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Beiträge, die mit AUSpol getaggt sind

Inhaltswarnung: Emperor Palpatine goes green? | 'Sinister': former Howard government minister joins local Climate 200 hopeful

Dutton keeps parroting some line in press conferences that '27,000 small businesses have closed in the last two years.' And never gets pulled up.

Takes two seconds to go the ABS and find total businesses have increased year on year over the same period ... in fact there's been a net increase every year, for years. And every year a ton close.

Fuck you're lazy, old media. Do better.


Peter Dutton as shown on ABC News 24 giving a press conference in Morton Bay, QLD. 9 March 2025.

Optus breaches its international human rights obligations to sponsor the genocide-complicit Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce event this week. https://michaelwest.com.au/optus-sponors-israel-lobby-responds-no-comment/ #BDSOptus #BDS #Israel #auspol

Federal Labor stands a strong chance of winning the election, or at least clinging on to minority govt.

Partly because they conspired to throw gambling ad reform under a bus in some kind of quid pro quo deal with Nine and News, who seem to be paying back in kind with selective attack pieces on Dutton and his front bench.

While the potential result isn't the worst outcome, the method to get there is fucking grubby.

Please consider putting Labor well down your voting ticket and stacking the parliament with progressive indies and minors so they have to negotiate any and all legislation going forward. Haven't shown many principles in govt or a commitment to policies of conscience (that they claimed to stand for) such as Truth & Treaty, welfare or gambling reform - and can't be trusted with majority.


Constantly claiming it’s not the time to talk about it is how we got into this mess in the first place!

You can count on Coalition under Dutton to live in the past #AusPol #ClimateEmergency #Cyclone


Well done, Angus

Independent’s socials staff deploy negativity and lack of integrity while attacking negativity and lack of integrity.

Reported screenshot from Sophie Makellar's socials: (source: https://old.reddit.com/r/friendlyjordies/comments/1j64e86/fantastic_great_move_well_done_sophie/)

Post: drsophie4mackellar

Sending love Allegra.

This is the contrast - the old grubby way of doing politics with negativity and smear - or the new way with integrity hard work and good ideas

Shine on A

Reply: drsophie4mackellar

@drsohpie4mackellar spot on

I quite like the fact that one can declare oneself a "Leftie" & it sounds logical & idiomatically sound. Otoh, nobody cold declare themselves a "Rightie" without sounding, idiomatically, like a toddler &/or fool.

#AusPol #politics

"Time doesn't mean anything when you're about to have water lapping at your door."
~ Peter #Dutton joking with Scott Morrison and Tony Abbot about rising sea levels in Pacific Island nations in September 2015.

A billboard for Peter Dutton in rising floodwaters.

Yay. Less than hour 'til Antony Green starts giggling over his big touch screen. (For one of the last times sadly.)

Democracy manifest. Love elections.


#wapol #auspol

A few notes after voting in an election for the first time:
  • The queue is non-existent mid-afternoon.
  • The upper-house ballot paper is way bigger than I anticipated.
  • You can figure out a lot about a party based on their ‘how to vote’ cards.
  • I’m sick of stupid corflute cards.
#Politics #AusPol

I have received a flyer from David Pocock, which I find a bit disappointing.

There's no mention of gambling, nor anything about accountability or integrity.

The oddest bit though is that there's three QR codes but not a single URL. Is that how we're doing it now? I realise most web traffic is mobile, but it's a long way from all of it

#AusPol #Canberra

#Auspol #AUKUS #USPol

…That’s the world as it now is. It happened quickly, and the psychic shock is no less severe than the one the Japanese inflicted in 1941. We’re not at war, but yeah, we are, we just don’t realise it yet…


Australia has a site for democracy sausages and cake stalls on election day ...

'Cause of course we do.


#wapol #auspol

Inhaltswarnung: Going back to Dutton's electorate where I grew up, it's clear the govt waste message is resonating

Sophie Scamps is 35.54% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

https://social.chinwag.org/@abc_bot/114123803376124701 I'm so utterly disinterested in this. I shan't even bother trying to watch His Maj Antony Green's wizardry on Aunty tonight. Whilst tis obvs that Lab will win again, i feel no positive passion at all about that. WA is totes state-captured by the abominable gas industry, & WA Lab have zero ethical superiority over their Liebs-Nats opponents. They're all climate-criminal arseholes.

#WAPol #AusPol #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance

The VIP fleet flew 185,050km in the last few days. That's 3 planes planes doing 14 flights over 11 hrs and 07 mins and costing around $50,698. 6 flights were not properly logged. {641} (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

Spud the "strongman" can't even defend himself...he has to send a donkey to do it!


Some presser this morning.



Hawaii 2.0



Good a time as any to remember in 1975, when the United States didn't like our government, they conspired to have it sacked.

Our democratically elected government that was embarking on wide ranging reforms such as significantly extending the welfare state, creating the first indigenous affairs ministry, making overtures to China and pulling our arses out of Vietnam.

US wasn't happy with any of that. So just like they treated South American nations, they staged a coup.


#auspol #uspol

Sydney Morning Herald - Latest News
‘More frequent, intense’: PM puts climate front and centre for election

Gaaaah, we know all this, you dweeb. We've known it for decades. We also know that you keep funding fossilfools via undeserved obscene tax breaks & subsidies, & doing their work by approving new fossilfool projects & expansions, plus demonising protesters instead of the actual climate criminals. You simply have NO credibility in this space, dear PM.

#AusPol #Greens #VoteGreens #ProgIndies #WeAreTotallyFscked #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #Misanthropy #FsckOffDutton! #ShitParty1 #ShitParty2 #ComeOnTanya! #WhyIsLabor #NatsAreNuts #NoNukes #racism #FuckRacists #TuckFrump #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance

#Reflectacles are designed to fool facial recognition systems that use infrared for illumination & systems using 3D infrared mapping/scanning. Two analog technologies are used to maintain your privacy: infrared blocking lenses & reflective frames. Each design has its own purpose.

#USPol #auspol #RESIST #resistance


The VIP fleet flew 185,050km in the last few days. That's 3 planes planes doing 14 flights over 11 hrs and 07 mins and costing around $50,698. 6 flights were not properly logged. {912} (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

KPMG Australia donated $22,631 in 2023-24. That was $12,058 to Labor and $10,573 to the Coalition. {2419} #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/PoliticalDonations/) #auspol

Yes, Mr Marles, do tell us more about your meeting with Mr Hegseth, when you gave him $800 MILLION DOLLARS for absolutely nothing


Inhaltswarnung: It's only the Coalition who want to make working from home a problem for the APS

Peter Dutton, here's some advice for you as TC Alfred approaches. Cease fundraising, stop trying to pick fights with Canberrans & above all else leave women alone - they have enough to deal with. You're not helping so STFU, go home to your Dayboro estate & stay there. #auspol

Al Jazeera – Breaking News, World News and Video from Al Jazeera
New Zealand sacks diplomat who questioned Trump’s understanding of WWII

Pathetic. We Downunderers should be sticking it right up these fascist fools, not pandering to them.

#auspol #nzpol #uspol #TuckFrump

Terrible to hear about Peter Dutton. Nothing has happened, just always terrible to hear about him.

Fascist #Zionism will never win ... 'the censorship of pro-Palestinian artists, journalists, and academics has so far failed to paint over #Israel’s contempt for human rights'. https://jacobin.com/2025/03/australia-venice-censorship-palestine-sabsabi #ZionismIsWhiteSupremacism #BDS #Israel #auspol


Jane Norman helpfully explains that winning a majority of seats assists political parties in forming government.


Noice. Juice Media have added Fiona Patten to their list of Not Shit candidates.

Oi, @patten. Apparently you're not shit.



This is concerning. If elections become only about 'the vibe' rather than about policies, we're in trouble.
'“Without a formal set of institutions to force public attention on a topic, no basic rules for who will speak when and who will listen, the need for attention becomes exclusive; it swallows debate, it swallows persuasion, it swallows discourse whole,” Hayes argues.

'More than half the voters say they are paying little or no attention to the upcoming election. Those paying the least attention are those who are least likely to have settled on their vote.

'To spell it out: the election will be decided by the people paying the least attention and with the lowest commitment to their ultimate choice. They will cast their ballot while viewing politics out of the corner of their eye.'

Albanese is fighting an election in the attention economy. The deciding votes will come from those least engaged https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/2025/mar/04/australian-federal-election-updates-albanese-dutton
