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Beiträge, die mit Whistleblower getaggt sind

Verspäteter Whistleblower-Schutz: Millionenstrafe gegen Deutschland

Im Jahr 2023 erließ Deutschland ein Gesetz zum Schutz von Whistleblowern und setzte damit eine EU-Richtlinie um - zu spät, urteilte jetzt der EuGH und verhängte eine Millionenstrafe. Von Julius Rabba.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/eugh-whistleblower-schutz-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#EUGH #Whistleblower

EDIT(weil der Tröt immer noch neue Boosts bekommt): Checkt einfach die Petitionen auf der Webseite von @Finanzwende aus, unterschreibt und teilt das Video, keine Ahnung, macht Sachen werdet selber Aktiv^

Alter Edit: @Finanzwende kämpft unter hoch druck vor dem Jahresende weiter.
Eine Gute Nachricht, das verfahren gegen den hier relevanten #Whistleblower Eckart Seith wurde eingestellt.
#OlafScholz wird auch mal wieder vorgeladen zum aussagen und du kannst hier helfen seine "Erinnerungslücke" etwas unter druck zu setzen: https://www.finanzwende.de/kampagnen/cumex-transparenz-statt-erinnerungsluecken

Erst Trööt:
Moment, moment, also es gibt einen Steuerskandal der etwa 3 mal so groß ist wie #CumEx und zwar #CumCum und das Finanzamt hätte das recht Geld zurück zu holen, aber es macht genau DAS nicht?!
Mehr Infos und Unterzeichnen der #Petition von @Finanzwende hier: https://www.finanzwende.de/kampagnen/steuerprivilegien-kippen

#Steuergeldverschwendung #Finanzwende #TaxMeNow #SteuerGerechtigkeit #Steuerungerechtigkeit #dePol #Deutschland

Abuse and mismanagement in the government and private sector need brought to public attention. Giving information to journalists can be risky and may violate previous legal agreements, such as a nondisclosure agreement or contract. It can also be an effective and courageous way to call attention to misconduct.

Minimize potential risk when sharing sensitive information with a news organization: physical mail, burner phones, E2EE messaging, Tor/VPN, etc.

#whistleblower #leaks #infosec #journalism


Nach einem verkorksten #Launch muss sich #Nvidia nun harsche #Kritik an den neuen #GeForce-#Grafikkarten der #RTX 5000-Serie von #Whistleblower Edward #Snowden gefallen lassen. Der bemängelt den geringen #VRAM. https://winfuture.de/news,148556.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

If you need to talk to anonymous sources, Hush Line is an easy-to-use, free, end-to-end encrypted, Onion service-supported tip line software service.


#whistleblower #anonymous #journalism #filmmaking #opensource #nonprofit #saas @torproject

Whistleblowers need a solid strategy when disclosing information. Using official channels rarely brings wanted change, but it's usually where most concerned employees start.

At @hushlineapp, we're working to build a team around someone disclosing information, potentially pairing them with a lawyer, journalist, filmmaker, or a mental health professional, to help to protect the #whistleblower and their interests.


#legal #journalism #business #opensource #nonprofit

UnitedHealthcare Whistleblower: Claim Denial 'QUOTAS' Exist


Jordan Chariton talked with Jenny, a former worker of UnitedHealthcare, where she took part in things like claim denial for the company. She now exposes the corrupt industry she was in, and how their denial of claims costs lives. These actions by the company are what contributed to the events with Luigi Mangione and CEO Brian Thompson.

#UnitedHealthcare #Whistleblower #DenyClaims #Forced #LostLives

There’s been a lot of interest in Hush Line from the documentary filmmaker community. Lots of amazing and accomplished people are making their industry more ethical and accountable. ❤️


#opensource #nonprofit #journalism #whistleblower #ethics #accountability #business #education

Do you manage different initiatives, #business departments, #news desks, or investigations? Hush Line's $5/mo Super User plan allows tip line owners to create and manage up to 100 tip lines from a single account!

Learn more about Hush Line at https://hushline.app.

#opensource #nonprofit #journalism #education #law #whistleblower
This image shows pricing plans for “Hushline.app,” introduced with the tagline “Open-Source, Anonymous, Encrypted” and an illustration of a cheerful purple box. A QR code in the top-right corner notes “.onion available.” Below, the pricing section features three tiers: Free/Core (free, with essential features like unlimited messages and end-to-end encryption), Super User ($5/month, including business tools like aliases and unlimited messages), and Single Tenant (starting at $159.90/month for dedicated services and custom branding). The layout is clean and user-friendly, emphasizing transparency and accessibility.

Disclosing information without a plan or even basic knowledge can expose whistleblowers to unnecessary risks. A new feature we just launched in Hush Line allows admins to create customized, multi-prompt onboarding, which a new visitor will see when visiting the app for the first time.

Check it out: https://tips.hushline.app.

If you need a tip line solution, learn more about Hush Line at https://hushline.app.

#journalism #law #business #opensource #nonprofit #501c3 #whistleblower
This image shows two screenshots from the Hush Line platform, displayed on a purple-themed interface. On the left, a pop-up titled “Welcome to Hush Line!” explains guidelines for securely sharing information as a whistleblower. It advises avoiding work-issued devices, using the Hush Line Directory to find legal help, and consulting a lawyer before sharing confidential details. Two buttons at the bottom read “Leave” and “Continue.”

On the right, a settings page labeled “User Guidance” is shown, allowing administrators to customize the user guidance message. It includes fields for customizing the exit button text and link and a toggle to enable or disable the guidance. The website URL, “https://hushline.app,” appears at the bottom-left corner, and the title “Whistleblower Guidance” is displayed with a finger-to-lips emoji for emphasis. The overall tone of the interface is professional and privacy-focused.