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Beiträge, die mit ART getaggt sind

wenn ich einen stift in der hand habe, kritzele ich oft sachen an die ränder von blättern oder auf umschläge.

#mockart #kugelschreiber #biro #skizze #scribble #art
das quadratische bild zeigt eine kugelschreiberskizze auf einem beigefarbenen umschlag.
von links unten nach rechts oben ist mit einem blauen kugelschreiber der oberkörper einer männlichen figur gezeichnet.
die figur eines etwas älteren mannes hat fast eine glatze und einen sehr kleinen melonenhut auf dem kopf. hinter den ohren oder am hinterkopf scheinen haare zu wachsen.
die stirn ist gerunzelt, die rechte augenbraue hochgezogen. das linke auge ist umkreis, wie ein monokel. die lippen sind wulstig, die wangen eingefallen und das kinn sehr ausgeprägt. der mann trägt hemd und krawatte, darüber einen mantel, der aber nicht so fein gezeichnet ist wie der rest.
die figur hat einen übergroßen kopf und sieht skurill aus.
rechts unten ist eine addition (12+6+3=21) zu sehen. links oben sind drei lange zahlen, die zu irgendwelchen texten gehören. diese sind aber beschnitten und daher fast nicht zu sehen.

While much of contemporary are seems to have lost touch with narrative & representation, equally (having not been represented for so long) black (African) artists are celebrating/recording the black experience in powerful paintings....

Here's Jean David Nko's tiredbody (2021) to illustrate the point

h/t Adam Tooze/Chartbook newsletter

#art #painting #Africa #workers
Painting: Jean David Nko, tiredbody, 2021 - three workers sit down between shifts/jobs (?) they are rendered in a realistic but also have a depth or representation that emphasis their fatigue.

Fri, 7 Mar 2025 (6-12pm)): Mostly Mined Out @ <rotor> #exhibition #opening #art #graz #StandWithUkraine Until 24 May, the show curated by Nastia Khlestova & Maksym Khodak explores the lives and experiences of Ukrainians, which have been changed by war-induced migration and reveals a paradox in connection with movement. While the artists speak of a change of location, it is at the same time about being frozen in one's own displacement. https://rotor.mur.at

In an unconventional answer to a roundtable on her last book, **The Promise and Peril of Credit: What a Forgotten Legend about Jews and Finance Tells Us about the Making of Commercial Society**, Francesca Trivellato reads the echos of her subject in the recent installation of concept artist Christoph Büchel, "Monte di pietà," at the Venice Biennale.

➡️ Francesca TRIVELLATO, There’s More to Debt Than Meets the Eye
👉 https://doi.org/10.1017/ahsse.2024.18

#histodons @histodons #debt #credit #antisemitism #art #veniceartbiennale2024 #AnnalesinEnglish
A large-angle view of one of the rooms of the Monte di Pietà art installation at Venice in 2024, which Trivellato describes in her article

Self-portraits by multidisciplinary American artist and filmmaker Tourmaline, 2020, whose work centers Black queer and trans subjects and histories. This series was inspired by Black-owned pleasure gardens in Lower Manhattan in the 1820s.

#art #photography #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Photo of a young Black woman wearing a space helmet with the visor open a strip of metal covering her eyes and a loose white dress, kneeling behind some cornstalks.
Photo of a young Black woman wearing a space helmet and a loose white dress, jumping high in the air into a cloudy sky.
Photo of a young Black woman with a pink braid wearing a space helmet with the visor open and a strip of metal covering her eyes and a loose white dress, standing in front of some dry cornstalks posing in a wide stance.
Photo of a young Black woman with a pink braid wearing a corset and loose white skirt, squatting in front of tall grasses and leaves beneath a cloudy sky.

Works by American artist Don Suggs, 2010s, painting concentric circle motifs over grayscale photos of national parks, canyons, and natural landmarks, which each color representing different elements of the landscape.

#art #ContemporaryArt #bigArtThread
Black and white photo of a tunnel cut into a rocky formation, and a figure walking out of it. Over the scene floats a large circle with several concentric circles in grey-purple, blue, orange, and yellow.
Black and white photo of desert expanse with a low mountain range in the background and scrub brushes along the ground, and a beat-up couch in the center. Over the scene floats a large circle with soft concentric circles in white, grey, and light pink.
Black and white photo of Devil's Tower rising above a grouping of trees and two figures walking on a path in the foreground. Over the scene floats a large circle with several concentric circles in purple, green, and yellow with black outlines between each layer.
Black and white photo of a desert expanse with a rocky peak in the background. Over the scene floats a large circle with several concentric circles in purple, green, and maroon in various layers.

Mixed media works by German Ghanaian artist Zohra Opoku, 2020s,whose practice "examines the politics of personal identity formation through historical, cultural, and socio-economic influences, particularly in the context of contemporary Ghana."

#art #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Collage image with cut-up grayscale photos of body parts and masks, over inverted images of tree branches and hands.
Collage image in a blue palette with loose rectangular sections including a Black figure's face in profile, hands in various positions, tree branches, and an outline of Anubis.
Collage image in a blue and white palette with a large outline of a woman's face with black hair, overlaid with tree branches and hands making different gestures. Two torsos float next to her cheek.
Collage image with cut-up grayscale and sepia photos of hands, tree branches, and gold masks, with two Black women's heads in profile floating above shapes and lines loosely forming the outline of a body.

Works by self-taught German Jewish photographer Aenne Biermann, 1920s-30s, who began her practice photographing mineral specimens for a geologist friend and then turned to still lifes, architecture, and double exposure experiments in images influenced by the New Objectivity movement.

#art #photography #ModernArt #BigArtThread
Black and white photo of three eggs on a black and white table, with shadows falling across the surface.
Black and white photo with low contrast, of tree branches spreading above and bunches of light flowers in bloom.
Black and white photo of a group of curling leaves in close-up against a black background.
Black and white photo showing a white woman's face with dark hair and eyebrows super-imposed over an upside-down image of a boulevard dotted with people and cars.

Works by American artist Kumasi J Barnett, 2010s, who paints over comic book covers, changing their narratives into satirical critiques of police brutality and systemic racism.

#art #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Comic book cover painting with a 50s sci-fi aesthetic that shows a white man and woman in the lower corner bathed in yellow light and looking scared as a Black man in a black bodysuit looms over them blasting red laserbeams from his eyes. The text says "Action Comics Featuring Blackman: It Came From Africa"
Comic book cover painting with a Black man holding up his fists emitting yellow lightning from his hands and eyes. The text above him reads "Black Lives Matter".
Comic book cover painting with a Black figure wearing a grey hoodie, posing in a fighting stance surrounded by blurs of attacking figures. His quote bubbles say "All these policemen are attacking me at once! But how can I tell which is the killer!" and the title above reads "The Amazing Black-Man".
Comic book cover painting with a Black Hulk figure climbing a cliff side and fending off a purple monster. The title reads "The Media's Thug" with the subheading "The Lurker Beneath is Fear".

Sculpture by American artist and activist Raphael Montañez Ortiz, 1960s, who was a key figure in the Destruction Art movement, and founded El Museo del Barrio in Harlem in 1969.

#art #BigArtThread #sculpture
Standing sculpture of a piano that's been smashed apart, its row of keys on the floor and its inner working exposed, with a large axe stuck in the center.
Sculpture of a chair that's been smashed apart, its springs and stuffing exposed and wooden frame sticking out in odd directions.
Sculpture of a large wooden frame of a smashed-apart instrument, with metal wire bursting outward and various other broken parts exposed.
Hanging sculpture of a couch that's been smashed apart, its springs and stuffing exposed and sticking out in odd directions.

Paintings by self-taught Korean Australian artist Haejin Yoo, 2020s, whose "Woman in the Bath" series explores the bathroom as a place of private sanctuary, inspired by her own experience with postpartum depression.

#art #painting #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Painting in a realistic style of a figure sitting hunched over in a bath seen in profile, against a pink and white floral wallpaper, their face and body covered in flowers and dripping water resembling pink cellophane, and the water is filled with floating flowers.
Painting in a realistic style of a figure sitting in a bath against a mint green wall, their face and body covered in flowers, their head a round ball of layered blooms dripping water, and the water is filled with floating flowers.
Painting in a realistic style of a figure sitting hunched over in a bath against a foggy window with potted flowers along the ledge, their face and body covered in flowers and dripping water resembling pink cellophane, and the water is filled with floating flowers.
Painting in a realistic style of a figure sitting in a bath, their upper face cut off by the frame. Their body is covered in flowers, and the water is filled with floating flower blooms.

Works by Iraqi artist Rafa Nasiri, 1980s, whose early style was influenced by traditional Chinese calligraphy. He later became an influential writer and teacher to a new generation of Iraqi artists, especially printmakers.

#art #BigArtThread
Painting of a blue architectural structure with a central dome form, against a black--green-blue gradient background, with circular puffs of grey smoke floating above as well as a large soaring green bird.
Print of a blue form with a horizontal rectangle at the bottom topped by an archway shape, decorated with soft blue washes and calligraphy.
Painting of an abstract brown form with various motifs and shapes covering it, set within a black background under a symmetrical stepped shape enclosing a yellow-pink-black gradient.
Painting of a brown architectural structure with stepped sides, against a black-yellow-green gradient background, with circular puffs of grey-green smoke floating above.

Paintings by British artist and teacher Marion Adnams, 1940s-60s, known for her Surrealist compositions.

#art #painting #ModernArt #BigArtThread
Painting of a stone goblin man with a beard and robe, leaning with his hands on his thighs, standing atop a large pile of brown sacks. A yellow orb hangs low in the grey-blue sky behind him.
Painting of a trio of gnarled, bare trees with yellow leaves floating above, resembling human figures with arms raised and bodies contorted, against a rust-orange landscape.
Painting of three large blueberries floating above a grey hilly landscape with a clear sky, with two gray butterflies/moths perched on two blueberries.
Painting of a figure made out of strips of white paper arranged in a large-skirted dress with a circular collar, standing in a grove of brown-grey bare trees whose branches resemble hands, with a moon shining down from above.

Sculpture by multidisciplinary Ugandan artist and writer Acaye Kerunen, 2020s, whose work incorporates natural, locally sourced materials to examine the "intricacies of natural systems and the impact of climate change."

#art #sculpture #contemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Sculpture of woven basket forms in dark and light browns.
Hanging sculpture of woven basket forms and multicolor curling ribbons encircling a central circular form in orange.
Sculpture of woven basket forms with two circles stacking on top of each other, with geometric patterns in green, magenta, and cream.
Hanging sculpture of a mass of knotted and overlapping textile strips in green, magenta, and yellow, with various strips falling down to the floor with ragged edges.

Drawings from the "Blind Pigs" series by multidisciplinary American artist Edgar Arceneaux, 2010s, whose practice explores connections between historical events and present-day, with subjects often inspired by Detroit, such as these images of burnt-out pubs seen in the city.

#art #drawing #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Grayscale drawing of a long rectangular concrete ruin floating within a blue expanse.
Grayscale drawing of a long rectangular concrete ruin with dark smoke rising from its center, floating within a yellow expanse.
Grayscale drawing of a long triangular ruin floating within a dark blue expanse.
Grayscale drawing of a multi-pronged concrete ruin floating within a yellow-orange expanse.

Mixed media works by Brooklyn-based Puerto Rican artist Nora Maité Nieves, 2020s, whose visual language combines elements from her Caribbean roots as well as her current NYC surroundings.

#art #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Abstract mixed media composition with three triangles of different sizes coming from the upper and lower edges, decorated with pink and blue swirls, over a swirly neon green background.
Abstract mixed media composition with curving red and green lines over a deep blue squiggly background, overlaid with diamond shapes. The lower right corner is a white line grid.
Abstract mixed media composition with pointed oval shapes made out of patterned textile cutouts, placed over a bright orange background with a cream shape on top and a purple border.
Abstract mixed media composition with two large circles decorated with colorful floral leaves inside, placed within two blue arches over a red background.

Works by Hong Kong photographer Nancy Sheung, 1960s, who ran a construction company before turning to photography when she was in her forties, becoming known for her bold images of women and girls, patterns, and architecture.

#art #photography #BigArtThread
Black and white photo of a Chinese girl wearing a striped shirt and leaning over a striped wall, her long black braid cascading down over the pattern.
Black and white photo of a Chinese girl leaning over a stair railing, shot from below so that the geometric form of the tall staircase spirals upward in a series of hexagons.
Black and white photo of a Chinese girl standing against an exterior door looking left towards a large, tall wall decorated with a geometric diamond pattern.
Black and white photo of a Chinese woman standing against the corner of a concrete building, to her left a high vertical wall with slender rectangular cut out windows dotting the upper section.

Works on paper by British artist Linda Wallis, 2020s, who uses automatic drawing techniques to pull forth abstract forms, organic motifs, and general impressions from her unconscious mind.

#art #drawing #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Drawing in a bright yellow and green palette of an insect-like creature in the center with huge eyes and various curly forms emerging from either side of its center torso.
Drawing in a red-orange, blue, and green palette of a surreal plant form with various tendrils rising upward around a large bloom with pointed leaves coming out in a circle, all against a white background.
Drawing in a yellow and green palette of a surreal landscape with various patterned shapes and grassy dwellings stacked against each other, against a white background.
Drawing in a blue and green palette of a surreal landscape with abstract creatures embracing or fighting each other above a soft bumpy ground, below bulbous green forms above.

"Vodunaut" sculptures by Beninese-French artist Emo de Medeiros, 2010s, inspired by Fa, a West African philosophy and geomancy system describing multiple futures, in which cowry shells symbolize a voyage and offer protection.

#art #sculpture #ContemppraryArt
Helmet sculpture covered in cowry shells, with small round protrusions like earmuffs on either side. Inside its visor is a small video screen, and several red tubes emerge to loop around the head.
Helmet sculpture covered in cowry shells, with a slightly pointed protrusion along the center top. Inside its visor is a small video screen, and a red tube emerging in a small loop above the visor opening.
Helmet sculpture covered in cowry shells, with small round protrusions on the sides and top. Inside its visor is a small video screen, and two red tubes emerge in small loops above and below the visor.
Helmet sculpture covered in cowry shells, with tall wing or horn-like flaps on either side sticking up vertically. Inside its visor is a small video screen, and several red tubes emerge to loop around the head.

Mixed media works by London-based artist Christina Kimeze, 2020s, who often works on suede mat board to "to explore how texture and luminosity help to investigate themes of interiority, oneness, and belonging."

#art #painting #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Painting depicting a woman in a washed out grey-brown palette, standing behind an abstract form with a curvy bright yellow pattern, against a dark purple background.
Painting in a soft palette of orange, green, yellow, and purple, depicting a woman along the bottom of the frame with her arms raised, against an energetic, abstracted background of gestural lines and organic forms.
Painting of in a deep blue and purple palette with hints of green and yellow, depicting two women, one with her hand gesturing towards an arc of open circles floating above her.
Painting depicting a woman in a dark purple palette, standing between tall curtains decorated with bright yellow and brown hanging leaves, in a loose gestural style.

Poster designs by Argentinian artist Edgardo Giménez, 1960s-70s, known for his bright colors and use of photomontage, as well as his self-promotional imagery often boldly referencing his queer identity.

#art #design #BigArtThread
Poster in a yellow, purple, and blue palette with a collage image of nude man seen from the back, with butterfly wings sprouting on either side in place of arms. He is surrounded by striped patterned shapes and erupting stars. The text "LOVE" is written twice on either side of a large blue half-circle shape along the lower register.
Poster in a bright green and yellow palette with a collage image of a woman's head with flowers in her hair over a jumble of objects and text, with legs sticking out along the bottom in striped tights and black shoes.
Poster with a photo collage of a man's head on top of a pigeon body, over a deep red background with rows of white stars along the bottom, and text about the artist's exhibit at the top.
Psychedelic poster design in a blue, orange, yellow, and green palette with a simplified illustration of King Kong in the middle surrounded by flames, stars, lightning bolts, and clouds of smoke. A squiggly border encircles him with green text "King Kong en Argentina King Kong".

Paintings by American artist Arthur Osver, 1960s-80s.

#art #painting #BigArtThread
Abstract painting with soft puffy shapes with touches of red and purple inside an L-shaped border along the lower half and a light pale background.
Abstract painting in a purple, red, and dark blue palette depicting vertical straight and curving lines and shapes overlapping each other.
Abstract painting depicting a cluster of mostly blue (with yellow and red accents) vertical lines in the center, bordered on either side by pale yellow blocks of color with rounded protruding centers.
Abstract painting depicting a cluster of slender vertical cylinders in pastel colors with colorful puffs of smoke emitting along the top of the canvas, against a light green background.

Works by Italian trans and interspecies artist Agnes Questionmark, 2020s, whose sculpture, performance, and installations "examine the self's boundaries through genetic experiments, surgical operations, and artificial reproductive processes whereby identity becomes unsettled."

#art #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Glass sculpture of an alien creature with a blue body and green back fins, standing on slender red claws.
Performance piece with the artist lying in a clinical setting, her body suspended from the ceiling by metal attachments. Her torso is connected to a long, realistic fish/mermaid-like lower body with blue-green scales and large red-pink fins.
Sculptural installation of a hybrid figure with a humanoid form and fish-like limbs in red and blue, lying on a grey reclining chair. Long red appendages emerge from their body connecting to tv monitors positioned around the body, showing close-ups of body parts including a human eye.
Large sculpture of a hybrid figure with a human upper body and large curving tentacles emerging from their torso, situated over an indoor pool with dark water and a walls and ceiling covered in mirrors reflecting the figure in segments.

Works by British fashion and performance photographer Ruby Pluhar, 2010s-20s.

#art #photography #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Photo of a white figure seen from behind, with curly red-blonde hair piled on top of their head and wearing a white shirt with large floral-like bows tied up the back. There is a blue sky and white cliff in front of them with colored streamers/banners floating in the sky.
Photo of a white figure wearing light grey pants and button down shirt, lying in a field of dark purple grasses, seen from below.
Photo of a Black figure standing in a dark space, surrounded by huge orange-red tulle sleeves framing their upper body and curving up over their head.
Photo of a white figure wearing a long blue and grey dress with her hair and skirt blowing dramatically in the wind, standing on a rocky shore with ocean waves and sky behind her.

Paintings by Nepalese illustrator and street artist Shraddha Shrestha, 2020s, with imagery that merges Hindu mythology and 90s cartoon styles.

#art #painting #ContemporaryArt #BigArtThread
Painting in a cartoon style depicting tantric Hindu goddess Tara, the goddess of all sources of energy, in a bright palette of blue, yellow, and pink.
Painting in a cartoon style depicting Dhumavati, the seventh Mahavidya, who embodies the inauspicious and unattractive and is associated with the crow, in a palette of blue and gold.
Painting in a cartoon style depicting Kamala, the tenth Mahavidya, who symbolizes prosperity and fertility, in a bright palette of purple, yellow, and orange.
Painting in a cartoon style depicting Matangi, the ninth Mahavidya, a tantric form of Saraswati who embodies the tantric form of learning, wisdom, and the arts, in a bright palette of teal, coral, and red.

Paintings by Argentinian artist Martha Boto, 1970s-80s, a figure in the Op Art and Kineticism movements whose painting and sculpture explored the interplay of light, color, and shape.

#art #painting #ModernArt #BigArtThread
Abstract painting of two spheres floating in a light blue space, with blue and purple concentric circles creating an optical effect.
Abstract painting of a series of white square frames in descending size overlapping and floating in space, against a light blue background. Another grouping of the same floats farther away in the lower left corner.
Abstract painting of in a palette of purple, pink, and yellow, depicting four 3D cubes floating in space at each corner of the canvas, broken up into squiggly sections and surrounded by more squiggly shapes floating in dark purple space.
Abstract painting of a series of slender diamonds laid out in horizontal rows, in a palette of light blue, pink, orange, yellow, and grey-brown, creating an argyle-like pattern.

Textile sculptures by Norwegian artist Hanne Friis, 2010s-20s, whose three-dimensional works are made through a folding and sewing technique.

#art #FiberArt #BigArtThread #ContemporaryArt
Hanging wall sculpture of a shiny silver fabric folded and stitched into an abstract organic form.
Standing sculpture of a sky blue fabric folded and stitched into a large abstract organic form, hanging over the side of a blue metal frame.
Hanging wall sculpture of combined magenta and cream fabrics folded and stitched into an abstract organic form.
Free standing sculpture of combined red-orange and brown-grey fabrics folded and stitched into a large abstract organic form, hanging over a metal frame with 4 thin legs.

Ink drawings by Palestinian artist and educator Abdelrahman Al Muzain, 2000s, whose activism seeks to preserve Palestinian history and culture, and whose work stresses resistance, liberation, and "sumud" or steadfastness under oppression.

#art #BigArtThread #drawing
Black ink drawing of a woman with long braids wearing a long keffiyeh, standing face-forward and holding a flower. Her dress is decorated with bird and fish motifs, and two children are depicted on the lower half of her skirt, playing with a doll.
Black ink drawing of a woman with long braids holding up a large pick axe and standing posed as if ready to strike. Her dress is decorated with bird and grain motifs, and she is surrounded by a large shawl with similar designs.
Black ink drawing of several figures posing in keffiyehs and patterned tunics/pants, their arms all raised high holding flags with swirling lines.
Black ink drawing of a group of women with long hair raising their fists, some holding flowers and a key. Their dresses are decorated with bird and grain motifs, and their heads are covered with long patterned scarves.

Paintings by American artist Bertha Leonard, 1980s-90s.

#art #painting #BigArtThread
Painting of a parade float with a large woman in a bathing suit holding up a torch standing in front of a colorful circular background. Behind the float are tall buildings with classical archways and standing spectators.
Colorful painting of a porcelain vessel with thin white handles and delicate decoration, holding various fruits, all set within a triangle pattern border.
Painting of a bedroom interior in a soft palette depicting a nude white woman standing in front of a tall mirror, wearing sneakers and holding a tennis racket. The room is filled with patterned textiles and rugs, a bed with a painted headboard, a vanity, and two large windows showing an ocean view.
Painting of a domestic interior decorated with various patterns on the walls, carpet, and tablecloth. There is a small table holding breakfast things with two blue wooden chairs, as well as a glass display cabinet and an open door showing flowers and trees outside.

Scenes from the Civil Rights Movement by American photographer and filmmaker Gordon Parks, 1960s, who shot for Life, Vogue, and Ebony, saying "I chose my camera as a weapon against all the things I dislike about America—poverty, racism, discrimination."

#art #photography #BigArtThread
Black and white photo of Malcolm X holding up a newspaper with a headline reading "EXTRA: Seven Unarmed Negroes Shot in Cold Blood by Los Angeles Police".
Black and white photo of a Black man in a light coat buying a newspaper from a young Black boy in a suit, as another Black boy holds out a newspaper with a headline reading "Don't Cry When They Lynch Me".
Black and white photo of a protest with a line of Black men in coats and hats each holding large white signs with slogans written in black. The sign in the foreground of the image reads "Police Brutality Must Go".
Black and white photo of a large rally with a packed crowd of Black folks in hats and coats, with a film camera set up in the lower foreground. The right of the image is filled with a large painted protest sign with a Black figure holding up a globe labeled with words like "Prejudice," "Injustice," "Limited Privileges," and "Indoctrination".