction of civilian human life in Gaza is just astonishing. There are more child amputees in Gaza now than in any other conflict in modern history. And this is in a territory with only two million people."

~ Peter Beinart

#Israel #Netanyahu #ICC #crime #genocide #Palestinians #Gaza


Israel's security cabinet was preparing to decide whether to accept a proposed ceasefire in its war with Hezbollah, an official said Monday, as the White House announced it believed a deal to end the fighting in Lebanon was "close". FRANCE 24's Noga Tarnopolsky reports from Jerusalem. She says that Netanyahu is on shaky ground as the truce proposal is put to a vote.
#Israel #Lebanon #Netanyahu

🇬🇧#RegatulUnit ar urma ‘procedura legală’ în cazul unei vizite a lui #Netanyahu, afirmă 📜#MinistrulDeExterne.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3XDc

#Știri #Israel

"Gaza: es hora de romper relaciones con Israel" | ctxt.es - Rafael Poch de Feliu


> «Ha sido una excelente noticia que la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) haya cursado finalmente órdenes de detención contra los dirigentes israelíes Benjamín Netanyahu y Yoav Gallant por crímenes de guerra y crímenes contra la humanidad, incluido el exterminio. Excelente, porque desde su fundación en 1998 la CPI ha sido un recurso de los poderosos del mundo que practican la justicia de los vencedores y el doble rasero. Financiada en un 75% por países europeos y Canadá, la CPI ignoró la guerra de Irak, no existió en Libia, no hizo nada contra Israel tras las mortíferas masacres de 2008 en Gaza y puso siempre el foco en las fechorías del Sur Global, con la mitad de sus investigaciones centradas en países africanos.»

#Israel #Gaza #Genocidio #CPI #Colonialismo #Netanyahu #Gallant #RafaelPoch #ctxt

[Foreign Affairs]: Israel’s Trump Delusion.

Why Netanyahu’s Ambition to Remake the Middle East Is Unlikely to Succeed. By Shalom Lipner, November 25, 2024


#israel #netanyahu #trump #palestine #gaza #beiruit #lebanon #westbank
(Just makes you wonder, what did all those pro trump, anti Harris voters in Michigan think would happen?)

📰#CNN: #PrimMinistrulIsraelului #Netanyahu aprobă „în principiu” un acord de încetare a focului în 🇱🇧#Liban.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3XBS

#Știri #Israel

As Netanyahu faces mounting international and domestic legal challenges, his political future is as shaky as a tightrope walker on a windy day. Is the tide of isolation turning? Stay tuned as Israel navigates these stormy waters. #Netanyahu #Israel #LegalWoes #PoliticalDrama Source: https://theinformer.uk

"Looks like Netanyahu's legal troubles are stacking up faster than Israel's isolation! As international and domestic challenges close in, the plot thickens. Can he navigate this maze of justice? Stay tuned! #Netanyahu #LegalWoes #Israel" Source: https://theinformer.uk

As Netanyahu faces mounting legal challenges and international scrutiny, it seems his political survival is becoming a game of legal dodgeball. Can he dodge enough to stay in the game, or will isolation be his next opponent? #Netanyahu #Israel #Politics #LegalWoes Source: https://theinformer.uk

’The Western alliance is divided over #Israel, after the International Criminal Court (#ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu, charging him with crimes against humanity in #Gaza. The United States is threatening sanctions. Ben Norton discusses the severe political crisis in the "rules-based order".’

#US #LindseyGraham #EU #RulesBasedOrder #Sanctions


https://www.europesays.com/1636274/ Ignoring ICC Rulings, Hungary Invites Netanyahu for a Visit #hír #hungary #icc #Israel #Magyarország #Netanyahu #ViktorOrbán
Ignoring ICC Rulings, Hungary Invites Netanyahu for a Visit

#Trump is expected to try to punish the #media in America.
#Netanyahu is already punishing an important newspaper in Israel:
https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/11/24/israel-sanctions-haaretz-due-to-articles-that-hurt-israeli-state?traffic_source=rss #Haaretz #freedom

RaiNews by undefined
Catturati i tre presunti responsabili della morte del rabbino Kogan

Il premier israeliano Netanyahu: “Faremo giustizia sugli assassini del rabbino e sui mandanti”

Three suspects have been arrested in connection with the death of Rabbi Kogan.

The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: "We will bring justice to the rabbi's murderers and their accomplices."

#Israel #Netanyahu #RabbiKogan #primeminister #rabbi #Kogan

RaiNews by undefined
Ucciso il rabbino Zvi Kogan negli Emirati, Netanyahu: 'Terrorismo antisemita'

La rabbia di Israele, già arrestati i killer. Sospetti sull'implicazione dell'Iran

Rabbi Zvi Kogan was murdered in the Emirates. Netanyahu: "Anti-Semitic terrorism."

Israel's rage, the killers already arrested. Suspicions of Iran's involvement.

#Israel #Iran #RabbiZviKogan #UnitedArabEmirates #Netanyahu #rabbi #ZviKogan #Emirates #Terrorism

So, after a long debate and trial ignited by a denunciation of South Africa, the #icj issued a sentence of strong condemnation for the acts perpetrated by #israel in the #gaza Strip since the beginning of the hostilities between the two Countries in October 2023, foreseeing a change for war crimes for its prime minister #netanyahu and the former defence minister.
Let’s see how this ruling will be enforced by the International Community as from this depends the credibility of #international #law

Jeder Satz ein Treffer 💯
Die Vorstellung, dass es deutsche »#Staatsräson« sei, Israels Spitzenpolitiker zu »schützen« – und zwar selbst vor Vorwürfen schwerster völkerrechtlicher Vergehen –, ist ein verhängnisvoller Irrweg. Netanyahu wird nicht in Den Haag angeklagt, weil er sein Land verteidigt, wozu er selbstverständlich berechtigt und verpflichtet ist. Er wird angeklagt, weil ihm schwere Verbrechen gegen die Zivilbevölkerung in #Gaza zur Last gelegt werden, die mit Selbstverteidigung nichts mehr zu tun haben.
Es steht gerade viel auf dem Spiel, nicht nur für Deutschland, sondern auch international. Wenn die Bundesregierung den Angeklagten #Netanyahu nun anders behandelt als den Angeklagten Wladimir #Putin oder als in der Vergangenheit die Angeklagten Omar al Baschir aus dem Sudan oder Slobodan Milošević aus Serbien, dann gibt es dafür nur eine Bezeichnung: Heuchelei. Wenn dieselben Personen, die den Haftbefehl gegen Putin feierten, nun den Haftbefehl gegen Netanyahu skandalisieren, dann kann man sich sicher sein: Um Recht geht es dabei nicht.
(🎁) https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/israel-haftbefehl-gegen-benjamin-netanyahu-das-voelkerrecht-ist-deutsche-staatsraeson-kommentar-a-6818c4d0-9fe2-48c2-8a63-a115285a9f0e?giftToken=2e54be89-5ffa-4485-a348-6dcb315de7a1 #Israel #KriegInGaza #IStGH #Völkerrecht

#EU fascists and #zionists leaders scoff at the ICC warrant.

"Not only will I not execute the #ICC's #ArrestWarrant for #Netanyahu, but I intend to invite him to visit #Hungary." -#VictorOrban.

#WarCriminals #Gaza #Genocide #Palestine @palestine @israel

If hating Netanyahu makes you an antisemite, then most Israelis are antisemites.

#Netanyahu #Israel #Antisemitism

#Netanyahu califică atac antisemit uciderea rabinului cu dublă cetățenie Zvi Kogan și promite dreptate.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Xou

#Știri #Israel #Antisemitism #Rasism

🇮🇱#Israel‎ul numește un apropiat al Prim-Ministrului #Netanyahu în funcția de ambasador în 🇺🇸#SUA.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3Xof


"Em vez de deixar a AP regressar a Gaza [depois de ter sido expulsa pelo Hamas em 2006, na sequência de eleições], #Netanyahu salvou o #Hamas ao permitir a entrada de malas cheias de dinheiro do Qatar. Na verdade, ele foi o cérebro e o arquiteto desta transferência de dinheiro ao estilo da Máfia".

#Israel #Netanyahu #racisme #Gaza #Palestine

Déjà en 1991, Israël faisait preuve d'un racisme décomplexé ⬇️

"la fédération israélienne ne justifiait pas directement sa demande par la guerre, mais par « la trop forte concentration d'Arabes »"


Dus je bombardeert Gaza en Beirut waarbij tienduizenden slachtoffers vallen en dan is de dood van 1 peroon een verwerpelijke antisemitische terroristische daad. Uiteraard moet dat gewroken worden. En dat wordt meestal tig maal gedaan. Een never ending story ...

#IsraelWarCrimes #gaza #beirut #netanyahu

US senator #LindseyGraham says he would aim to crush the economy of any country following the judgement of the #ICC and arresting #Israel PM #Netanyahu


Owen Jones: *EXPOSED: Israel's Plan To COLONISE Gaza*


#EthnicCleansing #genocide #WarCrimes #Gaza #Israel #netanyahu

"Graham: So to any ally, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, if you try to help the #ICC, we're going to sanction you."


#Netanyahu #Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #genocide