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Beiträge, die mit Aipac getaggt sind

The Syrian "Foreign Minister", Asad Al-Shaybani, met and took pictures with U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson

Wilson, a Republican Congressman for South Carolina's 2nd district, is one of the staunchest Zionists in the U.S. House of Representatives.

He is part of the 'Israel Allies Caucus', and is sometimes called 'Netanyahu's messenger' in the US. During the meeting, he was wearing a pin for the Israeli hostages in Gaza, and a pin supporting a 'Free Iran'.

#Syria #US #USpol #Iran #Politics #Netanyahu #Israel #AIPAC #WestAsia

@iran group

The Syrian "Foreign Minister", Asad Al-Shaybani, met and took pictures with U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson

Wilson, a Republican Congressman for South Carolina's 2nd district, is one of the staunchest Zionists in the U.S. House of Representatives.

He is part of the 'Israel Allies Caucus', and is sometimes called 'Netanyahu's messenger' in the US. During the meeting, he was wearing a pin for the Israeli hostages in Gaza, and a pin supporting a 'Free Iran'.

#Syria #US #USpol #Iran #Politics #Netanyahu #Israel #AIPAC #WestAsia
@palestine@a.gup.pe @israel@a.gup.pe

Gaviera Trump towers

"Never waste a brilliant, AIPAC-induced, win-win (*) business opportunity"

(*) There are a couple of loosers, to be replaced by drunk Europeans and Russians (but hey, *they* pay)


#Gaviera #GazanRiviera #StopCapitalism #RespectHumanRights #Gaza #GazaGenocide #EthnicCleansing #Hitlerv2 #Trump #TrumpTower #AIPAC #UNWatch #RichJews



#Auschwitz80: Never Forget! (#Musk)

One year ago, Musk did not perform the Hitler-salute. Instead, how wore a kippah.

He did that while lighting a candle in former concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.

He was in "good" company: the maintainers of that camp are hypocrits too. In https://www.auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschwitz-council/ they state, among other things:

Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism.

Both Musk and them make a joke of "Never Again". They don't care that Gaza is a concentration camp. Neither that Palestinians on the Westbank are robbed and murdered (including a "terrorist", a 2 years old girl who was shot in the head, see https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113896121666875015).

Musk was invited to Auschwitz by the EJA (remember that name if you favor equal human rights for every person - the #EJA does *NOT* represent all Jews).

And Musk does *NOT* hate Jews (he earns money from them too). He is a populist and demands attention 24x7. He hates people who cannot or do not make him even richer and powerful than he already is.

He just HELPED Zionists worldwide by FAKING an increase in antisemitism - which is a LIE.

OTOH, (hopefully) an increasing number of people hate Zionists because the Israeli Destruction Forces commit genocide ordered by Netanyahu et al.

Western governments, enticed (or bribed, think #AIPAC) by Zionists, WANT everyone to believe that being anti-genocide and pro-equal-human-rights means you're an antisemite.


It's a TRICK, see the image in https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113379001154934065 (I stole that image from @LALegault).

The screenshot below was taken from https://www.lemonde.fr/en/pixels/article/2024/01/23/elon-musk-says-he-was-naive-on-antisemitism-as-he-visits-auschwitz_6456954_13.html.

#Antisemitism #GazaGenocide #Propaganda #Lies #Warcrimes #Hypocrisy #DefintionOfAntisemitism #Auschwitz #AmnestyIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #HRWIsRight #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight #UNRWAIsRight #Silencing #Censorship #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria
Screenshot from part of the article in

Text: {
Elon Musk says he was 'naive' on antisemitism as he visits Auschwitz
The billionaire has said he sees 'almost no antisemitism' in his circles, while defending X as a place for freedom of speech and re-instating the accounts of controversial far-right figures on the platform.

Le Monde with AP
Published on January 23, 2024, at 4:04 am (Paris), updated on January 23, 2024, at 11:57 am - 3 min read

Photo showing Elon Musk lighting a candle on a remembrance stone in former concentration camp Auschwitz.

He and the (probably Jewish) man standing next to him are waring a kippah.

Snow on the ground can be seen, it's cold.

On the other side of Musk a big panel can be seen with at the top the following text:

January 22-23, 2024".

Below that, a photo of two hands holding a piece of paper reading "NEVER AGAIN".

Under the picture of the piece of paper, X-style hashtags:


Below the photo in Le Monde one can read the following text: {
Tesla and SpaceX's CEO Elon Musk lights a candle as he visits the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, on Monday, Jan. 22, 2024. YOAV DUDKEVITCH / AP

Elon Musk is _GÉÉN_ Jodenhater!

Musk is een nietsontziende POPULIST. Hij wil aandacht en probeert dat te krijgen door een controversiële clown uit te hangen. Met enorm succes. Hij geniet van elke toot waarin hij te zien is, hóe maakt niet uit (ook ik ben schuldig, zie onder).

Musk maak handig misbruik van de (door Joden zelf!) gecreëerde leugen dat, sinds 7 okt. 2023, antisemitisme enorm zou zijn toegenomen. Bijna iedereen trapt daar in.

In Duitsland is het strafbaar om "From the river to the sea" te zeggen als je Palestina bedoelt. Als je Israël bedoelt, word je op handen gedragen. De meeste boosts van toots van het Auschwitz Memorial zijn van Duitsers.

Let op: ik ontken niet dat er echte en zelfs levensgevaarlijke Jodenhaters rondlopen. Maar hun aantal is eerder áf dan toegenomen. Het zijn niet langer RIJKE mensen (waaronder veel Joden) die worden gehaat. Integendeel.

Musk profiteert van het opzetten van grote bevolkingsgroepen tegen kwetsbare minderheden met weinig geld - in westerse landen degenen die sowieso nooit op de gangbare politieke partijen stemmen. Er valt namelijk niks te halen bij hen: geen geld, geen stem en geen waardevolle informatie.

Sneu voor die paar Joden die denken dat het OPNIEUW om HÉN te doen is (Netanyahu et al. begrijpen het prima).

Je telt wél mee als je wat te besteden hebt. Geloofsovertuiging en huidskleur maken dán nauwelijks nog uit. Anders is het ook acceptabel - mits je, in het stemhokje, aantoont een beïnvloedbare marionet te zijn.

Uit https://www.lemonde.fr/en/pixels/article/2024/01/23/elon-musk-says-he-was-naive-on-antisemitism-as-he-visits-auschwitz_6456954_13.html van 1 jaar geleden:

Elon Musk says he was 'naive' on antisemitism as he visits Auschwitz

P.S. Dat voor meer dan 1 miljoen kinderen het leven in een hel is veranderd, is "collateral damage". Zij worden sowieso geen big spenders. Who cares? (I do: https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113891289715950014).

#IsraelMaaktMeerKapotDanJeLiefIs #TrapErNietIn #GeveinsdAntisemitisme #Antisemitisme #Jodenhaat #Moslimhaat #Vreemdelingenhaat #Racisme #Discriminatie #Minderheden #DefinitieVanAntisemitisme #Auschwitz #Auschwitz80 #AuschwitzMemorial #RichSupremacy #Musk #Wilders #Yesilgoz #VanDerPlas #CVI #CIDI #AIPAC #Kapitalisme #Genocide #GazaGenocide #Jenin #Westbank #Libanon #Lebanon #Syrie #Syria #Populisme #Populist #Propaganda #ICCisRight #ICJisRight #AmnestyIsRight #UNICEFIsRight #EnWatDiesMeerZij
Foto uit https://www.lemonde.fr/en/pixels/article/2024/01/23/elon-musk-says-he-was-naive-on-antisemitism-as-he-visits-auschwitz_6456954_13.html van Elon Musk (met keppeltje op) die bij concentratiekamp Auschwitz, in winterse omstandigheden, een kaarsje aansteekt op een gedenksteen. Naast hem staat een zeer Joodse meneer, eveneens met keppeltje op.

Aanvulling: links achter Musk staat een groot bord waarop te lezen valt: "EJA Delegation to Auschwitz [Januari 22-23, 2024]" met daaronder (op dat bord) een foto van handen die een papier met daarop "NEVER AGAIN!" (plus Davidsster) vasthoudt. Daar weer onder op dat bord:


Onder de foto in Le Monde staat:
Tesla and SpaceX's CEO Elon Musk lights a candle as he visits the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, on Monday, Jan. 22, 2024. YOAV DUDKEVITCH / AP

Cory Doctorow's enshittification

Unfortunately I just had to block Cory Doctorow - because he boosted a toot by the selectively pro-genocide Auschwitz Memorial (aka AM aka Auschwitz Museum).

IMO, *in particular* an organization like the AM should *UNCONDITIONALLY* be anti-genocide. They're not.

From (the bottom of) https://www.auschwitz.org/en/museum/auschwitz-council/:

Threatened in its existence, the State of Israel has the right to self-defense in accordance with international law and the principles of humanitarianism. The existence of a free, sovereign, and democratic Jewish State is one of the pillars of world peace.

The unimaginable hatred and violence perpetrated by terrorists only results in extensive and more widespread suffering – affecting also the civilian population of Gaza, whom Hamas exploits as human shields.

More info in https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113696893677268390.

#Sickening #HolocaustAbuse #Propaganda #ProGenocide #Auschwitz80 #AuschwitzMemorial #AuschwitzMuseum #AIPAC #IDF #IDFTerrorists #IsraeliDestructionForces #Doctorow #CoryDoctorow #Enshittification #Complicit #GazaGenocide #Gaza #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria #ICJisRight #ICCisRight #FrancescaAlbaneseIsRight
A screenshot of a few toots down in https://mamot.fr/@pluralistic - where the top of a boosted (by Cory Doctorow) toot by the Auschwitz Memorial (https://mastodon.world/@auschwitzmuseum/113854907257197453) can be seen.

I'm not upset by the content of the toots of the Auschwitz Memorial, but because of their pro-Israel stance and abusing images and other heritage of victims of WWII to make us all sorry for Jews, those in Israel in particular.

The Israeli lobby has handlers follow around U.S. politicians and tell them what to say and how to vote on issues regarding #israel. That doesn't sound like much of a democracy. #politics #AIPAC #zionism

Johnathan Greenblatt is leaked complaining about the "#TikTok problem", and then immediately our politicians start moving to ban the app. No coincidence there. #israel #AIPAC

Blame the TikTok ban on #Israel. Too much truth about #Gaza was getting out. #AIPAC and #zionism literally control our politicians like puppets.

Don't make threats before attacking! That's a sure-fire way to get caught!

#Florida man accused of threatening #AIPAC offices in Plantation


#fediantisemitism #fl #classwar #israel

"Israel is burning children alive" - Veteran Disrupts Congressional Hearing


“Israel is burning children alive, and Congress is complicit!”
This morning, a 17-year veteran and intelligence officer disrupted the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs to call out the billions its members send to fund genocide while veterans are left behind.

#DomesticTerrorism #GovernmentTerrorism #AIPAC #WarCrimes #NoRepresentation #Israel #Impoverishment #Veterans #Genocide

My DSA chapter (StL) recently tweeted a farewell "Thank You" to our comrade Cori Bush.

The chapter doesn't have a Mastodon account, so I'm tooting this screenshot of the tweet myself.

Cori was among the few genuinely progressive members of Congress. She was targeted for her stance against the genocide in Gaza.

A massive Dark Money smear campaign that never mentioned Palestine funded her primary opponent - a former Republican.

#CoriBush #DarkMoney #Corruption #Gaza #Genocide #Lies #AIPAC
Screenshot of a tweet featuring a photo of outgoing Congresswoman Cori Bush with the caption "Thank You Cori"

The tweet is from Saint Louis DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) with the text "From St. Louis to Gaza, thank you @CoriBush for always fighting for what is right and standing up for the oppressed and working class!"

The photo is a beautiful Black woman with long braids pulled back, a big smile, arms crossed, and wearing a black suit with a narrow black tie.

Finally got around to downloading the #boycat app, which I hope to use regularly when out and about:

Now that Kamala has chosen to give the #US to Trump rather than piss off #Israel, I think I'll put all of my activism efforts towards #BDS. For the Dems, as for the GQP, it's all about the $.

#FreePalestine @israel @palestine #gaza #aipac #usa #palestine #fediantisemitism #dnc #zionism

Incoming Trump State Dept. spokesperson refuses to say that #Lebanon has a right to defend itself against #Israel under the #Ceasefire terms.

Scratch that, it was Biden's current State Dept. spokesperson.


@israel #israel #fediantisemitism @lebanon #biden #joebiden #genocide #DarkBrandon #genocidejoe #aipac #uspol #uspolitics #usa

White House Says Democrats Who Oppose Weapons To #Israel Are Aiding #Hamas


#FreePalestine @israel @palestine #gaza #biden #joebiden #genocide #Netanyahu #DarkBrandon #genocidejoe #aipac #uspol #uspolitics #usa #dnc #votebluenomatterwho #voteblue #Fediantisemitism
biden and Bibi

Imagine if CodePink had more than just a few hundred activists.

The only true antiwar group in the US who wasn't a front for DNC or other groups like MoveOn .

They are hated by both republicans and democrats who are more loyal to Israel than their own country.

#CodePink #Israel #Politics #AIPAC #AntiWar #USpol #Genocide @palestine group

«A controversial “nonprofit killer” bill is back on track after it was blocked [last] week [by] a majority of Democrats in the House…out of fear that it could grant President-elect…Trump the legal tools…to target his ideological foes.…A broad coalition of organizations…say…[it is] a means of cracking down on #free_speech…in support of Palestine.…

With…around 52 Democratic lawmakers showing support…, the bill would almost certainly pass.»

#ProPalestinian #Gaza #AIPAC

Reminder to all that AIPAC wasn't created in 2023...

#AIPAC #Syria #Palestine #USPol #Israel

#Trump wants to end the massacre in #Gaza? Incarcerate #AIPAC.

I think the best way to approach #bluemaga right now (if at all) is to try to channel their feelings of betrayal by the country into feelings of betrayal by the party.

Because that's what happened. #KamalaHarris and the #DNC loved #AIPAC more than they loved lgbtq people. They loved #Israel more than they loved POCs. If they truly cared, they would have done everything possible to prevent a #Trump presidency, but instead they leveraged libs' righteous hatred for Trump to wage a genocide.

"#AIPAC has funneled some $80 million into this year's political races, including $2.3 million it just pumped in to help endangered pro-Israel diehards such as Senators Ted Cruz and Jacky Rosen."

#KenSilverstein / #WashingtonBabylon


#2024election #USpol #USpolitics #USForeignPolicy #lobbies #Palestine #Gaza


Then you wonder why there are so many PEFPs in US political sphere...

Their hypocrisy and the public's acceptance that agents of a foreign nation have such a strong grip over American politics is just hard to understand.

But it will s what it is 2/3rd of all people in high positions in US are funded and supported by #AIPAC.

#Politics #USelection #Israel #PEFP #politics #USpol
Israeli NGO exposes the hypocrisy of Jimmy Gomez who receives money from "Special Interest" group AIPAC while pretending he is against it