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Beiträge, die mit JAPAN getaggt sind

From Asia Pacific Journal, Japan Focus;
Artist Toshie Takeuchi in Conversation with Asato Ikeda: From Palestine, Japan, to Congo
By: Asato Ikeda

January 30, 2025

"This article features a conversation with contemporary Japanese artist Toshie Takeuchi, whose work integrates historical research, participatory art, and collective practices to explore themes of memory, trauma, colonialism, and relationality. ..."
#Japan #Palestine #Congo #art

"Alte Technik - neuer Unsinn" heißt unsere Online-Veranstaltung anlässlich des #Fukushima*Jahrestags am 11. März. Wir erinnern an die Atomkatastrophe und werfen einen Blick auf die aktuelle Atomdebatte in Deutschland. Hier geht es zur Anmeldung:


#AtomkraftNeinDanke #Japan #SicherIstNurDasRisiko #DontNukeTheClimate #Atomkraft

Japan bekämpft größten Waldbrand seit Jahrzehnten

Feuerwehrleute aus ganz Japan kämpfen mit Unterstützung des Militärs gegen einen riesigen Waldbrand. Die Flammen haben sich im Nordosten des Landes ausgebreitet. Laut Behörden ist es das größte Feuer seit Jahrzehnten.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/waldbrand-japan-102.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Japan #Waldbrand

A journalist who has experienced being a "trailing spouse" to accompany his wife on an overseas assignment says men should be more involved in addressing gender inequality issues in Japan. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/03/japan/society/japan-gender-equality/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #society #internationalwomen039sday #women039sissues #journalism #kyodo #kazuyoshikonishi

Die israelisch-palästinensische Dokumentation »No Other Land« könnte den Oscar gewinnen. Den Untergang von Masafer Jatta, Schauplatz des Films, kann der Ruhm nicht verhindern. Ein Besuch.#Japan #Westjordanland #Israel #Oscars

"Techno-fascism’s cold-blooded pursuit of efficiency quickly results in a state of alienation that may not be appealing to either side of the political spectrum. If Japan is any example, the collaboration between technocrats and right-wing politicians is unlikely to last forever. In 1940, the Japanese Prime Minister announced the New Order movement, which sought to overhaul the government’s structure to create a single-party state with absolute power. Mimura, the historian, said, “It reminds you a little bit of now: everything needs to be fixed, all at once. It is a little eerie to draw that historical comparison: this is the New Order in America.” Yet the power of Japan’s technocrats began to wane. When the country started faring poorly in the war, the military pushed to continue the campaign past the point that technocrats considered feasible. Kishi, the architect of technocratic Manchuria, left the government in 1944. Still, as Mimura explained, the bureaucrats had no political constituency or party to hold them accountable for their techno-fascistic program. When the U.S. sought to rebuild Japan, in part as a counterbalance to Soviet power in the region, Kishi and his colleagues were the ones who set about industrializing the nation once more. Their status as unelected officials meant, ironically, that they could stage a return to politics without “any blood on their hands,” Mimura said. In 1955, Kishi helped establish a new political party, and a few years later he became Prime Minister."


#TechnoFascism #USA #BigTech #SiliconValley #Japan #PoliticalEconomy

what is this?


After dropping two atomic bombs on Japan in 1945, US officials lied to the media and Congress, claiming there was “no radioactive residue” in Hiroshima & Nagasaki

The US govt insisted there was no “undue suffering,” calling it “a very pleasant way to die”
#nuclearBomb #History #Hiroshima #Nagasaki #WW2 #Radiation

Don’t forget that the bombs were dropped on residential neighborhoods, not military installations. The U.S. government has yet to apologize for the atomic bombings.

In addition, after the atomic bombings, the Japanese had no thought of signing a surrender, because in the days and months before the Americans had inflicted incomparable damage on them with conventional bombs, the Japanese continued to fight the Americans. The Russians, under the #Tehran agreement between #Roosevelt and #Stalin, put an end to the war with Japan.

Wishing to secure its borders in the Far East and going towards the Allies, the #USSR committed itself to enter the war with Japan two or three months after the end of the war with Germany. On August 9, 1945, hostilities began.

At the final stage of World War II, during the #Manchurian strategic, South Sakhalin offensive and the Kuril landing operation, the group of Soviet armed forces in the Far East defeated the Japanese Kwantung Army and liberated northeastern China, North Korea, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. Japan’s military and economic potential was severely undermined, and the defeat of the Kwantung Army forced the country to capitulate.

On September 2, 1945, on board the US battleship “Missouri”, the representatives of allied countries, including the USSR, signed the Act of Surrender of Japan.

September 3, 1945 - the day after the capitulation of #Japan in World War II, the day of victory over Japan and the end of World War II was declared by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet.

Comment irreversiblechaos@iviv.hu :

I believe they were on the verge of surrendering precisely because the Russians were closing in.
Also the two bombs were a warning to Stalin that the west not only had these terrifying doomsday weapons but they would use them.
It was a threat to Russia that if they didn’t tow the line the west was prepared to annihilate them.
This is what the west did and seems to be threatening again (https://knowledgenuts.com/ant-walking-alligators-of-hiroshima/) this stuff gives me nightmares.

#history #WWII #USA #US #american #war #crimes

⛔️🇺🇸A real dictator says his popularity is high, when it is in fact low: Trump’s next move will look for an “enemy other” to distract and blame for his supporters problems (MSNBC News VIDEO) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #BudapestMemorandum #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #11yrInvasionofUkraine

During the nearly 500 days Efrat Machikawa waited for her 80-year-old uncle Gadi Moses to return home from Hamas captivity, she transformed her life, dedicating herself to diplomacy and humanitarian efforts. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/02/24/japan/society/israel-hostage-family-interview/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #society #israel #hamas #gaza #middleeast #israelhamaswar #palestinians #efratmachikawa

Japaner leiden unter hohen Reispreisen

Schlechte Ernten, Panikkäufe, explodierende Preise - erstmals muss die Regierung in Tokio den staatlichen Reisvorrat anzapfen. Wird das Grundnahrungsmittel der Japaner zum Luxusgut? Von Thorsten Iffland.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/weltwirtschaft/reis-krise-japan-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Japan #Reis #Lebensmittel #Landwirtschaft #Klimawandel

For #caturday please enjoy these photos from an acquaintance of the Aizu Railway’s cat train at Aizu-Tajima station in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.
The cats - Bus, Love, Peach and Sakura - all live at Ashinomaki Onsen station and have their own YouTube channel, Instagram page and a merch store:

#HeritageRailways #Japan
Illustrations of a pair of cats, one of which is wearing a stationmaster’s hat, on a blue diesel railcar train. There are lots of flower and snowflake illustrations in the background of the train livery.
Front of a diesel railcar train at a station platform in the snow. There’s a cartoon of a pair of cats wearing stationmaster hats on the front of the train
Diesel railcar at a station platform in the snow, wearing blue and yellow livery with cartoon illustrations of the Aizu Railway’s railway cats who live at Ashinomaki Onsen Station
Antimacassar with super-deformed/chibi cartoon illustrations of the Aizu Railway’s cats who live at Ashinomaki Onsen station

Der Eimersee in Eckernförde entstand, weil mit einem Kunststoffeimer der Abfluss eines Baches verstopft wurde. Dies erregte in den #USA, #Japan und sogar #Südkorea Aufsehen.

Eine weitläufige Fläche mit gefrorenem Wasser, die von flachen Ufern mit schilfartigen Pflanzen umgeben ist. Im Hintergrund sind einige Bäume sichtbar, die in einer natürlichen Landschaft stehen. Auf der linken Seite befindet sich eine Holzbank, die am Ufer steht. Der Himmel ist klar und das Licht ist hell.

Trumps radikaler Gaza-Plan: Ein #Tabubruch mit #Zukunft ?

Die Aufregung war gross, als Donald #Trump seinen Plan für den #Gazastreifen vorstellte: Eine Umsiedlung der Bevölkerung in Nachbarländer, um aus dem Küstenstreifen eine „Riviera des Nahen Ostens“ zu machen.


#USA #Israel #Deutschland #Japan #Flüchtlinge #Terror

83 years ago around this time, my grandparents were 9 and 7 years old when British forces lost Singapore to the Japanese, after the British confidently declared that those Orientals could never defeat them.

The Japanese crossed into Singapore on a fleet of bicycles, bypassing British naval power.

What followed was 3 years of occupation as Singapore was renamed Syonan-to. My grandparents remember singing the Japanese anthem.

3 days after the Japanese won, they began a purge of mostly ethnic Chinese people in Singapore as retaliation for perceived overseas Chinese assistance to China, a few years earlier. 50 000 people died.

My grandparents never wanted to eat a single sweet potato or yam or tapioca ever again later in their lives, because that’s all they had to eat.




#Singapore #History #TootSea #Japan #WWII

I can’t speak for #eu countries, but here in #japan , there is no effort to sell them. No ads or dealers. Plus even smaller size US cars are too big for most roads and parking lots.

However, there is a lot of effort from European and Chinese automakers to sell here. I.e. Ads and dealers.

Methinks it’s just another case of #US whining, which we’ve developed into an art form

#nazi #vehicle #empire #whine #baby #boycottusa

Japanische Autobauer: Fusion von Honda und Nissan abgeblasen

Schwächelnde Geschäfte in China, wachsende Konkurrenz auf dem E-Auto-Markt: Japans zweit- und drittgrößter Autobauer wollten sich mit einer möglichen Fusion dagegen stemmen. Die Pläne sind nun gescheitert.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/honda-nissan-fusion-scheitern-102.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Honda #Nissan #Fusion #Automobilbranche #Japan

The World's Largest Petition to Recognise Palestine!

"The #UK, #France, and #Japan could recognise Palestine as a State – a vital step toward peace and justice. But they’re hesitating under huge pressure from #Israel.

Let’s urge them to stand on the right side of history and speak up for real peace. More than ever, your voice can make the difference."


#Palestine #PalestinianState

l'art ancestral du jardin japonais d'appartement

tags : zen, une pierre à la place du coeur, peigner la girafe, exercice illégal de la profession de jardinier, #photography #cats #caturday #silentsunday #japan
un chat blanc allongé sur une moquette grise, des sillons tracés sur son pelage avec un petit râteau, une pierre en forme de coeur posée sur son corps

⚠️🇸🇰Slovaks Turn Out For Major Protests Against Kremlin-Agent PM Fico (more) http://www.rferl.org/a/33307291.html #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #OSCE #CoE #PACE #News #UnitedStates #Mastodon #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #Slovakia #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

"#India's Prime Minister Narendra #Modi will visit the #US next week and meet President Donald #Trump

Other reports say Modi will attend a dinner hosted by the US president on the two-day trip.

Modi will be among the first foreign leaders to meet Trump at the White House during his second term. #Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu is currently in Washington and #Japan's PM Shigeru #Ishiba is due this week.


Autobauer: Fusion von Honda und Nissan könnte scheitern

Wegen des harten Wettbewerbs bei Elektrofahrzeugen planten Japans zweit- und drittgrößter Autobauer eine Fusion. Doch es scheint nicht nur Probleme bei der Bewertung der zwei Unternehmen zu geben.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/honda-nissan-fusion-scheitern-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Honda #Nissan #Fusion #Automobilbranche #Japan

Daily Memo: European Automakers Take a Hit on Mexico Tariffs https://www.byteseu.com/714105/ #Azerbaijan #Europe #Geopolitics #india #Iran #Japan #Kazakhstan #Mexico #Panama #Russia #Syria #Ukraine #UnitedStates
Geopolitical Futures

The Japanese government is considering offering medical care in the world's fourth-largest economy for sick and wounded residents of Gaza, Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/02/04/japan/japan-gaza-sick-care/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #shigeruishiba #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians #aid

#japan #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #civilianwarvictims / #humanitarianaid

„The Japanese government is considering offering medical care in the world's fourth-largest economy for sick and wounded residents of Gaza, Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba said.“
