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Beiträge, die mit NUCLEAR getaggt sind

#Tribes, #environmentalists gather forces against Amazon’s #Northwest #nuclear plan

Amazon’s push for small modular nuclear reactors [#SMR] is just the latest development in decades long fight over #NuclearEnergy

By Antonio Sierra (OPB)
Jan. 7, 2025

"Chuck Johnson was 25 years old when he helped bring Oregon’s nuclear energy industry to a sudden halt.

"Fresh out of college, Johnson helped lead signature gathering and field organizing to pass Ballot Measure 7, which banned all new nuclear power plants in the state until the U.S. had a federally licensed permanent disposal facility. When Oregon’s only nuclear energy facility was closed in 1992, the measure effectively ensured that nothing would take its place unless major changes happened.

"For decades those changes seemed unlikely, but a new push by the power-hungry tech industry has reignited interest in nuclear energy in the region.

"Amazon announced in October that it is partnering with Energy Northwest to develop and build nuclear reactors in southeast #WashingtonState that would power its #DataCenters in #Umatilla and #Morrow counties. Amazon would work with its partners to develop and roll out a novel technology – small modular nuclear reactors – without brushing up against the limits of Measure 7 because the reactors would be north of the #ColumbiaRiver.

"For Amazon, SMRs would allow the tech and e-commerce giant to harness the immense, low-carbon [sic] power potential of nuclear energy while staying true to its climate goals, and avoiding the safety and environmental concerns that have plagued traditional reactors. More than 40 years after passing Measure 7, Johnson isn’t convinced.

"'If you can’t get rid of the waste produced by these plants, it’s irresponsible for us to – for the sake of some electricity right now – leave this legacy to future generations,' he said.

"Johnson is a part of a group of environmentalists, academics and American Indian tribes who are gathering force against a nuclear energy revival in the Northwest.

"Nuclear energy opponents argue that SMRs are simply a new coat of paint on the industry’s old problems. Like traditional reactors, they say that SMRs aren’t economically feasible and risk exposing people to #NuclearRadiation in a region still recovering from its World War II legacy."

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#NoNukesForAI #NoNukesForBezos #AmazonCorporation #NoNukesForTechBros #NoNukes #NativeAmericanActivism #AntinuclearActivism #NoNukesForBigTech #BigTech #AWS #Downwinders #CorporateColonialism

https://www.europesays.com/1758780/ Will Iran build a nuclear bomb while Trump is in power in the US? | Israel-Palestine conflict News #europe #Iran #Israel #IsraelPalestineConflict #MiddleEast #News #nuclear #UnitedStates #US&Canada
Will Iran build a nuclear bomb while Trump is in power in the US? | Israel-Palestine conflict News

https://www.europesays.com/1747227/ To Avoid Nuclear War: America’s Most Important Obligation #défense #Featured #Iran #Israel #nuclear #NuclearDoctrine #USA
To Avoid Nuclear War: America’s Most Important Obligation

"99% of existing US #coal plants are more expensive to run than replacement by local #wind, #solar, and #energy storage resources."

#renewables #batteries #FossilFuels #nuclear #auspol


According to seismic observatories:The Israeli strike on #Aleppo caused an earthquake of magnitude 2.5

The Israeli strike on #Tartous a few weeks ago also caused a stronger earthquake..

Some observers claim that Israel used tactical #nuclear weapons in both attacks as test runs before their planned attacks Iranian targets.

#Syria #Israel #Iran #NuclearBomb

https://www.europesays.com/1716523/ Nuclear weapons and LRBMs: A Deterrence or a Pretext for Geopolitical Pressure? #défense #geopolitics #Israel #nuclear #NuclearDoctrine #pakistan #USA
Nuclear weapons and LRBMs: A Deterrence or a Pretext for Geopolitical Pressure?

About 1100 Declassified U.S. Nuclear Targets

Declassified lists of nuclear targets in the Eastern Bloc countries, and China in the event of war with the USSR spans 800 pages.

The list includes 179 targets in Moscow, 145 in Leningrad, and 91 in East Berlin, Beijing, and Warsaw.

The most shocking entry in this list is point No. 275—"population": alongside military and industrial facilities, civilian populations in residential areas were also marked for elimination.



#USA #US #american #Pentagon #military #nuclear #nuclearbomb #map #nukemap #coldwar #Russia #USSR #easterneurope #China #NorthKorea #history

Remember how #Skynet and #Terminators were just fine with a #nuclear devastated world? Hmmm... #BigTech is going all in on #NuclearPower as sustainability concerns around #AI grow

Yahoo Finance
Daniel Howley
October 23, 2024

"#ArtificialIntelligence has driven shares of tech companies like #Microsoft (#MSFT), #Amazon (#AMZN), #Nvidia (N#VDA), and #Google (GOOG, GOOGL) to new highs this year. But the technology, which companies promise will revolutionize our lives, is driving something else just as high as stock prices: #EnergyConsumption [and #WaterConsumption].

"#AI #DataCenters use huge amounts of power and could increase energy demand by as much as 20% over the next decade, according to a Department of Energy spokesperson. Pair that with the continued growth of the broader cloud computing market, and you’ve got an energy squeeze.

"But Big Tech has also set ambitious sustainability goals focused on the use of low-carbon and zero-carbon sources to reduce its impact on climate change. While renewable energy like solar and wind are certainly part of that equation, tech companies need uninterruptible power sources. And for that, they’re leaning into #NuclearPower.

"Tech giants aren’t just planning to hook into existing plants, either. They’re working with energy companies to bring mothballed facilities like Pennsylvania’s Three Mile Island back online and looking to build small modular reactors (#SMRs) that take up less space than traditional plants and, the hope is, are cheaper to construct.

"But there are still plenty of questions as to whether these investments in nuclear energy will ever pan out, not to mention how long it will take to build any new reactors."

Read more:

#AI #NoNukesForAI #Cryptocurrency #WaterIsLife #NoNukes #RethinkNotRestart #ThreeMileIsland #TheTerminator #JudgmentDay #NuclearPowerNoThanks

Confrontation or leniency with U.S. after regional setbacks? Nuclear posture update https://www.byteseu.com/574999/ #IranNuclearProgram #Israel #khamenei #Nuclear #PresidentTrump #washington
Confrontation or leniency with U.S. after regional setbacks? Nuclear posture update

Explosion in #Moscow kills Russian general in charge of nuclear protection forces, authorities say

Lieutenant General Kirillov was the head of Russia's #Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Protection Troops.

“The Czech is in the Mail”

by Another Angry Voice on Substack

“The [Labour] government has approved the sale of Royal Mail to #Czech #billionaire #Daniel #Křetínský, turning what was a not-for-profit public service just eleven years ago into a billionaire's plaything”



#Press #UK #RoyalMail #Privatization #NeoLiberalism #AssetStripping #Profiteering #Labour #Starmer #CorporateGreed #PublicUtilities #Water #Energy #Nuclear #ForeignOwnership

Should Israel Attack Turkey’s Nuclear Plant? https://www.byteseu.com/567088/ #Defense #F16I #F35I #F35IAdir #Featured #Israel #Military #Nuclear #Turkey
F-35I Adir. Image Credit: Creative Commons.

https://www.europesays.com/1693969/ Should Israel Attack Turkey’s Nuclear Plant? #défense #F16I #F35I #F35IAdir #Featured #Israel #military #nuclear #Turkey
F-35I Adir. Image Credit: Creative Commons.

‘How could I tell you a thing like that now?’ https://www.byteseu.com/566450/ #BenjaminNetanyahu #DonaldTrump #Iran #Israel #Nuclear #Politics #USNews
'How could I tell you a thing like that now?'

Israel paves way for strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities after taking out Assad’s army https://www.byteseu.com/562295/ #BasharAlAssad #BenjaminNetanyahu #DonaldTrump #Iran #IranNuclearAgreement #Iran’sNuclearProgramme #Israel #IsraeliPrimeMinister #MrNetanyahu #Nuclear #NuclearCapabilities #NuclearFacilities #TheTelegraph #YaakovAmidror #YairLapid
Download app from appStore

#nuclear #renewableenergy #energy #auspol

we experience high risk bushfires - do people want nuclear plants on fire leaking radioactivity
yes France has relied on nuclear power and it’s been great for them as they don’t have coal or oil but they don’t often talk about the massive fish kills in the Loire valley when some cooling towers leaked
nuclear energy needs lots of water which #australia doesn’t have much of

Remember when the Coalition said they could do the NBN for half the price that Labor could do it? Remember how that turned out? (Hint: Crappy NBN that was no cheaper than the better network proposed by Labor)

I’m getting echoes of that with their latest bullshit “costings” for their #nuclear non-plan.

Roll up, roll up, for “Dutton’s famous snake oil”


Dutton spouts incoherent nonsense:

Peter Dutton defends
by claiming that rooftop solar cannot charge EVs and household batteries at the same time. How wrong and ignorant can you be?

Quan un acte tipificable de delicte ho és del cert?

Quan ho dictin i propaguin així els mitjans de comunicació com a corretja de transmissió del bàndol de poder on et trobes immers.

Pel què fa als mecanismes legislatius, és tot un altre intríngulis que ens omple de sospita i decepció.

#Rússia, #Ucraïna, #EEUU, #Israel, #OTAN, #Gaza, #Palestina, #Síria, #Iemen, #Turquia, #Europa, #Iraq, #Iran, #DANA, #Nuclear, #IA, #Independència, #Progrés, #Civilització, #sXXI, #NoPassaran, #MaiMés...

Nobel Peace Prize winners urge young people to fight against nuclear weapons https://www.byteseu.com/550584/ #Conflict #Gaza #Hiroshima #Japan #Nagasaki #NihonHidankyo #NobelPeacePrize #Norway #Nuclear #NuclearWeapons #Russia #Ukraine #War
Atomic cloud over Nagasaki from Koyagi-jima

GetUp's new report, Pro-Nuclear Disinformation in Australia details who is behind the divisive nuclear agenda. You can download the report here.
#democracy #politics #nuclear #marketing #disinformation
Good information about what & who’re driving this

The holocaust in Palestine and West Asia is about to be globalized. Wake the f up? Radiation doesn’t affect Republicans and Democrats differently.


#nuclear #war #antiwar #peace #Syria #Lebanon #Palestine #Africa

This little bit of glass here is #trinitite It was formed in the heat of the Trinity test.

That's my piece. It's strange to look at it, to hold it.. to know that it was part of the product of the Manhattan project.

To know what happened should mean to never repeat it, to never allow countries to come to the point of potential #nuclear weapons exchange.

But here we are. #israel #Iran and #russia are pushing us closer.
Piece of greenish white glass resembling a degraded piece of bone with stone inclusions

The holocaust in Palestine and West Asia is about to be globalized. Wake the f up? Radiation doesn’t affect Republicans and Democrats differently.


#nuclear #war #antiwar #peace #Syria #Lebanon #Palestine #Africa

Nuclear Weapons Are Stored on Native Reservations in an Example of Nuclear Colonialism

"Instead of prioritizing nuclear de-escalation and risk reduction, however, over the next two decades, the US military plans to “modernize” its massive nuclear arsenal in an almost $2 trillion endeavor that will continue to pull much-needed tax dollars away from far more pressing priorities like addressing climate change and economic inequality. This means that in the coming years, rather than phasing out these unnecessary weapons, all deployed ICBMs will be replaced by entirely new ones, and all of the silos will undergo major construction to ensure they remain operational for decades to come. This will force communities like ours to continue to be nuclear targets, even though we never agreed to living with the missiles in the first place."


#indigenous #colonialism #nuclear

“It is now due to open five years later than originally planned. The estimated cost has risen to £46bn from the £18bn predicted in 2017.”

Built by the French Govt because UK did not have the requisite skills.

#Auspol #Nuclear

#auspol #RE #Nuclear #ABCRN #FactCheck

Where do the LNP (Lying Nasty Party) get the figure of 68,000km of extra powerlines that are needed for wind and solar power.

Yes, I accept that there may need to be new powerlines, as evidenced by the nearby wind farm. But the existing coal power stations all needed them built creating jobs and boosting economy.

But the lines have minimal impact on landowners in the long term in my opinion, still being able to run livestock and crop under them. In my experience a lot less of impact that the gas wells and associated infrastructure and roads to them.

The other problem not ever mentioned, is the management, storage and costs for 1,000s of years of the nuclear waste!

#Nuclear Hotseat #podcast page.
This long-running #community #radio show offers a tremendous amount of #information on #problems and #risks from the nuclear #industry and its #mistakes and #fallout mostly ignored by other #media

IAEA: Due to russian shelling, 3 Ukrainian nuclear power plants reduced electricity production

Against the backdrop of massive russian shelling, 3 #Ukraine #nuclear power plants have reduced electricity production. This further compromised nuclear safety during the war.


https://www.europesays.com/1630871/ Iran, Facing Scrutiny From International Watchdog, Publicly Ramps Up Nuclear Program #BidenHarrisAdministration #Iran #Israel #nuclear #NuclearIran
Iran, Facing Scrutiny From International Watchdog, Publicly Ramps Up Nuclear Program