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Beiträge, die mit brics getaggt sind

After 3 years of smearing, censoring, and cancelling anyone who argued NATO expansionism was the source of the war, it is now suddenly allowed...




🇾🇪It’s not the size of the dog in a fight but the size of the fight in the dog ✊🏾

Israelis rush to their bomb shelters when Tel Aviv is struck by a single ballistic missile from Yemen.

The Yemenis defiantly pour onto the streets in their millions when Israel carpet bombs Sana'a

No empire has ever defeated Yemen



The past year has shown that a lot of anti-imperialists tend to exaggerate the strength of the US empire's enemies. After October 7 many said the attack would unify the Axis of Resistance against Israel and the Zionist entity would fall in short order, but



Gerald Horne Around The Horne: 2024 Reflections, 2025 Predications & Tribute to Bilal Sunni Ali


#GeraldHorne #AroundTheHorne #Syria #USElection #Palestine #Israel #BRICS #China #Iran #Lebanon #Trump #EU #Sahel #Syria #Ceasefire #Lebanon #Israel #Biden #Mercosur #Cuba #HTS #Assad #Germany #SouthAfrica #ANC #SACP #Ethiopia #Somaliland #Somalia #Turkey #Türkiye @palestine #geopolitics

“Trump’s Naivety Exposes America’s Decline”

by George Hazim in George’s Newsletter on Substack

“To exemplify how both geopolitically naive and ignorant Trump remains, and it’s as if he’s learnt nothing or has been absent in the past four years, today, Trump threatened to impose a 100 percent tariff on BRICS countries if
they pursue de-dollarisation”


#Press #US #Trump #BRICS #Dedollarization #Tariffs #Multipolarity

Unipolar Multipolar 💥 Verwirrtes Europa
In der neuen Folge sprechen Dr. Karin Kneissl und Flavio von Witzleben zunächst über das Misstrauensvotum, das diese Woche das französische Parlament gestürzt hat.

Außerdem diskutieren die beiden das Vorrücken der HTS-Terroristen in Syrien, die Proteste in Georgien gegen die neu gewählte Regierung sowie das zwischenzeitliche Ausrufen des Kriegsrechts in Südkorea.

Darüber hinaus geht es in der neuen Folge um die OSZE-Konferenz auf Malta sowie um Aussagen des neu gewählten US-Präsidenten Donald Trump, der den BRICS-Staaten mit Strafzöllen gedroht hat, sollten sie sich vom US-Dollar als internationales Zahlungsmittel abwenden.

#podcast #unipolar #multipolar #karinkneissl #flaviovonwitzleben #france #syria #georgia #southkorea #osze #malta #donaldtrump #usdollar #brics #geopolitics

🎧 https://www.0815-info.news/Web_Links-Unipolar-Multipolar-Verwirrtes-Europa-visit-11583.html

Richard D. Wolff & Michael Hudson: America's Collapse: Economy & Endless Wars!


#socialism #capitalism #economia
#Gaza #Palestine #Brics

Extraordinary interview:


Prof Kaboub's work centers on *non-neocolonial* economic development in Africa. (He's a native of Tunisia.)

Interview topics: Gaza genocide, US election, BRICS, China's economic development, world trade and currency, Africa's economic potential. The scope of his understanding is... I don't have the words - just spend the hour!

#Africa #Colonialism #RealResources #Power #GlobalSouth #Currency #MMT #China #BRICS #Capitalism #War #Gaza

This isn't going to be Trump 2.0 for the rest of the world. We can actually work towards ignoring the US forever.

https://watcher.guru/news/brics-3-countries-to-launch-cbdc-currency-end-us-dollar-reliance #BRICS #US
#us #BRICS

BRICS, Wagner and the ukrainian front.

#BRICS #Wagner #ukraine