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Beiträge, die mit AUSpol getaggt sind

Peter Khalil claimed $178,353 in expenses over the last 4 reported quarters. #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

Dear Independent Candidates.

If you wish to know the true weaknesses of the Labor government have a look at that which they are trying to hide.


They are spending thousands and thousands of dollars to stop us knowing where they will poison the earth for hundreds of years with nuclear waste.

This is just a start.


Oi, you. Yeah, you.

Feeling undesirably placid today?

Wanna get some justifiable climate rage into you instead?

Here ya go.

Burnt mansions: Why the next election is a fork in the road

7am Saturday Paper
Fri Jan 24 2025

As wildfires tore through some of LA’s most affluent neighbourhoods, burning down mansions owned by celebrities, some wondered if it might be a turning point in how seriously we take the climate crisis.

But climate scientist Joëlle Gergis wasn’t sharing that hope.

Instead, Gergis was angered by our heartache for wealthy communities while the impact of climate change disproportionately affects the poor.

And to make matters even worse, a climate denier has entered the White House.

Now, Gergis is turning her attention to the upcoming election here in Australia, where she says we have a choice to make about how comfortable we are being complicit on climate.

Today, climate scientist and contributor to The Saturday Paper, Joëlle Gergis, on why the next election is a fork in the road for our climate.

Guest: Climate scientist and contributor to The Saturday Paper, Joëlle Gergis
#podcast #AusPol #WhyIsLabor #ClimateCrisis #NonLinear #TippingPoints #PositiveFeedbackLoops #FossilFools #RenewableEnergy #ChangeTheSystem #StateCapture #RightToProtest #Biodiversity #WeAreTotallyFscked #Misanthropy #Karma #NativeForests #StopLoggingNativeForests #FsckCapitalism #CognitiveDissonance

carry on as you were
#politics #climate #climatechange #environment #climateaction
“State & local action is where meaningful change will blossom. Pressure progressive state politicians to take action on ending fossil fuel projects & making polluters pay… take on corporate energy utilities”
#government #auspol #uspol
raise “the collective appetite for change in people’s everyday lives and livelihoods… the messaging has to get better, get good at organizing our message”
build visible, relatable campaigns of sustained nonviolent civil disobedience (think Rising Tide #australia)

Not sure if the rest of the country is seeing these new Clive Palmer ads. Just watching the tennis when he popped up spruiking all the things we can build like fast trains & stuff. However, wasn't standing with UAP banners. Authorisation from his Mineralogy Pty Ltd. #auspol

Hinkler constituents have been left with no fed representation after Qld LNP MP Keith Pitt scarpered on Sunday. Resigning effective immediately he gave reasons of a new job & climate policy frustration. Speaker Milton Dick is reviewing the matter. #auspol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-23/by-election-unlikely-for-hinkler-seat-after-pitt-resignation/104750828

@grogsgamut points out
#australia is
9th richest OECD country
5th highest rate (23%) retirees in poverty
2nd lowest level aged care pension
#poverty #inequality
#laborgovernmentaustralia is trying to change tax so earnings related to superannuation balances (solely) ABOVE $3m would be taxed at 30% – still well below the top tax rate of 45%… this met by fear campaigns from vested interest groups & conservative #media #neoliberalism
“almost the smallest change that could be done – affecting less than 1% – and yet it is unlikely to pass.”


Spot on from @grogsgamut

For most of us, #superannuation is about saving for retirement. For people who are already wealthy it’s an effective tax minimisation system allowing them to pass on more wealth to their kids. Tax concessions to this latter group cost taxpayers - all of us - a motsa, while a quarter of age pensioners live in poverty.

This is so obvious! Yet even the most modest reduction of these tax breaks is greeted with a media scare campaign. And as always, #Labor puts perceived political risk ahead of responsible governance.

#SelfFunded retirees* with huge super balances? #YeahRight We see you. #AusPol 🎪

* This is a diverse group, as I have been reminded in the comments below. Not all are retiring in luxury or passing on millions to their kids.

Misleading fear campaigns may kill Labor’s superannuation changes. But here are the real numbers https://www.theguardian.com/business/grogonomics/2025/jan/23/misleading-fear-campaigns-may-kill-labors-superannuation-changes-but-here-are-the-real-numbers-ntwnfb?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

What absolutely bullshit. Freedom of speech can't be abandoned just because it makes some people uncomfortable. Protests are supposed to make people uncomfortable in any case.

"Australia’s ambassador to the US, Kevin Rudd, has been asked to convey to Canberra Jewish concerns about the impact of the weekly pro-Palestinian demonstrations in central Melbourne.

"At a meeting in Washington last week with Rabbi Abraham Cooper, an expert on online hate and terrorism with the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, the former prime minister agreed to make representations to the Australian government on whether the protests could be shifted away from the CBD streets."

#Melbourne #auspol https://www.smh.com.au/national/rabbi-pleads-with-rudd-in-washington-to-help-end-melbourne-s-pro-palestinian-cbd-protests-20250121-p5l63m.html

$18,164,627 in Federal contracts to the big consultants in 2025. $293,007 yesterday. - Deloitte: $293,007 {1387} (https://politicalgadgets.com) #auspol

What does Israel expect Albanese to do exactly? Bomb everything in Sydney west of the Eastern Suburbs? #AusPol #Gaza


#Trump routinely lies that foreign countries are #emptying their #jails & sending #criminals to live in #communities in the #US.

No, that’s HIS job!

#USPol #auspol #pardons
Trump administration Trump issues 1,500 ‘unconditional’ pardons over January 6 Capitol attack

#TheConversation #auspol Executive orders show Trump’s power and political theatre, but their impact may be limited Read more…https://theconversation.com/executive-orders-show-trumps-power-and-political-theatre-but-their-impact-may-be-limited-247892

#TheConversation #Energy #Environment #auspol Making aluminium uses 10% of Australia’s electricity. Will tax incentives help smelters go green? Read more…https://theconversation.com/making-aluminium-uses-10-of-australias-electricity-will-tax-incentives-help-smelters-go-green-247794

If I was trying to win government in a cost of living crunch, without putting upward pressure on inflation, I'd be having a very close look at this

Essential Report results for January 2025 showing responses to the question To what extent do you agree or disagree that Dental and oral healthcare should be included in Medicare. 50% of respondents Strongly Agreed, 27% Somewhat Agreed, 16% Neither Agreed nor Disagreed, 4% Somewhat Disagreed, 3% Strongly Disagreed

Can we please replace 'anti-Semitism' with 'anti-racism'

No group has a monopoly on exploiting hatred and it demeans us all to state otherwise.


Insurance Council of Australia Limited donated $101,650 in 2022-23. That was $70,550 to Labor and $31,100 to the Coalition. {7600} #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/PoliticalDonations/) #auspol

No cost of living crisis here. Didn't they tell us decades ago if we let them be profitable & tax them less all that wealth would trickle down? The system is designed to deliver the opposite. #auspol

Hey, how about the Australian Government — that wants to step in and ban kids under 16 from ‘social media’ — actually mandates compatible standards for carriers and phone manufacturers, so that kids can send messages to eachother without having to sign up to social media services?

My youngest and her cohort of friends are all going through the stage of getting phones and adding each other on different platforms. Some are using ipads that only work with apps, too. It’s a goddamn mess.

Just last week, she came to me wanting to understand why she can send messages to friend X, but when she sends videos her friend (on an iphone) just silently doesn’t get them. It took them a while to even work out that they were missing. I’m not sure what exactly was going on, but i assume it’s some iphone nonsense related to trying to send the video via RCS instead of MMS.

And so began the discussion of where the friend group will converge to all be on the same platform. Will this or that parent let them install Signal, or WhatsApp, or whatever other preferences. And it turns out that something called Messenger Kids, which is part of fucking facebook, is the conclusion. Now, the government haven’t really made clear what counts as a ‘social network’ for their legislation, but I’m pretty sure it will include facebook.

Ultimately, I suppose it’s the time for kids to see that the adults have no fucking clue how to organise and coordinate sensible solutions to anything.


Albanese’s popularity has plummeted. Will it cost him the election?

SMH Please Explain
Mon Jan 20 2025 05:00:00

Just how powerful are you feeling right now? I ask, as it just might be less than you have the right to feel. Because recent movements by both the government and the Coalition suggest that they have a heightened sense of the importance of each and every vote.

Prime minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition leader Peter Dutton have started pushing their campaign pitches onto us- unusually early, according to experts. Even before an election has been called.

Today, federal politics reporter Natassia Chrysanthos, on which party’s slogan has the better chance of winning us over. And the political catchphrases that have made - and broken - candidates’ bids for office in the past.
which party’s slogan has the better chance of winning us over
Yet again the damn MSM pushing the antiquated 2-Party line. Here's my answer, Natassia:


#AusPol #VoteGreens #ProgIndies #WhyIsLabor #FsckOffDutton #ClimateCrisis #WeAreTotallyFscked

Peter Dutton is partial to a long lunch but he won't be picking up the bill. $20,000 worth of tax deductible lunches for businesses who turnover up to $10 million. #auspol https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-19/dutton-promises-tax-free-lunches/104834958

This is an excellent idea, for all the reasons set out here. Bring it on.

#AusPol #superannuation #retirement


How awesome is Fiona Patten.

No money. No backing. No lobbyists. A kid from Canberra who did some sex work and went 'fuck this,' why are my colleagues working alone, maligned, marginalised, no awards or protections, shat on by both government and law enforcement - and fought her way to becoming a fucking member of the Victorian Parliament.

When she got there she turned it into being one of the most effective parliamentarians Victoria has ever seen. Traded balance of power in to a suite of positive legislative outcomes with no fucks given on who or what she had to deal with. Just got shit done.

Eight years later, got smashed. Got cancer. And now she's running again. She's indomitable. Inexorable.

Sure, Victoria. Put in another Clive Palmer financed Babet or an anointed Liblab factional fuckwit, or whatever other dickhead comes along.

Or put in Patten. She's a once in a life time candidate. She's fuck off amazing.

She is worth voting for.

#auspol #springst

Inhaltswarnung: Just a Trumped-up populist playbook, or is Dutton speaking to something deeper? By Dana Daniel

Inhaltswarnung: Facts, evidence, consistency be damned. This time it's about feeling By Mark Kenny

Bridget Mckenzie claimed $204,896 in expenses over the last 4 reported quarters. #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

It's wrong for Australians of Jewish heritage to ignorantly be associated with a genocidal regime.

With a foreign government that's murdered tens of thousands. A government that's starved and brutalised, destroyed homes and schools and hospitals and cities of hundreds of thousands. Whose leaders are too scared to enter hundreds of countries for fear of being arrested for war crimes.

Australians who served as foreign fighters and active war criminals in that regime, those we owe arrests, fair trial and life sentences if found guilty.

#auspol #gaza #israel


#Gaza has become a killing field—that is the view of a well-informed Israeli veteran who was an enthusiastic supporter of the initial Israeli response to the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023.
#auspol #USAwarmongers https://johnmenadue.com/killing-for-killings-sake-in-gaza/

Matthew Canavan is 82.44% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

34,601km flown on 8 VIP flights by 3 planes in the last few days. That's about 7 hrs and 55 mins costing about $36,127. 5 flights were not properly logged. {159} (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

Macquarie Group Limited donated $202,950 in 2022-23. That was $115,153 to Labor and $87,797 to the Coalition. {7848} #auspol (https://politicalgadgets.com/PoliticalDonations/) #auspol

By King & country, no one shall stop Peter Dutton dressing in traditional Australian costume & honouring the raising of the Jack by Captain Cook. Or was it Arthur Phillip? No matter, we don't need details. #auspol

Another salient lesson for the boards of #charity and #NGO non-profits.

The lazy habit of employing politically connected, wealthy 'donor whisperers' in leadership roles inevitably leads to failure. To the point where it becomes counter-productive to not just fund raising, but the mission itself. Guide Dogs Victoria is a great example of what happens when a charity becomes captured by wealthy 'conservatives', overcome by their own hubris.

Just because people went to expensive schools and are rich, does NOT make them effective leaders, especially in sectors which exist specifically to mitigate the damage and inequality caused by their class.

"More than two-and-a-half years after the charity was thrust into the biggest scandal of its 65-year history, Guide Dogs Victoria has finally lifted its silence over the affair.

The impact of the Frydenberg affair was “huge” and far-reaching, Guide Dogs Victoria chief executive Nicky Long has told The Klaxon, in an exclusive and wide-ranging interview.

“The impact on the organisation has been huge,” Long said.

“I don’t think there’s anyone internally or even at a volunteer level that didn’t feel the ripple effects of what occurred”."

#auspol #guidedogs #notforprofit


I just donated to support It's Not A Race and push back on big business's influence on #auspol politicians! 👉 https://its-not-a-race.raisely.com/