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Beiträge, die mit CUBA getaggt sind

Let Cuba Live: Donate for Urgent Humanitarian Aid
by The People's Forum


"Cuba is facing the worst economic crisis of its entire history, worse even than that of the Special Period, because of the U.S. blockade. The people of Cuba need our solidarity and material support right now more than ever as they face a nationwide blackout and hurricane devastation. We, along with the People's Forum and the Hatuey Project, have already raised over $100,000, but are working to get $150,000 in urgently needed aid to Cuba. We are looking to send generators and food to the island."

#Cuba #MutualAid

#Trump promovează un viitor zgârie-nori #Trump – #Gaza într-un clip creat de 🧠#inteligențaArtificială.
#Musk aruncă cu bani, femei cu barbă dansează din buric și o statuie imensă din aur a lui Donald #Trump domină zona.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-4bAZ

#Știri #Cuba #Palestina #Israel #FâșiaGaza #SUA #Tehnologie #AI

How about the Gulf Of #CUBA
I think this will piss them off quite enough.

Concentration camps nearby Cuba - very, very typical of the U.S. Empire...

"The Trump administration has moved more than 30 people described as Venezuelan gang members to the U.S. Navy base at Guantánamo Bay, as U.S. forces and homeland security staff prepare a tent city for potentially thousands of migrants.
About a dozen of the men were brought in from El Paso, Texas, on Friday, as Kristi Noem, the secretary of homeland security, arrived at Guantánamo. She is the first senior member of the Trump administration to visit the migrant mission on the base in southeastern Cuba.

Ms. Noem was taken to the rooftop of the base’s aircraft hangar and observed as U.S. security forces led the deportees down the ramp of a C-130 military cargo plane to an awaiting minibus. Maj. Gen. Philip J. Ryan, the army commander overseeing the migrant mission, stood beside her in combat uniform, and a Chinook transport chopper could be seen in the distance.

“Vicious gang members will no longer have safe haven in our country,” Ms. Noem said on social media, calling the men “criminal aliens.”"


#USA #Trump #Imperialism #Cuba #Guantanamo #ConcentrationCamps #Migrants

[22:45] Trump announces opening Guantanamo Bay detention centre for illegal migrants

US President Donald Trump has said he is directing the opening of a detention centre at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to hold up to 30,000 migrants who are living illegally in the United States.


#US #DonaldTrump #GuantanamoBay #Cuba #30,000 #theUnitedStates

Chilling Pentagon document reveals war-provoking reason 'Deep State' has always feared release of JFK assassination files
'We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,' the document states, among dozens of other violent ideas of how to incite American hostility against the island nation.

US officials even proposed killing their own soldiers, writing: 'We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,' and, 'casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.'

JFK rejected Operation Northwoods when it came across his desk and was shot.

#USA #US #american #terrorism #lies #deception #Pentagon #CIA #intelligence #deepstate #Northwoods #anticommunism #Cuba #history

Israel and Hamas agree to pause the Gaza conflict https://www.byteseu.com/655089/ #CeaseFire #Conflict #Conflicts #Cuba #Gaza #Grief #Hamas #Israel #love #MiddleEast #Myanmar #PrayForIsrael #prayer #sorrow #ThreeCircles #War #WarInGaza
Israel and Hamas agree to pause the Gaza conflict

#Cuba officially declared its intention to join South Africa's genocide case against the Israeli occupation in the International Court of Justice (#ICJ).

"Cuba, invoking Article 63 of the Statute of the Court, filed in the Registry of the Court a declaration of intervention in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of #Genocide in the #Gaza Strip,” the court stated in a statement.

This move makes Cuba the eighth country joined South Africa's case in ICJ after Türkiye, #Nicaragua, #Colombia, #Libya, #Mexico, #Palestine, and #Spain.

"The #Biden administration will remove #Cuba from the list of state sponsors of #terrorism, the Associated Press reports"



🇨🇺 Cuba se suma a la demanda de Sudáfrica contra Israel por genocidio en Gaza, iniciada en diciembre de 2023. La demanda está relacionada con la aplicación de la Convención para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio. ⚖️🌍 #Cuba #Sudáfrica #Israel #Gaza #genocídio

Best of 2024, from Jesús Jank Curbelo in collaboration with palabra.: “It was October 1, 2022, and I was en route to becoming one of the nearly 30,000 Cubans who crossed the southern border into the United States that same month.” https://www.texasobserver.org/cuba-journalism-border-immigration-asylum-texas/

#BestOf2024 #immigration #border #politics #USpol #Cuba #journalism #refugees